Conquest of The Last Enemy

Conquest of The Last Enemy

Before we go into our subject of the ‘Conquest of the last enemy,’ we think we should mention a few incidents that have been taking place in our time. It makes it very clear that we are approaching that point, and I think we would point out several situations which we want to go out on these tapes to all over the United States so that the people will be informed of the various circumstances which carry within them a very serious consequence. As we discuss this factor, it only goes to show you that the design of the forces of darkness is an anti-Christ and makes up the Beast system which we find in the 13th chapter of Revelation which says that no man can buy or sell unless he has the ‘mark of the beast’ (the world) except he did it with their permission, and the domination over their economy and eventually a domination over all government if they could attain it. We realise that there is a difference between the program of the enemy and the design which we see ruling the entire world and then ruling the Kingdom of God.