New Ensign 135 November 2020

Elizabeth II Dethroned?

The Queen opened Parliament twice in 2019, but on the last occasion, she was dressed down and not wearing the crown arriving in a car instead of the State horse drawn carriage. Other clues are that Buckingham Palace’s windows have been boarded up and guarded by Gurkhas, instead of the usual Royal Guards, albeit we are told that there is a major renovation of the Palace being undertaken which will last 10 years!

The Royal coat of arms has been removed from the Palace gates under the pretext that it was damaged by a lorry. This may well be true, but it could have been deliberate, evidently there has been no rush to repair it!

The Queen not having been seen in public of late is put down to her age and having caught Covid! However plausible the reasons given, we do have the evidence and confirmation in the 21st of January, 2020 EU Withdrawal Act which states that nothing will impinge on the Sovereignty of Parliament. There can be only one Sovereign. So we see here that the UK Parliament – The Commons has aggregated all power unto itself, having removed the Monarch and having emasculated the House of Lords by removing their last vestige of power as the highest court in the land which now resides in the Ministry of (in)Justice.

We are seeing a repeat, albeit under the guise of covid, of what happened in the interregnum between the English revolution and the restoration of the Monarchy. The House of Commons had the then King Charles I murdered, abolished the House of Lords and expelled from their own House those whose views were contrary to the Cabal’s plans for arbitrary power.

They were known as the Rump Parliament, a derogatory term meaning a rotten piece of left over meat! The similarity does not stop there. There was an Admiral Trump in the United States (the Low Countries then) who Parliament did battle with and was their undoing.
Could it be that Yahweh is using the enemy to clean house ready for the imminent return of His Son, The King of Kings, to sit on David’s throne in the midst of His People (the real Jerusalem). Praise Yahweh!!

Thanks to the hard work of one of the NE subscribers, the affidavit template can be found on page 31.

New Ensign 135 November 2020
New Ensign 135 November 2020

November 2020 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 134 October 2020

State Oppression is Being Ramped up to an Alarming Degree

The UK Government has now imposed a limit of not more than 6 people gathering in a household with pubs being ordered to close at 10pm. The PM, Boris Johnson, is also talking of bringing in the army to assist the police in enforcing their “guidelines” in respect of social distancing, mask wearing and curfews etc.

In other parts of the world, such as Melbourne, brute force is being used to enforce the lock-down and mask wearing. Melbourne has a large Jewish population and its police has and is being trained by Mossad which will explain the thuggery that has manifest itself in that once peaceful city.
Its not all doom and gloom as in many areas of the world successful push-backs are occurring. In some states of the USA the police are siding with the patriots. The international financiers were unable to bribe the President of Belarus to lock-down and thereby destroy he country’s economy.

Good news also in this country, a subscriber to this magazine is preparing is an affidavit template for use by the readers of this magazine who may have received fines, or summons for contravening unlawful statutes – all acts of parliament have to be compatible with the Common Law.
It is planned to publish the full template in the next edition of this Magazine complete with a guide on how to serve it. By using this method it will avoid expensive legal fees, save for a £5 charge for the affidavit oath to be witnessed by a Notary Republic.

The State can get away with acting unlawfully, because it knows that it can rely on the ignorance of the vast majority of the population. For this reason none of the many successes of those who have won their cases in the unlawful administrative courts aren’t published in the MSM press because they don’t want others to get similar ideas, that would turn into an avalanche of truth that would overwhelm and destroy the enemy’s corrupt and satanic system.

The destruction of the tares is nearing – Praise Yahweh!!!!

New Ensign 134 October 2020
New Ensign 134 October 2020

October 2020 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 133 September 2020

Deafening Silence From The Pulpits

While there has been a great push against the Covid 19 (Certificate of Vaccination ID). The majority of the churches remain silent, even to the extent of acting as enforcers for the occupying power that has usurped authority from the Western once sovereign Christian nations. It is saddening to hear even of the few churches in the UK preaching the Identity message are acting in a similar manner. Reports are circulating that a well known BI Minister went into a great rage because one of his congregation was not wearing a face mask!

