The Kissinger Betrayal Plan for Rhodesia

The Kissinger Betrayal Plan for Rhodesia

C. H. DOUGLAS OBSERVED THAT INTERNATIONAL FINANCE HAS AT ITS SERVICE THE BEST BRAINS WHICH MONEY CAN BUY. John Maynard Keynes, the economist who so skilfully perverted the challenge of Social Credit with his deficit spending and “controlled inflation” programme, was not lacking in brains.

While Dr. Henry Kissinger may not be quite the genius suggested by the public relations men who laud him, the Jewish refugee from Germany was seen by the Rockefellers and associates as a man with the capacity to serve them well. Dr. Kissinger’s betrayal plan for Rhodesia, the last of the betrayals of the West {South Africa followed in 1994}, has the warm approval of International Finance, which has consistently worked to create the much-published “One World.”

The question of whether Dr. Kissinger is, or was, a KGB agent is of academic interest only. Kissinger has, in a number of statements, made it clear that he believes that the One World can only come through international control of the raw materials of the world. International control must be extended also to food supplies.

Such international control means increasing links with International Communism. A former American naval director Admiral Umwelt, reports that he was present at a briefing meeting at which Dr. Kissinger said: “The day of the United States is past and today is the day of the Soviet Union. My job as Secretary of State is to negotiate the most acceptable second-best position available.”

Britain & Jewry

Britain & Jewry

THE NUMBER OF JEWS IN BRITAIN IS NOT EXACTLY KNOWN, as estimates are based on religion and many Jews have abandoned the orthodox faith. Officially there are some 300,000 usually quoted as 0.6 per cent of the population. The true figure is undoubtedly higher, especially since recent immigration, and probably already exceeds 1,000,000. Higher figures may be discounted, and are to be explained by the heavy concentration of Jews in certain areas and certain professions, which give people in these areas and professions an impression of overwhelming numbers.

Indeed this concentration of Jews in non-manual occupations is remarkable. The Jew is very seldom an industrial worker, except in the tailoring trade. How many people have ever seen a Jewish navvy, or have heard of a Jewish miner? How many Jews are agricultural labourers or seamen? On the other hand in proportion to their numbers there are unreasonably many Jewish traders ranging from stall-holders in street markets to the directors and shareholders of the huge multiple combines. Jews have almost monopolised the clothing trade, fur trade, furnishing industry and dominate over films and theatre.

In finance, of course, they have always played a prominent part since Rothschild established himself in London in Napoleonic days.

Christian Sheep and Satan’s Wolves

Christian Sheep and Satan’s Wolves

AMERICA WAS INTENDED FOR WHITE CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS. The Founding Fathers never envisioned America for multi-racial or multi-religious equality, nor for internationalism. As partial substantiation for this, a foremost social spokesman in America, THE NEW YORK TIMES, admitted that blacks were purposely excluded from the white man’s heritage (Magazine section, February 9, 1964). The country’s founders were all of Christian background, and nothing historically suggests they desired any faith to prevail in America other than Christianity; later, the nation was formerly declared Christian by the U. S. Supreme Court on February 29, 1892 (Holy Trinity Church vs. U. S., 143 U. S. 471). George Washington’s “Farewell Address” of 1796, cautioning against foreign entanglements, is an indication of desired nationalism. Instead of these traditional intents, however, America has become an interracial hodgepodge, a de-Christianised immorality, and a land which places international interests before national ones.

White Christians today are a neurotic, confused, and terribly-divided people. Probably the one thing the vast majority now mutually agree upon is the “good life. ” To gain it, most manifest a willingness to do almost anything. In the process, they have become morally compromised by greed and growing softness. With their obsession over materialism, white Christians fail to see that their precious rights are being stolen by aliens.

Traditional (white Christian) Americans are now on the verge of virtually turning over their society to non-Traditionalists, having first been generous (foolish!) enough to share it with them. It is the old story of letting the camel put his head into the tent. With his head in, the camel soon, by stages, manoeuvres in its entire body, crowding, then pushing out the rightful occupants.

The time will come for most white Christians when, in misery, they belatedly shall seek the source of their country’s damnation. “How, 11 they will then ask, “did it happen? What or who is responsible?” The question now can be asked, Why are Traditional Americans not aware of and outraged over what is happening to their racial, Christian, and national heritage? This writing undertakes to answer that question.

Thomas Edison and The Jews

Thomas Edison and The Jews


Inventing a motion picture camera that worked properly was the easy part for Edison. Keeping the Jews from using the camera without paying him royalties for his invention was the hard part.

As soon as the German born Jew, Carl Laemmle found out about motion pictures, he started figuring ways to exploit the new invention. Efforts by Laemmle and other Jews to deprive Edison of his fees for using his cameras forced Edison and other movie makers like Dickson, Casler, Koopman, Long, Smith, Klein and Marion to form a protective association called the TRUST.

As fast as the Jews could get their hands on Edison’s equipment and started using it, the Trust would file lawsuits against them to stop their illegally using his patented equipment.

