The Bible and Ellen G. White

The Bible and Ellen G. White

Was the Plan of Salvation Made before the Fall, or after? Bible:

BEFORE WHO HATH SAVED US, and called us–- according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus “before the world began”. (2 Timothy 1:9) EGW: After The Kingdom of grace was instituted immediately after the fall of Man…


No Adam was not deceived–- (1 Timothy 2:14) EGW: Yes–-Adam also was deceived. (GC 352, 1885 ed.)

How Many of Each Kind of Clean Beast Went into the Ark? Bible: 14

Then the Lord said to Noah, “…Take with you seven pairs of all clean animals, the male and his mate.” (Genesis 7:1‑2 RSV) EGW: 7 [The unclean beasts came] two and two, male and female, and clean beasts by sevens.

(3 Sg 67) Were 14 of Each Kind of Bird Taken into the Ark? Bible: Yes

“…and seven pairs of the birds of the air also.” (Genesis 7:3 RSV) [No distinction between clean and unclean; seven pairs of each kind.]

EGW: No [Birds of every description] came flying to the ark, two and two, male and female, and the clean birds by sevens.

(3 Sg 67)were Some Kinds of Animals Not Taken into the Ark? Bible: No

The Alien Grip on Our News and Entertainment Media Must be Broken

The Alien Grip on Our News and Entertainment Media Must be Broken

THERE IS NO GREATER POWER IN THE WORLD TODAY THAN THAT WIELDED BY THE MANIPULATORS OF PUBLIC OPINION IN AMERICA No king or pope of old, no conquering general or high priest ever disposed of a power even remotely approaching that of the few dozen men who control America’s mass news and entertainment media.

Their power is not distant and impersonal; it reaches into every home in America, and it works its will during nearly every waking hour. It is the power which shapes and moulds the mind of virtually every citizen, young or old, rich or poor, simple or sophisticated.

The mass media form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about that image. Essentially everything we know, or think we know, about events outside our own neighbourhood or circle of acquaintances comes to us via our daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine, our radio, or our television.

It is not just the heavy-handed suppression of certain news stories from our newspapers or the blatant propagandising of history-distorting TV “docu-dramas” which characterizes the opinion-manipulating techniques of the media masters. They exercise both subtlety and thoroughness in their management of both the news and the entertainment which they present to us.

For example, the way in which the news is covered: which items are emphasized and which are played down, the reporter’s choice of words, tone of voice, and facial expressions; the wording of headlines; the choice of illustrations; all of these things subliminally and yet profoundly affect the way in which we interpret what we see or hear.

Paul Not A Jew

Paul Not A Jew


“How is it that at this juncture, Nicodemus, at the very time when you are a sage, you are ignorant of/fail to understand basics?”

Our Savior was of the tribe of Judah, but that certainly does not earmark him as a Jew! Judaism is (and has been since our Savior’s first earthly ministry) a sick religion of “the traditions of men”, condemned, forever! Have you not read the Scripture “No fruit grow on thee, anymore!?”

And as they bound him with thongs, Paul said unto the centurion that stood by, Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman, and un-condemned?

When the centurion heard that, he went and told the chief captain, saying, Take heed what thou doest: for this man is a Roman. Then the chief captain came, and said unto him, Tell Me, Art Thou (Paul) a Roman? He said, Yea. And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained I this freedom. And Paul Said, but I Was Free Born.

Searching For Jews who Murder Gentile Babies

Searching For Jews who Murder Gentile Babies

THE FOLLOWING IS AN ARTICLE THAT I HAD READ BRIEFLY ABOUT ON THE INTERNET. CURIOSITY STRUCK ME AS TO THE ARTICLE’S “ENTIRE” ACTUAL CONTENTS, with the belief that it might be a little more than the titbit of information given; so I paid to have a Russian outfit retrieve it for me and translate it, which I edited. And my curiosity paid off. Pay particular attention to the last few paragraphs. The article follows:

Pravda (“Truth”) May 5, 1993: The Satanic Tribe: Who Stands Behind the Killer of the Wandering Monks? by Dmitry Gerasimov. “The signing is not heard, at this late time, of wandering monks who prayed for us” ‑ this is from the poem “Mtsyri.” Today’s reality suddenly stopped the signing of three more men..
Pravda has already informed the UVD (police department) of Kaluga city that on April 18, [1993] at five o’clock in the morning, the message about the killing of the wandering monks of Optina Pustinya has been received. A group of investigators at noontime went to discover what had occurred. The circumstances of brutal violence have come to light. The circumstances were strange and horrible, but equally horrible was the strange behaviour of many of the media’s sources:

The journalists, unanimously at this time, passed over in silence this fact; and the messages of informative agencies were distinguished by the terse and indifference, creating articles no larger than were worthy of minor traffic accidents.

