Destroying Many By Peace

Destroying Many By Peace

We Americans are a peace loving people; we don’t envy our neighbours their land or their wealth. We make no wars of conquest, so we find it hard to believe that others would attack us. We become involved in defensive wars because we suffer so much wrong without resistance that our long patience is mistaken for cowardice. Our enemies, both in other lands and within our own nation, take advantage of this. They know they can always lead us into traps by pretending they want peace. Russia is hard at this old trick right now, in the United Nations, vigorously helped by the so-called neutral nations. How can there be any neutrality between good and evil? Yahshua said he who is not for Me is against Me.

Most of our churches are to blame for our failure to recognize this devil’s trap for what it is, for it is clearly stated in the Bible, that book they so seldom read to you in church. As for the United Nations, that palace of strangers cursed by Yahweh, the prophets exposed their talk of peace 2,500 years ago. Psalm 28:3 calls them, “The workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts”. Jeremiah 9:8 says, “Their tongue is an arrow shot out; it speaketh deceit: one speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth, but in his heart he lyeth in ambush”.

Daniel’s Fifth Kingdom

Daniel’s Fifth Kingdom

It is universally recognized that many of the Bible’s greatest prophecies are found in the Book of Daniel. Many of these are phrased in such obscure language that they were hard to understand until their fulfilment made clear their meaning. That is exactly what God intended: for He had His angel tell Daniel, “But thou, 0 Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end … for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand” (Daniel 12: 4, 9-10). However, actual events which have followed through the centuries have fulfilled these prophecies so unmistakably that their meaning is now clear.

One of these prophecies is accepted by all churches that I know of, and they have agreed upon its meaning for the first 4/5 of it. Yet this prophecy so clearly sets forth the Anglo-Saxon Israel doctrines that it is hard to see how the preachers of these churches can be blind to it; and this is an especial challenge to all preachers who deny the truth of the Anglo-Saxon Israel doctrines: Follow this with me in your Bibles, and then let me hear you deny it.

I Come As A Thief

I Come As A Thief

A man cannot be a podiatrist and trim your toe corns without passing an examination to prove that he is competent to provide this service. But, any fool can become a legislator, and a lot of fools do become one. Consequently our laws, as a rule, are the products of unskilled labour. In trying to draft a statute, it isn’t too difficult to word it so that anybody who is trying in good faith can understand it. The big problem is to word it so that somebody who is trying in bad faith, to misunderstand it, can’t do so. We have a somewhat similar problem with the Bible. Somehow, no matter how plainly the Bible states something, it is always possible for some little sect to pick some verse out of context, and manage to completely misinterpret it and then make it a principal doctrine and off they go. We are going to learn about one of these doctrines.

Today, some of our major churches don’t really believe in the return of Yahshua. They don’t require their ordained ministers to claim that they believe they believe Yahshua is actually returning. Even those who do believe it, can get some surprising differences of doctrine about this subject. As to what the return of Yahshua will be like, there is a good deal about this subject in the Bible and it seems to me to be pretty clear. I want you to learn what some of the churches have done with this information. Confusion has arisen because in Revelation 16: 15 Yahshua says, “Behold, I come as a thief.” When a thief, or burglar, breaks into your house and steals something, ordinarily we don’t catch him in the act, he gets away without us seeing him. Because of this short passage, some churches teach Yahshua is coming back but nobody will know He is here. From the word, “Behold I come as a thief,” there is the obvious inference that Yahshua’s coming will not be observed in sufficient time. This is very different from saying that He is going to come and go, and nobody will know He has been here. If somebody tells you that a thief can stand right in front of you and you can look right through him because he is invisible, you wouldn’t be fooled by that a minute. Yet, this is what some of these sects teach, as to the return of Yahshua.

Christianity In The Old Testament

Christianity In The Old Testament

When you see some new machine with its shafts turning, gears spinning, motors humming, you can’t understand what it is or what it does, until somebody shows you a plan of it. Similarly, you can’t understand history and its climax, modern civilization, until you see a plan of it. The only such plan of history is in the Bible and it is amazingly complete. However, you can’t understand this plan in the Bible, until you know who you are. You must learn the Bible was lived and written by your ancestors, written about you and written to you. The identity of the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Teutonic people as the Israel of the Bible is the only key to the whole book.

If somebody wrote a very exact history of the United States, but never used the name United States therein, always calling the nation in this history China, you couldn’t make much sense out of it. As a history of China, it would be demonstrably false, it could never make good sense until you put the name of the right nation into it, however all the major churches have falsified the Bible. They have taken our history, the various prophecies about us and told us that all this was just about the Jews, which is an easily demonstrated falsehood. That is why any intelligent and well-educated atheist has always made a monkey out of any clergyman who has ever debated him on the Bible. The traditional church doctrines on the Bible are such easily exposed falsehoods.

Can Anything Be “Judaeo-Christian” ?

Can Anything Be “Judaeo-Christian” ?

This is an age in which news has been superseded by propaganda, and education by brainwashing and indoctrination. From the advertising used to sell shoddy goods, to the classes in your schools designed to make your children into obedient robots of a socialist state, the art of persuasion has displaced the simple virtue of truth. The masters who rule out of the shadows, using as puppets those who govern us, to drive this nation ever further down the path to socialism, they seek to gain control of your mind–for with that, they will rule you in all things. And one of the great fortresses of the mind, which they must capture if they are to change your destiny, is your religion.

