National Restoration

National Restoration

AFTER WE TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT IS BEING REPORTED TO US TODAY that we see we need a restoring. Thus we turn over into the book of Joel, and God says this about His nation: Fear not O land of mine, be glad and rejoice for YAHWEH will do great things. We surely need some great things done, and there is no question about that. We are surely inviting ourselves to be looted, at every turn. Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in YAHWEH thy YAHSHUA for He hath given you the former rain moderately. But the MOST HIGH is not only going to bring you a former rain, but a latter rain as well, and it will be sufficient to bring forth the crop.

Now: of course God talks in symbolism, and he speaks in the book of Isaiah and says he will pour out his spirit upon his people like rain upon a dry ground. He talks about strange invaders, in the book of Joel, about armies of strangers who have come into the countries of the lands of Israel, and the United States of America, one of the strong nations of God’s Kingdom has seen this army of strangers come in. And God likens these strangers to insects, but says that he will pour out his spirit upon the people of his land. That he is going to pour his spirit out upon all of his people, and his old men and his young sons and daughters, and they are going to see visions, and they are going to understand that something is wrong, for an invasion has taken place, strangers have come into the land. God calls these strangers insects.

Mystery of The Kingdom

Mystery of The Kingdom

WE WERE DISCUSSING WITH YOU LAST WEEK, the subject from Mystery to Revelation, and we mentioned that there are several mysteries of God. This week we are talking about the mysteries of the Kingdom.

The mysteries of God are for your understanding. They are not for the entire world. Nor was it intended that the world would understand them at this time. That is one of the reasons why we have these mysterious passages which exist in the book of Matthew and in the book of Luke and so forth. When Jesus is speaking in the book of Matthew, chapter 13, verse 11, He says:–‘It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, unto them is it not given.’ Then in Luke 8, we find that the mysteries are to be spoken in parables so that for some:–‘In seeing, they may not see, and in hearing, they may not hear.’

In fact it is very strongly spoken in Matthew that you would understand —but –they would not unless they suddenly professed conversion and joined you, and apparently this was not the design of the MOST HIGH. You see God recognized with the Omniscience of His intelligent wisdom, all that relates to earth, and all the strategy of the enemy. He knows the heart and soul and condition of every individual and knows that one of the Master strategies of Lucifer as he seeks to hold the earth and overthrow God’s kingdom is to profess that –they—are with you, and then they join you, and having joined you they seek to destroy from within, having infiltrated and penetrated. Then as one studies the history of God’s kingdom as it rises against the powers of evil which seeks to destroy it, you notice that the most successful attacks against God’s kingdom have come from infiltration.

Mysterious Incidents That Mark The End of The Age

Mysterious Incidents That Mark The End of The Age

TONIGHT, AS WE SURVEY THE CRISIS ELEMENTS THAT WE LIVE IN AND AS WE SURVEY THE STRANGE DEVELOPMENTS ON EARTH, we are then talking to you about some of the mysterious elements that mark the end of the age. We are going to evaluate before going into our subject, the great achievements that were accomplished this week by your nation and by the Kingdom which your nation created. We have had several requests concerning our opinion. And I want you to know, that we feel that one of the great milestones in the history of our race was reached last Tuesday. And for any who can compare America and our enemy in the Soviet Union, and we do not apologize for saying this is the enemy, although we will never apologize for talking about the victory over that enemy and its Communism. For we feel that this is one concept that must remain in the heart of all true Americans for the defeat of our enemy and the liberation of earth from the great scourge of Communism.

There may be censors in the Pentagon who may not let us talk about victory over the enemy because that would embarrass them. For they tell us that would cause the enemy to think that we really intend to conquer them. Therefore, we don’t dare talk about victory because it would embarrass them. Thus they just purge it out of the text.

Mysteries of The Tree of Life

Mysteries of The Tree of Life

AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT OF “THE MYSTERY OF THE TREE OF LIFE” you will recall that we spoke to you two weeks ago on the mystery of God, and we have spoken of the Mystery of the Kingdom, but the subject “The Mystery of the Tree of Life” is also very vital to each and every one of you. And also very vital to the structure of God’s Purposes as they develop inside of His Kingdom. As we talk to you about these factors it is significant that we understand what time it is in our relationship to the pattern of events. A great many people are disturbed and they listen to every whim of doctrine, they are sometimes disturbed by what they see talking place, and they don’t know what time it is, and what it is that God is really doing.