14 Days That Saved the World

14 Days That Saved the World

IN SEVERAL PREVIOUS Z-GRAMS I HAVE REPEATEDLY MENTIONED THE IMPORTANT ZUNDEL CONCEPT that “America Must understand and come to terms with the Second World War – that Adolf Hitler did Not fight it for the sake of imperialistic expansion.”

Whenever I say that, there are half a dozen people telling me that World War II has ended – half a century ago. Well, some of us beg to differ. What we are witnessing today geo-politically is merely an extension. Therefore, it is imperative to understand that War II was not fought for “Lebensraum” as we have been so unctuously taught to believe.

It was, according to Revisionist thought, a fully justified pre-emptive strike against a carefully detailed and smoothly financed New World Order plan, spawned in the banking canyons of New York and poised and ready to be implemented by the monster Joseph Stalin.

In “Pipeline to Moscow”, Robert W. Lee writes in the New American, September 1996:

“Despots throughout history have employed the Big Lie to beguile, manipulate, and control would-be vassals. The Master Conspiracy–-for instance, has for over two centuries honed the technique into a razor-sharp tool for sculpting its New World Order. And the biggest of its corpulent fabrications may be the pretence that the United States has been the world’s foremost bulwark against communism.

Does The Bible Teach Equality of All Men?

Does The Bible Teach Equality of All Men?

DOES THE BIBLE PROVIDE A BASIS FOR THE TEACHING OF EQUALITY?  The answer is an emphatic, “No.” The Bible teaches the very opposite. Again and again the Creator made selection among the races of mankind, and with the selection made pronouncement.

Even of Noah’s three sons, God made selection, and He said, Cursed be Canaan, the son of Ham, a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren, Genesis 9:24‑27.

Then of Shem this was said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem: and Canaan shall be his servant. Be whose servant? Be the servant of Shem. Certainly Canaan was not chosen as God’s servant. Japheth was to be enlarged and dwell in the tents of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant. Do these pronouncements of God indicate equality? They most assuredly do not. Canaan’s offspring is to be a servant people.

It was of the line of Shem that Abraham came, Genesis 11:10‑32. Abraham was the man to whom God made great promise’s, as we read in Genesis 12:1‑3.  And we may rest assured it was not left for the United Nations’ program to cancel out and do away with God’s declared purposes in mankind. This cry of equality has been heard more and more, and with increasing intensity, since the United Nations came on stage in 1945.

Any person who will exercise his or her normal intelligence cannot escape the fact that God created, separated, and made choice among the nations. History provides abundant proof that one race has been used of God above all others. He said, Thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth, Deuteronomy 7:6.

The Galilean

The Galilean

IT IS KNOWN, BY MOST BIBLE STUDENTS, THAT THE GALILEANS OF CHRIST’S TIME, ON EARTH, WERE BENJAMINITES, and must have been later immigrants into Palestine, for the Jews would have very little to do with them. They also spoke a different dialect from the Jews, and it was among the Galileans that our Lord spent most of His time; eleven of His disciples were Galilean fishermen and only one was a Jew – Judas (The Jewish Traitor – like most of his kind).  When we speak of Israelites we are not speaking of the Jews, because they are not Israelites.

It is quite common, in religious circles throughout the world today, to say that Jesus Christ was a Jew. It is true that Jesus was born of Mary, who was of the Tribe of Judah, and He was born in Bethlehem. In the land of Judea; He was crucified in Jerusalem, which was also in Judea. So, whenever we speak of Christ, in relation to some names of geographical locations, Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Judea are the ones most often associated with Christ. This is the reason so many people say that Jesus was a Jew. (Please remember that Ephraim and Manasseh were born in Egypt, therefore they were Egyptians, but they are never called Egyptians by our so-called Judeo-Christian ministers.

