The $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax

The $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax

PT Barnum said it for all time, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” For more than four decades, the American people have been terrorized, not by a foreign threat, but by their own govern ment. In order for the Federal Reserve System central bankers to continue to loot the nation after the successful conclusion of the I Second World War, they had to invent a new threat. The only candidate was our erstwhile gallant ally, the Soviet Union. The central bank conspirators faced the task of continuing to mobilize the people against a terrible threat, taxing them heavily in order to save them from destruction.

Today, we are burdened by a $5 trillion national debt. Coincidentally, that is the sum we have spent on “national defence” since 1945. The World Order billionaires launched a complex, long-term plan to demonise Soviet Russia. Overnight, they would undergo a sea change, from the darlings of the American political Establishment to a dangerous and possibly overwhelming enemy. In my researches of more than fifty years, I finally located the smoking gun which exposed this conspiracy, a little known article in the August 1977 issue of American Heritage magazine, “Who Started the Cold War?” by historian Charles L. Mee Jr., editor of Horizon magazine, and author of one of the first cold war books, “Meeting at Potsdam”