Origins of the Anglo-Israel Message

Origins of the Anglo-Israel Message

YOU HEAR SO MANY STRANGE THINGS ABOUT BRITISH ISRAELITES. Who are they? where did this Anglo-Israel teaching have its origins? Are they a crazy racist cult, a new American sect? Opponents of Anglo-Israel, having little or no Scriptural evidence to refute our teachings, prefer to frighten sincere seekers for truth by seeking to smear British-Israel with the biggest tar brush possible. A favourite method seems to be that of claiming that the Anglo-Israel teaching originated with the writings of the deranged Richard Brothers, who was for a time confined to a lunatic asylum in the late eighteenth/early nineteenth century. Now I feel sure that you the reader would prefer the truth, and so we will trace the origins of our message and tell you of the many distinguished clergymen, evangelists and preachers of many diverse Protestant denominations who have held to our beliefs, as well as many members of our own British Royal Family.

Let us be clear about one thing, there was a knowledge of and writings about the Israel Identity of the Celto-Anglo Saxon and related peoples long before poor Richard Brothers ever stumbled upon this truth.

1) As long ago as the 6th Century A.D. an early British Historian Gildas named “the Wise” wrote at the era when the pagan Saxon’s were invading Christian Celtic Britain. He wrote that these events were taking place to the end that our Lord might in this land try after His accustomed manner these His Israelites whether they loved Him or not:

2) In 1314 A.D. the nobility of Scotland signed the Scottish Declaration of Independence at Arbroath Abbey. In it they stated their belief in the Israel identity of their people:-


The Testament of Reuben

The Testament of Reuben

Chapter 1

1 The copy of the Testament of Reuben, even the commands which he gave his sons before he

2 died in the hundred and twenty-fifth year of his life. Two years after the death of Joseph his

3 brother, when Reuben fell ill, his sons and his sons’ sons were gathered together to visit him. And

4 he said to them: My children, behold I am dying, and go the way of my fathers. And seeing there Judah, and Gad, and Asher, his brethren, he said to them: Raise me up, that I may tell to my brethren and to my children what things I have hidden in my heart, for behold now at length

5 I am passing away. And he arose and kissed them, and said unto them: Hear, my brethren, and

6 do ye, my children, give ear to Reuben your father in the commands which I give unto you. And behold I call to witness against you this day the God of heaven, that ye walk not in the sins of

7 youth and fornication, wherein I was poured out, and defiled the bed of my father Jacob. And I tell you that he smote me with a sore plague in my loins for seven months; and had not my father

8 Jacob prayed for me to the Lord, the Lord would have destroyed me. For I was thirty years old

9 when I wrought the evil thing before the Lord, and for seven months I was sick unto death. And

Early London

Early London

1. Introduction

THE COMMENT IN THE TWENTY-NINTH CHAPTER OF THE BOOK OF ACTS in the Turkish Archives at Istanbul (formerly Constantinople), about the arrival of St. Paul in Britain at the Port of Raphinus and his preaching in their city upon “Mount Lud”, (Ref. 1 – p 141), is interesting as it takes one back to the foundation and early history of London.

Gordon (Ref. 2) and Waddell (Ref.3) both rely on Nennius and Geoffrey of Monmouth for their information. Gordon also uses information from the works of the Welsh scholar and bard, R. W. Morgan, and particularly refers to his “History of the Kymri”.(Ref. 2 – p 85 & 106).

2. Prehistoric London

Gordon (Ref. 2 – p 6) shows the plan of the prehistoric London mounds. Two of the mounds are artificially constructed. One was known as Bryn Gwyn, the white or holy mound, and the White Tower of London was built on this site. The other was Tot Hill meaning the sacred mound. Both of these mounds are close to the Thames.

