The World Order

The World Order

First Foreward

When he was proffered the cup of hemlock by his fellow-citizens, Socretes, last words were, “Crito, I owe a cock to Asclepius; will you remember to pay the debt?”

A gentleman is responsible for his obligations, and this book is the repayment of the efforts of three great men who chose me as their protege – Ezra Pound, the dominant literary figure of our time; George Stimpson, the most respected journalist in Washington (the title has been vacant since his death); and H.L. Hunt, whose spectacular business success blinded the public to his brilliant philosophical achievements. It was H.L. Hunt who invented the term “The Mistaken” for the self-corrupted members of the new class who now control our world – he might have added that they could also be described as “The Misshapen”, because of their warped and perverted sense of values.

The present work is also an expression of another Greek attitude – gratitude for life. Michael Lekakis introduced this astounding Greek attribute to me some thirty years ago. I describe it as “astounding”, because no one today thinks of being grateful for life. Who can conceive of “gratitude for life” in an existence of eternal and worldwide slavery imposed upon humanity by the minions of the World Order?

In “The Greek Way”, Edith Hamilton says, “Tragedy was a Greek creation because in Greece thought was free.” We do not have tragedy today because of the thought control imposed by the World Order. Instead, we have “Newspeak” and “doublethink” in the world of 1989. I was privileged to sit in on a number conversations between Edith Hamilton and Ezra Pound, in which the conversation was uninhibited and far-reaching – freedom of thought in a federal institution in which one of the talkers was held as a political prisoner! Pound describes these talks in “The Cantos”, “And they want to know what we talked about? ‘de litteris et de armis, praestantibusque ingeniis.” Nietzsche also discoursed on “tragic pleasure”, which no longer exists, because the World Order, in its anxiety to maintain control of every aspect of our lives, has banned passion. As a poor substitute, it gives us drugs and degeneracy.

There are many facts in this book which you, the reader, will not wish to accept. I ask you to accept nothing, but to make your own investigations. You may find even more astonishing true facts than I have managed to glean in thirty-five years of intensive and in-depth research. Finally, we have Edith Hamilton’s rendering of Socrates, most notable admonition, “Agree with me if I seem to you to speak the truth; or, if not, withstand me might and main that I may not deceive you as well as myself in my desire, and like the bee leave my sting in you before I die. And now let us proceed.”

Why General Patton Was Murdered

Why General Patton Was Murdered

In December of 1984, it will be forty years since one of America’s greatest heroes, General George S. Patton, was executed by his Communist foes. General Patton was struck down the day before he was scheduled to make a triumphant return to the United States. He had just been removed from his command of the Third Army, which was in charge of governing the American sector of Germany. Because he not only opposed the dismemberment of Germany, but also because he favored military action against the Communists. As the most popular hero of the Second World War, Patton would have been unbeatable in a Presidential race. This was the reason his skulking enemies ordered his execution before he could leave Germany.

The Patton Papers, 1940-45 recently published by Houghton Mifflin Company in Boston, gives ample reasons for the murder of General Patton. A few months before he was killed, his driver for five years, Master Sergeant John L. Mims, was replaced. Patton was asked by Major General Gay to accompany him on an excursion for a few hours the day before he was to return to America. At 11:45 A.M. in clear weather and on a straight stretch of road, the driver of a GMC military truck turned his vehicle directly into the side of the 1938 Cadillac 75 Special limousine in which Patton was the only person injured. He suffered some internal injuries but did not seem to be seriously hurt. On Dec. 21, 1945, it was announced that he had died of an “embolism”, that is a bubble of the blood which is fatal when it reaches a vital organ. It can be introduced into the bloodstream with a syringe by anyone with brief medical training.

Washington DC City Of Fear

Washington DC City Of Fear

Monday, Sept. 27, 1976, began as a typical week in our nation’s capital.

A famous self hating white liberal, the late Sen. Alan Cranston of California, was held up by three armed blacks as he walked the few feet from his car to his office in the Senate Office Building. Perhaps in deference to his well known bias in favour of blacks the bandits did not shoot him down and leave him to die in the gutter, as they did to others.

At that time the city schools were about to close because of a strike by the school custodians. The Asst. U.S. Atty. for the District of Columbia was indicted for taking bribes and the first Jewish Governor of Maryland, which embraced some of Washington’s suburbs, was on trial for bribery and corruption. A few days later, the nude, stabbed body of a Congressional aide and holder of a number of official positions in Washington, was found dead at the Iwo Jima Memorial, which was one of the most famous homosexual trysting places in the world.

Warning Dept Of Justice Dangerous To Americans

Warning Dept Of Justice Dangerous To Americans

Although the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., is not yet a serious challenge to the old Mack Sennatt comedies, or the leers and sneers of the “funnyman”, Charlie Chaplin, its antics concern many Americans, who do not know whether to laugh or cry, as each new revelation of the department’s ventures into insanity are laid before the American public.

We have recently witnessed the spectacle of a “Special Prosecutor” from the Justice Dept., Lawrence Walsh, spending forty million dollars of taxpayers money to find out whether Col. Oliver North paid for two tires. This is more money than the Credit Bureau has spent in its entire existence ! We also witnessed the ludicrous spectacle of a black man, William Lucas, who was appointed by President Bush to the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, being harried and torn by the most fanatical leftwing Senators from the Democratic Parry. They turned him down flat, sending a clear message that the black man had better stay in his place. Lucas’ offense was not that he was black, but that he had strayed off the plantation, until he was picked up by the “patterole”, as the old slave chasers were known. There is a clear understanding in Washington that the “civil tights” movement not only is limited to blacks, (no whites need apply for relief under its stringent protection but it is also the private preserve of the old hard line Stalinist-Communist wing of the national Democratic Party. It maintains its private army of Stepin Fetchits, who cringe and laugh whenever the Democratic leaders, such as Senator Edward (Chappaquiddick) Kennedy, bark, and no “civil rights” effort is allowed unless it is authorized by the party of Bella Moscovitz and the secret Harold Ware cell of Communist government officials in Washington. Lucas not only ran away from the plantation, he actually joined the Republican Party, and attempted to take office in Washington under its auspices. This was not to be. Amazingly enough, Bush refused to appoint Lucas to the civil rights post anyway, giving it to him as an “interim” appointment until 1990, on the cowardly excuse that to make such an appointment might “offend” the Democratic leaders in Congress. They had already trashed Lucas in public, for the entire nation to see, and Bush dared not rob them of their Muscovite victory by going over their heads. As King George IV, representing the Bank of England, Bush has served notice that he will observe all the bylaws of “bipartisanship”, meaning that whenever the interests of Republican voters, who elected him President, conflict with the wishes of the old Stalinist leaders of the Democratic Party, he will ignore the people who elected him, and will vote for the Democratic program. No doubt he has good reason for doing so; there is not only the central bank policy of “bipartisanship”, which has been imposed by force upon the American people; there are also the unpleasant reminders of what happens to Presidents who refuse to go along with the Moscow line. Nixon was hounded from office, directly negating the Presidential election which had put him in the White House; there was an attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan shortly after he took office, to remind him that certain people were still extremely displeased that he had defeated the Democratic candidate, What’s His Name, for the Presidency. Reagan got the message, and never again challenged the Stalinist Communists of the Democratic Party during his two terms in office.

The War Against The Christian World

The War Against The Christian World

Richmond Virginia, former capital of the Confederacy and now capital of the State of Virginia, is a prosperous Southern town which is seemingly at peace with the world. That is to say, the Christian population of Richmond believes itself to be at peace with the world. The Jewish population, which controls from fifty to seventyfive per cent of Richmond’s business, knows it is at war with the Christian world. Three Jewish students at Douglas S. Freeman High School brought suit against Henrico County, the operator of the school. Their complaint was that at the approaching graduation ceremony, a brief and perfunctory prayer was to open the proceedings. These Jews, James. Grossberg, Judy Gordon, and Helaine Wolpert, complained that this short prayer would be offensive to them.