Whilst wolves in sheep’s clothing have been leading their flocks to the slaughter, it has been mainly the non church going people of Christendom who have been exposing the scams of the ruling elite, to such an extent that they went into panic mode. One such was Ole Dammegard, who has been studying false flag operations for many years, identified from the clues they always leave behind, 7 huge terrorist outrages planned on a scale of 911 in different parts of Europe. Because Ole had spread these planned terrorist events far and wide. They had no option but to cancel them. Consequently an urgent summit was called at NATO HQ of all European defence ministers, where it was decided that the world had to be put under a curfew in order to curtail the exposure of the N-W-O’s take-over plans. Hence the Covid 19 pandemic was implemented sooner than planned
Because by this means and with the vast amount of brainwashing through the controlled media, the lock-down would be accepted for fear of the deadly invisible virus that had all of a sudden spread world wide, just like they had watched in the horror movies!

When a beast is cornered it can be very dangerous, therefore it is necessary to remain vigilant and keep our thoughts on Yahweh the protector of true Israel. He has promised if we seek him, repent and return to the LAW which is the WORD He will intervene in our day of trouble. Praise Yahweh!!


The Editor –

New Ensign 133 September 2020
New Ensign 133 September 2020

September 2020 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 132 August 2020

The Attack on Christianity Accelerates


Joseph of Arimathea, Buried in Britain

Britain which had a Christian Church as early as AD 35, is now under severe attack with worship prohibited under the guise of a planndemic. Never before has public worship been banned by decree in the UK.
It is probably no coincidence that the ban came into force just in time for the Passover (wrongly called Easter) celebrating the miraculous exit of true Israel from bondage in Egypt.

In days gone by this would have been impossible, However, over centuries the modern Sadducees have infiltrated all denominations, and led their congregations into the fold of the Edomite wolves. Hence there was not a whisper of revolt to the unlawful lock-down decree. Although churches are now allowed to open, but with such draconian restrictions imposed that meaningful worship is impossible. News has reached us that a church in central London, that professes to teach the Identity message, has installed surveillance cameras to save the police time monitoring compliance!

In the current situation, Yahweh is no doubt bringing punishment on his people for disobeying His Law in that we have allowed the alien to have rule over us. In so doing discarding His Law for Babylonian law, whilst at the same time accepting their false weights and measures in the form of fiat debt note currency.Yahweh did not ordain mob rule in the guise of democracy for his people, but rule through the sceptre tribe of Judah under His Law with the tribe of Levi in support as priests (civil service and army commanders). They can be recognised through heraldry today by one of their symbols – the 3 turrets, 3 as Levi was the third son.
We are no doubt living in the days, where the Scriptures say, “that unless those days are shortened, no flesh will be left alive.” We are required to repent and turn from our evil ways and enquire of Yahweh and He will hear. Praise Yahweh!!

The Editor –

New Ensign 132 August 2020
New Ensign 132 August 2020

August 2020 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 131 July 2020

Corona Virus Some Unexpected Outcomes

Since the entire lock-down (home imprisonment) of almost the entire world, there have been some unexpected outcomes, most importantly, the decline of infant mortality being one.
An analysis of mortality data by Mark Blaxill and Amy Becker, “Lessons from the Lock-down,” posted at Children’s Health Defence on June 18: that infant mortality had dropped from 700 a week to 500. Because the health services are only concerning themselves with covid patients, young children are not being vaccinated, but of course the Main Stream Media will not report this because anti-vaccination voices would be overwhelming and that would not suit big pharma.
Already, big pharma are seeing a sharp decline in the uptake of vaccines, particularly the flu vaccine and hence the drive for compulsory vaccination for protection against the scam covid 19, which will be the real killer in combination with the on-going 5G rollout. Covid most likely stands for – Certificate Of Vaccination ID!
Another good outcome of the lock-down, is that people are deserting the MSM in hordes because of the blatant propaganda, contradictions and lies. Many have been throwing out their TVs and smashing them, just as an ex KGB defector advised, saying they were the most dangerous thing in your home!
Another aspect of the lock-down, favourable to the truth movement, has been the fact, that people working flat out to maintain a roof over their heads, have now had time to think and reflect and as a consequence have discovered the reality they thought they were in was false. The sad fact is, that how ever much truth stares some in the face, these will fail to see it because they are suffering from a mind virus. Such can be easily identified by the face masks they wear!
Another interesting take on the plandemic, too lengthy to mention here is to be found in the Justinian deception, in as far as it applies to Australia. Click on the link HERE. Thanks to Pastor Eli James, of Eurofolk radio for this link.
All this points to the fact that Mystery Babylon is starting to crumble. Praise Yahweh!!!