Four miles north east of St. Paul’s Cathedral there is a hill which was known as “LIandin”, a sacred or lake eminence, known today as Parliament Hill standing 322 feet high.(Ref. 2 – p 7/8). On the north eastern slope of this hill is a stone monument on which it states public speaking is allowed. It appears that since “time immemorial ” this hill has been used for numerous meetings both religious and political, either on the hill or on “Parliament Fields ” at its base. (Ref. 2 – p 110).

Bad Teinach German Identity

Bad Teinach German Identity

Two members of Orange Street Congregational Church, London, were privileged to have been invited to the German annual Christian identity conference held at Haus Sonnenblick (a Christian establishment – see photo above) in the spar town of Bad Teinach (cover page) set in the beautiful countryside of the Black Forest. This was a 5 day conference held between 27th October and 1st November 2007.

The proceedings were ably organised and presided over by Heinz Mohrlock (Top left Next Page). The first meeting of the day on Saturday evening was given over to welcoming the attendees, with every individual being personally welcomed by the chairman and everyone being given an opportunity to say where they were from. As well as the two English members from Orange Street, the BIWF were represented by Michael Clark (President) and his wife and David Aimer (Secretary). There were others from true Israel countries, such as Holland, France and Switzerland. A number of people attended as day guests and over the conference period it is estimated that some 150 people attended. Unlike here in the UK, it was good to see that all age groups were represented.

Big Ben London Clock Used to Forewarn of 22/07/05 Attack!

Big Ben London Clock Used to Forewarn of 22/07/05 Attack!

Quote: “Who controls the past, controls the present; who controls the present, controls the future.” – George Orwell, 1984 (book describing a time when government would take over the planet).

Global Freemason/Illuminati satanic numerology serial killers! (please reread and reread)

The World Government uses false ‘terrorism’ to control the population(s) and get their way with more state powers over them. (“Terror is the essence of our rule.” – Vladimir Lenin). Tremendous profit expected off the recent bombings due to Illuminati Fed Bank Greenspan financial finageling 2 days prior to the July 22nd, 2005 attack (second in a string of recent terror events – “14” days apart)— The blasts came within minutes of each other, shortly after (22:07 GMT), when the bars and markets were busy with tourists. Source.The case has been built on multiple fronts: Using the Freemason sacred numerological history decoder ring, reversed engineered in the recently released ebook “Revelation 9:11″: (3,7,”11”,13,19,39,93,111) [and and multiples of each such as “666”]

Michael Haupt’s July 22nd, 2005 prediction was spot on! See Here1) Blasts in Club in Egypt on 22/07/2007 at 22:07GMT (Big Ben London Clock slowed for “13” minutes on 5/27/05 – an occult signature. The hands jammed at 22:07

The Greeks and The Hebrews

The Greeks and The Hebrews

THE RELATION BETWEEN THESE TWO PEOPLES (Greeks and Hebrews) of the ancient Mediterranean is seldom mentioned. Evidence that the oldest language of Crete is Semitic, however, suggests that the two cultures have common roots.

The classical civilizations of Greece and Judea have traditionally been regarded as entirely distinct cultures, yet today two lines of evidence are combining to support the hypothe­sis that they have a common back­ground. One line of evidence falls within the realm of historical and literary scholarship; the strength of its case lies in vivid parallels between early Greek and early Hebrew literature.

The other is essentially archaeological and linguis­tic: in the past few years it has become increasingly apparent that the oldest inscriptions found on the island of Crete are written in a Semitic tongue. My own familiarity with both kinds of evidence arises from the study of the ancient texts, monuments and history of the Mediterranean; it is coincidence rather than intention that has brought me to this dual examination. poles apart in Western thought, as though the ancient Greeks had never known re­ligious inspiration and their Semitic neighbours had been devoid of reason.

The rise of skepticism undoubtedly played an invaluable role in freeing men’s minds from the fetters of super­stition. It is significant, however, that it required an almost childlike faith in the validity of ancient literature to open the modern era of archaeological discovery. The great 19th-century ar­chaeologist Heinrich Schliemann loved and believed in Homer.

