Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1990

Gradually the cover-up of Sandinista election violations by Ex- President Jimmy Carter is being revealed. United Nations officials said they could only hope that on Election Day Carter would tell the world the truth. He could hardly do anything else that day. Remember that it was the Carter administration that helped the Sandinistas come to power, even though they proclaimed Marxist tendencies. According to behind the scene reports it is the Contras who deserve the credit for forcing the election even though the U.S. Congress under pressure from the Internationalists in our nation, cut off aid to the Contras in 1988, thus giving the Sandinistas hope. But the Contras did not quite fade away as was hoped, for on February 14, 1989 at the meeting of the Central American Presidents in El Salvador, Ortega agreed to hold elections by February of 1990 in exchange for Contra demobilization.

After the Nicaraguan elections Castro, should be worried but Washington D.C. seems to be reluctant to press Gorbachev to stop sending supplies to Castro, the fear was that he might turn on Eastern Europe as they try to come out from under the Communist yoke. Now that Gorbachev is using Lithuania as a lesson for all the other countries, perhaps Washington will react differently. Remember the Kennedy-Khrushchev agreement gave Cuba to the Communist, accepted the fact that Cuba was to remain a Communist Country int the Soviet orbit. Did the Carter administration quietly do the same with Nicaragua? The Reagan Administration never accepted the idea that Nicaragua was to remain in the Communist orbit, thus trouble erupted in Central America. And the Administration was tested in Grenada.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1988

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1988

DID YOU SEE THE TV DOCUMENTARY, ‘JESUS OF NAZARETH? ‘This was produced and narrated by 4 ministers from different denominations? I could find no tie in for this man of Nazareth to the Christian Faith, although the pictures were pretty good. However the documentary ended with the cry for you to call in, to confess and be saved.

When I see this Jesus of Nazareth I see YAHWEH, the great Father (spirit) who came in the flesh for a definite purpose. He came, born as a babe, in the flesh to identify with his kingdom children who were also here in the flesh. Then here in the flesh he preached the Gospel of the Kingdom for the world, and even his people here in the world were not ready for the gospel of atonement. But the foundation of the Gospel of Atonement was of course in this Gospel of the Kingdom, which was preached to the House of Israel. This Gospel was established in Israel, recorded in Exodus chapters 19 and 20, for here was YAHWEH as YAHSHUA, Messiah, King, and the law for the administration of the kingdom in Earth. And while here in earth then Jesus of Nazareth said to his disciples: ‘Take up this cross and follow me.’ But to do this, to be his disciple you must accept the doctrine of atonement. He was the only ‘ONE’ who could redeem HIS Israel. Thus inspired the disciples could not be stopped as they moved out to Lost Israel. And Yes, HE also added the doctrine of ‘coming again’ into the affairs of earth: ‘For the Son of man shall come in the Glory of the Father (spirit) with the Angels, and then shall give unto every man according to as his work SHALL BE.’

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1987

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1987

IN FEBRUARY, IF YOU WERE WATCHING THE NIGHT SKY YOU SAW THE MOON COVER THE STAR, SPICA, IN THE SIGN OF THE CONSTELLATION OF VIRGO. This star is the brightest of that constellation, but there is also found much of the story of what we call ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom.’ If you were able to view this conjunction of the moon and the star then remember that the moon is also the earthly sign of the kingdom in earth, and you would have seen that the moon was not able to blot out the brightness of the star. It was as though a great blazing diamond shown above the moon’s sunlit landscape, for even in symbolism this symbol of the earthly kingdom was not able to blot out the brightness of the symbol of the Heavenly Kingdom. But also tied together they tell us that earth’s kingdom shall in time be as ‘it is in heaven.’

Now; you ask, does this sign in the heavens have any meaning for us today? Well, always there is this promise of the kingdom which YAHSHUA taught us to pray for. Is it a sign for our day, in other ways? Time will tell. Pastor Butler tells us he met a man who had been studying much, and it seems that the ancient Aztec calendar which was considered very accurate, tells us that we should watch for some event in August of 1987, so again time will tell.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1997

HAS THE FEMINISING OF AMERICA NOW BEEN COMPLETE? WE WOULD SUGGEST THAT THERE IS TWO PROMINENT WOMEN OF THE SCRIPTURES WHO SYMBOLIZE KINGDOMS. One being the ‘woman-Virgo-Israel’ of the Star Bible and the Written Word. The other woman to symbolize a kingdom is, ‘The woman on the back of the Red Beast of Revelation 17:3. This is the woman-kingdom of Lucifer. Thus, we have these two kingdoms always fighting for control of this earth. And today this battle seems to be centred here in the United States, this being the ‘last Great Nation of Gods kingdom.

