Gospel of Peter

Gospel of Peter

Gospel of Peter

From-The Apocryphal New TestamentM. R. James-Translation and NotesOxford: Clarendon Press, 1924


THE EARLY TESTIMONIES ABOUT THIS BOOK HAVE BEEN SET FORTH ALREADY. The present fragment was discovered in 1884 in a tomb at Akhmimin Egypt. The manuscript in which it is a little book containing a portion of the Book of Enoch in Greek, this fragment on the Passion and another, a description of Heaven and Hell, which is either (as I now think) a second fragment of the Gospel, or a piece of the Apocalypse of Peter. It will be given later under that head.

We have seen that the Gospel of Peter is quoted by writers of the latter end of the second century. It has been contended that Justin Martyr also used it soon after the middle of that century, but the evidence is not demonstrative. I believe it is not safe to date the book much earlier than A. D. 150.

It uses all four canonical Gospels, and is the earliest uncanonical account of the Passion that exists. It is not wholly orthodox: for it throws doubt on the reality of the Lord’s sufferings, and by consequence upon the reality of his human body. In other words it is, as Serapion of Antioch indicated, of a Docetic character.

Another characteristic of it is its extremely anti-Jewish attitude. Blame is thrown on the Jews wherever possible, and Pilate is white-washed.

Apocalypse of Peter

Apocalypse of Peter

Apocalypse of Peter
From “The Apocryphal New Testament”M. R. James-Translation and Notes Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924


WE HAVE NOT A PURE AND COMPLETE TEXT OF THIS BOOK, which ranked next in popularity and probably also in date to the Canonical Apocalypse of St. John.

We have, first, certain quotations made by writers of the first four centuries.

Next, a fragment in Greek, called the Akhmim fragment, found with the Passion-fragment of the Gospel of Peter in a manuscript known as the Gizeh MS. (discovered in a tomb) now at Cairo. This is undoubtedly drawn from the Apocalypse of Peter: but my present belief is that, like the Passion fragment (see p. 90), it is part of the Gospel of Peter, which was a slightly later book than the Apocalypse and quoted it almost in extenso. There is also in the Bodleian Library a mutilated leaf of a very tiny Greek MS. of the fifth century which supplies a few lines of what I take to be the original Greek text.

Acts of The Holy Apostle Thomas

Acts of The Holy Apostle Thomas


From “The Apocryphal New Testament”M. R. James-Translation and NotesOxford: Clarendon Press, 1924

THIS IS THE ONLY ONE OF THE FIVE PRIMARY ROMANCES WHICH WE POSSESS IN ITS ENTIRETY. It is of great length and considerable interest. The Stichometry (see p. 24) gives it only 1,600 lines: this is far too little: it may probably apply only to a portion of the Acts, single episodes of which, in addition to the Martyrdom, may have been current separately. We do, in fact, find some separate miracles in some of the oriental versions.
There is a consensus of opinion among Syriac scholars that our Greek text of these Acts is a version from Syriac. The Syriac original was edited and translated by Wright in his Apocryphal Acts, and older fragments have since been published by Mrs. Lewis (Horae Semiticae IV, 1904. Mythological Acts of the Apostles).
Certain hymns occur in the Syriac which were undoubtedly composed in that language: most notable is the Hymn of the Soul (edited separately by A. A. Bevan, and others) which is not relevant to the context. It has been ascribed to Bardaisan the famous Syrian heretic. Only one Greek MS. of the Acts (the Vallicellian, at Rome, Bonnet’s MS. U, of the eleventh century) contains it; it is paraphrased by Nicetas of Thessalonica in his Greek rechauffe of the Acts.

Acts of the Holy Apostle Thaddaeus, One of the Twelve

Acts of the Holy Apostle Thaddaeus, One of the Twelve

LEBBAEUS, WHO ALSO IS THADDAEUS, WAS OF THE CITY OF EDESSA–and it is the metropolis of Osroene, in the interior of the Armenosyrians–an Hebrew by race, accomplished and most learned in the divine writings. He came to Jerusalem to worship in the days of John the Baptist; and having heard his preaching and seen his angelic life, he was baptized, and his name was called Thaddaeus. And having seen the appearing of Christ, and His teaching, and His wonderful works, he followed Him, and became His disciple; and He chose him as one of the twelve, the tenth apostle according to the Evangelists Matthew and Mark.