Baron Carl Gustav (Emil) Mannerheim (1867-1951)

Baron Carl Gustav (Emil) Mannerheim (1867-1951)

FINNISH POLITICAL AND MILITARY LEADER, EXPLORER, FORMER GENERAL IN THE RUSSIAN IMPERIAL ARMY, President of Finland from 1944 to 1946. C.G. Mannerheim supported close ties with Sweden and Western European culture and opposed communism as well as German national socialism. He was an excellent linguist and had wide international experience, which helped him to maintain wide international contacts at various levels. As one of the most influential characters of Finnish history from the Civil War to the late 1940s, the personality of Mannerheim has attracted various artists and writers, among them Ilmari Turja, Veijo Meri, Paavo Rintala, Paavo Haavikko and Jari Tervo.

“What is the quality which in the end is essential in a officer? Courage, yes, moral and physical courage, a sense of responsibility towards his problem and, at the same time, a sense of responsibility towards to those he commands. Initiative? Yes. Judgment? Yes. Personal tenacity in the most difficult situations? This is where we come nearest to the mark, I should think. Tenacity is what we must demand – that is what counts; but not only physical toughness, but also spiritual tenacity – what we know as spiritual strength. There we have, I think, what is the most important, the most essential quality, at least for those in highest authority – spiritual strength.” (C.G. Mannerheim according to General Heinrich, in Marshall Mannerheim & the Finns by Oliver Warner, 1967)

The Identity of Finland

The Identity of Finland

WE HAVE SEEN A MONUMENTOUS AMOUNT OF PROOF THAT ENGLAND AND THE U.S.A. ARE DESCENDENTS OF THE TRIBE OF JOSEPH and bear the name of Israel, but what about the other Isralitish tribes, and more specifically, what about the modern identity of the tribe of Issachar? Seeing that I was born in Finland and that Allan is of direct Finnish descent, we have a particular interest in the identity of the Finnish people.

The material presented is a composite of both of our research. Allan has contributed a great deal more than I have so most of the credit for the material presented actually belongs to him. (He is a university graduate of chemistry who is living in Montreal right now.)

In Gen. 49:14-15, God says that “Issachar is a strong ass couching down between two burdens; and he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.”

Some Historical Background to the British-Israel Movement

Some Historical Background to the British-Israel Movement

IN 1914, THE THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR OF ITS PUBLICATION, The Anglo-Israel Almanac listed details of a large number of Identity Groups operating independently throughout the Britannic Isles and overseas in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Canada and America. Out of these in 1919, was founded the British-Israel-World Federation.

Supported by many prominent people over the past seventy years this Movement has been giving sound instruction on prophecy and related matters to the promotion of Christianity among the Covenant Peoples, so protecting it from individuals and subversive organisations trying to put an end to Christian activity.

“The Banner of Israel” first published in 1877 by Robert Banks of Fleet Street continued until its incorporation in “The National Message” in 1926. “The National Message” was first published in 1922 and continued until 1981. These publications were available to members of the public. The Federation now produces “BIWF Quarterly” magazine for its members, as well as other literature.

The Federation has had many ups and downs during its existence, but most important, it has survived and is expanding again. The world wide decline in Christianity over the past thirty years is grievous, so the present is a vital time in our history, and with renewed support we can be influential in its revival.

Bitcoin Crypto Con – The Central Pillar of The Great Reset

Bitcoin Crypto Con – The Central Pillar of The Great Reset


Since January of 2021, Bitcoin has been pushed by all the major payment platforms, TBTF Big Banks, NYC investment banks and brokerage houses, and an assortment of other corporate behemoths across the USA.

After years of stealthy beta testing, Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum groupies are implementing an extraordinarily reckless roll-out of Bitcoin worldwide.

The power elite know that there’s no better way to exert absolute control over the masses than to foist a One World Currency on the entire planetary civilization. The only type of currency that will work — PRACTICALLY — is a digital currency. This is why the cryptocurrency Bitcoin was craftily “invented in 2008 by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto”.[1]