We suggest, we have seen this ‘Feminizing’ of America here in our time. As this great political argument rages, as to who did wrong and who should be punished, did you notice that as the question arose as to the Paula Jones affair, as to whether the President can be sued for wrong doing? Then the first lawyers to jump up in his defence were women. You see this on C-Span and on Crossfire, and so forth. Then the explanation as to the election of the President for a second time, was accomplished by the help of women. Do we have people just taking the mark in their hand and head by doing the work of the kingdom of Lucifer, or do we just have so many people unaware of who they are and where we should be going as a nation?

Are we not reaching a climax in this whole war for the control of this earth? The purpose of the Feminizing of America was for the destruction of the Christian White male, the head of the family. Was it not?

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1996

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1996

IN THE LINE-UP OF THE PLANETS WHICH WE HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING FOR SOME MONTHS, WE SEE A BIG CHANGE FOR MARCH. It looks as though the tumult in Washington, D.C. is settling down. Mercury (the U.S.) Has moved out of the huddle as has Jupiter (Yahweh). Only Uranus (money) and Neptune (chaos) are there. And now there is even a little distance between them. There is nothing in the publication “Sky and Telescope” about ‘Hale-Boop’ being seen. There should have been, so we hope this does not mean that the government has decided that we, the public, do not need to follow that story.

Front line

General Daniel O. Graham, a decorated veteran who served in the military for thirty years, and was the Reagan Administration’s Chief proponent of building a missile defence system, sadly passed away this past New Year’s Eve. His foresight and perseverance enabled us to begin building a system that helped end the ‘Cold War’ without a shot. The free world and all those subjugated by Communist governments owe him a debt of gratitude. Just before Graham’s death, on December 28, the President vetoed the Defence Authorization Bill, calling funding for missile defence ‘unnecessary.’ It fell casualty to its own success. Let us hope the same does not happen to us.

Ironically, even as the Clinton Administration chooses to endanger funding for the Military with a veto of the Defence Authorization Bill because the Bill contained a missile defence system, Secretary of Defence William Perry offered to have the U.S. co-produce a ballistic missile defence system for Israeli while he was travelling there. So we are willing to build one for Israeli, but not for the United States.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1991

THE SHOOTING WAR OF ‘OPERATION DESERT SHIELD’ IS ABOUT OVER, let us pray that we do not allow the powers behind the scene to cause us to lose the Peace.

Ten members of the 26 members of the Congressional Black Caucus either opposed or voted present on the resolution supporting President Bush and the troop battling in the Gulf. On February 16-House Speaker Tom Foley played fast and loose with our National Security by filling 4 out of 5 vacancies on the Super Sensitive House Intelligence Committee with members from the FAR LEFT WING of his party. He named them to a six year term on this panel, and one of them especially was Ron Dellums of California who is considered as the biggest risk by our Security experts.

Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua flew to Bagdad just before war broke out to show his support for Saddam Hussein, as did Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan, and of course Jesse Jackson who was paid $125,000 for his inter- view with Saddam.

Peter Arnett who represents CNN in Bagdad was, in the Vietnam War a reporter who was very Anti-U.S.A. Was this why he was chosen to remain behind in Bagdad?

According to U.S. News and World Report, it is the Soviet Union that has been providing Iraq with critical gulf war intelligence. Soviet advisors still in Bagdad have advised the Iraqi as to when and where the Satellites travel and how the on-board Camera’s work. Thus helping them to hide their Scud Missile bases, yet even this did not help them to victory.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1990

FROM THE PUBLICATION, ‘PRAVDA’, JANUARY 17, 1990. THE ‘REFORM SOCIALISTS’ ARE FEELING VERY ANXIOUS. The events inside the Soviet Union are racing out of control. At the beginning of the reform the hope was that distortions of Stalin and Brezhnev eras would be eliminated, and the move would be made to resume the construction of Socialism and Communism. But starting in the last half of 1988, events took a different turn. ‘Perestroika’ has acquired an openly Anti-Communist character. The year of 1989 will go down in history as the year of the collapse of the World Socialist system. There will be further movement toward the right. It is quite likely that in 1990 even the notion of the ‘Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic’ will disappear from the political map of the world.