In those times there was a governor of the city of Edessa, Abgarus by name. And there having gone abroad the fame of Christ, of the wonders which He did, and of His teaching, Abgarus having heard of it, was astonished, and desired to see Christ, and could not leave his city and government. And about the days of the Passion and the plots of the Jews, Abgarus, being seized by an incurable disease, sent a letter to Christ by Ananias the courier, to the following effect:–To Jesus called Christ, Abgarus the governor of the country of the Edessenes, an unworthy slave. The multitude of the wonders done by thee has been heard of by me, that thou healest the blind, the lame, and the paralytic, and curest all the demoniacs; and on this account I entreat thy goodness to come even to us, and escape from the plottings of the wicked Jews, which through envy they set in motion against thee. My city is small, but large enough for both. Abgarus enjoined Ananias to take accurate account of Christ, of what appearance He was, and His stature, and His hair, and in a word everything.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 121

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 121

The Power of The Spirit

“For the earnest expectations of the Creature (referring to the physical body) waiteth for the manifestation of the Sons of God.” (Romans 8)

THE APOSTLE PAUL COMING TO THE END OF HIS SERVICE HERE IN THE FLESH was leaving recorded great revelations for the children of the kingdom. Your references as to the participants in this story take you back to Genesis 3:17‑19; back to Adam the progenitor of a race.

Always we hear this expression: “we came into this world with nothing, and we shall go out the same way.” Many people take this to mean that we came in as Spirit and we are thus finished with this physical body at death. Yet looking closer at this situation we would remind you that to enter, and participate in a physical world as the sons and daughters of God, to build HIS Kingdom in earth, you had to have a physical body to dwell in. Thus how did you acquire such a body?

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 120

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 120

Yesterdays Knowledge Brings Hope for Today

LOOKING OUT OVER OUR MIXED UP WORLD OF TODAY A SERMON GIVEN IN 1962 BY THE LATE DR. SWIFT CAME TO MIND. Rereading this message and thinking of all that has happened over that period of 30 years we realize how intense this battle between ‘The Children of Light’ and ‘The Children of Darkness’ has become. And yet there are many people over these United States that are still hanging on to their Faith and looking forward to more developments.

We still find no better outline of this story then in the prayer given by Dr. Swift before he began this message:–

Almighty and Eternal Father again we come before you to worship you in spirit and truth, recognizing thy abiding presence which is with us through out all ages, and not only with us but the essence of thy spirit is also in us. We are thankful for the witness of Thy Spirit concerning who we are, and from whence we have come. From the testimony of the Apostle Paul we have the assurance that we are thy household, the realization that Thy Kingdom is an Eternal Kingdom. We realize that with this Kingdom you shall accomplish with it all that you have purposed and ordained from the beginning, which you also made known unto us. Grant us to possess in our Faith the continuing assurance of achievements over evil, for thy purposes which shall be established in earth.

We pray, Our Father, that you shall lift us and sustain thy people, giving them that serenity of Peace which can come upon their consciousness in the midst of conflict, so that they can carry forward this opposition against the darkness, with the assurance and confidence of His children, looking forward to the fulfilment of all prophecy as events transpire, some of which are in the areas of opposition, but known unto you from the beginning, just as the end is also known unto thee. Knowing these things we have the assurance of victory as we press on in our achievements. Our Father, we pray that as we meditate upon thy purposes and our relationship to it, we see that it is our obligation within our time span to lift up thy standards, and make sure that thy people maintain a continuing identity with thy Mind, and with thy Presence. Thus as we commit yourselves into your hands we pray that THY WILL BE DONE IN EARTH.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 119

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 119

TODAY IN OUR WORLD MANY ARE THE QUESTIONS, even the teaching that there is literally no such a personage as the one termed ‘the Devil’, this being only the evil in your heart, if you do not accept this idea of World Brotherhood, Love everyone, and so forth.

Therefore from the Scriptures, the Swift Ministry, my understanding and even from the Book, ‘Urantia’ (Earth) we find that there was such a rebellion in the heavens, and there was such a personage, a being who led this rebellion.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the Stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the North; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be LIKE THE MOST HIGH.’ Isaiah 14:12‑14. In your references see Isaiah 34: 4‑5., for a bit more as to the identification of the people who followed this rebellion.

