The Day Virginia Died

The Day Virginia Died

The tentacles of the Masonic Canaanite octopus are nowhere more deeply embedded than in the State of Virginia. Known to our traditions as “the Mother of Presidents” and “the Cradle of the Republic”, Virginia is credited with having set the standards of Southern living and culture. This is a far cry from the twentieth century reality of Virginia as a degraded, backward state which from the beginning of its history has been invaded and overrun by “the determined men of Masonry”. Since the end of the Civil War, the state has been run by a succession of Masonic carpetbaggers. Later it was invaded by a host of Northern millionaires, most of them Masons, who bought out the old families of Virginia and evicted them from their historic homes. In most cases, these showplaces have been turned into advertisements for the type of decor features in “Better Homes and Gardens”.

The state of Virginia is dominated by three large residential areas, the northeast, which is a bedroom community for federal government workers in Washington, D.C.; the Richmond axis, which is totally dominated by the burgeoning state bureaucracy, and the Norfolk area, which is dominated by a huge naval base and the defence bureaucracy. Thus, the major part of the state is hostage to the bureaucracy.

The $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax

The $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax

PT Barnum said it for all time, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” For more than four decades, the American people have been terrorized, not by a foreign threat, but by their own govern ment. In order for the Federal Reserve System central bankers to continue to loot the nation after the successful conclusion of the I Second World War, they had to invent a new threat. The only candidate was our erstwhile gallant ally, the Soviet Union. The central bank conspirators faced the task of continuing to mobilize the people against a terrible threat, taxing them heavily in order to save them from destruction.

Today, we are burdened by a $5 trillion national debt. Coincidentally, that is the sum we have spent on “national defence” since 1945. The World Order billionaires launched a complex, long-term plan to demonise Soviet Russia. Overnight, they would undergo a sea change, from the darlings of the American political Establishment to a dangerous and possibly overwhelming enemy. In my researches of more than fifty years, I finally located the smoking gun which exposed this conspiracy, a little known article in the August 1977 issue of American Heritage magazine, “Who Started the Cold War?” by historian Charles L. Mee Jr., editor of Horizon magazine, and author of one of the first cold war books, “Meeting at Potsdam”

The Great Swine Flu Massacre

The Great Swine Flu Massacre

A long line of tense and fearful people had formed outside a local “health clinic”. The line slowly inched forward, into a small room where whitecoated “technicians” injected each person’s arm with a virulent chemical
poison. As the chemical hit their bloodstream, some of the victims slumped over and died immediately. They were quickly dragged into another room, while the “technicians” assured the nervous crowd, “There’s nothing to worry about. They’ve only passed out.”

This shocking scene is familiar enough. We have watched endless movies of these atrocities, produced by victorious Jews who claim that these acts were really carried out by Nazis in Germany. The above scene, however, is not Germany in 1944. It is the United States, anywhere in this country, during the Great Swine Flu Massacre of 1976. Only the warped mind of the Jew could have conceived such a horror as celebrating the Bicentennial Year of the United States by carrying out a national campaign of genocide against its citizens, and by enlisting the President of the United States, Gerald Ford, to personally lead this campaign. Ford’s Folly, as it was later known, cost him re-election to the White House, as the suppressed information about the hundreds of victims slowly leaked out, but the true purpose of the campaign was a test run for a much more comprehensive national plan of “eliminating” “non-productive” citizens, which will be carried out at some later date.

The Secret Holocaust

The Secret Holocaust

The devastation of civilization to date by the rapacious hordes of Godless Communism, as well as their planned annihilation of all non-Jewish societies and political organizations, began to ravage the world in the nineteenth century. It has resulted in incredible suffering and death for many millions of Christian victims in many parts of the world. Yet these Christian victims lie in their graves, unmourned and unknown, while a new class of international citizens, the creators of Marxist terrorism, profess to be the only “victims” who have endured suffering in the past one hundred and fifty years. They command the world to weep for them, because they control the world.

These harbingers of terror claim to be “refugees”, since they had no nation of their own, but infested the civilized societies in every part of the world for two thousand years, bringing with them, in every instance, disease and death. They have emerged from one shattered nation after another, not as refugees, but as the final victors, bearing away their loot, and scurrying through parts which they have created and which they alone know how to follow, until they come to another host nation. With them they bring, like the medieval Bubonic Plagues, (an infection which they were accused of spreading), a terrible contamination, an infestation which quickly spreads through the new host country, and fells all who become its victims. This plague is world Communism, and its known carriers, the furry scavengers who have found their way through the sewers into every civilized place, are the international Jews.

We are asked to weep only for the Jews, and to ignore the many millions of actual victims of world terrorism in the past one hundred and fifty years, a chronicle of such horror that one scarcely can bear to put down this bloodstained record, not merely in fear that the world might put away its business in order to mourn these countless victims of international Communist terrorism, but that the tragic fate of these innocents, most of them women and children, is one of such pathos that one’s heart could break from the full impact of its terrifying implications for everyone alive today.

