The Deluge

The Deluge

THE development of sin, af­ter the fall of our first parents, was such that God determined to sweep the offending race from the face of the earth by a mighty deluge. This was con­summated sixteen hundred and-fifty-six years after the creation of Adam, or two thou­sand two hundred and sixty-two years by the chronol­ogy of the Septuagint. The Bi­ble contains the only historical record of this great event; but traditions, said to be found in almost all parts of the world, confirm the fact that a destruc­tive deluge once occurred. It is hard to account for the univer­sality and similarity of these traditions, supposing them to exist, without granting them an historical basis. Cuneiform in­scriptions on clay tablets in Assyria and at Babylon corrobo­rate the Mosaic account.

The object of the flood was to destroy the race of Adam. It was the wickedness of ” the Adamite ” that God saw was great in the earth,” and “it repented God that he had made the Adamite on the earth.”

“And the Lord said, I will destroy the Adamite whom I have created from the face of the earth.” I give here the translation “the Adamite,” instead of “man,” for, whether “ha-Adam” can generally be translated “the Adamite” or not, it is plain that in these two texts it refers to the descendants of Adam.

To perpetuate the race God resolved to save Noah and his family. This pious patriarch is described as “a just man and perfect in his generations” that is, in his genealogy: his fam­ily history proved him to be of unmixed blood running back to Adam.

The Book God Signed

The Book God Signed

WHEN I WAS VERY YOUNG, as were many other students, was fond of airing my views at the Speakers Corner which is in Hyde Park, London. I had been brought up to believe the Bible to be the Inspired word of God. It was an assumption that I accepted as being no less certain than that the world was round and that night followed day!

Quite naturally, armed with such an authority, I quoted the Bible copiously and, providing I could find a Bible text to fit the occasion, was convinced that that was the end of any argument!

It was a few days before Christmas, when I was about twenty years of age —and I’m not going to let on how long ago that was—when I got my comeuppance! A very pleasant man, not looking nearly as wicked as he should have looked, parried every assertion I made with the simple but profound words `Yes that IS what the Bible says but how do you KNOW that the Bible is the Word of God?’

Well I DID know, as every Christian knows, that the Bible is the Word of God because the Holy Spirit had revealed it to me and nobody who has had that revelation can ever doubt the fact. I could sing with the hymn-writer of old `I need no other argument, I need no other plea, it is enough that Jesus died and that He died for me!’ There are millions of people in the world of all nations, of every social strata and of all levels of education who have had that experience! We, I can assure the doubter, need no other argument, for we have received the knowledge from God Himself by direct revelation.

It is not easy however to conduct a discussion on the basis of one having an inner-feeling which obviously no-one else can comprehend! The pleasant man did not destroy my faith in the Bible being the Word of God but he did cause me to wonder how I could prove TO DOUBTERS that the Bible is the Inspired Word of God. How, I wondered, could it be proved from evidence EXTERNAL to the Bible that the Bible is the Word of God?

That great Evangelist/Revivalist my good friend the late Principal George Jeffreys used to say `Bible prophecy is the test of Bible inspiration.’ He was right! When it is realised that, at the time of writing, over two thirds of the Bible was written to foretell future events it will be seen that the Bible is the most prolific book of prediction in the world!


The Beast of The Field – Nord Davis

The Beast of The Field – Nord Davis

BEAST IS A FREQUENTLY USED, AND WIDELY MISUNDERSTOOD WORD found in Scripture. When one thinks of a Beast in today’s modern English usage, the concept is limited to those four-legged animals with hooves, paws and claws. However, the Hebrew word Chay does not only refer to ordinary animals, but in the English of the days of King James, it was not uncommon to refer to the hard working Negro people as Beasts of Burden.

Thus, we see the unusual language of our Bible that uses this term for them. It did not carry the degrading or derogatory thought that such usage would imply today. Until we come to grips with this Biblical phrase, “The Beasts of the field,” there is no way that we can grasp advanced, Biblical Truth. Students should run this phrase through Strong’s Concordance, but let me show with a few verses what I am getting at here. I think that these few verses will give a deeper meaning to the first chapters of Genesis, the foundation of all of God’s Word. Genesis 9:5-6 states:………

Studies in Genesis

Studies in Genesis

The question as to whether or not there were human beings on the earth prior to the time of Adam in the Garden of Eden, has been argued pro and con through long centuries of time, but all too often these arguments have been between proponents of radically different schools of thought, who have usually been more concerned about proving the truth of their own viewpoints in the matter rather than carefully analysing the evidence to discover the truth. While I am convinced that Adam and Eve, in the Garden “set eastward in Eden,” were not the first human beings on the earth, it is not my purpose in this article to “prove” that this was the case, but rather to critically consider the facts and the evidence, without argument and then leave the reader to form his own conclusions. Of course, in an article of this nature it will be impossible to consider all of the evidence, but I shall try to give enough to show that snap judgments may lead to very erroneous conclusions.

