A Happy New Year
Wishing All Our Readers Yahweh’s blessing for 2022, and that He will give us wisdom, guide and protect us in these dangerous and difficult times in which we live.
It has been sad to see how many people, even within our own families who have taken the jab, even after their being warned, this being approximately 2/3 of the population of the UK. The good news is, resistance is rising, and many who have had the first or second jab are now regretting it.
The enemy is now having difficulty in hiding the adverse reactions to the jab, with many sports celebrities dropping dead on the field in front of a large audience.
Not only that, but the efficacy of vaccines is being questioned more and more. In Natural News, Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA, explains that mass vaccination during the Spanish Flu is what actually caused people to die. In fact, the only people who ended up dying during the ordeal were those who got jabbed. Was that a test run for today’s plandemic?
There is a glimmer of hope appearing, in that this winter’s projected severe lock-down has been less severe with more people and businesses not complying compared with the first lock-down. It is also gratifying, that more and more people are coming to a knowledge of their identity as true Israel.
While some of the wheels are coming off the enemy’s juggernaut, they still have many cards to play as they come more and more desperate, like a cornered animal they are very dangerous.
Food shortages are likely to be the next card played, as mentioned in the December issue of this magazine, which will most probably be achieved by interrupting the supply chain as has been done in Australia by requiring truck drivers to have a vaccine passport, which most have refused to have. Also by weather engineering and paying farmers to destroy their crops.
People glued to their TV or other mainstream media are unaware that they are being subjected to a massive psycho-op of fear propaganda (false evidence appearing real), which in itself causes stress and consequently illness. It also makes them more compliant to governments dictates.
In reality we are witnessing the fall of Babylon The Great and its death throes. Praise Yahweh for the great coming of His Day!!
The Editor
January 2022 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF