Babylon’s Money

Babylon’s Money

Because we people are the Children of Yahweh, we want to know what our Father’s will is. Then we want to live according to His will. It is no news to you that we have reached this particular point in history. We are in the end times, the last days. We are at the point where we can already see the rapid approach of the complete collapse of our civilization.

I have no optimistic message that if we just close our eyes it will go away, it won’t. We have already shut our eyes for so many generations, we are now going to have to open them and face the facts. We are at the point of the collapse and destruction of our civilization, because there is no evil being done today that we did not permit. Our leaders have betrayed us. Not the least of those, in this corrupt betrayal, have been those in the organized church system. These false clergymen have led the betrayal.

Somebody once asked Satan, “What are you going to do when you run up against the great truth? This truth is so plain and clear, you can’t refute it and you can’t twist it.” Satan replied, “Oh. I’ll just organize it.”