The Seed of The Dragon

The Seed of The Dragon

THE SCRIPTURE HAS NOT LEFT US IN DARKNESS AS TO THE SEED OF THE DRAGON. It has not left us not knowing who they are. And this message tonight, is not designed to particularly please anyone at all. Especially are we not desiring to please our enemy. For the enemy in the earth today is the seed of the satanic powers who are waging war against us.

If you will turn to the 12th chapter of the book of Revelation, you will soon find the key to the hour in which we live. But in no way are the facts contained in this discussion to cause us fear, but to bring us to a complete realization as to what is taking place. Here in the book of Revelation we read the words that in the ante-deluvian times, there was a great struggle in space.

But first we are told that one of the great wonders of the heavens was the symbol of the woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. This is a part of the Revelation given to John when he was called into the timeless dimensions when he was told to ‘Come in hither.’ It was as though a door opened in space and John walked into that dimension and travelled with the conscious knowledge of those times, backwards and forward over the patterns and courses of history. He saw and he visualized. And he heard and he experienced things which had not come to pass in his day, but which are coming to fulfilment in ours. During that period of time, and the day in which we live, many have been fulfilled prophecy.

The Sign of The Son of God In The Heavens

The Sign of The Son of God In The Heavens

AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO LOOK AT THE YEAR AHEAD, there have never been so many factors involved, so many measures. In fact, as we have been making calculations and looking at the measures, we realize that this was one of the hardest years because of the size and the numbers and the factors to be measured which relates to this year. There are a lot of things of deep importance. And I think it is important that we understand that the scriptures identify you as the children of light, not the children of darkness.

You are not to be taken unawares about the things taking place upon the face of the earth, unless you are out of adjustment with the patterns of revelation and the areas of wisdom. You have been told that the LORD does nothing unless HE reveals it unto HIS ministers and HIS prophets. HE has set up the pattern of knowledge and understanding so that we might be guided, and we might be prepared for the things which are coming to pass. We have been told several things concerning the processes of God and the pattern which HE uses. And one of those things is the direct word of prophecy by declaring the things which shall come to pass and by revealing it unto the prophets and holy men moved by the spirit recorded these things.

Thus, we have in the Bible, the sure word of prophecy. We have the continuing guidance and intuition that God gives to HIS household to whom HE has given the gift of prophecy and the gift of this particular type of intuition which is very vital to understanding. We are told, in the writings of Peter, something that is rather significant. And we call your attention to that in the first chapter of II Peter 19th verse. It says we have also a more sure word of prophecy. “Where unto you would do well to take heed as unto a Light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the day star arises in your heart.”

The Sheep of His Pasture

The Sheep of His Pasture


There is in the structure of these events the great turbulence that faces the world, and there is a general trend of great fear. In fact we are told that fear is one of the signs of the age, and we are told that men’s hearts are failing them for fear as they look upon those things that are coming upon the earth.

Even this type of complex becomes an area of excuse, for in the area of administration in our government, they excuse their treachery on the grounds of great feat that if they did the things which were right then we would be evolved in a nuclear war with our enemies. Always there is an excuse, and we are told that is because of fear.

Now we want you to know that if there is one area that does not belong to the children of God’s Kingdom, it is an area of fear. For this Kingdom is based on a relationship that exists with God, and that the Scriptures make so very clear. The Scriptures make it so touching that God looks upon you as His Household, as His people and His children. Then sets it in the Symbolism of a Shepherd and His Sheep.

The Shaking Earth 2

The Shaking Earth 2

AS WE TURN IN OUR DISCUSSION OF ‘THE SHAKING EARTH’, it is rather significant that we chose this subject and then announced it last week. Starting this morning with a whole series of articles by Dr. Richter in the ‘Times,’ he is one of the foremost seismologists in the South land. And he measures these earthquakes and we well know that this scale is called the Richter scale. Thus this morning, the L.A. Times comes out and it says, ‘Great quake overdue in the south land, says Dr. Richter. And the article says that earthquakes have probably moved Los Angeles. And the impact these quakes have had upon the geology of our south land is not known. More importantly, is the fact that these seismologists talk about the fact that they anticipate that there is a big one about to take place.