However, there are two other places closely associated with the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. These places are seldom mentioned in the Judeo-Christian pulpits today, but are mentioned many times in the Bible. They are: The city of Nazareth and the Land of Galilee.

The Sabbath

The Sabbath

For many years most States had laws called Blue Laws. Which forbade most from doing business on Sundays, but few Americans ever really knew why. The answer is found in part:

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates.” (Exodus 20:8-10)

“Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.” (Exodus 31:16)

Jeremiah declared that if the Sabbath was kept holy Jerusalem would remain a city inhabited in peace forever. There the people would come from the villages of Judah and from the suburbs of Jerusalem, from the land of Benjamin, from the slopes, the hills and the deserts, bringing their tithes and gathering to worship in the Temple of the Lord. But if they refused to keep the Sabbath holy, the alternative to these blessings was as follows:

But if ye will not hearken unto me to hallow the Sabbath day, and not to bear a burden, even entering in at the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day; then will kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it shall devour the Palace of Jerusalem, and it shall not be quenched. (Jeremiah 17:27)

Barometer of Spirituality

Why does the Lord lay so much stress upon the need of keeping a Sabbath of rest sacred to Him? It is because the attitude of the people toward the observance of the Sabbath is a perfect barometer of their spirituality:

America is New Jerusalem and New Zion

America is New Jerusalem and New Zion

I AM SURE YOU HAVE HEARD THE DOOM AND GLOOM PREACHERS ON THE TELEVISION AND RADIO AS THEY SCREAM THAT AMERICA IS GOING TO BE DESTROYED BY GOD! or God Damn America, as one preacher, who calls himself the last day prophet of God. or You can be sure of one thing, America is going to be destroyed. And many other things along this line.

You can hear the joy in their voice as they predict the destruction of America; it just jumps out at you like a feminist as she watches the abortion murder mills murder more and more babies. They have the same joy in their voice that Herod must have had when he ordered all the babies, under 2 years old, to be destroyed in his efforts to destroy Christ.

But this is false, it is from the antichrists and those who preach this are their agents, either knowingly, or unknowingly; wittingly or unwittingly; it is a teaching straight from Satan himself, and most of those who so gladly expound this do not have the courage to look at the evidence of the falseness of this teaching, for they are afraid that they might learn that they have erred and that their hated America will not be destroyed.

Oh they expound great sounding words about how much they love America and its people; but then they will immediately began to expound, happily, upon the destruction of America. They never look at why God is angry with America.

They are scared to death to look at the truth that the only reason that God is going to judge America is because the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic and kindred people who formed and made, with God’s help, are the descendants of the children of Israel. For only Israel was given the law; therefore the reason America is to be judged is because of the collective sins it has committed for God has said:

Our Christian Origins

Our Christian Origins

FROM TIME TO TIME IT IS INFORMATIVE TO LOOK AT WRITINGS OF PEOPLE SEVERAL YEARS IN THE PAST. Such is this one by a so‑called (sic) Christian Jew; there is no such thing, for either one is a Jew or he is a Christian, they cannot be both at the same time. For Yahshua said that we could not serve two masters.

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13)

Our Israel people have been so thoroughly deceived by the Judeo‑Christian clergy, trained by Jews in the cemeteries ‑ I mean seminaries that we must repeat the truth so many times in so many different ways that it will finally catch on and become infused in the minds of our Christian Israelites; and therefore they will understand the truth as they see it and not believe all the lies and Jewish fables.

In an article in The Sunday School Times (March 14, 1954) poses the question in its title: “Are the Anglo‑Saxons the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?” The writer was a Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus and the information given in the accompanying editorial note was that he was a Christian Jew who was president of the International Board of Jewish Missions.

The Sunday School Times is obviously capitalizing upon the fact that Dr. Gartenhaus was a Jew (howbeit a Christian), trusting that this in itself would carry sufficient weight to substantiate his assertions. Yet even the editorial staff of The Sunday School Times would not at all agree with the position taken by most Jewish scholars, regardless of their knowledge of the Old Testament Scriptures, as to the identification of the Messiah, whom they still reject. Might not a Jew be equally mistaken in other Scriptural matters?