We are turning in our thoughts today to this one great event of Christendom in which year after year all men have to give affirmation to the great magnitude of tremendous events in the life of Christ. It is a unique thing, but I had the radio turned on and I tuned into the program of a church whose Pastor at no other time during the year talked about or believed in the Deity of Christ, but whose Choir on this day sings: “Up from the Grave He arose.” This Pastor had to preach an Easter Sermon and as you put this together here at Resurrection time, then this is a triumphant even among agnostics, and among the churches who have forgotten their responsibilities. For there is a “Truth” so great that it even conquers their voice and their testimony, and their choir are even a part of that Greatness.
Conquest of The Nether World
Conquest of The Nether World