New Ensign 149 January 2022

A Happy New Year

Wishing All Our Readers Yahweh’s blessing for 2022, and that He will give us wisdom, guide and protect us in these dangerous and difficult times in which we live.

It has been sad to see how many people, even within our own families who have taken the jab, even after their being warned, this being approximately 2/3 of the population of the UK. The good news is, resistance is rising, and many who have had the first or second jab are now regretting it.
The enemy is now having difficulty in hiding the adverse reactions to the jab, with many sports celebrities dropping dead on the field in front of a large audience.

Not only that, but the efficacy of vaccines is being questioned more and more. In Natural News, Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA, explains that mass vaccination during the Spanish Flu is what actually caused people to die. In fact, the only people who ended up dying during the ordeal were those who got jabbed. Was that a test run for today’s plandemic?

There is a glimmer of hope appearing, in that this winter’s projected severe lock-down has been less severe with more people and businesses not complying compared with the first lock-down. It is also gratifying, that more and more people are coming to a knowledge of their identity as true Israel.

While some of the wheels are coming off the enemy’s juggernaut, they still have many cards to play as they come more and more desperate, like a cornered animal they are very dangerous.

Food shortages are likely to be the next card played, as mentioned in the December issue of this magazine, which will most probably be achieved by interrupting the supply chain as has been done in Australia by requiring truck drivers to have a vaccine passport, which most have refused to have. Also by weather engineering and paying farmers to destroy their crops.

People glued to their TV or other mainstream media are unaware that they are being subjected to a massive psycho-op of fear propaganda (false evidence appearing real), which in itself causes stress and consequently illness. It also makes them more compliant to governments dictates.
In reality we are witnessing the fall of Babylon The Great and its death throes. Praise Yahweh for the great coming of His Day!!

The Editor

New Ensign 149 January 2022
New Ensign 149 January 2022

January 2022 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 148 December 2021

The Wise Farmer

A poignant article appeared in the Tapwire News blog on the need of farmers to develop an outlet for their produce it also behoves people who have relied on supermarkets to get to know their local farmers and small-holders and buy from them where possible.

The savvy farmer can see the writing on the wall.

Can see that slavery to a system of national and global manipulation – totally out of his/her hands – is a recipe for disaster.

Such a farmer will be on the look-out for a secure local market; one where purchasers want to buy direct from the farm with no middle-man taking a cut.

This must be the way forward if a secure future on the land is the desired outcome. Any intelligent farmer will recognise this and will take seriously a bona fide request to supply farm-raised produce to those eager to buy it.

The Savvy Consumer

The savvy consumer will be looking for fresh, healthy, flavourful good quality foods upon which to raise their family, or simply to feed themselves. They will recognise that the chance to acquire such food ‘direct from the farm’ represents the best possible outcome. A bond built-up with a local farmer, via regular purchasing of their farm raised products provides a powerful ally for times ahead when the commercial food chain is subjected to the brutal intervention of the architects of global control and shortages become the norm. Such times are no longer speculative. They are on our doorstep.

The Savvy Farmer and the Savvy Consumer – getting together

Either the consumer or the farmer can can take the initiative of bringing both parties together.


By calling a ‘round table’ meeting in the local village/town hall or simply in your home. Invite one or two farmers to sit round that table with some individuals eager to obtain food direct from the farm. Some might even be ready to discuss contracting a farmer to grow the staple foods they require. Good quality food grown without recourse to chemical pesticides. By coming out of the beast system Yahweh will bless and protect us. Praise Yahweh!!

The Editor

New Ensign 148 December 2021
New Ensign 148 December 2021

December 2021 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 147 November 2021

Drug Companies Own the Medical Profession

The war against true Israel, the white Caucasian people, is now headed by the Pharmacy industry, although to a lesser extent the medical profession has always been used. What better way could be used to murder someone without raising suspicion? It is in one’s face, for the Latin root word for pharmacy means suppliers of poison!

Most readers, will be aware, that according to the Edomites’ own publications, they planned to become doctors in order to kill the Goyim. It is perhaps also pertinent that the logo of the medical profession is a pole with two snakes (serpents) climbing up it!

One has the feeling that the dishonesty and ruthlessness of the pharmaceutical industry would be of no account were the medical profession not ready and willing to be corrupted. You don’t have to look far to see just how the profession has been corrupted by drug company money. Drug company riches and influence are everywhere. Doctors receive free journals paid for by drug companies. Doctors are taken out to lunch and dinner by drug companies.