Of course, when they tell you that it is about to take place in the south land, the Chamber of Commerce is not very happy about that. If they would spread this word around Watts area, it might have a much more profitable advantage for us than just putting it in the general newspaper. Because there are some people who are already thinking of moving. Although I do not know where you would move to. And some say how about the Pacific Northwest, or how about Idaho?

Let me tell you something just as a matter of course. But do you realize that only about two thousand years ago an earthquake moved over much of the area of Idaho and also flowing eruptions of lava? This was the seventh time it had moved in 12,000 years. And even now, the Snake River has just cut its way down through seven layers of this lava.

The Shaking Earth

The Shaking Earth

WE WILL TAKE A BIT OF TIME AND CONSIDER THE THINGS IN THE NEWS AND HOW THEY RELATE TO BIBLICAL PROPHECY. I want to point out a few things that have happened. About a year and two weeks ago, we had an assassination in these United States. Martin Luther King was assassinated. Now I want to point out several factors about this man.

He was not only investigated by the Un-American Activities Committee and found to be active in Communist activities, which planned to overthrow the United States Government with force and violence, but also to deliver your society in to the hands of a minority group and into the Negro society. And he was aided and abetted and financed by powerful Jewish interests in these United States. More than that, the F.B.I. was following this man and they watched him delivering secret government information to the Communist and watched him flying that information out of the country. Now the F.B.I. watched King at the airports, but they didn’t pick him up because they had instructions to only see how far he would go.

Alright, we know that King had a Red record. We know that he was agitating as he moved from city to city just prior to their great disturbances. And we know that we have been fighting Communism ever since WWII, in Korea and in Greece, and then in Vietnam. And we have lost thousands of our young men battling Communism on foreign soil. And we recognize that the conspiracy of Communism is anti-Christ, anti-Christian.

The Secret Key to Victory

The Secret Key to Victory

NEVER HAS THERE BEEN A PERIOD IN THE THINKING OF YOU AND I THAN THIS PERIOD and the adjusting of our thinking around the nations of the Kingdom in our world than to know, the actual key to survival and victory is for each one of us. We have been speaking to you on your origin and about your spiritual capacity and the things which are most significant for you to know. Thus we turn to the words of the Apostle Paul based on the deep range of experiences that he had. He had experiences most different than other people because he had existed in the earth, he had passed into the dimension of spirit, and then returned to the physical world.

And he knew that he had been in the plains of spirit, but he did not know whether he had been in his body or out of his body. Thus he said, ‘Whether in the spirit or in the body, I cannot tell, but God knows.’ But in this experience he had, it was brought to his consciousness and his remembrance, things which he had known in the plains of spirit before the world was framed. Things which God wanted him to remember and to tell His Household and His children. So within this instance, He had made him a special offer. ‘I will change thy name from Saul to Paul, and although you have been with Me from before the world was framed, and now you have seen them going from all over the Universe and know that I brought you here so that you might remember, and I have brought you here so that you might tell My children, My household, My purpose for the earth. For what I have determined and I have ordained, I shall bring to pass. For the Kingdom which I have established shall rule from one end of the earth to the other. And the nations of My household which are thy kinsmen, shall stand with thee, for I shall put you in the earth again.

The Seal of God

The Seal of God

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT THIS AFTERNOON, NEVER HAS IT BEEN SO IMPORTANT THAT WE UNDERSTAND THE SECRET FORCES AND SACRED LAWS OF THE DIVINE NATURE IN GOD’S KINGDOM. Those that notice that the scriptures talk about ‘The mark of the beast’ will notice that the scriptures divide the nations of the world and the people of the world into two categories.

The nations of God’s kingdom on one side and on the other hand, the Beast system. The Beast system is made up of all of those forces which object to the reign of God, to the establishment of God’s kingdom in the earth. If we are to recognize our position in earth, we must realize that this struggle for the earth is an old and ancient one. That since Lucifer’s rebellion, the earth has been under his control. And since this was a part of the Universe, which he once ruled, it was not taken away from him. But the direction that the whole world under Lucifer shall be brought into subjection is a part of prophecy and of destiny. In God’s plan, HE transferred to earth, here where a people of earth were trapped by Lucifer’s rebellion, God’s own household. And in transferring HIS household into earth, HE established the Adamic race. In the establishment of the Adamic race then we have a history of a people whose relationship is found in this book we call the Bible. For this Bible belongs to your race and to your race alone.