Suddenly we have been bombarded from all sides with references to “our Judaeo-Christian religion,” and “our Judaeo-Christian heritage.” Just as the other Communist party-line phrases, “war-monger,” “hate-monger,” and “extreme right wing” have appeared suddenly in all our newspapers and most of our magazines, when the Communist Party decreed it, so likewise has the similarly inspired phrase “Judaeo-Christian” appeared suddenly in the writings of hosts of men who seek to mold public opinion. Were this the spontaneous idea of some one writer who originated it, he would have a monopoly on it for some time; instead, it has been used simultaneously by the many who serve the Party, until even the fumbling copyists join in the chorus, not knowing whose purpose they are serving. Is there any truth’ in this phrase, “Judaeo-Christian?” Is Christianity derived from Judaism? Does Christianity have anything in common with Judaism? Who can say with authority what the answer may be? Certainly Jesus Christ is the great authority on this subject, for none knows better than He; and next would come His disciples. Let us ask them whether Christianity can be truthfully called “Judaeo-Christian.”

Binding The Strong Man

Binding The Strong Man

There is nothing out of date about the Bible. Its clear distinctions between good and evil, its rules for human conduct and its laws for the government of the nation, are as valid and as vital today as they ever were in the days of the prophets that wrote them. It was written then to be read now. Far more of its prophecies and warnings apply to this present time than were aimed at the times in which they were written. This is equally true of both Old and New Testaments, they are both part of the same book and each confirms the other. We would do well to heed them.

When our ancestors founded this nation, they were Christians who recognized the eternal validity of Yahweh’s laws. They were aware that only in obedience to our God could the nation survive. Under the guidance of such men, the few colonies with their small and scattered populations grew to become the mightiest nation the world has ever seen.

Babylon’s Money

Babylon’s Money

Because we people are the Children of Yahweh, we want to know what our Father’s will is. Then we want to live according to His will. It is no news to you that we have reached this particular point in history. We are in the end times, the last days. We are at the point where we can already see the rapid approach of the complete collapse of our civilization.

I have no optimistic message that if we just close our eyes it will go away, it won’t. We have already shut our eyes for so many generations, we are now going to have to open them and face the facts. We are at the point of the collapse and destruction of our civilization, because there is no evil being done today that we did not permit. Our leaders have betrayed us. Not the least of those, in this corrupt betrayal, have been those in the organized church system. These false clergymen have led the betrayal.

Somebody once asked Satan, “What are you going to do when you run up against the great truth? This truth is so plain and clear, you can’t refute it and you can’t twist it.” Satan replied, “Oh. I’ll just organize it.”

America Is A Bible Land

America Is A Bible Land

All Christians know that the prophets foretold the future, and gave many prophecies which are being fulfilled in our time; but it may be news to many that the Bible even speaks of our own United States of America. Not under that name, ‘of course; but the Bible describes a certain land in such terms as definitely identify it as the United States. However, part of this has been concealed from all—but the deepest students of the Bible by the unfortunate mistranslation of certain words in the commonly-used King James Version.

The Prophet Isaiah, one, of the most deeply inspired prophets in the Bible, foretells the future of a number of different nations. With one exception, these kingdoms which were then important nations, were competing with one another for mastery – over western Asia and the Mediterranean shores. In his thirteenth chapter, Isaiah names Babylon, and foretells its coming destruction- -even naming the Medes as the chief nation by whom Babylon would be overthrown (although Isaiah wrote this 176 years before the fall of Babylon); he also foretells that, after its destruction, the Arabs would never camp overnight at the site of the mined city–which is still true, even today. In his fourteenth chapter Isaiah concludes his prophecies against Babylon, and names another people doomed to be broken as a punishment for their evil ways–the Assyrians.

Adam Was Not The First Man

Adam Was Not The First Man

Many people have become agnostics because of the supposed conflict between the Bible and science. In truth, there is no conflict at all between a correct translation of the Bible and really proven science, not just unproved theories. One of these supposed conflicts is between the fact that science knows that human beings have lived on the earth far longer than the few thousand years covered by the Bible, and the common belief that the Bible says that Adam was the first man. But the truth is that the Bible nowhere says that Adam was the first man. Yes, I know that most of the preachers say that, but the Bible doesn’t. It merely says that Adam was the first WHITE man. Let’s look at the record.

The many mistranslations in the King James version obscure much of the truth. For example Genesis 1:1-2 “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” In the Hebrew, it says, “Now the earth HAD BECOME chaotic and empty.” (See Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible) That is, some early catastrophe had wrecked the earth, which was not “without form and void” before that. This was a judgment of God on earlier civilizations for their wickedness. Jeremiah 4:23-27 gives a vision of it: “I beheld the earth, and lo, it was without form and void, and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord, and by His fierce anger. For thus hath the Lord said, “The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.”

A Reward For The Righteous

A Reward For The Righteous

From the beginning of history, man has been troubled by the injustices of this age. We are reminded every day of the unpleasant fact that the wicked prosper greatly, while the good must work twice as hard to get half as much. In the 21st chapter, Job bitterly asked, “Wherefore do the wicked live, become old, yea, are mighty, in power?” In the 73rd. Psalm, Asaph says: I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked — They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men —- Their eyes standout with fatness: they have more than heart could wish.” In the 37th Psalm, David says: I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree.”

Accustomed to see things only within the small framework of this little lifetime, men wonder why this can be. The reason, of course, is to teach us the bitter lesson that there cannot be any coexistence of good and evil: one must necessarily destroy the other. We hate to believe this: partly because we are too lazy to do the job of putting down evil, partly because we are by-nature too easy-going, too tolerant. We must learn the hard way that tolerance is no virtue unless it is mutual: you can’t tolerate a cancer.