HAS THE FEMINISING OF AMERICA NOW BEEN COMPLETE? WE WOULD SUGGEST THAT THERE IS TWO PROMINENT WOMEN OF THE SCRIPTURES WHO SYMBOLIZE KINGDOMS. One being the ‘woman-Virgo-Israel’ of the Star Bible and the Written Word. The other woman to symbolize a kingdom is, ‘The woman on the back of the Red Beast of Revelation 17:3. This is the woman-kingdom of Lucifer. Thus, we have these two kingdoms always fighting for control of this earth. And today this battle seems to be centred here in the United States, this being the ‘last Great Nation of Gods kingdom.
We suggest, we have seen this ‘Feminizing’ of America here in our time. As this great political argument rages, as to who did wrong and who should be punished, did you notice that as the question arose as to the Paula Jones affair, as to whether the President can be sued for wrong doing? Then the first lawyers to jump up in his defence were women. You see this on C-Span and on Crossfire, and so forth. Then the explanation as to the election of the President for a second time, was accomplished by the help of women. Do we have people just taking the mark in their hand and head by doing the work of the kingdom of Lucifer, or do we just have so many people unaware of who they are and where we should be going as a nation?
Are we not reaching a climax in this whole war for the control of this earth? The purpose of the Feminizing of America was for the destruction of the Christian White male, the head of the family. Was it not?