THE FOLLOWING IS AN ARTICLE THAT I HAD READ BRIEFLY ABOUT ON THE INTERNET. CURIOSITY STRUCK ME AS TO THE ARTICLE’S “ENTIRE” ACTUAL CONTENTS, with the belief that it might be a little more than the titbit of information given; so I paid to have a Russian outfit retrieve it for me and translate it, which I edited. And my curiosity paid off. Pay particular attention to the last few paragraphs. The article follows:
Pravda (“Truth”) May 5, 1993: The Satanic Tribe: Who Stands Behind the Killer of the Wandering Monks? by Dmitry Gerasimov. “The signing is not heard, at this late time, of wandering monks who prayed for us” ‑ this is from the poem “Mtsyri.” Today’s reality suddenly stopped the signing of three more men..
Pravda has already informed the UVD (police department) of Kaluga city that on April 18, [1993] at five o’clock in the morning, the message about the killing of the wandering monks of Optina Pustinya has been received. A group of investigators at noontime went to discover what had occurred. The circumstances of brutal violence have come to light. The circumstances were strange and horrible, but equally horrible was the strange behaviour of many of the media’s sources:
The journalists, unanimously at this time, passed over in silence this fact; and the messages of informative agencies were distinguished by the terse and indifference, creating articles no larger than were worthy of minor traffic accidents.