When Was The Beginning? Commonly Referred to as The Tree Earth Ages Teaching

When Was The Beginning? Commonly Referred to as The Tree Earth Ages Teaching

THESE ARE THE FIRST THREE ENGLISH WORDS IN THE BIBLE. But when was this beginning? Did it begin a mere six-thousand years ago with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? What does the Bible tell us? As with all of God’s word, there is so much more written just below the surface right there before our eyes, hidden to most but there for the discovery of all. Let’s dig it out!

We will study what God’s Word, The Bible, says about the beginning; the beginning of not only the history of the creation of the world as we now know it today, but also the creation of the world that then was, as well as the world that is to come (Heaven). These are known as Earth Ages, and there are three of them spoken of in the Bible; we will learn of them in this study. We will also read of time-gap in scriptures, a great flood and destruction other than and before Noah’s flood; we will even read of dinosaurs in the scriptures.

The History of English Bible Revision Unauthorised Version Gospel According to Rothschild

The History of English Bible Revision Unauthorised Version Gospel According to Rothschild

The commonly accepted account of English Bible revision begins in the year 1853 when B.F. Westcott and F.J.A. Hort set out to replace the Textus Receptus with a New Greek Text based on corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts. Virtually all King James Bible apologists start with Westcott and Hort who, they generally agree, were acting alone. However, revision of the English Bible actually began well in advance of 1853—at least in the early 1800’s—as a joint project of the Church of England and American Baptists, sponsored and financed by the House of Rothschild through their innumerable fronts.

The following report is presented as a chronology of the stages leading to and during the period of revision of the Authorised Version. The facts which establish the early date of English Bible revision are available in A History of the Baptists: Traced by their Vital Principles and Practices, from the Time of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to the Year 1886 by Thomas Armitage, who was a member of the revisionist American Bible Union. Other sources reveal the hidden connections of key Bible revisers to secret societies controlled by the House of Rothschild, whose agenda was to transform the Christian Bible into an instrument of Zionism.

God’s Broken Promises

God’s Broken Promises

CHARLES BRADLAUGH, an able King’s Counsel and member of the British Parliament for many years, stood before a great audience in London, Bible in hand, and read out the great covenants God made with Abraham, and also confirmed by His oath and later reaffirmed to his seed. He then asked, “Have those promises ever been fulfilled to the Jews?” No one could say “Yes”. He then said, “And you tell me the God of that book is a God of truth? I don’t believe it.” Thus publicly, and I think sadly, Charles Bradlaugh proclaimed that his faith in the Bible was gone. It had been wrecked by unbiblical teaching, and he became one of the most active infidels of his day, although not an atheist, for he still believed there must be a God, and that man can come into contact with God somehow.

David’s Greater Son

David’s Greater Son

Many have been led to believe that our Saviour Jesus Christ is of the race we desig­nate as Jews today. Because of this concep­tion, when the activities of certain Jews and their organisations are criticized, the immedi­ate rejoinder is, “You know Jesus was a Jew and you must be good to the Jews, for a curse is pronounced upon those who are not.”

Our Saviour was not a Jew, as Jews are now defined, and it is imperative that every Chris­tian understand this. It is also important to know that the blessings under the covenant made with Abraham only apply to those among his descendants who conform with the covenant terms. By Jewry’s rejection of Jesus Christ as their Messiah, they deliberately re­pudiated the covenant and became His ene­mies, as Jesus Himself declared.

This booklet presents irrefutable evidence proving that Jesus Christ, while He was not a Jew, was, nevertheless, of the line of Abra­ham, an Israelite of the seed of David, born of the Virgin Mary. Through Him, as both Redeemer and Saviour, the covenant promise will be brought to its full fruition: “In thee and in thy seed shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

Bible Roots of Early European Mythology

Bible Roots of Early European Mythology

DOES BIBLE PROPHECY actually speak to us of the Norse and related peoples of Europe? I believe that it does, and that these peoples can trace their descent from the Biblical lost tribes of the House of Israel, removed out of their land in Assyrian captivity two thousand seven hundred years ago, and lost to recorded history. The Caucasian peoples, including the Norse, migrated out of Asia into Europe in the early pre-Christian centuries, and have fulfilled many of the prophecies in both the Old and New Testaments concerning Israel in the latter days. Let’s begin our study in the foremost prophetic book of the New Testament, Revelation.

In Revelation chapter 12, there appears a spectacular vision which has intrigued Christians for centuries. The vision concerns “a woman.” Bible commentators see this woman as representing Israel, and the vision as prophetic of events which were to take place in world history.

Does The Book of Esther Belong in The Bible

Does The Book of Esther Belong in The Bible

As many know, the name of “God” or “Lord” does not appear even once in the book of Esther.  And I reject the Companion Bible’s assertion that it is hidden in acrostics seems a little too convenient (made up after the fact?) and Kabalistic to me.  Especially as there is no rhyme nor reason as to how the so-called acrostics are located.  It is as though someone just looked through the book for a couple of instances where certain words followed one another.  Remember that Bullinger was a friend of the converted Jew Ginsburg, and that Ginsburg was studied in the Cabbala (Kabbalah).  This type of counting and letter sequencing seems very Kabalistic.  I just don’t like the feel of it, at all; it seems eerily reminiscent of the “Bible Code” type spurious books.  “…no lie is of the truth” (1 John 2:21).

Word for Word 8 1 Samuel

Word for Word 8 1 Samuel

Sepher Shemu’el 1
(First Book of Samuel)

THE BOOK OF SHEMU’EL (8050 Samuel) was one book until 1517, when the “Hebrew Bible” was published. This change into two separate books was influenced by the “church” of Rome, and is another wrongful modification of Scripture. I was going to recombine them, but decided that it would cause unnecessary confusion for those trying to reference this text from other versions of the Bible that are now in print.

Shemu’el held the “office” of Prophet. He was the last of the Shophetiym (Judges) in Yisrael. He bridges the gap between “judges” and “kings” in Yisrael. This book shows Yisrael foolishly desiring a “king”, to be like the other nations around them who did not worship Yahweh. Bad decision on their part. Shemu’el means “asked of El”, from sha’al 7592, to ask as a favor, or to lend or borrow, plus 410, El, as a title “God”, referring to Yahweh. See verses 1:20, 27, and 28 for reference to the reason for this name for the boy Shemu’el.

Word for Word 7 Judges

Word for Word 7 Judges

Sepher Shophetiym

(The Book of Judges)

JUDGES HERE DOES NOT MEAN A “JUDGE” as in a courtroom today. In Hebrew, it carries more of the meaning of a “leader” than anything else. This could be a civil leader, or a religious leader, or a prophet that had a lot of influence in the nation. One man as a “judge” did not rule over all of Yisrael. Indeed, sometimes several were at work at one time during the period, which lasted about 350 years. Shemuel (8050 Samuel) was the probable author of this book, and most likely while he was living. Only thirteen of the fifteen judges are in this book. Eliy (5941 Eli) and Shemuel are in 1 Samuel. Here, chapters 1 and 2 are an introduction, and 3 through 16 recount the stories of the judges who led or rescued the people. Chapters 17 through 21 describe the conditions of the times. Neither the introduction, nor the conclusion follow the time-line of the story order of the judges.

The order of the judges are, Othniyel (6274), Ehud (261), Shamgar (8044), Deborah (1683), Gideon (1439), Abiymelech (40, Abimelech), Tola (8439), Yaiyr (2971, Jair), Tiptach (3316, Jephthah), Ibtsan (78,Ibzan), Eylon (356, Elon), Abdon (5658), and Shim’shon (8123, Samson). Mikayehu (4321, Micah) was not a judge, but had a false priest, and worshiped idols, and is in chapter 17 following the story of Shim’shon. Please remember, some of the judges were not all “good”, and made some personal mistakes, but served the purpose called for by Yahweh. Shim’shon was a good example of this at his end.

Word for Word 6 Joshua

Word for Word 6 Joshua

Sepher Yahshua
[ Book of Joshua ]

The Book of Yahshua is a continuation of the journey of the people of Yisrael into the “Promised Land” across the Yarden River. They would be required to fight several bloody battles for this territory, and were commanded by Yahweh to completely destroy the “cursed seed” people, so they would not be a “thorn in the side” in the future. Yisrael did not accomplish this, and these people are a “thorn” today. Yahshua’s very name means Yah is salvation, and is the identical Hebrew name of the Messiah, Yahshua. It has been tampered with in spelling over the years, and I have restored it to the original form, without regard to the erroneous Masoretic vowel point version.

The Talmudists have done all they could to hide the Name of Yahweh, and as Yah(weh) is part of the name of Yah(shua), they have altered it as well. As in my other works, a word or number(Strong’s) in italics is inserted for ease of reading, or for information purposes, but is NOT IN the Hebrew text. Names of places and people in the margin are spelled as in the KJV for reference purposes. In the text itself they will be in transliterated form of the Hebrew.

Word for Word 5 Deuteronomy

Word for Word 5 Deuteronomy

Sepher Elleh Debariym
(Book of Deuteronomy)

I HAVE BEGUN THIS COMPUTERISED VERSION IN NOVEMBER 2016. There were some text errors in the earlier versions, due to lack of sufficient research material when I first typed it. I have stated that this will be an ongoing work, and whenever new knowledge is available, and would make changes necessary, they would be made. Nothing is more important than accuracy when dealing with Scripture.

“Deuteronomy” is translated as “Second Law” in the Septuagint, but the actual name of the book is “These Are The Words” – Elleh 428 Debariym 1697 plural. The book begins with these words, and thus the Hebrew title for the book. This is not a “second law”, but a repetition of what Mosheh had said to Yisrael previously. An entirely new generation had arisen in Yisrael, and the old one had perished in the wilderness. The new folks needed to hear these words, and Mosheh wrote them down, and the scroll was placed in the Ark of the Covenant.

As in the other four books of Mosheh, proper names will be in the transliteration format, as they are spelled in Hebrew. If you want the KJV spelling, refer to your KJV. I will not indicate Masoretic vowel points, as they are often in error, and varied from scribe to scribe as to spelling. They were for help in pronunciation, but the scribes changed much of the text to hide the Holy Name of Yahweh. They substituted #136 adonay for The Name, because of Jewish “tradition”. I have indicated where this has occurred in the margin notes, and have replaced the Name of Yahweh where it belongs.

Chapter notes are mine, and you may agree or disagree as you please. I am Yisrael Identity in belief, and Scripture firmly supports this. If you think you have found error, look it up for yourself. My research material is as follows –

Complete Word Study Old Testament, and the Dictionary for it (AMG Publishers) Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius Hebrew/English Lexicon (Hendrickson Publishers)
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance (Nelson Publishers)

A Tanak for the Hebrew (J.P.S.). The JPS Tanak is the most accurate I could find as to the Hebrew, but anything published by Jews needs careful examination. Their “English translation” is an absolute fraud. It does not even approach saying what the Hebrew says, so don’t even bother with it.

Words that are underlined are one word in the Hebrew, even though several words are used in English. Strong’s numbers will follow words where needed in italics, but I will only do this a few times, and then only the word will be used.

This work is Copyrighted © by Stephen Howard Anderson, and may not be commercially reproduced without written permission from the translator. If quoted in a publication, credit must be given to the translator for the quoted material, and no alterations may be made to the material being quoted.

Stephen Howard Anderson, Translator