The Coming Economic Crash

The Coming Economic Crash

TONIGHT WE ARE DISCUSSING SOMETHING WHICH IS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO EVERY STUDENT OF WORLD AFFAIRS. And it surely must be of great and vital interest to every American. Because we are vitally concerned at what is taking place in our nation and what it is that causes a lot of the problems through which we pass. We know that the powers of evil today which seem to be determined to destroy all that is good through out the world continually operate on the side of the ‘left’ and in the field of world Communism. At the same time, those who aid and abet it and seek to finance it are the enemies of Christian civilization.

World Communism does not seem to be as far removed from their desire to control capitalism and gain control of the symbols of wealth as a Communist would naturally be according to his profession. The left-wing seems to be most interested in capturing the gold and the silver, and the wealth of the world as they use these symbols of wealth and power. They are not seeking the repudiate it as much as they are seeking to manipulate the wealth of the world, and to gain control over it.

There are many things through out the scriptures, and Jesus said that it is given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, to THEM it is NOT given. And when we speak thus, we are speaking of the children of the Kingdom, the people of your race, the Household that HE called. The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel which He referred to, were none other than the sheep of HIS pasture. He was not talking about the Jews, as He said on Solomon’s porch ’YE ARE NOT MY SHEEP.

The Churches Responsibility in Opposing Babylon

The Churches Responsibility in Opposing Babylon

WE HAVE TODAY JUST PASSED ANOTHER HISTORIC OCCASION IN THE HISTORY OF THE NATION OF WHICH WE ARE A PART. Because this nation is a great and vital part of God’s Kingdom on earth, and to it prophecy has delegated great responsibility above all nations. And because you and I as Christians, are not only members of His Church, but citizens of this great nation of His Kingdom. Therefore there is related to you the impact of events.

And you are a part of all the purpose of God which is being fulfilled in this end of the age, and at this time. In fact, so much are you a part of the events of this day, that the hour of your birth was known unto the Father before the world was framed. And you helped to make up that mosaic of energy and spirit which He intended to exist in the earth at this time. And this catalyst of energy and spirit has the impact which God has ordained for this hour.

There is one great and mighty truth concerning God’s Kingdom, that whatsoever had been planned by God concerning it, he shall release in spirit and energy and purpose, he shall place in the formula every necessary ingredient to bring about that which he has ordained from the beginning.

The Church – True or False

The Church – True or False

THERE IS NO QUESTION ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD is made up of three great division: Nations, Church and Throne. Nor is the fact that these three are found where the western White race exists, because they make up the nations and the body of the Church and the Throne is found in their midst. There is no question of the fact that the Kingdom of the MOST HIGH GOD is to descend upon these who are the offspring, upon the race HE begat the Adamic household which HE called HIS own.

We look out upon the history of the background of our race and we discover that God raised up Patriarchs men who led our forefathers with declarations of truth which God revealed unto them. HE brought unto us the Wise men, the Prophets. And HE brought unto us the background of wisdom and knowledge. For from the beginning of our race, we were writing with script, and recording the records of HIS inspirations. We were recording in scrolls, HIS Holy Word.

There is no question of the fact that HE called Moses to lead the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt or that HE called this household of HIS ‘Israel,’ nation, church and throne. For ‘Israel’ means issue, ruling with HIM. And when HE brought them out of Egypt and took them into their own land after overthrowing the powers of evil in that land of Canaan, HE had already established HIS spiritual centre in the heart of HIS people. HIS congregations of Israel were the True Church of the Old Testament.

The Christians Responsibility in The Day of The Lord

The Christians Responsibility in The Day of The Lord

WE ARE TALKING TODAY ABOUT THE CHRISTIANS RESPONSIBILITY IN THIS DAY OF THE LORD, with the full realization that we are arriving and historically participating in the events and conditions related to that day. We spoke to you before about the return of Christ, recognizing that a great number of messages have been brought on this subject for some time. But we are not interested in views created as Church doctrines by individual denominations, but we are concerned as to what Jesus taught and to what the Bible declared as the words of HIS mouth concerning that pattern of history. We discover these words as Jesus imparted them to his disciples through out the 14th chapter of John. ‘If I go away, I come again’.