This Jewish attack against the Christian majority was, as usual, conducted with typical duplicity. A Jewish lawyer, Artie Samuel, of the American Civil Liberties Union, conducted the attack without charge. ACLU is supported by tax-exempt donations. It is an interesting point that any group which attacks Christianity can gain instant tax-exemption from the Federal Government, but a group which calls itself Christian finds that there is a long and rocky road towards obtaining tax exemption. During the hearings, which were held in U.S. District Court before Judge Robert Merhige, the Jews never once referred to the fact that they were Jews, or that they were attacking Christians. Not once did the County officials, who were de-fending the case, bring up this crucial point. Not once did the Richmond newspapers, which gave the case front page publicity, refer to the fact that the Jews would be deeply offended if, during this short prayer, the hated name of Jesus Christ might be mentioned, causing them unbearable suffering.

The War Against Christianity

The War Against Christianity

The most devastating blows against the Christian religion are now being struck from within by Jewish moles, who have infiltrated Christian groups, often at the highest levels, for the sole purpose of continuing their destructive work. They intend nothing less than the ultimate annihilation of the Christian faith and the eternal enslavement of their victims, whom they always refer to with the utmost contempt as goyim, or cattle.

When a “converted Jew” was recently named Archbishop of Paris, thus delivering one of Christendom’s oldest and most faithful communities into the hands of the Jews, few of the victims had any concept of what a “converted Jew” was. They also had no understanding of the concept of the biological Jew, a scientific theory formulated from centuries of biological evidence that the Jew is a parasite whose entire life cycle is entirely dependent upon feeding upon a suitable host. The Jew can maintain his parasitic cycle and perpetuate himself only if he remains aware that he is different from the host and that he must always observe his differences. Consequently, the Jew continually fans the flames of hatred among his kind against the host people in whatever country he has infested himself. The war against the host peoples is often concentrated in a relentless onslaught against the Christian religion, because Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ warned civilized people against the dangers of the Jewish presence.



While doing a recent radio show in Los Angeles. I received an inquiry from none other than the famed terrorist of the Jewish Defense League, Irv Rubin. He sounded like an elderly Jewish tailor sequestered in a Hebrew rest home, as he querulously asked me, “I just want to know where you’re coming from, Mr. Mullins.” I patiently answered that I was coining from Virginia, whereupon he interrupted, “I mean, all this hate that you’re spreading, you’re very slick at what you do.” I refused to let my head be turned by this effusive praise, whereupon the famous Irv got off the line. A few days later, I picked up a new book by one of his more infamous compatriots, Simon Weisenthal, which was falsely titled, “Justice, Not Vengeance”. In fact, the Weisenthal story is about nothing but Vengeance. There is not a single episode of justice recounted in the entire book. Although Weisenthal lists his published works as Non-Fiction, such as “The Murderers Among Us”, and “Every Day Remembrance Day,” he fails to warn us that much of the material in these books has been challenged as the most outrageous, albeit inventive, fiction as are most of his claimed accomplishments.

The foreword by a “friend of many decades” notes his self-appointed title as the “Eichmann hunter” although Mossad operatives who engineered the abduction of Adolf Eichmann from his home in Argentine indignantly deny that Weisenthal played any role in the kidnapping. Weisenthal’s friend, as though to negate the title of the hook, insists in the foreword that “Guilt cannot be forgiven, but only paid for by expiation. Step by step.” This has been the motto of the Weisenthal persecutions of elderly veterans of the Second World War around the globe. It is interesting that he never goes after wealthy or powerful “ex-Nazis” but reserves his most vicious attacks for elderly retired workingmen with no assets for legal assistance to fend off his unending prosecutions.

