City of London’s Ownership of American Colonies

City of London’s Ownership of American Colonies

THE MISPLACED REVERENCE TO THE ILL FORMULATED US CONSTITUTION and hidden subjugation back to the City of London is one aspect of history that is not taught in government schools or discussed in institutes of higher education.

This subject is probably new to most observers of the legacy from the Founding Father’s biggest mistake. Regular readers of BREAKING ALL THE RULES are familiar with the arguments made in the essays, In the beginning: Let there be the Articles of Confederation and Articles of Confederation was Preferable. Now the case for the betrayal of the purpose of the American Revolution needs to be explored.

Cited on the US Constitution Gave Legal Ownership and Control of the United States to London site is an assessment by Michael Edward.

The Old Lady Unveiled

The Old Lady Unveiled

THE OBJECT OF THIS BOOK is to awaken the public to the truth that the Bank of England, commonly believed to be the most disinterested and patriotic of the nation’s institutions, has been since its foundation during the reign of William of Orange a private and long-sustained effort in lucrative mumbo jumbo, and that it is in these days under! international control, serving foreign nations better on occasion than it serves England.

As a preliminary to the writing of such a book, one generally undertakes a certain amount of research work on well-defined and easily followed lines. If, for example, one wished to find out all there is to be known about Barclays Bank, one would first of all search the records at Somerset House or at the registered offices of the company.

There would be no difficulty in unearthing such important information as the names of the share­holders, the amount each has invested, the real capital of the company subscribed in cash as against the proportion, if any, that has been “watered” by the capitalisation of profits, the total amount of profits earned and the present financial position of the concern.

Resolutions affecting the policy of the bank, its scope and powers and their amendment from time to time, would be set forth in the files as required by the limited companies acts, which also lay down that these shall be open for inspection by the public.

Research affecting the Bank of England is not quite so simple. The investigator is blocked at every turn. There are no files of the Bank of England at Somerset House. Since it is not a limited company, but operates under Parliamentary charters, it has no registered offices and therefore no place where by law its accounts may be scrutinised.

Enquiry at the Bank itself has negative results, unless the enquirer has more than usual persistence. Then he will doubtless have the positive satisfaction of being ejected by minions in uniforms as impressive and official seeming as those garbing the posse from the Brigade of Guards which watches over the sterling virtues of the Old Lady of Thread­needle Street throughout the hours of night.

Here is a reply, dated January 18th, 1933, to a written enquiry:

“In reply to your recent letter I have to inform you as follows:

(1) The list of stockholders published by the Bank is for internal use and is available to Proprietors of Bank Stock only.

(2) The Bank have no statutes or. Articles of Association, their constitution being based upon a Charter of 1694 and various Acts of Parliament, of which the chief is that of 1844.

I may mention that a Statistical Summary, compiled by the Bank of England, has recently been made available at an inclusive charge of 12s. per annum, payable in advance.

RONALD DALE, Secretary.”

And that is as far as the Bank is prepared to assist those who may have the temerity to be interested in its affairs. The Statistical Summary, of course, confines itself mainly to the note issue and the Bank reserves, and this information is in any case published weekly in the London Gazette. The Sum­mary gives away no secrets.

The Kingdom of Shylock

The Kingdom of Shylock

“The triumphant nation of tomorrow will be that which defeats the others on the economic field, by reorganising the conditions of human toil, and by bringing more justice and happiness to mankind.” —“Zola” in “Truth” Page 171.

In days of old the feudal baronage sallied forth with sword and spear to levy toll upon terrorised producers. They were masters of highways and waterways, and in the name of their overlordship exacted tribute from the toiling people. They were the self-evident personification of tyranny. To rise against them, destroy them, escape their vassalage, was to leave an open road along which the products of free men could pass untolled. Organised resentment and bloody victory were the sole essentials for the spontaneous development of industry in its primitive forms.
But the days of primitive industry and primitive Radicalism are passing. Under the freest political institutions exist financial oligarchies more rapacious than the old-time baronies. They bleed, not with sword nor spear, but by subtle processes that leave a people impoverished, they know not how or why. The mechanism of robbery is complex and impersonal. The operators are out of sight. The public only know them as benignant gentry distributing tracts or charity by the wayside.
In theory the Labor Movement is a protest against Capitalism. In practice it is its endorser and subsidiser. Legislation is enacted to make the baronage of Capitalism bearable and acceptable to democracy, but the baronage remains. Its exactions, if less outwardly brutal, are none the less extensive and complete. Not in the least do we touch its sacred edifice, impinge upon its prerogatives, or limit the unseen power which predatory wealth exercises upon the political machinery of the State, the lives of the people, and the economic future of the Nation.
We see States and Nation governed by the machinery of past centuries. We have seen a Labor Government in N.S.W. upholding the absurdity of an Upper Chamber to nullify its own proceedings. We have seen Governments of working men upholding as rigidly as the most rabid Tories all the procedures, formalities, mummeries and ceremonies of obsolete forms of government. In the midst of a flood tide of economic and scientific progression the legislative and administrative methods of Governments stand petrified in the chamber of dead ages.