The Scope of God’s Grace

The Scope of God’s Grace

WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A SUBJECT THAT IS RELATED TO THE WHOLE PHILOSOPHY AND THINKING OF CHRISTENDOM. We are talking about the Grace of God to His Kingdom. We will talk about the subject of Grace, one of the most unusual words in all the English language. The word Grace particularly related to the nature of our Father. There is no knowledge that you can know, more important, than to know and to understand the nature of our FATHER.

In the whole course of such thinking and understanding, we are effected in part by things which we have learned. And the major source of the teaching of things which pertain to God has come out of the institution of the physical organized church. Each of you are a member of HIS church. And that church is not only a visible institution but basically it is an invisible institution. It is the spiritual centre of all the conscious worshiping children of the MOST HIGH who are identified by Faith and by name with the Messiah in the earth. That is why it is referred to as the church of Jesus Christ, a Christian church.

This is the reason why Christ refers to His Holy Church. There is also no question about the fact that the teachings of the Church in the church physical has not always been the exact things which God has declared or brought forth from the lips of the Holy Prophets, or Apostles. In many instances their concepts have been effected by teachers who came in for purposes of their own. And from the inside have taught those things which came originally from the scriptures but then they translated the scriptures to suit themselves.

The Ring That Shall Never Close

The Ring That Shall Never Close

THE ENEMY HAS DESIGNS ALL OVER THE EARTH AND WE ARE NOW TALKING ABOUT THIS DESIGN TO CLOSE THE CIRCLE THAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. They would encircle the kingdom of God with a final crushing absorption. They intend to accomplish this with a multiple program.  It involves military assault against Christian nations from the outside, but principally, against your nation.  It calls for a ‘fifth column’ influence on the inside to alleviate any Aryan influence on the inside.  It calls for the betrayal of all of your sovereignty and your independence that is Constitutionally assured.  And mostly it involves some things which many do not realize that are already in motion.
I think it is a very significant thing that they have set up a strategy to create so much racial upheaval this coming summer that open warfare and violence will be in keeping with Washington’s vision and this will be a part of their basic strategy.  Even Drew Pearson let one of the rats out of the bag, and it is not the cats at this time.  For this past week he said that the Negroes had captured 20,000 disease laden rats, and they have them caged up down in Harlem.  They are going to turn them loose in New York City.  I think that people should grab their shotguns and go to shooting rats and those who turn them loose.  There is no doubt that we have reached one of the periods of bloodshed.  And Dick Gregory who is being quoted here, says that the bloodshed is coming, the war is coming, the violence is coming.  And they have just put more bullets in peoples guns.

The Riders of Revelation

The Riders of Revelation

IN OUR SUBJECT WE ARE READING FROM REVELATION 6: AND JOHN SAW; and behold a White Horse: and he that sat on him had a bow: and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

When you go into the facts of Bible symbolism, then go into the minds of the prophets since Daniel and Ezekiel, and on down to the revelations by Jesus, as he revealed things to his disciples, and then on down to Revelations, you discover the symbolism of the old and the new testament, and you find that the rider on a white horse is always a symbol of a program fronting as a Peace movement. The white horse is always the emblem and symbol of peace. It was also an institution that was trading on the power to do Peace, and if it had a bow, and showed no quiver of arrows, it was essentially operating as a Peace movement to accomplish other objectives.

Now: we find that the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords is according to the Apostle Paul, YAHSHUA THE CHRIST, and he is not only King of Kings but he is THE PRINCE OF PEACE. But YAHSHUA arrives at his Peace in an entirely different procedure than the so called peace movements of the world. For his Peace is a two fold peace, a Peace for the souls of his household, and for those who will recognize Him for what he is. For having accomplished for them so great an atonement, and for sending them great areas of spiritual Grace, he gives them in their minds and in their hearts Peace that passes all understanding. This Peace creates within them a loss of fear, and opens a new avenue of trust and communication with the Eternal Father.