It seems from all reports that in a portion of the total Universe, a long time ago, there began to be some doubts as to whether this total Perfection of the rule over all worlds of the vast Universe by the ONE Great God, the Universal Father as he was termed by some, was the best picture for the people in this portion of space. After all they had never experienced anything but total perfection.

There were in this picture many administrators of these regions, here in the area of space in that time frame. There were also those termed the Sons of God, issue of His Spirit, thus children of the Kingdom in heaven at that time. This was a great One World Government, so to speak, out there in space and it ruled over this area which contained our earth also, and Lucifer was one of the Administrators of this area at that time.

The Second Apology of Justin

The Second Apology of Justin

Chapter I.-Introduction

Romans, the things which have recently happened in your city under Urbicus, and the things which are likewise being everywhere unreasonably done by the governors, have compelled me to frame this composition for your sakes, who are men of like passions, and brethren, though ye know it not, and though ye be unwilling to acknowledge it on account of your glorying in what you esteem dignities. For everywhere, whoever is corrected by father, or neighbour, or child, or friend, or brother, or husband, or wife, for a fault, for being hard to move, for loving pleasure and being hard to urge to what is right (except those who have been persuaded that the unjust and intemperate shall be punished in eternal fire, but that the virtuous and those who lived like Christ shall dwell with God in a state that is free from suffering,-we mean, those who have become Christians), and the evil demons, who hate us, and who keep such men as these subject to themselves, and serving them in the capacity of judges, incite them, as rulers actuated by evil spirits, to put us to death. But that the cause of all that has taken place under Urbicus may become quite plain to you, I will relate what has been done.

Justin Martyr The First Apology of Justin

Justin Martyr The First Apology of Justin


TO THE EMPEROR TITUS AELIUS ADRIANUS ANTONINUS PIUS AUGUSTUS CAESAR, and to his son Verissimus the Philosopher, and to Lucius the Philosopher, the natural son of Caesar, and the adopted son of Pius, a lover of learning, and to the sacred Senate, with the whole People of the Romans, I, Justin, the son of Priscus and grandson of Bacchius, natives of Flavia Neapolis in Palestine, present this address and petition in behalf of those of all nations who are unjustly hated and wantonly abused, myself being one of them.


Reason directs those who are truly pious and philosophical to honour and love only what is true, declining to follow traditional opinions, (1) if these be worthless. For not only does sound reason direct us to refuse the guidance of those who did or taught anything wrong, but it is incumbent on the lover of truth, by all means, and if death be threatened, even before his own life, to choose to do and say what is right. Do you, then, since ye are called pious and philosophers, guardians of justice and lovers of learning, give good heed, and hearken to my address; and if ye are indeed such, it will be manifested. For we have come, not to flatter you by this writing, nor please you by our address, but to beg that you pass judgment, after an accurate and searching investigation, not flattered by prejudice or by a desire of pleasing superstitious men, nor induced by irrational impulse or evil rumours which have long been prevalent, to give a decision which will prove to be against yourselves. For as for us, we reckon that no evil can be done us, unless we be convicted as evil-doers or be proved to be wicked men; and you, you can kill, but not hurt us.

Other Fragments from The Lost Writings of Justin

Other Fragments from The Lost Writings of Justin


And Justin well said in his book against Marcion, that he would not have believed the Lord Himself, if He had announced any other God than the Fashioner and Maker [of the world], and our Nourisher. But since, from the one God, who both made this world and formed us and contains as tell as administers all things, there came to us the only-begotten Son, summing up His own workmanship in Himself, my faith in Him is steadfast, and my love towards the Father is immoveable, God bestowing both upon us.–IRENAEUS: Heresies, iv. 6.


Justin well said: Before the advent of the Lord, Satan never ventured to blaspheme God, inasmuch as he was not yet sure of his own damnation, since that was announced concerning him by the prophets only in parables and allegories. But after the advent of the Lord learning plainly from the discourses of Christ and His apostles that eternal fire was prepared for him who voluntarily departed from God and for all who, without repentance, persevere in apostasy, then, by means of a man of this sort, he, as if already condemned, blasphemes that God who inflicts judgment upon him, and imputes the sin of his apostasy to his Maker, instead of to his own will and predilection.–IRENAEUS: Heresies, v. 26.