The Editor –

New Ensign 131 July 2020
New Ensign 131 July 2020

July 2020 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 130 June 2020

Covid 1984

The lock down (home imprisonment) continues, but the good news is that resistance is growing both in the UK, Europe and America. During the recent hot weather, many UK seaside resorts, such as Southend and Hastings attracted huge crowds, with social distancing being ignored. Both here in the UK and the USA legal proceeding are afoot to bring the governments to book for the unlawful lock down.

In the UK, there is the ludicrous spectacle of clapping for the NHS in spite of it having been stripped down to a shadow of it former self, having stopped regular treatments, now only open to Covid cases and emergencies. At the same time the hospitals are virtually empty More NHS crime to be reported, next column.

Keep on clapping while doctors kill your parents with morphia for the crime of being over age, for wrongly diagnosing illness as Corona virus to help the news narrative, and not reporting the numbers of patients who recover.

Here the doctors withdraw life-saving treatment from a lawyer, Edward Ellis, for exposing corruption. No more clapping please. The poor lawyer describes his symptoms HERE.

There many commentators in the alternative media, who believe that the plannendemic was not as virulent as expected, hence they doctor the death certificates to boost the numbers to justify the insane lock down and the ruin of livelihoods and national economies.

So maybe the real issue that most in the media are still not acknowledging is that the China corona virus is typical to a seasonal flu except that infants, children and young adults are not as likely to die from it. The efforts to lock down communities went way, way, way overboard. Unfortunately it is too late to save economies like Hong Kong.

The establishment has egg on its face and is desperately trying to cover lies with more disinformation. Although Babylon is crumbling, but be prepared for the coming backlash. However, Yahweh’s side will be victorious.


The Editor –

New Ensign 130 June 2020
New Ensign 130 June 2020

June 2020 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 129 May 2020

COVID 19 Martial Law


More and more people are beginning to question the so called pandemic and are coming to realise that there is something far more sinister going on behind this global scam than initially meets the eye.

There are indeed dangers to be aware of, namely, the increasing intensity of electro magnetic frequencies, the most dangerous of all 5G. military battlefield technology, being rolled out at an alarming rate. Although hidden from the general public, the authorities have long known that such transmissions are damaging to health. Colds and flu are a consequence of being exposed to EMF, but the so-called virus is the body removing damaged cells and as such can’t be transmitted to anyone else, except if injected directly into the bloodstream, which is dangerous because of its DNA contents.

Continue reading “New Ensign 129 May 2020”

New Ensign 128 April 2020

The Great Corona Virus Hoax


The Corona Virus scam is to hide the rolling out of a police state by stealth, whether this is a practice run or not, one will have to wait and see. The virus is also being used as a cover for the effects of the collapsing fiat monetary system.
Besides these two, the virus is a cover for the lethal affects of 5G on human life and indeed on all life. It is being rolled out even faster now under the home curfew, under the guise of self quarantine. This is so, particularly in schools.
5G when it is ramped up to its full power of 60m, it causes oxygen ions to rotate faster, thereby causing people to die because of the lack of oxygen.
The great danger is, that compulsory vaccination will be brought in, and that will be the real killer – population culling under UN agenda 21-30!!
The word Corona has six letters, while the value of each of the letters in the word add up to 66, on the basis A = 1, B = 2 &c., which gives the number of the Beast, 666!
Viruses are dead, they cannot be transferred from one person to another, except if they be placed directly in the bloodstream such as with vaccinations or by a mosquito bite.
Rather than a nuclear war, it would appear that the final conflict of the ages will be a bio war, which gives meaning to Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.


