The Christians Responsibility in The Day of The Lord

The Christians Responsibility in The Day of The Lord

WE ARE TALKING TODAY ABOUT THE CHRISTIANS RESPONSIBILITY IN THIS DAY OF THE LORD, with the full realization that we are arriving and historically participating in the events and conditions related to that day. We spoke to you before about the return of Christ, recognizing that a great number of messages have been brought on this subject for some time. But we are not interested in views created as Church doctrines by individual denominations, but we are concerned as to what Jesus taught and to what the Bible declared as the words of HIS mouth concerning that pattern of history. We discover these words as Jesus imparted them to his disciples through out the 14th chapter of John. ‘If I go away, I come again’.

This is assurance enough with all the other patterns and records of history, which we will introduce to you from each one of the Apostles, and from the testimony of Revelations, and out of the background of Prophecy. One of the things we site to you once again as a foundation is the fact that we have been taught from the beginning: ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in Heaven’. Very basically this Kingdom is the most important thing that you and I as heirs of this Kingdom can be interested in. It is most significant and important that we understand that the whole theme of the Bible is the establishment of that Kingdom, and the historical genealogy and background from the Adamic birth unto this hour, of a race of people whom YAHWEH intended should bring this Kingdom into being.