Top Secret Information Who’s Behind The 5G Cull Of Humanity?

Top Secret Information Who’s Behind The 5G Cull Of Humanity?

In 1999, HP scientist Richard P. Walker was granted a patent for what would become known as the Internet of everything, now better known as 5G. Walker and the rest of his Silicon Valley colleagues had been fed military technology by Lockheed Martin and IBM.

HP spun off Agilent Technologies that same year as the vehicle through which the Walker patent would come to fruition. All ensuing patents pertaining to 5G would be mysteriously absorbed by Agilent, whether in the areas of surveillance, cybernetics, genetic engineering, human micro-chipping, or “wet works”.

The corporation pushing Walker’s Agilent patent forward is SERCO, a powerful British company close to Lockheed Martin, GE and BAE. The first and last are the two biggest defence contractors in the world. All four are part of Crown Agents USA Inc. The golden share in SERCO was historically controlled through British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) by Queen Elizabeth II.

In 2009 BNFL was shut down after spinning off its Westinghouse subsidiary. They had acquired Westinghouse in 1999, four years after Westinghouse bought CBS. BNFL’s nuclear plants had been privatized in 1996 and were taken over by British Energy. The same year BNFL shut down, British Energy was taken over by Electricite de France.

In 2000, Serco and Lockheed Martin took control of the UK’s Aldermaster weapons site. They also control two-thirds of the British Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE). The other third was owned by BNFL. During the past decade, AWE began exporting stolen US-enriched uranium from a Eunice, New Mexico facility through its Urenco subsidiary. Urenco Executive Chairman Stephen Billingham came from British Energy. They were aided in this effort by the Highland Group, whose associates include the Clintons and Robert Mueller.

SERCO, The Most Evil Corporation on Earth!

SERCO, The Most Evil Corporation on Earth!

WHAT IF I TOLD YOU THERE EXISTS A MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION WITH 40+ SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES ACROSS THE GLOBE which services a vast array of governmental agencies? And what if I told you this very same corporation has been involved in scandal after scandal, ranging from overcharging governments for electronically tagged inmates, to falsifying billing documents, to mismanaging vital patient information, to drug smuggling enterprises found within their facilities, and finally sexual abuse and terrible living conditions in their immigration/refugee centres? What if I also told you that this same company is protected under “commercial confidentiality” and the details of its inner workings are not open to Freedom of Information requests?

You’d probably ask me, “What is this corporation you speak of?”

Well, this corporation’s name is Serco, and it’s the biggest company you’ve never heard of. And that’s no accident. Since 1987, Serco has quietly and clandestinely taken over many of the world’s public services, and has cleverly avoided too much media attention. That is until in 2013, a taxpayer scandal broke and collapsed its share price. Since then, Serco has been fighting a steady battle in the UK media, with little attention to it in other areas of the world.

The Beast Has A Banner

The Beast Has A Banner

THE E.E.C. OR EUROPEAN UNION HAS ITS OWN FLAG; twelve golden stars upon a blue background. It is frequently to be seen nowadays flying from town halls and public buildings. This same flag appears as the logo on all properties and projects which receive European funding, even on Protestant church properties which have taken aid from Europe.

The prevailing religious ethos of the European Union is Roman Catholic; reflecting the vast numerical majority of Roman Catholics within the borders of its member states, such as Italy, Spain, France and Portugal. Students of Bible Prophecy know that the aim of the European Union is to destroy the national sovereignty of the member states including Great Britain and submerge them in a United States of Europe, as the first step in fulfilling the centuries old conspiracy to create a one-world government, economy and religion.

Bearing all this in mind we find the following interesting information regarding the design of the flag or banner of the European Union.

The Enemy of Europe

The Enemy of Europe

These thoughts were intended to form part of my book IMPERIUM, but for personal reasons that was not possible. They owe their present incarnation to the fact that many of those to whom that work was really addressed were unable to draw offhand the necessary conclu­sions. In this treatise, as in IMPERIUM, there is nothing personal, and thus, here as there, I refrain from entering the debate over political tactics. Such matters are better discussed orally.
Organic Laws constitute the vernacular of Politics. With IMPERIUM, my aim was to present those laws so that everybody who somehow identified his personal destiny, as it were, with the Destiny of Europe could draw his own conclusions from the basic principles and select his own tactics. Some people misunderstood this possibility to such an extent that they regarded the presentation of these Organic Laws as just another contribution to the usual politico-theoretical discussion. Therefore the Organic Laws are more fully elaborated here in that they are applied to the world situation of the moment, to help provide the worthiest minds with a clearer insight into it and to unmask the Enemy of Europe.
Politics, History, Life, Destiny heed no system. Yet if Europeans would take an active part in the world power-struggle, now, more than ever before, they must put their politics on an intellectual basis, for no physical force whatever is available to them. They must outwit the enemy at every turn, outplay him, until, years later, they will eventually be in a position to dictate conditions and compel fulfilment of them. The Organic Laws are presented here in the form of an intellectual exercise from which may be evolved a method of evaluating events, possibilities, decisions. A grammar that proves inadequate can be revised, but every branch of thought advances only when it has a grammar at its disposal.