Thought Control

Thought Control

When I was a child, during the 1930’s depression, my school teacher often commented to our class about the sufferings of our native state, Virginia. She spoke not only of the rigours of the Civil War, but of its even more devastating aftermath, the Reconstruction and the carpetbagger empire. She pointed out that, since the conclusion of the Civil War, or the War Between the States, as we termed it, Northern bankers had continued to exercise a dominant role over our businesses and our government.

Some fifty years later, Gary Arnold asked me to look into a firm which had been opposing his conservative philosophy in California. The firm, Media General, was a familiar one to me. It was the result of an expansion by Virginia’s leading newspaper monopoly, RICHMOND NEWSPAPERS, which had become an empire composed of newspapers, radio and TV, cable-vision, newsprint manufacturers, and financial services. From its power base at the seat of the state government in Richmond in the carpetbagger era, it had become the state’s primary news monopoly.

Richmond Newspapers (now Media General) is a $500 million a year operation which was founded by Joseph Bryan in the heyday of the carpetbagger empire. His son, John Stewart Bryan, ran the newspapers from 1900 until his death in 1944. John Stewart Bryan was a lieutenant commander in Naval Intelligence, chairman of the 5th Federal Reserve District, and to prove his stellar liberal credentials, he was appointed to the board of overseers of Harvard University.

The Man Who Refused To Lose

The Man Who Refused To Lose

Thousands of American boys died on barren Pacific sandpits during World War II, never knowing they had been condemned to die because of the hatred the Communists felt for their commander, General Douglas MacArthur. Let us go back to Washington, D.C., for the birth pangs of this hatred; the time, July 28, 1932. The nation is in the depths of an economic depression brought on by classic gold movements of the international bankers. Some gold bricks had been moved from one section of the Federal Reserve Bank vaults in New York City to another section a few feet away; this seemingly insignificant act brought on a contraction of credit and the puncturing of the Wall Street boom. Eighty-five billion dollars in inflated stock values vanished into the vaults of the bankers, leaving the American Middle Class a robbed and beaten people. Since this middle-class created the jobs, the workers were now without employment and were in an ugly mood. This was the background of the dispatching of a special Communist task force to Washington to take over the Bonus March of the American veterans, provoke a massacre by local police or troops, and begin a conflagration which would quickly sweep the country and deliver us into the waiting hands of the Communists.

It was a simple technique, which had worked marvellously well in Czarist Russia. Some people were idling around in front of a bakery, a few Communists in the crowd threw stones at the Imperial Guard, shots were fired, and a few people were killed. Within weeks, the Imperial Government was no more; and the Czar and his wife and children were locked in a cellar, waiting to be executed by their captors.

The Holocaust Explained

The Holocaust Explained

Holocaust — from the meaning wholly burnt.
1) a sacrifice wholly consumed by fire.
2) complete consumption by fire.
Oxford English Dictionary.

If the Jewish claim that they were the victims of a holocaust in Germany is true, then they were consumed entirely by fire. This Jewish claim is unacceptable because there were so many survivors. Not only were the Jews not consumed wholly by fire, as they claim, but, forty years after this non-event, there are more Jews claiming to be survivors of the Holocaust than there were Jews living at the time of the Holocaust. In one small American suburb, Skokie, Ill. are now residing many thousands of healthy Jews who claim to be “survivors” of the Holocaust.

For more than thirty years, American voters have mutely accepted the fact that anyone seeking public office in the United States must make a routine pledge of undying allegiance to the State of Israel. Few of these voters realize that these office-seekers must also make a ritual obeisance to the Myth of the Holocaust and swear eternal belief in the doctrine that six million Jews were killed by the Germans during World War II. As was noted on the editorial page of the Washington Post, the regnant world journal of international Zionism, on October 29, 1981. “Anyone who refuses to support the State of Israel admits his sympathy for the murderers of six million Jews.”