The Scandal Unveiled

The Scandal Unveiled

The Wall Street Journal has led the expose of the current financial scandals which have supposedly rocked Wall Street. They have given us endless details about Dennis Levine and Ivan Boesky; they have even been forced to mention the name of Drexel Burnham Lambert, investment bankers extraordinary. What they have not done is to tell the American public just what is going on — who is doing what to whom. You will read here for the first time the names of the major players, names which the Wall Street Journal dares not mention. The first name is Rothschild. Not once has the Wall Street Journal, during its current “expose”, dared to mention the vital information that Drexel Burnham Lambert (pronounced Lambeer), is the New York branch of Banque Bruxelles Lambert, of Brussels, Belgium or that the enormously wealthy and powerful Lamberts are the Belgian branch of the Rothschild family. Baron Lambert is regularly listed as an attendee at Bilderberger meetings. The Wall Street Journal would have you believe that a greedy young stockbroker, Dennis Levine, a minor figure at Drexel Burnham Lambert, cut himself in on some upcoming deals at his firm and stashed $12 million in an offshore bank; that he was contacted by one Ivan Boesky, an “arbitrator” (read “rag and bone man” see The World Order by Eustace Mullins for further information), who offered Levine a contract whereby Boesky would pay Levine 5% of profits which Boesky made from stock trades involving inside information provided him by Levine. Said contract, of course was illegal; not only that, but it was a “breach of ethics”, only the top officials of these firms being allowed to profit from such information. It was not for the clerks.

The Reuters Connections

The Reuters Connections

We recommend to the student of political science, if there is such a science, a volume which has come to our attention, the autobiography of Sir Roderick Jones, entitled A Life in Reuters, Hodder and Stoughton, 1951. This book gives us much authoritative information on news distribution. Sir Roderick was Chief of Reuters News Agency for many years, assuming command of that agency when it was still at its historic address of 24 Old Jewry, London.

It is difficult to approach journalism without taking into account its companions of a trinity, propaganda and espionage, and we find in this book many instances of their relationship. On page 200, Sir Roderick relates a bit of history which will not be found in the universities. It describes a luncheon given by him for General Smuts, Sir Starr Jameson, and Dr. Walter Hines Page. He says:

“We dined in a private room at the Windham Club, the one in which twenty years later the terms of the abdication of King Edward VIII were settled. We drifted on to the question of the United States entering the war, for which Britain and France so patiently waited. Dr. Page then revealed to us, under seal of secrecy, that he had received from the President that afternoon a personal communication upon the strength of which he could affirm that, at last, the die was cast. Consequently it was not without emotion that he found himself able to assure us that the United States would be at war with the Central Powers inside a week from that date. The Ambassador’s assurance was correct to the day. We dined on Friday, March 30. On April 2, President Wilson asked Congress to declare a State of War with Germany. On April 6, the United States was at war.”

Phoney Wars

Phoney Wars

The Orwellian doctrine, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, has not been updated to the more practical version, “Phony Wars for Phony Peace.” The established governments have long since abandoned their exhortations to be patriotic, loyal and sacrificing for the higher good. It has proven impossible to maintain their former shibboleths as the excuse for human sacrifice. Indeed, sacrifice has reverted to its original mode, that of religious ritual. The previous rituals which conditioned the brainwashed victims to lay down their lives to propitiate the gods have been replaced by more psychological “correct” methods of persuasion, in which the victims nudge each forward in their anxiety to take their places, laying themselves down on the stone altars and baring their breasts to sacrificial knives, which slash open their bodies to remove the still beating hearts.

In 60 years of studying the causes of wars, and the mechanisms by which they have been achieved, I have employed one of the principal methods of great cooking, that of reduction. As the chef continues to mix and manipulate his ingredients, they are distilled into a more concentrated form, usually by heat, until the flavours “marry.” (This is also a recipe for great painting – a certain period is required for the various colours painted onto the canvas to marry, to reconcile with one another, eventually subsiding into a beautiful jewel like overall tone, which we call “great art.”) These are the works of the Old Masters, who used the formula known for many centuries. They were well-known in Pompeian Wall Painting and Roman art, and can be viewed in their pristine colors today. There are no shortcuts to achieving these effects, which is the sole reason why “modern art” became the travesty that it is today.

New Look At Herzl

New Look At Herzl

For those who wish a closer look at the origins of the State of Israel, the journalist Desmond Stewart has written a definite biography, Theodor Herzl, published by Doubleday & Co. New York, 1974. In this book Stewart informs us that Herzl contracted venereal disease as a student, which affected his later life and his descendants. He was a complete failure in his chosen profession of writer as his books and plays were utterly without talent. However, by marrying into a wealthy Jewish family, the Naschauers, he lived for a number of years on his wife’s money, while also earning a small salary as a journalist for the Neue Frei Presse. In middle age, with his wife’s money almost exhausted, and his writings rejected everywhere, he conceived of a grandiose plan to unite the Jews of the world to form a political state. The idea came to him as the ravages of venereal disease had began to affect his mind, and he also was in poor physical health at the time.