The Empire of The City

The Empire of The City

AT the end of World War I, the writer, then 27 years old, was released from the U. S. Army as a second lieutenant of the Coast Artillery Corps. Like many more servicemen, he was filled with resentment as the deluge of utterly obvious and brazen falsehood, by which participation in that war had been forced upon the American people, was exposed, and became more evident day by day after the war was won.

That the reasons advanced to the American people for their entry into World War I were largely fraudulent became common and accepted knowledge, and over 25 years after the end of that war the eminent American historians, Charles A. and Mary R. Beard, stated in their “Basic History” (page 442) that “the gleaming mirage that pictured the World War as purely or even mainly a war for democracy and civilization dissolved beyond recognition…;” and the well-known Internationalist publicist, Walter Lippmann, stated in his “U. S. Foreign Policy” (page 24) in effect that the real reasons for going to war in 1917 have never been admitted.

Many people realize that this mystifying situation, in which an alleged democratic and self-governing nation is actually controlled against the will of the people in its foreign affairs, is a clear indication that there must be a very powerful and well-financed secret organization which plans and directs American foreign affairs, and for lack of a more specific identification this suspected secret organization is popularly referred to as the International Financiers.

When the propaganda mills began their characteristic grind towards war in the early 1930’s, the writer began a more definite study of international power politics, and soon found it an entrancing and revealing subject. There was, however, no more free speech; and the most amazing documented aspects of a vast secret world order of International Finance could find no hearing in a situation where some Congressmen denounced overwhelming Nationalist expression of views in their mail as mere organized subversion.

The shelves of our public libraries hold thousands of books pertaining to some aspect of this vast subject; most of them dry as dust to the average reader and remaining unread by the public through the years. Most of these scholarly works are devoted to some passing phase of power politics in some part of the world, of which their author has made a specialized study, and have invariably been forgotten as the public has lost interest in that particular incident.

In running through these works some amazing nuggets of information come to light here and there, which fitted together gradually unfold the stunning history and the legal structure of a sovereign world state located in the financial district of the loosely knit aggregation of boroughs and cities popularly known as the city of London. The colossal political and financial organization centred in this area, known as “The City,” operates as a super-government of the world; and no incident occurs in any part of the world without its participation in some form.

Its pretensions are supported in the United States by the secret International Pilgrim Society, sponsor of the Cecil Rhodes “One World” ideology which was launched about 1897. The president of its American branch is Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, who is also president of the allied Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The ultimate objective of this camarilla was defined by one of its noted propagandists, the late William Alien White, as: “It is the destiny of the pure Aryan Anglo-Saxon race to dominate the world and kill off or else reduce to a servile status all other inferior races.”

After reducing the vast mass of data forming the basis of this work into a logical and readable sequence, it was finally put into print and privately published after long delay, and copyright was granted May 22, 1944. About 200 copies were sent to various members of Congress, thus largely performing the purpose of the first edition. Several members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee accorded some attention to this.

NWO Plans Exposed Part 2

NWO Plans Exposed Part 2

‘This is a transcript of two out of three tapes on the “New World System.” Tapes one and two were recorded in 1988 and are the recollections of Dr. Lawrence Dunegan regarding a lecture he attended on March 20, 1969 at a meeting of the Pittsburgh Paediatric Society. The lecturer at that gathering of paediatricians (identified in tape three recorded in 1991) was a Dr. Richard Day (who died in 1989). At the time, Dr. Day was Professor of Paediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York. Previously he had served as Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Dr. Dunegan was formerly a student of Dr. Day at the University of Pittsburgh and was well acquainted with him, though not intimately. He describes Dr. Day as an insider of the “Order” and although Dr. Dunegan’s memory was somewhat dimmed by the intervening years, he is able to provide enough details of the lecture to enable any enlightened person to discern the real purposes behind the trends of our time. This is a transcript of a loose, conversational monologue that makes for better listening than reading.’

New World System

This is a transcript of two out of three tapes on the “New World System.” Tapes one and two were recorded in 1988 and are the recollections of Dr. Lawrence Dunegan regarding a lecture he attended on March 20, 1969 at a meeting of the Pittsburgh Paediatric Society. The lecturer at that gathering of paediatricians (identified in tape three recorded in 1991) was a Dr. Richard Day (who died in 1989). At the time, Dr. Day was Professor of Paediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York. Previously he had served as Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Dr. Dunegan was formerly a student of Dr. Day at the University of Pittsburgh and was well acquainted with him, though not intimately. He describes Dr. Day as an insider of the “Order” and although Dr. Dunegan’s memory was somewhat dimmed by the intervening years, he is able to provide enough details of the lecture to enable any enlightened person to discern the real purposes behind the trends of our time. This is a transcript of a loose, conversational monologue that makes for better listening than reading.