The western world must move cautiously for it seems that as the Soviet Army withdraws from Eastern Europe they will be leaving behind large stockpiles of ammunition and fuel. Could this mean that in a time of Crisis the Kremlin could move more easily in return? Could the change be in name only, time will tell?

Pat Buchanan: our Nation’s Capital shows the big failure of Liberalism. Under the decade of urban experiment in Secular Humanism, and Liberal politics, everything the LEFT has preached has been practiced here. The ACLU, and NEA dogma of bushing, teachers union, and iron prohibition against religious training and moral instruction has turned the schools into hell holes of crime and drugs.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1989

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1989

FROM ‘HUMAN EVENTS:’ YOUNG JOE KENNEDY LIKELY TO BE THE NEXT GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS AFTER DUKAKIS, on his way up the political ladder. There has been no question as to his being too young, etc. After all he is a Kennedy not a Quayle.

Chief of Staff Sununu will face a great Media Challenge, maybe the American people choose Mr. Bush over Governor Dukakis but the Major Media did not. Their Problem, the key question is, how much damage they can do to the Bush Administration in the next four years. After all Vice President Quayle like President Bush has a constitutional 4 year term from which he can be detached only by the process of impeachment which is to slow, thus they plan to cut this administration to pieces. And John Sununu who is Chief of Staff is the target of destruction for his going would cause the most damage to the Bush Administration. So watch for them to start picking on him.

Now; I read much about President Bush, and much is not very complimentary, and I do not think his plan of compromise with Congress will work, but I am willing to set back a bit and see just what YAHWEH has in mind as we are in this time of, ‘going to Great Babylon’, World Government and then we will be delivered. Did you notice that Barbara Bush held the old Bible that George Washington held as well as their family Bible as George Bush took the Oath of Office of President of these United States.


Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1996

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1996

THE LINE UP OF THE PLANETS IS BEGINNING TO CHANGE. For several months Uranus and Neptune, with Jupiter, and Pluto have been the story. This is still in the picture with lots of fighting going on in Washington, D.C. over finance and politics and so forth. But in June, we see another development, and this is Mars (war) and Mercury (the U.S.) locked in conjunction with great Venus sitting a small ways from these two as the middle of the month approaches. By June 12-13, then Mercury is much brighter than Mars. And by June 23, Mercury and Venus are very close together, and Mars is moving away. By June 30, Venus is outshining Mars. And Mercury, further away, is just rising. Remember that Venus is the Great Revealer. We shall see what does develop in our nation then in June. See if there is any change.

On the Internet more and more information is coming out. And now we find the Astronauts are now beginning to tell us what they have seen ‘Out there’ as they went into space. Before this, the government was able to stop any of this information from coming out, although we were getting it from other places. Now they are saying that as they leave this planet that UFO’S go with them, and this is someone more capable, who are piloting ships that can fly faster and further than they can. They tell us that they have been forbidden by the higher officials to tell what they saw even when they touched down on the moon.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1995

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1995

THE MONTH OF MAY IS ALMOST GONE. The main happening on the 18th of May was the passing in the House of Representatives of the ‘Balanced Budget Amendment.’ There was much chaos and political fighting to maintain this money system which has brought us to the point of disaster. But when the vote came, the Republicans had stood in line and the vote was positive. The Senate is also struggling with this same issue. And all summer long, as each Appropriation Bill comes up, there will be such a fight.

In June, finally Uranus and Neptune, the planets of money and chaos, will finally begin to come apart. But still they are just touching and side by side still in the middle of June. Jupiter and Saturn are still some distance apart, while before the month is out then Venus (the great revealer) will be coming into conjunction with Mercury (the U.S.). Wonder what that will bring? However, the weather pattern will still be a mixed bag for some time, because of the measures in the heavens.

If you wonder if these conjunctions mean anything, then just remember that also in the time of the birth of Jesus and also of John the Baptist, there were special conjunctions in the heavens. In the children’s book ‘The Star of Wonder,’ the conjunctions of the planets are now shown and we see finally explained, this combination as Jupiter and Saturn mad their conjunctions as the old records report, and then Mars also came into the picture. And these three formed a triangle pointing downward and the birth of the Christ Child in Bethlehem occurred. Then in proper time came the birth of John the Baptist.