The March Ahead of Time

The March Ahead of Time

IN THIS OUR SUBJECT WE SHOULD TURN TO THE NINETEENTH PSALM and read the passage which gives indications of God’s purposes:

“For the Heavens declare the Glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiworks. Day by day and night by night cometh forth speech and knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them He set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth to run a race. His going forth is from the ends of the heaven, and His circuit unto the ends of it; and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. The law of the LORD is perfect, the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise His Temple.”

Then in Genesis 1:14 He also says: “Let their lights therefore show forth in the firmaments of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and for years.” Signs, and He intended for them to be read. Seasons, He intended for them to be computed. For the measure of the days and of the years also He set the orbits of the heavens and the circuits of His handiworks.

Thus in the 19th., Psalm as He made the decree and talks about the orbit of the earth around the sun in relationship to its passage through the heavens and their constellation, remember that He was to make this statement long before men recognized that the earth did not stand still and the Universe revolve around it. And in the hours when the Psalmist wrote of these things as the pattern of revelation’s inspired him to write, then he wrote of the magnitude of God, of the sun in its position and its orbit, and of the travelling of the earth and the planets in their circuits, and said that there was no line where their voice was not heard.

Jeremiah in Ireland

Jeremiah in Ireland

ONE OF THE MOST BELOVED STORIES OF TRADITIONAL LITERATURE written by those who support the modern identity of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel is the story of the coming of the prophet Jeremiah to Ireland. According to this story shortly after c. 586 BC when Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, conquered Jerusalem, Jeremiah the prophet, accompanied by his scribe Baruch, and the daughters of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah, fled that country and for a short time resided in Egypt. From there they took ship to Ireland, where one of the daughters married Eochaidh the high king (heremon or ardri) of Ireland. A variation says that the marriage took place in Jerusalem. The royal couple governed the Emerald Isle from their capital at Tara in County Meath. Jeremiah, at that time an old man, was also reputed to have established a sort of ministerial training college at Tara. He became a revered figure in Irish legend.

Over the course of the centuries the royal line established at Tara was transferred from Ireland to Scotland to England where it survives today in the person of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A wondrous stone, variously called the Stone of Destiny, Stone of Scone, or Coronation Stone, upon which Her Majesty and her predecessors on the thrones of the three kingdoms were crowned, thought to be the stone that the patriarch Jacob slept on at Bethel (Genesis 28:18-22) was also believed to have been brought to Ireland by Jeremiah.

John Knox Scottish Reformer and Founder of Presbyterianism in Scotland

John Knox Scottish Reformer and Founder of Presbyterianism in Scotland

JOHN KNOX WAS BORN AT HADDINGTON IN EAST LOTHIAN IN ABOUT 1505. His father was William Knox. He obtained a liberal education in grammar school, and at the age of sixteen he was sent to pursue his studies at the University of Glasgow, where Dr. John Major was professor of philosophy and theology. Majors, also a native of Haddington, was one of the leading intellectuals of Europe, and was previously the foremost scholastic theologian at the University of Paris. Unlike the ordinary teachers of theology, he did not lecture only on Peter Lombard’s Books of the Sentences (the leading textbook of Scholastic Theology), but introduced his students to the text of the Latin Bible.

Beza says that Knox began to study with such proficiency that it was thought he would one day become a better schoolman than his master, Majors, but after reading the works of St. Jerome and St. Augustine, he realized the errors in the conventional teaching (scholasticism was at its height, studies often focused on absurd arguments, such as, “how many angels could dance on the head of a pin?”). He left the university without obtaining a masters degree, and taught in some capacity at the University of St. Andrews. It appears that he took the orders of the Catholic priesthood in about 1530 and served with some religious establishment for the next 10 years in Haddington, functioning as a notary (this was a task of churchmen in the middle ages, our word “clerk” comes from cleric) and as a private tutor.

History of The Scots as it Relates to The Phoenicians, Romans &c.

History of The Scots as it Relates to The Phoenicians, Romans &c.

THANKS SALIM FOR REPLYING AND IT IS INTERESTING TO READ THAT THE VILLAGERS NEAR HADRIANS WALL can be traced as akin to Northern Syrians for there is another link between UK Celts and Syria / Scythia.

From what I understand the Saxons when invading Britain attempted to enter the area we call today the Lothians. This was the breadbasket of the Britons and from what I understand the Saxons were pushed out to Lindisfarne when the Picts, Scots and Britons united to defeat them in battle. This is supposed to be the birth of the Saltire as a national emblem and it also leads to the acceptance of Christianity by the Picts and the birth of Alba, which leads eventually to Scotland. The Saxons at this time were heathen and the Scots were the race to convert them.

The whole basis of the brigand / thief reference to “Scotti” resides in such wonderful and accurate historians as Bede who also put forward the Scots were the produce or bastards of the Irish and the Picts. The Scots women being given to Pictish men and based on the late Roman writers who refer to the Scots and the Picts as attacking and harassing their northern borders of the empire.

I believe that is a biased and untrue foundation of the Scots and earliest writings indicate that the Scots named themselves after a Queen or noblewoman. Indeed the lands were called Scota Major and Scota Minor and you would surely expect Scotti Major and Minor. The term Eriguena as indicating an Ireland stems from after the fall of Rome, (and the Germanisation of Europe in many ways), perhaps coming from Ire meaning North and all earlier references are to Scota.

Ye Are The Light of The World

Ye Are The Light of The World

AS WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO OUR SUBJECT, it is with the realization that across our nation and across Christendom that out of thy household there moves this day various things in the thinking of the people of God. It is with the realization that one of the strongest structures of God’s kingdom starts with the structure of the home. For the home is one of the most vital structures of any society. But the Kingdom of God finds this the most valuable unit from which society must grow. For we find that the multiple of the homes of the city, the country, and the state and the nation are vital. And we find that it is here that the spiritual vision and power must start for any movement of force in the nation.

It must be from the home. There is nothing more crucial to our homes and to our nation than the continuation of the effectiveness of the mothers to use their influence to guide and to lead their children in the nurture of God. But the admonition through out all of the background of the scripture, it calls upon the fathers to take a firm stand against the powers of darkness and to lead with the same Patriarchal history which has been a part of our race. It has been left up to mothers to leave their guidance through out all generations and their impact in the carrying forth of the truth and the teachings of the traditions and the culture as they mould their young minds before their contact with the world. Before they move into adulthood and face the greatest impact against their culture and their manifested way of life.

Oliver Cromwell, Tyranny of 1649

Oliver Cromwell, Tyranny of 1649

There is a street in Drogheda named after Oliver Cromwell’s work there; it is called Scarlet Lane for the blood which flowed down its streets. Why was Cromwell in Ireland and why in Drogheda?

OLIVER CROMWELL CAME TO IRELAND IN 1649 as head of the English army that was given the task of suppressing those Royalists who wanted to restore the English monarchy. The monarch, Charles I, had been beheaded in 1649 after losing a civil war to the forces of Parliament. Of course, many still had loyalty to the king and his son whom they wanted to install as Charles II , and many of those loyalists were in Ireland.

Not only was there Irish support for a monarchy, but also there was hope that Charles II would repay the Irish for its support by granting freedom of worship to the Roman Catholics. The first order of business of the new Council of State which succeeded the monarchy as ruler of England was to regain control of Ireland , and Oliver Cromwell, who had proven himself an able military commander during the civil war, was sent to Ireland to reestablish suzerainty over Ireland .

Ye Are My Witnesses

Ye Are My Witnesses

We turn this afternoon, to the 42nd chapter of Isaiah, and in this chapter, God gives some clues concerning as to how HE informs HIS people. In this declaration, HE says, ‘Thus saith YAHWEH, HE who created the heavens and stretched them out; He that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it, and HE that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and Spirit to them that walk therein: I the LORD, have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand and will keep thee, and give thee, HIS covenants, for ye shall be a people who carry a light unto the nations.’

Verse 8; ‘I am YAHWEH, that is my name. And my Glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.’

Verse 9; ‘Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them.’

Thus, Isaiah the prophet talks about how God with guidance and wisdom unveils the course of prophecy, the events that will transpire. We thus live not in ignorance, but in knowledge of the things which are coming to pass

Wrath Shall Rise up in Their Countenance

Wrath Shall Rise up in Their Countenance

TURNING IN OUR DISCUSSIONS TONIGHT, TO THE WORDS THAT CAME OUT OF THE MOUTH OF ENOCH, who captures the climax of an event at the end of an age in which he writes concerning the Sons of Light, that they shall be stirred of God, and the acts of God shall cause them to rise with anger, that wrath shall rise up in their countenance and they shall cleanse the Household of the MOST HIGH, then we have a similar statement in the book of Zachariah which demonstrates that the prophet 4000 (Enoch) described after his experience of being taken into the heavens into the presence of the MOST HIGH, escorted into space in one of the fastest of vessels of time.

And having travelled into the dimensions through out the vastness of creation where he was told of the things which would effect our civilization of which he was a part, he was given the reason for his own ministry which has demonstrated to have been one of the greatest of the Patriarchal age. But he also saw a climactic hour when the people of God would be scattered out over the earth as nations. He saw these nations as God’s Household in earth as what he describes as the ‘sons of darkness.’ He sees that the sons of darkness gathered from their strongholds from various places in the earth. They flocked together in their secret assemblies, and they gathered together in their planned and designed program for the overthrow of God’s Kingdom.

The Coming World Upheaval

The Coming World Upheaval

AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT OF WORLD UPHEAVAL WE REALISE THAT THE COMING WORLD UPHEAVAL to ordinary people is so far removed from their minds that they would never have accepted the possibility of such a thing transpiring. That the world today is an evolution of all of its problems and looking for its survival from all the situations that effect it — completely and absolutely upon its own political and economic possibilities, and upon the concept that out of the sheer weight of its own force of arms, upon the decision of mass enemies and their ability to encircle them depends the history of the earth.

There is no question that there is no more important subject for the student of political history, nor to one who would properly deliver the responsibilities of his own life, of his living and his society. There is no more important subject as it relates to the citizens of earth, to its raw materials and to its environment. On the other hand, there also emerges within the entire history of the development of our race another influence and force, and we see it work, which is stronger than the political concept, which is greater and more powerful than the defences of our history through out the course of time. Far more powerful than the armies we might muster, and demonstrates its force upon our human destiny, to be much greater than any massed force we have been able to put together, and even in this great period of the typist when we who walk in earth, and have become the master of so much of its knowledge.

Out of the vision and the inspiration, and the technological achievements are the taking apart and the putting together of the atom, and the experimenting with it for even greater destructive power, for this passing hour. But in this hour this is some of our experiments and our achievements. And the conditions we think we are creating would make us masters of all that we seek, but are very small when compared to the amount of energy God releases in one single display of divine power.

There is more energy in the passing storm than there is in all the hydrogen bombs. The only thing is the deadly patterns of upset LAWS that we release with its fall out, and the catastrophes which are so concentrated in a single place that we think of them as so horrendous. One time when the volcano Cap Atola blew up, remember, that it shook more worlds than all the atom bombs if we were to launch them at one time. It wiped out the whole Caribbean, and all the people of Martinique. In the vicinity of that city all were wiped out in one stroke, and only one man survived. He was lying down in a jail cell where the sweeping wall of flame and the unusual power of gases sweeping out from the blowing of Cap Atola just passed over him, and he in that dungeon escaped, the only one in the city which survived. British ships were in the harbour when that explosion took place and they were filled with the gases and great flames of burning gas swept down virtually killing everyone on the ships. That was strange gases which emerged from that volcano explosion which was considered the largest and most powerful single noise that had been recorded in all the history of mankind. (Cap Atola is on Mount Pele, which is in the northern end of the island, and the city of Sainte Marie is now the city close to the volcano which was at one time called the same as the Island — Martinique.)

Work The Church Has Yet To Do

Work The Church Has Yet To Do

IT IS MOST SIGNIFICANT THAT WE GET THE PROPER PERSPECTIVE CONCERNING THE CHURCH AS WE APPROACH THIS SUBJECT, of the work of the Church which it has yet to do. Because we hear much today from those who are informed, concerning God’s Kingdom and about the nations. And a great number of people have come to the realization that God’s Kingdom is tangible and real, and that it is made up of nations and people who comprise these nations. And by the same token, they do not recognize just what the work of the Church really is. On the other hand, there are a great number of people who belong to churches of every denomination and every description, and they think that the Kingdom of God is just an abstract word for everything which is related to religion and worship. And they think that the Kingdom of heaven is some how removed from earth in the far distance of space. And such, they have little knowledge as to why the church was created for and of what is consists of.

As these tapes go out over the nation, there comes a gradual understanding as to who they are and what they are here for. But the church itself, does not at times understand what its responsibility is. We have received a pamphlet from the Evangelicals this week and I would think that they would know more about what the church is here for than some, but they had no idea what it was here for. In fact, having listened to a great number of references which they refute, they decided that they would hurry and get me saved, for they decided that we were doomed for hell. And everyone we preach to must be on the same road. One of the amazing things about their discovery was, they said, that they realized after listening to the second and the third message, that we must mean what we said.