The Mystery of The Star of Bethlehem

The Mystery of The Star of Bethlehem

MUCH HAS BEEN WRITTEN ABOUT THE EXACT CIRCUMSTANCES surrounding the birth of Christ. Although the Jews deny that Jesus was the Messiah, the fact is that Jesus fulfilled up to 425 prophecies about His coming. {This website contains a number of these prophecies: These prophecies, contained within the priesthood’s own scrolls, prove conclusively that no one else could possibly have been the one intended, the “anointed one,” for no one else comes even remotely close to fulfilling any of the prophecies – not even one! It is quite shameful of the so-called “Christian” theologians, that they have never challenged the rabbis to explain why they don’t consider Jesus to be the Messiah, given the fact that He fulfilled so many Messianic prophecies from the Old Testament!!

All Who are Led by The Spirit of God are The Sons of God

All Who are Led by The Spirit of God are The Sons of God

For as many as are led by the SPIRIT OF GOD, are sons of God. (Romans 8:14)
Some will say that we concentrate on this subject more than is necessary, but it is such an important subject and yet so little understood by those who are affected by the above statement.
We would remind you that it is a fact that, as the sons and daughters of the kingdom reach for Knowledge, the more they learn, the more they want to know. In fact existing in their subconscious mind is this knowledge waiting to be formed for understanding as God’s children of His Spirit reach for this knowledge.
It is however so easy – this reaching, and yet seems so far fetched to may – this idea that there is a race of people that were begotten in Spirit by the Most High God. It is not accepted in their physical minds that the physical body of Adam was to start generating the seed out of which the Celestial Children would make their entrance into a physical world. Their spirit and soul consciousness would enter into a physical body so to bring to pass this great program of our Father for His Created World. You are to understand that you were born first “of the Spirit” then by the breaking of the water as you entered the physical world.

Revelation Unfolded

Revelation Unfolded

To all those reading this document, please understand that it is merely an outline of a very difficult subject; but Spirit has motivated me to publish at this time, for the hour is growing late.  The Apocalypse deserves a more thorough treatment, but this outline will have to do for now.  If a particular statement or viewpoint seems outlandish or unsubstantiated, please write to me and ask for an explanation.  I sincerely believe that we Israelites of the Christian Identity Movement will, by putting our heads together, come to a complete understanding of the Holy Scriptures as we prepare for the Judgment Day.  I hope that this document adds to our understanding.  Since the Apocalypse prophecies cover a period of over 5,000 years {from the Empire of Egypt until the present}, there is much to cover.  Most of the material presented herein is a combination of my own research and that of two authors: Howard B. Rand and Bertrand Comparet.  Of all books ever published on the subject of John’s Revelation, Howard B. Rand’s Study In Revelation stands apart in its level of scholarship and historicity.  I would go so far as to say that, if you read no other books on the subject, you will know more about it than those who have read every other book on the subject. {Study In Revelation is available from Destiny Publishers, POB 177, Merrimac MA 01860.}  The same is true for Bertrand Comparet’s audio tape series on Revelation.  I have a very old set of these tapes which are barely audible.  Fortunately, that tape series has recently been transcribed by Clifton Emahiser, 1012 N. Vine St., Fostoria OH 44830, and is now available in print form and on CD

The Rapture of The Wicked

The Rapture of The Wicked

THERE ARE TWO GREAT DIVISIONS OF THOUGHT regarding people’s view of prophecy: the Futurist and the Historicist. Both teach that Christ will return to earth, but the division arises over the manner of His coming and its timing in relation to “the Tribulation.”

Now some may say, what difference does it make HOW Christ returns, so long as we all believe that Christ will indeed come? Is it really an important issue? How will our viewpoint of prophecy affect our thoughts and actions in preparation for the return of Christ?

First of all, it should be established that our eternal destiny and salvation does not stand or fall upon our belief in either viewpoint. However, our doctrines will determine our courses of action and our basic attitudes and outlook on the world in general. Thus, the issue is important to that degree.

The Historical view holds that the tribulation in the book of Revelation is almost completely fulfilled, except for the final downfall of “Mystery Babylon.” The Futurist view teaches that almost all of Revelation’s events have a future fulfilment.

Rahab and Ruth – Who Were They?

Rahab and Ruth – Who Were They?

The Truth About Ruth

There is no Book of the Bible so poorly translated as the Book of Ruth, and no single chapter so distorted by religious bias and dogma as the first one. Before we can get down to the straight-forward information that God gave us in the Hebrew text of His own Book we must learn a few simple geographical, judicial and historical FACTS.

Race Mixing and The Bible

Race Mixing and The Bible

IN Exodus 20:13 (LXX), we find the sixth commandment, a commandment we find repeated in the New Testament in Romans 13:9 and elsewhere (cf. Matthew 5:27, Luke 18:20, Mark 10:19, Jacob (James) 2:11, et al.). So we immediately notice that this commandment is explicitly stated in both the Old and New Testaments. The reason is that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8). With God, there is no variance or shadow of turning (Jacob 1:17). Obviously, this sixth commandment is very important. In most translations of the Bible, Exodus 20:13 and Romans 13:9 are translated: “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” In the literal translation of the Anointed Standard Translation of the New Testament and in the true translation of the Ten Commandments in The Truth Unveiled, these passages are translated as: “You will not mongrelise.”

In many people’s minds, there is a very great difference between these two translations, though, as we shall see later, this is due primarily to the purposeful degeneration of the etymology of the word adultery. At issue in the Greek Septuagint and in the Greek New Testament are two Greek words: ou moicheuseis.