These are the merchants spoken of by the Bible, whose root word in ancient Hebrew is synonymous with Canaanite, or the ITC (International Trade Cartel of today). The large trading corporations have different names, to give an appearance of competition, but are in fact owned by just 2 companies, BlackRock and Vanguard, behind which are probably the Rothschilds.

While the pharmaceutical industry are busy peddling their drugs, they are at the same time spending vast sums to eliminate effective cheap natural cures. To make matters worse, they were involved in setting up cancer charities, whose funds would be passed on to them, to “research” cures! While, on the other hand they were lobbying parliament, to make anyone who said they could cure cancer a criminal offence! Notwithstanding this there have been and are cures for all types of cancer, but praise Yahweh, their day of reckoning is close to hand!!

The Editor

New Ensign 147 November 2021
New Ensign 147 November 2021

November 2021 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 146 October 2021

The Roaring Lion in Our Midst The One That Turned Ephraim and The Royal Lion Out of Town

1 Peter; 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. This is very poignant for this very time. It gives a clue as to whom this is. The lion is the emblem of Judah, but it is not Judah! It is a group pretending to be Judah! This being further clarified in Revelation; 3:9––-the synagogue (the assembly of Gog) of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie–- There you have it!

Now the enemy is going flat out to destroy us, for his time is short, by using advanced bio and electronic warfare which is proceeding apace from its HQ, The City of London, endeavouring to destroy Yahweh’s people.

The City of London has had varying degrees of independence down the centuries, now today it is a sovereign state controlling most of the world and it is said nothing happens in the world that the City isn’t involved in or knows about, which brings to mind the old nursery rhyme:

The lion and the unicorn  Were fighting for the crown — The lion beat the unicorn  All about the town. Some gave them white bread,  And some gave them brown, Some gave them plum-cake,  And sent them out of town.

In other words the Royal Lion of Judah and the unicorn of Ephraim with their respective birthrights were booted out of the City by false Judah together with Ephraiam’s power and authority (John Bull) now restrained, indicative of the chained crown of the Unicorn. We have again been literally enslaved in Egypt. The Lord Mayor acts as a Monarch, with all the trappings of royalty, including mace bearer and a golden coach wheeled out on the 11th month of each year, the number of Gog! Where Gog and Magog are paraded – confirming the alien power’s identity.
Praise Yahweh, this evil empire will become stubble to be burnt up with fire by Jacob and Joseph in that great day!!

The Editor

New Ensign 146 October 2021
New Ensign 146 October 2021

October 2021 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 145 September 2021

Resistance Grows to The Vaccine Passport Drive

While many governments are pushing for a greater uptake of the Covid-19 mass vaccination programme, resistance is growing fast, particularly in European countries. France is leading the way, where a number of hospitals have been closed because medical staff refuse to have the jab or administer the poison. Restaurants have lost customers because of the passport requirement and instead people are bringing their own food and sitting on the street to eat.

Meanwhile resistance is high also in Italy, Spain, Germany and Denmark. In Alberta, the Irish Republic and Germany, following freedom of information requests, neither of these countries could provide evidence that the virus had been isolated, In the case of Alberta, following a court challenge, all restrictions had to be lifted. Court challenges as to the lawfulness of the restrictions are or have been filed in many other countries including the UK.

Many who have had the jab are developing vaccine remorse, as they see people becoming seriously ill or dying. Independent doctors have come up with a means to flush out vaccine poisonous toxins from the body, one of which was published in last month’s edition of this magazine.

Evidence is coming to light that plagues and pandemics in the past have been used by the enemy as a cover for mass poisoning. The current pandemic is no exception! The name of the non-existent gives the game away – Certificate Of Vaccination ID!

The enemy knows it has to rush its agenda through as quickly as possible for its days are numbered. For the scriptures state “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” (Matthew 24:22). Praise Yahweh, the day of reckoning will soon be here!!

While many governments are pushing for a greater uptake of the Covid-19 mass vaccination programme, resistance is growing fast, particularly in European countries. France is leading the way, where a number of hospitals have been closed because medical staff refuse to have the jab or administer the poison. Restaurants have lost customers because of the passport requirement and instead people are bringing their own food and sitting on the street to eat.

Meanwhile resistance is high also in Italy, Spain, Germany and Denmark. In Alberta, the Irish Republic and Germany, following freedom of information requests, neither of these countries could provide evidence that the virus had been isolated, In the case of Alberta, following a court challenge, all restrictions had to be lifted. Court challenges as to the lawfulness of the restrictions are or have been filed in many other countries including the UK.