The Enemy Within The Empire

The Enemy Within The Empire

MOST ORTHODOX HISTORY that is crammed into the heads of our children is one long list of contradictions. There is no real background to our social development because the main underlying factors have been completely ignored.
The part played by the money system in the growth of society has been tremendous; yet how many of our historians mention it?
We teach our children about the development of the British Commonwealth of Nations, although the real basis of this growth has been either neglected of distorted, while the development of that powerful, private and anti-social institution, the Bank of England, is very rarely mentioned.
If we are really desirous of preserving and developing British culture, it is essential that we attempt to gain at. least an elementary knowledge of the attack which was launched against the British people at the time of Cromwell.
It is significant that the introduction of what has been termed a “spurious Whig culture,” marked the origin of the present banking racket in Britain. This cultural and financial attack has been going ever since, although there is sound reason to believe that the enemy is at last being turned on both flanks However, as yet, there is no sign of a rout in the enemy’s ranks. Even the London “Times,” one of the chief mouthpieces of the financial oligarchy, offered the following criticism of “Whigism” in its issue of August 4, 1840:
“There is certainly in ‘Whigism’ an inherent propensity to tyranny; and of all the methods which tyranny ever invented for sucking out the essential vitality of free institutions, without appearing materially to touch their forms, this centralising system is the most plausible and the most pernicious. . . If it shall be fully carried out, British liberty … will rest no longer on the possession of constitutional power by the people, but upon the sufferance of a majority of those who, for the time being, may call themselves the people’s representatives.”

The Earth Plus 5%

The Earth Plus 5%

Fabian was excited as he once more rehearsed his speech for the crowd certain to turn up tomorrow. He had always wanted prestige and power and now his dreams were going to come true. He was a craftsman working with silver and gold, making jewellery and ornaments, but he became dissatisfied with working for a living. He needed excitement, a challenge, and now his plan was ready to begin. For generations the people used the barter system. A man supported his own family by providing all their needs or else he specialised in a particular trade. Whatever surpluses he might have from his own production, he exchanged or swapped for the surplus of others.

Fabian was excited…

Market day was always noisy and dusty, yet people looked forward to the shouting and waving, and especially the companionship. It used to be a happy place, but now there were too many people, too much arguing. There was no time for chatting – a better system was needed.

Generally, the people had been happy, and enjoyed the fruits of their work.

Market day was always noisy and dusty…

In each community a simple Government had been formed to make sure that each person’s freedoms and rights were protected and that no man was forced to do anything against his will by any other man, or any group of men.

This was the Government’s one and only purpose and each Governor was voluntarily supported by the local community who elected him.

However, market day was the one problem they could not solve. Was a knife worth one or two baskets of corn? Was a cow worth more than a wagon … and so on. No one could think of a better system.

Fabian had advertised, “I have the solution to our bartering problems, and I invite everyone to a public meeting tomorrow.”

This was the Government’s one and only purpose

The Coming Battle

The Coming Battle

In this volume the author endeavours to give an accurate history of the present National Bank System of currency, including an account of the first United States Bank, both of which were borrowed from Great Britain by those statesmen who, like the father of Sir Robert Peel, believed that a national debt was the source of prosperity.
It is believed that the facts adduced in the following pages will be productive of some good, in pointing out the immense evils lurking in that system of banking, a system which has produced panics at will, and which is the active abettor of the stock gamblers, railroad wreckers, and those industrial tyrants of modern times, the enormously overcapitalized and oppressive trusts.
It is sought to point out the great dangers of delegating purely government powers to these greedy monopolists, by which they are enabled to organize a money trust, far more tyrannical than all the other combinations now in existence; and by which they absolutely defy the authority that endowed them with corporate life.
The issue between these banks and the people will be joined in the near future, and the greatest struggle the world ever witnessed will take place between the usurping banks on the one hand and the people on the other.
In the nature of things, unjustly acquired power of man over man generally rises to such heights of arrogance as to eventually create a public opinion that will grind tyranny of every form to atoms, hence The Coming Battle that will surely take place in the near future and the victory that will be won by justice will be the noblest events in American history.