What God intends to do with his kingdom my friends, is not going to be decided in the two or three days. I want you to know that what happens in the election is not going to change what God has planned or purposed for you. In fact there are many things which will develop in the next 3 months that we will talk about tonight. But I tell you that God has a great and mighty purpose, and we are moving up to one of the most important periods in all human history.

Mysteries and Symbols of The Kingdom

Mysteries and Symbols of The Kingdom

AS WE TURN IN THESE TURBULENT HOURS IN WHICH WE LIVE to talk about Mysteries and Symbols of God’s Kingdom, it must be understood that we are living in a period of time when every attempt will be made to obscure the background of Race by all the World Order, and all the powers of darkness know that they must defeat the Kingdom of God if they are to hold the earth. They recognize and know who you are, they know more about what you are here for than many of your own Clergy. And because of this they are seeking to stifle an area of remembrance of your origin, of the instructions of your God, and to get you to embrace the Universal god, a Multitude of gods, a World Order which would swallow up the Kingdom.

We are however not disturbed as to the outcome of these events, we have no anticipation that the powers of Darkness which out number us in the World, will be triumphant. We have no fears tonight that this great nation is going to be swept from the face of the earth, or that a World Government or a ‘Great Society’ such as those already bemused and brainwashed would suggest is going to replace the great nations of God’s Kingdom subordinating us to the masses of Africa or Asia, or to the forces of Anti‑Christ whose blueprint has been understood. Their very thoughts and the thoughts of those behind the areas of this design have been known unto the MOST HIGH from the beginning.

Mount up on Eagle’s Wings

Mount up on Eagle’s Wings

AS WE TURN IN OUR THINKING THIS AFTERNOON TO A PEOPLE WHOM GOD SAID, “I shall bear thee on Eagles wings,” we here in the United States have a special affinity to the household of God and to HIS kingdom with this great emblem of the Eagle. We were once ruled and guided by people selected by the people, who had infinitely more spiritual leadership than the leadership in the United State today. In the days of our early Presidents, they understood the ancient symbols related to our society. Surrounding George Washington was a group of very astute men who with spiritual vision understood the necessary symbolism and its connection to the destiny of this great nation.

As one studies the background of the symbols of the United States and the great number of emblems and seals of our various states, one becomes aware how well known the physical oracles were kept alive inside of God’s kingdom of our founding fathers as they related to our identity. One outstanding emblem which belongs to your race is the Eagle. And as you look upon the seal of this nation and upon our dollar bill, you can see the symbol of the American Eagle its wings outstretched while upon its breast the paillasse of the nation. And above you will see that this nation is one nation made out of the many tribes of the house of Israel, this kingdom of God.

My Redeemer Liveth

My Redeemer Liveth

Upon this resurrection day, we think concerning the great events in the life of The Messiah–Jesus the Christ. And also it is important that we keep alive in our thinking the great pageantry in that hour, as well as the mighty and Majestic events that transpired.

It is more than a discussion of theology. It is a matter of History. It is an understanding of events that had taken place.

On Good Friday evening we discussed the plans for the Coronation of Christ that had preceded by one week, the day we now celebrate as HIS RESURRECTION. The organization of the many who wanted to Crown the Christ,-– KING,-– from soldiers of the army of Barabbas, who had gathered his Essene company to become the Army of the Christ, to the Essene Priesthood who had prepared the Crown for the Christ and also had prepared the Chalice and the cup for they were warned by John the Baptist–earlier, as he told them that at this time The Messiah would take the Chalice and the cup—all the followers were prepared for whatever was to come.—-We reviewed on Good Friday the events that surrounded that drama in the Garden of Gethsemane.

For one moment I would have you go back to that event in the Garden. For except you understand what took place in the Garden of Gethsemane, you have not caught the vastness of — the joy of this date.