Many who have had the jab are developing vaccine remorse, as they see people becoming seriously ill or dying. Independent doctors have come up with a means to flush out vaccine poisonous toxins from the body, one of which was published in last month’s edition of this magazine.

Evidence is coming to light that plagues and pandemics in the past have been used by the enemy as a cover for mass poisoning. The current pandemic is no exception! The name of the non-existent gives the game away – Certificate Of Vaccination ID!

The enemy knows it has to rush its agenda through as quickly as possible for its days are numbered. For the scriptures state “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” (Matthew 24:22). Praise Yahweh, the day of reckoning will soon be here!!

The Editor

New Ensign 145 September 2021
New Ensign 145 September 2021

September 2021 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 144 August 2021

The Vaccine Propaganda Drive

Despite the thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of serious adverse reactions to the covid vaccine, the propaganda drive around the world is being ramped up, particularly in the UK, to counteract the dwindling demand, especially for the second and third jabs.

To date, Australia has been one of the lowest vaccinated, with only 3% having taken it so far, but now they are in their winter and under lock-down, the pressure is on there to get more vaccinated, with talk of the army being deployed to “assist”!

The fake pandemic has been employed to get as many people as possible vaccinated to achieve the UN’s Agenda 21/30 to reduce world population by 80%.
It has been reported that a Government Official and MP has admitted that the lock-down, and mask wearing is for social control reasons and the only way they could achieve this was to put fear into people. — LINK

What better way, than use an invisible germ / virus that nobody can see or identify. The initial wave of deaths in Wuhan and Italy were achieved by spiking the then flu vaccines with graphine oxide which resonates with 4 & 5G causing death particularly in the elderly.

In consequence of these ill effects on those receiving the jabs, many people world-wide are waking up to the fact that the world’s health services have now been weaponized against them in WWIII which is mainly bio-warfare, unlike previous world wars.

The enemy is now desperate to remove as many of us as possible before too many wake up, as they know our numbers far exceed their’s, albeit without their firepower, except for our brethren in the USA. So we say God bless America, with the largest army of private gun holders in the world, and pray they will be victorious when the day of reckoning arrives.

The Great Day of Yahweh will soon be upon us, and it behoves us all to seek his strength to stand in that Day!!

The Editor

New Ensign 144 August 2021
New Ensign 144 August 2021

August 2021 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 143 July 2021

The Graphene Oxide Connection


The current “pandemic” is a cover for Graphene Oxide introduced by several ways into the body, which is a form of carbon which has been made magnetic, unlike all other carbon which is not. This is why it is so dangerous when introduced into the body as carbon is a constituent of cells.

This information has recently been brought to light by a Spanish bio-statistician Ricardo Delgado, Dr. José Luis Sevillano and the team of researchers and professors with whom they have been conducting their research have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide nano-particles in vaccination vials.

It was not confirmed whether all of the different vaccine brands were tested, but from the many stories from jabbed people who report coins and other objects clinging to their skin, it would appear to be all.

Not only through the vaccines, it is on the official CV-l9 masks and test swabs. Reports are also coming in of Graphene oxide being placed in our food supplies. Therefore, to be on the safe side, its best to avoid processed food where possible.

Graphene oxide is extremely potent and strong in aerosols, as is the alleged SARS-CoV-2. Like any material, graphene oxide has what is called an ‘electronic absorption band’.

This means a certain frequency above which the material is excited and oxidizes very rapidly, thus breaking the equilibrium with the proliferation in the organism of the toxicant against our natural antioxidant glutathione reserves. Precisely this frequency band is emitted in the new emission bandwidths of the new 5G wireless technology. That is why the deployment of these antennas never stopped during the pandemic.

This is another confirmation that fictitious diseases, are and have been used by the enemy to cover mass poisoning down the centuries.

People are been terrorised through the false science of germ and virus theories, which being invisible to the general public, is very convenient! But with Yahweh, will will overcome!

The Editor

New Ensign 143 July 2021
New Ensign 143 July 2021

July 2021 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 142 June 2021

The Valley of Dry Bones
Ezekiel 37:1-14


Readers of this magazine will be familiar with Ezekiel’s prophecy of the valley of dry bones which is a parable of Israel in the latter days, living in debt slavery, as a consequence of allowing the Edomites to take control of their affairs.