Rothschild Money Trust

Rothschild Money Trust

MAYER AMSCHEL ROTHSCHILD, the founder of the Rothschild fortune, at the time of his death in 1812, created a trust of his estate, by will, for the elevation of the Jewish race and the establishment of a Jewish World Empire. The cardinal principles of the trust were secrecy, that the estate should be kept intact as a unit, that the heirs and their heirs should have only a communal interest in it, and that the estate as a whole should be governed by the eldest son of the eldest son unless a majority of the heirs determined otherwise.
The estate has been preserved and managed since his death as a unit in pursuance of the provisions of his will. There are now several hundred heirs, for the family is a prolific one, but the estate is communal and still under the management of one head. So far as known, the provisions of the wills of the members of the family still contain in substance the directions of the founder of the fortune.
History affords but meager information regarding the rulers of this fortune and the extent of it, because of their secretive methods. No inventory has ever been filed and no division has ever been sought by any heir.
Most of the histories of the Rothschild family are either Jewish or strongly pro-Jewish. While they are extravagant in praise of the virtues of the different members of the Rothschild family, they are rather meager in facts. The facts herein related have been gleaned from many sources and are based on information believed to be reliable.
We do not know the extent of the founder’s fortune at the time of his death in 1812, nor do we know the present magnitude of it, but apparently it represents about one-half of the wealth of the world.
This huge fortune has been devoted with great shrewdness and energy to the purpose of exploiting the Gentiles in all the countries of the globe. The methods employed are the manipulation of currencies, speculations on the exchanges, and wars.
The Rothschilds by these operations profit enormously because they have the power by virtue of their immense wealth and political power, to put prices up or down at pleasure. It is for these reasons that we have had most of our wars and depressions. The protocols and the communist’s code, which are identical in purpose and intent, represent their plan for the conquest of the world. Both of these codes were published subsequent to Mayer Amschel’s death, but some of the protocols appear to have been in existence prior thereto. They, however, represent his principles as shown by all that we know of him.
This book is not written in a spirit of anti-Semitism, for I have Jewish friends that I do not wish to injure. It is written in the hope that it may be helpful in solving our Jewish problem peaceably and by appropriate legislation. To the extent that the remedies herein suggested may contribute to that end they will be helpful to the Jews as well as to the balance of us, for it is certain that the people of this country will never meekly submit to slavery.
In writing and publishing this book I am inspired by no other motive than to render a service to my country. I realize that I am taking some risk in doing so—at least that of persecution. Adequate provision has been made for the publication and distribution of this book regardless of the author.

Revelations of a Swiss Banker

Revelations of a Swiss Banker

Q: Can you tell us something about your involvement in the Swiss banking business?

A: I have worked for Swiss banks for many years, I was designated as one of the top directors of one of the biggest Swiss banks. During my work, I was involved in the payment … in the direct payment in cash to a person who killed the president of a foreign country. I was in the meeting where it was decided to give this cash money to the killer. This gave me dramatic headaches and troubled my conscience. It was not the only case that was really bad, but it was the worst.

It was a payment instruction on order of a foreign secret service, written by hand, giving the order to pay a certain amount to a person who killed the top leader of a foreign country. And it was not the only case. We received several such hand-written letters coming from foreign secret services giving the order to pay out cash from secret accounts to fund revolutions or for the killing of people. I can confirm what John Perkins has written in his book, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”. There really exists just (such a) system, and Swiss banks are involved in such cases.

Q: Perkins’ book is also translated and available in Russian. Can you tell us which bank it is and who was responsible?

A: It was one of the top three Swiss banks at that time and it was the president of a country in the Third World. But I don’t want to give out too many details because they will find me very easily if I say the name of the president and the name of the bank. I will risk my life.

Norman Invasion (1066) and The Banking Cartel

Norman Invasion (1066) and The Banking Cartel

IN responding to Reed concerning the Jewish connection to common law evolution, I almost missed another direct connection between the invasion of William the Conqueror of the Anglo-Saxons in 1066, and a very direct connection to the then existing banking power in Europe. As the history below shows, the connection between William and the banking cartel then existing was quite direct.

Back during mid-twentieth century, historian Max DiMont wrote two very large and acclaimed treatises on Jewish history.  His study shows quite a few direct ties between common law and Torah as well as Talmud. For example:
“It was William the Conqueror, bastard son of Duke Robert of Normandy, and the daughter of a tanner, who brought England into the mainstream of European history… he viewed his new Anglo-Saxon subjects as swilling swine, crawling with lice, incapable of developing an economy… William brought over a contingent of French Jews to establish commerce and banking for the country…”

Lethal Tender

Lethal Tender

For the attention of Mr Nicholas Catton
EB Division,
HM Treasury
Parliament Street
London SW1P 3AG March 17th 1993

Dear Mr Catton, Ref: ‘From Miner To Major’ 13/1/1993.

Thank you for your letter of March 2, needless to say, it seems to be in reply to an entirely different letter to the one I sent to Mr Major. However, we have managed to obtain confirmation from your Treasury colleague, Anthony Nelson; that the options set out in my letter of January 13th 1993, entitled “Miner to Major” are indeed workable. His evidence, endorses our contention that the cost-free, sustainable alternatives to pit & plant closures, mentioned to the Prime Minister do in fact exist:

The only issue still remaining unanswered, is whether these genuine problem-solving alternatives, known of, and now confirmed by H.M. Treasury, are being denied to us by design or natural ignorance. Perhaps you could be more forthcoming in this regard? Mr Nelson’s letter of February 22nd, Ref: 47a/2 est.vd/cdoc/h….., inadvertently lets this particular cat out of the bag, i.e., that Parliament could, if it so desired, finance or subsidise – Free of cost and inflation – all government spending; including Public-works; Public Health, Social-Services, Public transport, the Armed Forces and the hard pressed police, fire, and ambulance services, through sound, socially responsible funding, which exposes Mr Heseltine’s lie, where he says: “There Are No Cost Free Options”. [TANKCO]