The Ring That Shall Never Close

The Ring That Shall Never Close

THE ENEMY HAS DESIGNS ALL OVER THE EARTH AND WE ARE NOW TALKING ABOUT THIS DESIGN TO CLOSE THE CIRCLE THAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. They would encircle the kingdom of God with a final crushing absorption. They intend to accomplish this with a multiple program.  It involves military assault against Christian nations from the outside, but principally, against your nation.  It calls for a ‘fifth column’ influence on the inside to alleviate any Aryan influence on the inside.  It calls for the betrayal of all of your sovereignty and your independence that is Constitutionally assured.  And mostly it involves some things which many do not realize that are already in motion.
I think it is a very significant thing that they have set up a strategy to create so much racial upheaval this coming summer that open warfare and violence will be in keeping with Washington’s vision and this will be a part of their basic strategy.  Even Drew Pearson let one of the rats out of the bag, and it is not the cats at this time.  For this past week he said that the Negroes had captured 20,000 disease laden rats, and they have them caged up down in Harlem.  They are going to turn them loose in New York City.  I think that people should grab their shotguns and go to shooting rats and those who turn them loose.  There is no doubt that we have reached one of the periods of bloodshed.  And Dick Gregory who is being quoted here, says that the bloodshed is coming, the war is coming, the violence is coming.  And they have just put more bullets in peoples guns.