When the Christ took the Chalice on the day they would have crowned Him King,–­this Chalice which had been prepared by the instigation of Joseph of Arimathea–this chalice which was beautifully prepared and also the outer cup–with the images of Christ and His disciples,–this Chalice which had been prepared because there was an understanding that HE might take the Chalice instead of the Crown.— So, understand these words that The Messiah spoke on that Day that they offered Him the Crown:–‑

“Although I am your King, and it is My right to reign, yet I will ot rule over an Empire of slaves, a people bound and who have no freedom. Therefore I must keep My covenant and My promise that I made. I must be the Lamb slain from the foundation of creation. I must take My cup, the cup of My Priesthood, and your deliverance. But the day shall come when I shall take the Crown. And in that day the Kingdom will not be delivered to the Jews.”

These words were to be Historic. And the Christ repeated them during the events of the next few days. When Jesus took the cup and handed it to Andrew, then many thought, their hope of the Messiah taking His Kingdom was to be postponed. So they were wondering what would be His final decision and what would He do?

Mother of God

Mother of God

IT IS A FITTING THING THAT IN THE NATIONS OF ISRAEL WE SET ASIDE A DAY CALLED “MOTHER’S DAY.” There is nothing more important to our Faith than that which revolves around a mother. For if we have the Ark and the Keystone of our Christian Faith, the Resurrection then the foundation stone is the Virgin Birth.

One of the mysteries that surround the great patterns of revelation is the fact that you and I may not select our mothers, but God selected His mother. When we talk of the mother of God, we are totally supported by the Scriptures. It is a very strange thing but Protestants’ haven’t talked too much about the areas of the Mother of God, and yet it is very much in the Scriptures. We will discuss this area and its meaning.

When God was ready to establish the household of His people in the earth, and to bring forth His Kingdom, there were areas which were a mystery to those of the earth. But in the Wisdom of His creation He begat the Adamic races for the occupancy of His Spiritual children. He did something special when He produced the pattern of the Adamic race, for He placed His sons and daughters in the world. Then when He had prepared a wife for Adam by taking Eve from him, He again applied a tremendous Spiritual emphasis. For His Spiritual children had lived in the heavens and been guided by His Spirit, and in their incorruptible seed, their spiritual consciousness was in the areas of perfection. The Attitude for God’s love for His creation and His attitude toward all He had placed in operation throughout the ages was one of an extensive patterns of concern and one of love that could not be found in any other area of the Universe.

Miracle of Deliverance

Miracle of Deliverance

THIS AFTERNOON WE TURN INTO II CHRONICLES, AND WE READ THIS WORD: “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I WILL hear from heaven, and forgive their sins and heal their land. My people who are in trouble, and are called by my name, and if they realize that they are in trouble and they want to get their nation out of trouble, and want to be delivered, if they will humble themselves.

Oh, I know that you think, oh, we can work it out for ourselves, and militarily. So you want to do it all by yourself while the majority of the people in the world are against you. For you are only 1/6th of the worlds population. The Kingdom of God which is only one sixth of the world’s population is going to need a lot of help before it gets through. You are being disarmed while the enemy builds up its arms while he masses his troops and his people, and runs test wars against you.

Now if My people called by My name, Israel, issue ruling with God, if you will just humble yourself and pray, and seek my face—then turn from any of your wicked ways.

Now listen. HE says if you will do this, I will hear you from the heavens and I will forgive you and heal your land, and deliver my people.

HEAR this now: If my people will just humble themselves, and pray, come on Father we need help. Come on Father for we need you to avenge your land. And if you will do this then startling things will commence to happen.

Michael Prince of Space

Michael Prince of Space

WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF AN AGE THAT CONSIDERS ITSELF RATHER SOPHISTICATED. It’s advanced so far into the areas in which its technology has guided it that sometimes we are prone to evaluate the Universe we see only as it relates to the material substances we have been able to measure and to mould. There are a great number of people that evaluate all the accomplishes of life by how much of the material things men have been able to gather for themselves personally or for their families and there are men working night and day just for the sheer purpose of seeing how much they can accumulate to pass down throughout the gener­ations to come. From the same standpoint, they may at times recognize spirit­ual values.

There are times when these spiritual values have not been as distinct to their thinking as the substances which they have handled with a par­ticular affinity to the development of resources in the world they live in. we are living in such a highly technical society today that every range and every branch of Science has within it a whole field of operation requiring a virtual college education for that individual field.