The Editor –

New Ensign 128 April 2020
New Ensign 128 April 2020

April 2020 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF


New Ensign 127 March 2020

The Sham Brexit


This Sign in Paris Says it All
(French humour on Brexit}
The Sham Brexit

Now that the euphoria of the Brexit celebrations of 31, January this year has died down, many have come realise that in reality nothing of substance has changed, except for a few baubles of little significance, such a new passport in the style of the pre EU British blue passport and the British travelling in Europe being barred from airport European lounges, to reinforce the con trick on the British Public.

Further, to put two fingers up to the long suffering British public, the new UK passports will not be printed in England, but in Poland!

In the meantime opt in arrangements are being negotiated with the individual remaining countries in the EU regarding trade &c. Not to mention that the merging of the UK military with that of the EU, has not of yet been rescinded!
VAT (value added tax) was introduced into the UK as a consequence of joining the EU. There has been no mention of removing this oppressive EU tax. Nor has there been any move to rescind EU law that we are now burdened with, but rather they have been busy writing EU law into the UK statute book ever since the EU exit negotiations began! Nor do we see any plans to move back to the imperial system of measurement.

Despite the false Brexit, it has nevertheless thwarted New World Order progress, necessitating the promulgation of more lies to cover the sham Brexit which will wake yet more up to the fact, that the real enemy is the government. Praise Yahweh, Babylon is starting to crumble!!!

The Editor –

New Ensign 127 March 2020
New Ensign 127 March 2020

March 2020 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF


New Ensign 126 February 2020

The Corona Virus and Other Woes


After a quiet start to the New Year, the enemy’s attacks are escalating. First the devastating fires in Australia, with smoke and ashes being lifted high up into the atmosphere, blocking the sun from parts of New Zealand, causing snow to fall in the midst of their summer!
Then there was another attempt to get WWIII going by the assassination of Iran’s top general, Qassem Soleimani. In retaliation the Iranians, struck a USA airbase. The death toll was a lot higher than admitted. The US did not counter attack, because the Iranian missile technology was superior. Further, Russian intelligence sources have confirmed that Michael D’ Andrea, the head of US intelligence operations against Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, has been killed in Taliban’s shoot-down of a US military plane in Ghazni.
On top of all this, another health scare is in the making, similar to the manufactured swine flu epidemic of some years ago. It is called Corona virus, which by-the-way, is patented by the USA Military, which started (released?) In Wuhan, China, home of the manufacturers of the UK’s 5G equipment! Probably it was no coincidence, that the virus struck on the Chinese New Year, when thousands of Chinese would be travelling abroad and so spread the virus!
Just as happened in the Swine Flu scare, the media is calling for all the stops to be pulled out to come up with a vaccine for this virus, which will be the real killer!
The other similarity, is the symptoms are almost the same to that of swine flu, that is, upper respiratory infection, chesty cold, running nose, sore throat. The effects are mild, but those with a weakened immune system it could be fatal. Such vague symptoms are designed to get people running to their doctors and possibly getting a fatal vaccination. In short the Corona Virus is a con virus!
All these woes are what the Scriptures have foretold, while it is rightly attributed to the enemy, it is Yahweh using the enemy to punish his people for not keeping to His Law. February this year contains an interesting date – 02-02-2002, 5 x 2 adding up to 10, the number of the 10 tribes. So could this be a turning point against the enemy. However, the times and seasons are in Yahweh’s hands and we give thanks and praise to Him for His continuing protection!!


The Editor –

New Ensign 126 February 2020
New Ensign 126 February 2020

February 2020 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF