

“I will teach you by the hand of God: that which is with the Almighty will I not conceal.” (Job 27:11) “I here invoke thy aid to my attempts to teach men of their roots and whence they come. That with no middle flight intends to soar Above the Aeonian mount, while it pursues Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme. What in me is dark, Illuminate; what is low, raise and support; That to the height of this great argument I may assert eternal providence, And justify the ways of God to Israel.”

LET BE UNDERSTOOD FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, that this study is not entirely my own efforts, but also include parts of many other Biblical Scholars; not the least of which is S.D. Baldwin, from which much is taken from his book “Armageddon,” Published by Cincinnati: Applegatte & Company, Nashville: Methodist Publishing House, Stevenson & Owen, 1854.

We must lay down the following as our principles of interpreting symbolic prophecy:

1). First: Perfect coincidence of events with prophecy, is infallible proof of the fulfilment of prophecy. It was in accordance with this principle, that Jesus proved himself to be the Messiah.

2). Second: the definition of prophetic symbols is to be found in scripture, or to be determined by fulfilment. Where a symbol has more than one scriptural sense, which is rarely the case, its intended meaning must be determined either by its context or by fulfilment, or by both.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 13th January 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 13th January 1965

QUESTION: I have heard the word mentioned here of Inner-earth.

ANSWER: Yes, a lot of people in there might want out. Ha.

QUESTION: Where does choice or self‑will come into ones experience?

ANSWER: Well, it is with self‑will that people get into trouble. In the first place our race came out of the Celestial, being begotten in the Celestial of the spirit. Then of course we will only go briefly into this because most of you now know that the Celestial plains are dimensions of light, energy and organization. And that it is no less a tangible realm just because it is spiritual than there is in a physical plain. We are going to classify these words: consciously, repetitiously, continually because one can’t understand anything concerning the plains of spirit until they realize it is just a dimension.

And that as we talk about something being spiritual it is a plain of Light, it is a dimension in which a Celestial being is formed. And of course there are many plains in Gods Universe. We have the electronic plain which is the plain of all material creation which can be tested in the chemical law. Anything which can come through the test tubes, anything which reflects the particles of light, and has a spectrographic analyst, and can be synthesized in electronic energy, protons, electrons, so this again is the physical dimension. The spiritual dimension is a dimension of Light, and Light has weight, has particles, has velocities. Light can be slowed down by the density of what it travels through, by environment, by different wave lengths of different vibratory fields outside of its own.

Rapin’s History of England – Book 19 – King Charles I (Part 1)

Rapin’s History of England – Book 19 – King Charles I (Part 1)

CHARLES I. SON AND SUCCESSOR OF JAMES I. was tinctured from his infancy with the principles concerning the regal authority and prerogative Royal, which were so much improved by the deceased King during his life. He had the same favourite, the same council, the same ministers, and all the places at court, and in the Kingdom, continued in the hands of the Duke of Buckingham’s creatures.

Buckingham is Favourite to The New King

So, there was nothing new but the King’s person. Charles’s journey to Spain had so endeared the Duke of Buckingham to him, that King James’s affection for that favourite was nothing, as I may say, in comparison of the new King’s. It was thought, and it is

not unlikely, if James had lived, he would have discarded the Duke, with whom he was displeased for several reasons:–

1. Because of the journey to Spain, of which he was the sole adviser, and which had exposed the King to the censure of all Europe.

2. On account of the breach of the Spanish match without any just cause.

3. For the Duke’s engaging him, as it were against his will, to break with Spain.

4. For causing, by the Prince’s credit, and his interest with the Parliament, the Lord Treasurer Middlesex to be condemned, in spite of the King himself, who did his utmost to save him, and even sued to the Prince and Duke for his pardon, without being able to obtain it.

The Duke is Suspected of King James I Death

Thus James died very seasonably, for the favourite, who, probably, to support himself, must have set the Prince at variance with his father, which might have had terrible consequences. This raised strong suspicions of the Duke, which were farther confirmed by his presuming to apply a plaster to the King’s side, and giving him, with his own hand, a potion to drink, without the advice of his physicians.

Indeed, the Duke could not be directly accused of hastening the King his benefactor’s death, by the remedies he gave him. But when the time and circumstances of this unexpected death, caused by a tertian ague, not usually very dangerous in the spring, were jointly considered, with the embarrassments it delivered the favourite from, and the advantages it procured him, it was difficult not to suspect him.

And yet, on the other hand, when the new King was seen to have an entire affection for the Duke, it could not be imagined that he doubted his innocence in that respect. However this be, this Duke of Buckingham was the son’s favourite, as he had been the father’s, with still greater power and credit than he had enjoyed in the foregoing reign.


Wednesday Night Bible Study – 12th May 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 12th May 1965

QUESTION: The four horses of Revelation?

ANSWER: That is an all night subject. But I’ll give you a fast answer. The four horses of the Apocalypse are symbols of great earth movements for the climactic end of the age. The PALE horse is the false Peace movements: Behold, I beheld a white horse and he who sat upon it had a bow and a crown was given to him and he went forth to conquer’ and in the Scriptures the Beast System is catalogued as all the forces that do not belong to the Kingdom. God divides the world into two categories, the Hu‑man or spirit man of His Household, and the Enosh or those not of His Household. Therefore these others fall under the category of the Beast System.

And here you are not talking about animals, but people without Divine Spirit. Many of the races which existed through out the Universe were created races and had soul capacities, and some had spirit within themselves, take the early Tungus man, the first inhabitants of the earth. We find fossils and a million six hundred thousands years of their existence in our present earth. And their pre‑Cambrian and other periods show this. Now; these people had the spirit with which they were created, but the Negro then was a different creation.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 11th August 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 11th August 1965

QUESTION: What are the seven spirits (Revelation 3:1)

ANSWER: This is not seven spirits, this is the seven fold spirit of God, this is a facet of 7, and seven is a divine number. So anything of Divine origin is set up in cycles, sometimes as, the seven churches and so forth. So this is a seven fold spirit, a Divine number not seven separate spirits, not at all. Now, there are guardian Angels over the church ages, but this is now what is referred to here.

QUESTION: Last week you mentioned the language of the Pyramid, I wondered if you would explain this?

ANSWER: The language of the Pyramid or the Language of the Pyramid builders, I can’t hear you, But the language of the Pyramid builders was Coptic‑Aramaic, this was a basic language which started out with the Adamic race, but the Pyramid language is measures and alignments. It is definitely an instrument for measuring time, and for carrying forward patterns and symbols. Therefore it has its own language, but in mathematics and measures and timing. If we referred to the language of the Pyramid this is what we referred to. It is a numerical, prophetic, symbolic language. It is only given for some to understand.

QUESTION: People say that Isaiah prophesied after the fall of Babylon and therefore he must have prophesied for our day and not for the fall of Babylon.

ANSWER: But Babylon did not fall until 586 B.C. and Isaiah was dead then. Isaiah was prophesying 200 years before Babylon fell.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th November 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th November 1965

QUESTION: What about the blackouts that just hit the East Coast and parts of Canada?

ANSWER: Well, this was one of the most unique power failures of all history. We do not believe that this was an ordinary power failure. The reason for this is that within five minutes of this, the Negroes in Rochester, New York had blocked the streets with automobiles and were already looting. And in the dark the officers were having a hard time trying to break it up. Well, it took several hours. And took a while to get through the barricade of cars that had been set in place. Within ten minutes of the blackout, organised bands of Negroes were creating fires and causing fires in Harlem. Then in Boston, almost simultaneous with the blackout, the looting started. So in other words, if this had just been an ordinary blackout, the looting could not have started so quickly. Of course, it was a test rehearsal by the Communist Left Wing forces to see what these overloads of power would do.

Back in 1953 the Communist party was holding a meeting in LA at which time they talked about the massive plan to cut off all power to the major cities at a zero hour. Then dress rehearsals were planned to show how they could paralyse the whole community, the whole city. At that time they had designated certain people in certain communities to help carry this out. One of the areas called for the blowing up of the main trunk line at Boulder Dam and also certain areas of transformers and areas of dispersion. At the present time it is not so easy to do this in California, as it is in other parts of the nation because of Edison and Company who in so many steam generators, to take over just in case. Whereas they might black out a portion of the city, they can’t black out the whole west coast because of these many areas of diversified electricity.

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th March 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th March 1965

(As you read this transcript of this old tape I want you to notice just how close the enemy was to their objective back in 1965, but for the Grace of God, America would not be where she is today.)

QUESTION: What are the latest developments in this continuing war against the enemy?

ANSWER: Well, we have had investigators everywhere, and as for Captain Gates who happens to be the chief intelligence officer of a nation wide secret police, who probably has this meeting bugged, he is higher than the Police Department, and answers only to the President’s group. But the program is that America is on the edge of a total dictatorship unless we on the RIGHT win. It will be just like the OGPU everywhere else, there will be no where to go as they plan to pull the rug everywhere at the same time. There isn’t any doubt that the design was to get us (this is speaking of the night that the Swift group were stopped, and with guns made to lay on the ground face down with the guns in their backs.) Afterwards they said that they were after some deadly armed Communists. And they had their orders at the least resistance to kill.

So the Gates department set up the wrong information in their briefing because no other organization would list you as a desperate armed criminal. This is just a part of the plan, but you have no police protection. So Patriots be warned, the Alabama affair (Selma March), this Negro uprising is just what was planned, they are just stepping it up as an excuse to go after all Patriots, or people who oppose integration.

International Jewry US War Department Investigation 1919

International Jewry US War Department Investigation 1919

The below given report is a U.S. War Department investigation and evaluation of issues generated by Jewish power. It was compiled in August 1919 and given SECRET classification until 1973.

A hard copy of this document may be obtained from U.S. National Archives in Washington DC, – its number is 245-1. HERE and HERE

NOTE: This entire document is reproduced verbatim and presented with all due respect to Polish people who take the time and the risk to make this document available when so many try to hide such valuable information to this day, even though it was technically declassified in 1973!

This is PART 1, of serial parts as transcribed by PAPUREC.


The recent emphasis in American public opinion placed on the part the Jews have been taking in world events, has seemed to warrant the Department in undertaking a preliminary study of the particular matters in controversy and also the larger question of the scope of Jewish influence in world affairs today. Among the more important points around which controversy has waged are:

The Bible – For Whom was it Written?

The Bible – For Whom was it Written?

IT MAY NOT HAVE OCCURRED TO YOU, but the Bible was written about and to only one people and nation – the nation of true Israel. The only time other people were ever mentioned in the Bible was when they came into contact with God’s people, Israel.
These few pages present a brief sketch of the creations, as we read in the book of Genesis. We examine the creation of the non-Adamic races. We, also, witness the creation of the white Adamic race. God created them as his own special people, whose name was changed to Israel at the time of Jacob.
Unless otherwise noted, we have used the King James Version for scriptural reference. In a few places we have referred to other versions for further clarity and this has been noted. So let’s begin:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.” (John 1:1-2)
We chose to start off with these verses because they show how, with the exception of Adam and Eve, God created every thing into existence by the spoken word.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)
“And God said, let the waters under heaven be gathered together into one place, and let dry land appear: and it was so.” (Genesis 1:9)
With these select verses we have a rough sketch of the beginning of God’s creations, as recorded by Moses in our Bible. The creation, first, of the heaven and the earth. No time frame was given and there has been much conjecture about the length of a year and the total length of the creation process. For this study we won’t concern ourselves with it – only the chronological order of events.

Biblical Gardening

Biblical Gardening

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1

THERE IS SO LITTLE WRITTEN ON THE SUBJECT OF BIBLICAL GARDENING. Plants that are mentioned in the bible have been covered well. I’m hoping, however, that this document will spark more interest in the laws of biblical gardening and help us to return to a more biblical way of life. This is not intended to be an exhaustive study, nor is it intended to be the only gardening reference in your collection. This document should be used in conjunction with the bible, and with organic gardening books, many of which have helpful hints at planting seeds, increasing yield/productivity, companion planting for pest control, and collecting seeds.

All biblical quotes are from the Authorized King James Version (AKJV) of the bible, with the LORD and GOD replaced with YHWH, the proper Hebrew transliterated name of God. This name is pronounced “Yahweh” according to many biblical scholars. “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.” – Matthew 6:9

Italics are retained and were added to the text by the translators of the AKJV. Removing them sometimes gives different meanings to the text. Bold is added for emphasis.

“And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for YHWH God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.” – Genesis 2:5