David’s Greater Son

David’s Greater Son

Many have been led to believe that our Saviour Jesus Christ is of the race we desig­nate as Jews today. Because of this concep­tion, when the activities of certain Jews and their organisations are criticized, the immedi­ate rejoinder is, “You know Jesus was a Jew and you must be good to the Jews, for a curse is pronounced upon those who are not.”

Our Saviour was not a Jew, as Jews are now defined, and it is imperative that every Chris­tian understand this. It is also important to know that the blessings under the covenant made with Abraham only apply to those among his descendants who conform with the covenant terms. By Jewry’s rejection of Jesus Christ as their Messiah, they deliberately re­pudiated the covenant and became His ene­mies, as Jesus Himself declared.

This booklet presents irrefutable evidence proving that Jesus Christ, while He was not a Jew, was, nevertheless, of the line of Abra­ham, an Israelite of the seed of David, born of the Virgin Mary. Through Him, as both Redeemer and Saviour, the covenant promise will be brought to its full fruition: “In thee and in thy seed shall all families of the earth be blessed.”