This is assurance enough with all the other patterns and records of history, which we will introduce to you from each one of the Apostles, and from the testimony of Revelations, and out of the background of Prophecy. One of the things we site to you once again as a foundation is the fact that we have been taught from the beginning: ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in Heaven’. Very basically this Kingdom is the most important thing that you and I as heirs of this Kingdom can be interested in. It is most significant and important that we understand that the whole theme of the Bible is the establishment of that Kingdom, and the historical genealogy and background from the Adamic birth unto this hour, of a race of people whom YAHWEH intended should bring this Kingdom into being.

The Children of Our Heavenly Father

The Children of Our Heavenly Father

THIS AFTERNOON, WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECT OF ‘THE CHILDREN OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER.’ And we are well aware that this is one of the subjects which would be considered highly controversial, if the background of the individual is not sufficient or he is not willing to abide by the facts that emerge. But I think one of the most important things that you can know is who you are and where you came from. As we have often cited, if you do not know who you are and where you came from, how do you know where you are going?

It is very important that we understand today the difference between people and races, and nations. It is important that we understand the content of the scriptures. And that academically we approach the subject as it relates to the species on earth that we call man. And that we understand the difference between man and Hu-man also because this is basically important. The word Hu-man means spirit man. There is a difference between men engendered with spiritual life and the races which do not have that particular pattern of origin.

The Chalice

The Chalice

A GREAT MANY INSTITUTIONS ARE BEGINNING TO COME TOGETHER, AND TO CELEBRATE TOGETHER. There is two times of the year when they come together. One is at Easter, and one is at Christmas. A great number of these institutions of course do not believe that Jesus is the Christ. But they do acknowledge that HE rose from the dead. So we have a witness that is with us today that these things are true. We would thus go back into the background of history and pick up some of the trends of things that transpired. The thing that makes Palm Sunday so great in the declaration of Christendom. For in this declaration we have a foundational truth.

As you go back into the declaration in the Gospel of St. Mark: ‘When they came nigh unto Jerusalem and unto Bethany, at the Mount of Olives HE sent forth two of his disciples, saying, go over into the village that is against you and as soon as you have entered in, you shall find a colt upon where never a man sat. Loose him and bring him. If any man say, why do you do this, then say that the LORD hath need of him.

And straightway he will send him hither. And he went and therefore found a colt tied by the door. And certain men who stood there said what need ye of this colt. And he said, Jesus hath need of it. And certain of them commanded, and they let them go.

The reason why this declaration had been given by Christ was because in the writings of Zechariah in the 9th chapter, 9th verse: “Rejoice greatly oh, Daughter of Zion; Shout O, daughter of Jerusalem; behold thy King cometh to thee. He is just and having salvation, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.”

The Chalice or The Crown Palm Sunday

The Chalice or The Crown Palm Sunday

PRAYER; ALMIGHTY AND ETERNAL FATHER, AGAIN WE COME INTO THY PRESENCE AS THEY CHILDREN, thankful that you have given unto us an inspiration of thy spirit, this reserved unto us in the Word, which you spake unto thy prophets. That you unveiled by the administration of thy own ministry, and have preserved unto us unto our time, thru the documents of the scriptures. And words which were spoken unto us by thy apostles and by the revelation of thy spirit, and thru the communications of the household of thy people.

We are thankful that our people can say ‘Our Father which art in heaven.’ That we know the eternalness of thy kingdom because it has been established in earth by thy people. And we are looking forward to thy word being covenanted with us. To the establishment of thy kingdom in power with majesty and with Glory. That thy majesty shall be known from one end of the earth to the other. And thy Glory and thy Peace shall be resolved upon earth, and which shall acknowledge thee.

The powers of thy kingdom shall be restored to establish thy kingdom forever. And in the process, destroy the powers of darkness. And this power of righteousness and Glory is something which we are all a part of. We thank thee our Father, that in this hour when these events are taking place that there is this sure promise. And with this promise comes abiding hope in the face of the gains of the forces of darkness in our environment and the successes of those who would destroy thy kingdom.

The Brotherhood of The Kingdom

The Brotherhood of The Kingdom

THIS AFTERNOON WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECT OF ‘THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE KINGDOM’ a most important subject at this time. If ever there was a great movement across our nation to disrupt the Kingdom of God, and to black out for all time the civilization of God’s Kingdom, it is now. If there were also a time when the spiritual forces were awake and wondering, it is also in this hour.

I would think for a moment, in the 6th chapter of Matthew upon these words which Jesus taught us to pray: “In this manner pray ye, Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE, IN EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.” There is no doubt that this passage and this prayer which it is a part of, was the addressing of a people to their father. Jesus made it clear that when we pray this way, “OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN, HALLOWED BE THY NAME.” This is not a Universal prayer. It is not a prayer for Africa and Asia. This is a prayer for the children of God’s Kingdom. And when they pray, they pray ‘Our Father which art in heaven.’

If you would have noticed your newspaper this morning, you would have noted that the propaganda wave is now on. They are having their ‘Brotherhood Week’ program. And are celebrating the expansion in Brotherhood, as they referred to it, as the ‘brotherhood of Christians and Jews.’ And I note they are giving a special award to Mrs. Chandler of ‘The Times’ and a lot of others are getting their awards for Brotherhood. I noticed also an extension program advocating brotherhood as the principal that we are no longer to regard the religion of a man, or the particular god that he serves, but we are to recognize that there is a common brotherhood between them and us, because of the fact that we dwell in physical bodies with a common shape.

The Blue Tunic Army of Christ

The Blue Tunic Army of Christ

TONIGHT WE SHALL TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE BLUE TUNIC ARMY. Although there is nothing said about the Blue Tunic Army in the Scriptures, nevertheless, it is rich in tradition, tradition that is shown in the records which the pastor Mark had, as he pastored the Christian church in Alexandria, Egypt. The Essene company also had records that describe the activities of the Blue Tunic Army, and the history of Joseph of Arimathea contains much concerning this army.

If we turn back the pages of history to the time of Jesus, we learn that there had been a tremendous operation of intrigue going on in Palestine and particularly inside the city of Jerusalem and inside the Temple of that city. About 500 years before the birth of Christ, when a few thousand Israelites of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple, after 70 years of captivity in Babylonia, a mixed multitude of alien Asiatic pagans came along with them, which was most unfortunate. It so happened that these aliens brought from Babylon a new and radically different kind of religion, religion that was not based on the commandments of God, but, instead, was based on the traditions of men; and this religion over the centuries has been called the tradition of the elders, or Talmudism, and today is called Judaism.

When the Temple was rebuilt about 515 B.C., a government under God was then reestablished in the city of Jerusalem. This government, called a theocracy, was then once more administered by the Levites as God had commanded, and the sons of Aaron again served as the priests in the Temple worship. But soon thereafter, the pagan aliens from Babylon began their intrigue of subversion and conquest of the government and religious worship. These Babylonian pagans were related to the Canaanites, Amalekites, Hittites and other people that God had told the Israelites to avoid, who also living at that time in the land of Judea and particularly in the city of Jerusalem.

The Bloodstream of Babylon

The Bloodstream of Babylon

TONIGHT WE ARE TALKING ON A SUBJECT WHICH IN ITSELF, PRESENTS QUITE A UNIQUE CHALLENGE. Because it is a story of a power utterly designed to rule the world. The power whose evil is far greater than many recognize. And whose strategies reach out in many avenues. We have discussed with you in the past the symbol of Mystery Babylon the Great. For it is identifiable in the scriptures, especially in the New Testament as Christ unveiled these mysteries to John in the book of Revelation, that all the evil powers in these three branches of ‘Mystery Babylon (666) are political, social in its design and economic strategies and religion. All are outlined here as Satan, Beast, anti-Christ, and false prophet.

The Beast system is symbolic of the Political system of the masses who are under the control of Babylon. That the false prophet is all the false religions and false processes which are advocated out of these evil and false anti-Christian powers, and shows their designs for World Rule.

That the very seed of the Dragon, the inassimilable household of Lucifer, and his offspring dominate and control the programs of anti-Christ, anti-God. And thus the three ‘unclean frogs’ of Revelation that gather men to the struggle for the climax of this age actually are again, the symbols of, ‘the Beast’. The ‘False Prophet’ and the Dragon work with the ‘Beast’ system and all are manipulated by Babylon’s Economic powers.