Prominent Jews everywhere rejected his idea of political Zionism. They were all aware that the very existence of the Jewish people in the Diaspora, as a number of parasitic encysted growths infecting the centers of the host peoples in various parts of the world, would be threatened by Herzl’s wild plans. Nevertheless, he continued to travel and write and speak about his conception of Zionism, with a Jewish National Home possibly based in Africa. Even Herzl did not believe, in the early years of Zionism, that the Jews would ever be powerful enough to return to Palestine and oust the Arab peoples who had lived there for thousands of years. Herzl’s conception of Zionism was a purely political one with the Jews using money and influence to attain its ends. He had no interest in religious Judaism, and when he addressed groups of Jews in synagogues, he had no idea as to where he should stand or how to observe any of the religious rites of his people. Nevertheless, he aroused the emotional and irrational elements of the Jews and the first Zionist Congress was convened in 1897 in Basle, Switzerland. Two world wars later, the Jews had their national home in Palestine. From this political base, they soon had the rest of the world in constant turmoil

My Struggle

My Struggle

My life will be judged worthwhile to the extent that it is of use to others. For this reason, I wish to tell of the things which have happened to me in my struggle against the forces of darkness. It is my hope that others will be forewarned of what to expect in this fight. During the past thirty years of this struggle, many of the great patriots who gave me, instinctively, their valuable guidance and inspiration, were themselves, heavily
immobilized by the machinations of the international Jewish power. Yet, they always continued their work as much as possible. To the end of their lives, they never swerved from the responsibility which had been laid on them by their knowledge of the truth. Each of the patriots who guided me, among them, Ezra Pound, Col. Eugene Sanctuary, George Sylvester Viereck and Mrs. Lyrl Clark Van Hyning, had been born with natural gifts. Throughout their lives, they used these gifts for the benefit of others. Very few Americans know of the persecution which these patriots endured throughout their lives. Yet, during the years I knew them and worked with them, this persecution was mentioned, if at all, only in passing and without regret. They considered their personal losses unimportant compared to the sufferings of the Gentile people who have been enslaved by the Jews. Similarly, it might seem idle carping for me to mention the murder of my parents by government agents as stroked of the Jews revenge against me for my work, when we consider that sixty-six million Christians have been killed in Russian concentration camps since 1917, murdered by the Jewish Communists who built and operated these camps. These millions lie nameless and unmourned. But they were no less and no more, the victims of the Jews than my parents and many other Americans whose sacrifices have gone unrecorded and unheeded by those who are next on the lists. No one who has been martyred by the Jews should remain unknown. And no one who has been martyred by the Jews will remain unavenged.

I became the object of the Jews hatred by events which moved in a straight line. Successively, I became the protégé of George Stimpson, the most respected journalist in Washington, who founded the National Press, Ezra Pound, the world most famous poet, and H. L. Hunt, the worlds richest man. Of the three, only Ezra Pound fought the Jews openly. And he suffered grievously, spending thirteen years in a hideous urine soaked madhouse in Washington D.C. George Stimpson passed on to me many of the secrets of Washington, including the fact that Felix Frankfurter founded the Harold Ware Cell of Communists and the nature of the Jewish control over J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI. H.L. Hunt fought valiantly to preserve the values of Christian civilization. But was unable to deploy his money effectively in a battle which was outside of his experience.

My Life In Christ

My Life In Christ

This is the story of my life in Christ. Now, what does living in Christ mean? It means that one is FOR Christ, that one not only accepts Him, but that one lives in Him. Living in Christ has little relationship to the more commonly accepted situation of living as a Christian, or living a Christian life. Living AS a Christian means that one has accepted the tokens of Christianity, that one agrees in the divinity of Christ, that one is a member of a Christian congregation, in a largely Christian community, in a Christian nation. Thus, one can lead a Christian life without knowing Christ and without changing one’s existence in the slightest degree.

If a person leads a Christian life, and it does not transform one’s existence, then one can be sure that he does not KNOW Christ. Knowing Christ is the only manner in which one can go beyond oneself, and the only manner in which one can go beyond one’s world. In knowing Christ, one is immediately lifted out of the mechanical life of the human existence, one transcends the common existence. One is no longer a human machine, leading a hopeless, mechanical life, repeating the same meaningless motions like a robot throughout the years of one’s earthly existence. What was Christ’s ad-monition? “Take up the Cross, and follow Me.” But, in explication of this admonition, the New Testament contains many significant references to the condition of sleep, and Christ’s exhortations to mankind to awaken. Now, what does this mean? It means that Christ did not wish to be followed by robots and sleepwalkers, He desired man to awaken, and to attain the full use of his earthly powers. Not only are mechanical men of no use to Christ, but they are quite dangerous, they present endless difficulties in the establishment of Christ’s Kingdom on earth.

Throughout history, we have come to think of kingdoms as something bad, as countries in which the people toil for the profit of a king. This is what earthly kingdoms become, because kings are men, and men have their limitations. But the Kingdom of Christ on earth is something more than this, and when He said, “My Kingdom is not of this world,” He meant that His Kingdom could not be a kingdom like other kingdoms of this world, in which men lead toilsome, meaningless lives. Christ’s Kingdom is a Kingdom in which men transcend themselves and their world. Only then are they worthy of Christ; only then do they know Christ.