However, the prophecy foretold that the bones would put on sinews and flesh and rise up again, representing Israel coming to its senses in the latter days. There are signs that this is coming to pass in our day. In many western countries people are pushing back against the draconian unlawful covid regulations. Interestingly, the resistance is from outside the church, which remains mostly silent on the matter. No wonder people are leaving the church in droves. Of course Yahweh proclaimed he would cause His flock to be removed from the Edomite false shepherds.
Many Governments have been taken or are being taken to court, some have been successful such as Denmark, while others have chosen to ignore the ruling against them such as The Netherlands and Germany. There are still further lawsuits pending consequential to the huge death toll and adverse reactions to the covid “Vaccine” in Europe, the USA and other countries.

Italy has just recently made vaccination compulsory, hence sowing the seeds for civil war in that country. In order to fool the populace in taking it, it is reported that possibly sixty percent are saline solution, so they won’t be adversely affected which will encourage others to take it, if one is not caught with the first shot, the likelihood is that they will on the second or third shot.

With the Enemy’s iron grip on the media, most do not hear about the good news, however, the trickle at the moment will become a torrent!

Yahweh be praised for the Internet, which is allowing those of his awakened people to see the larger picture!!!


The Editor

New Ensign 142 June 2021
New Ensign 142 June 2021

June 2021 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 141 May 2021

Lawful System Versus Legal System

AMIDST ALL THE DOOM, gloom and MSM fear mongering, glimmers of hope are emerging. There are self help groups springing up across the UK operating under Common Law. These groups offer an alternative to “The Legal System” with home schooling advice, naturopath health centres, common law legal advice, shopping outlets not subject to the current restrictions plus community activities.
News is coming in of similar organisations, on the continent, the USA, Australia and elsewhere being formed.
In order to survive the coming onslaught, it will be such independent cohesive groups that will most likely survive. These groups are acting in accordance with Yahweh’s instruction “to come out of the beast (Babylon-don) system and be not partakers of her plagues.” He also said “who is able to make war with the beast?” Far better to come out of the Babylonian system, rather than wasting valuable time and energy in fighting an unwinnable battle! Elections are rigged, just as in the Soviet system, where one could have any candidate as long as the candidate had the stamp of approval of the state!

In the past the wrath of Yahweh has fallen on those nations not keeping the Law, it was not for being none pious or attending church. There is the example of Nineveh, where Jonah warned the leaders of Yahweh’s pending judgement. They took heed, repented and started keeping the law and Yahweh spared that great city. They did not all rush to the temple to pray. In modern terms there is no need to rush to the churches of the false Shepherds, but to repent and keep the law, which is mainly enshrined in our Common Law.

Groups have been set up before, but made the mistake of operating under the beast system by registering with the authorities and contracting with them. The same applies to those who see the way forward through politics. Again there is no chance of success when operating within the corporate legal system. However, we know that groups springing up applying Common Law will be under His protection even though the ride will be very rough. Praise Yahweh!!

The Editor

New Ensign 141 May 2021
New Ensign 141 May 2021

May 2021 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 140 April 2021

Biological Warfare

WW III started almost as soon as WWII ended, but this was to be a covert war and proceeded with very quietly while the pieces were set in place and the populace softened up by degrading drinking water, food supplies, air polluting via chemtrails, alien immigration, getting people hooked on medical or street drugs, while glued to their TVs and smart phones and not least the rolling out of 5G

This war, unlike previous ones, is biological warfare disguised as a pandemic backed up by high powered propaganda together with occult psychology with the Satanic mask wearing and social distancing requirement, all designed to reduce the health of those who comply!

The enemy has now increased the severity of attack, with the roll out of untested vaccines that are already taking their toll, which is being blamed on a new virulent strain of the non identified original “virus”.

Brian Shilhavy Editor of Health Impact News says “Recorded deaths following the experimental COVID “vaccines” continued to soar this week as the CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

While the information contained in VAERS is publicly available information, the corporate media continues to censor it, and anyone who dares to publish publicly available information from the U.S. Government is labelled as “fake news” by the “fact checkers.”

The data released by the CDC today goes through March 19, 2021, with 44,606 recorded adverse events, including 2,050 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID “vaccines.”

The number of death and adverse effects are also very high as recorded on the UK Government’s own website, made difficult to find, but can be viewed HERE.

His people can take heart, for Yahweh has decreed that Babylon will fall and that the Edomites will be utterly destroyed. Praise Yahweh!!!

The Editor

New Ensign 140 April 2021
New Ensign 140 April 2021

April 2021 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF