Jesus Christ Was Not a Jew

Jesus Christ Was Not a Jew

Do the above headlines shock you? We certainly hope they do! for it is about time that the Chris­tian people awaken to the fact that they have been brainwashed by the Jews with the “big lie technique” to the falsehood that Jesus was a Jew.

We ask you now, to set aside all prejudice in the matter and as God states in the Bible, “Come let us reason together”.

There are two ways that a person can be a Jew; ra­cially or religiously. Let us now see whether Jesus fits either of these categories.

Ninety-five percent of the people that we know as Jews today, are mongrels. That is they are a product of the amalgamation of many races.

The majority of the Jews are Asiatics, of Mongolian, stock. They are the descendents of Cain. No racial Jew is an Is­raelite. That’s right, we re-peat, NO RACIAL JEW IS AN ISRAELITE. The Bible itself identifies the Jews as the seed of Cain thereby identify­ing Satan as their father.

Operation 71

Operation 71

ON MAY 10, 1971, Rudolf Hess will have spent his 30th year behind the grim stone walls of Berlin’s Spandau prison. A world wide campaign protest, tacking up posters and newspaper distribution is now in operation to secure Hess’ release. We ask all our readers to join with us now in writing our nation’s leaders to release him immediately! You can be of tremendous help by ordering as many copies of this issue as you can afford (prices are on the back page). When opened, the centre of this paper becomes a poster.

Find locations where the public will be able to read them easily, and tack them up. (Examples: on bulletin boards, in trailer parks, clubs, restaurants, community centres, public buildings and even trees and posts along roads and highways.) Also, distribute this issue by rolling them up and placing a band around each issue, then throw them on lawns and driveways and pass them out on the street comer to people as they pass by.

Now, let us look a little into the story of the man we are about to work hard for during “OPERATION 71”.

Jacob I Have Loved Esau I have Hated

Jacob I Have Loved Esau I have Hated

IN THE MID 70’S,  I undertook an end depth research / study of the “anti-Messiah Conspiracy” present in the earth, but behind the scenes. I was shocked at what I was learning.   Suddenly, a realisation hit me square in the face.   Behind every organisation, every facet of this “New World Order”, there were “Jews”. Even more startling was the fact that the “Jewish Bankers” in this nation had financed not only the Bolshevik Revolution, but even Hitler’s rise to power in Germany. It put me on my face before Jah. I told Him if the “Jews” were His chosen people, He chose the wrong ones.He then brought Rev 2:9 and 3:9 to my attention. This is where Jahshuwah states that there are those claiming to be “Jews”, but are NOT “Jews”, and are liars.   That it is these that are the “Church” of Satan, and therefore worshippers and followers of him.   I was wiped out. Yet I could not reject what I was seeing. No wonder they were behind the entire “anti-Christ” conspiracy to rid the earth of “Christianity”;  working to establish the end day “anti-Christ” empire, and to bring forth the “Pure worship of Lucifer”.I began seeking Jah on this and asked Him, “Oh Father, who are these people?”  I sure enough found out.  They are NOT HIS CHOSEN, but SATAN’S!!!  The carnal minds of people that believes EXACTLY OPPOSITE of The Truth, had been programmed to believe that Satan’s chosen WERE JAH’S CHOSEN.  What an incredible revelation this was, and is one that is enough to boggle anyone’s mind.

Genesis Disclosed

Genesis Disclosed

The Christian world have ever been in search for the pure word of God, and we have all supposed that it was contained in the Bible now in common use. The discoveries set forth in this work, however, will clearly show the following astounding facts:  That the name of a class of human beings made in the account of the creation has been eliminated from that account, although that name was specially given by God himself.  That the creative name [was] given in the same account to the man put into the Garden of Eden, although it occurs in the first eleven chapters of the Hebrew Genesis thirty-six times is not to be found in our Bible at all, having been eliminated from the account of creation as well as from the body of the Bible.  That a very important word has also been eliminated, and another of opposite meaning substituted, by which the class of human beings above referred to has been left out of the creative account, and thus the whole nature and meaning of the Genesis on this subject changed.  That by similar eliminations and substitutions the flood has been made universal.  It will not be our object to trace back and find out where these stupendous errors have arisen, but to deal with them as they stand in our King James Bible, the whole discussion being confined to the misuse of two names and one word.

Ezra Pound An Introduction to The Economic Nature of The United States

Ezra Pound An Introduction to The Economic Nature of The United States

THIS IS NOT A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ECONOMY OF THE UNITED STATES. For forty years I have schooled myself, not to write the Economic History of the U.S. or any other country, but to write an epic poem which begins “In the Dark Forest” crosses the Purgatory of human error, and ends in the light, “fra i maestri di color che sanno”. For this reason I have had to understand the NATURE of error. But I don’t think it necessary to refer to each particular case of error.

I do not believe that the method of historiography has progressed much since the days when Confucius selected the documents of the old kingdoms, and condensed his conclusions in the Testament. Aristotle toward the end of his life arrived at a similar method, in his collection of Greek State Constitutions. Voltaire used the “human” method which hinges on chance and the personal element. A prince eats a pudding and dies of acute indigestion at a critical moment. Caesar Borgia said : “I had anticipated everything except being bedridden the day my father died.” Michelet analyses the motives of different social groups and tells us that the manual labourer wants to own a shop because he thinks shop-keepers don’t work. Another method consists in analysing certain mechanisms invented to humbug the public. Perhaps it is the renewal of an Aristotelian tendency but, in any event, it is suitable for the present narrative, and I am following it in this essay or definition, of the struggle between the people and the usurers, or financiers, in the colonies, and then in the United States of North America.

Ezra Pound Letter Sent to The Editor of The London Criterion 1934

Ezra Pound Letter Sent to The Editor of The London Criterion 1934

The body of this ms. was written and left my hands in February 1933.  40 publishers have refused it.  No typescript of mine has been read by so many people or brought me a more interesting correspondence.  It is here printed verbatim, unaltered.  I had not seen the ms. from the time it left Rapallo till it returned here with the galley proof.  It is printed as record of what I saw in February 1933.  The September preface (1933) indicated a flutter of hope, that has grown steadily more fluttery and less hopeful.

ONE element of the Duce’s gamut is the continual gentle diatribe against all that is “anti-storico,” all that is against historic process.

Obviously a parliamentary system which is in Italy an exotic. a XIXth century fad, imported ad hoc, for temporal reason, a doctrinaires’ game in North Italy, a diplomatic accident in the South, is not in the blood and bone of Italians.

Vittorio Emanuele had reasons, and even necessities of state pushing him to it, at least as top dressing.

What it signified de facto in Turin, is best exemplified by the specific occasion on which a Peidmontese parliament refused to sign on the dotted line of a treaty.  Victor told the people to elect another that would.

The system went into effect in Naples to avoid technical terms in a treaty with Austria.

Given a little time and leisure (XII years) Mussolini emerges with a scheme for ascertaining the will of the people that will be at least in intention more efficient than elected politicians, divided by geographical districts.  He wants a council where every kind of man will be represented by some bloke of his own profession, by some deputy who has identical interests and a direct knowledge of the needs and temptations of a given profession.

Dresden 1945 – The Real Holocaust

Dresden 1945 – The Real Holocaust

Twenty-five years ago, as Allied planes rained death and destruction over Germany, the old Saxon city of Dresden lay like an island of tranquillity amid desolation. Famous as a cultural centre, and possessing no military value, Dresden had been spared the terror that descended from the skies over the rest of the country.
In fact, little had been done to provide the ancient city of artists and craftsmen with anti-aircraft defences. One squadron of planes had been stationed in Dresden for awhile, but the Luftwaffe decided to move the aircraft to another area where they would be of use. A “gentleman’s agreement” seemed to prevail, designating Dresden as an “open city”.
On Shrove Tuesday, February 13th, a flood of refugees fleeing the Red Army, sixty miles away, had swollen the city’s population to over a million. Each new refugee brought fearful accounts of Soviet atrocities. Little did those refugees retreating from the Red terror imagine that they were about to die in a horror worse than anything Stalin could devise.
Normally, a carnival atmosphere prevails in Dresden on Shrove Tuesday. In 1945, however, the outlook was rather dismal. Houses everywhere overflowed with refugees and thousands were forced to camp out in the streets, shivering in the bitter cold.

Uniting Danzig With Germany

Uniting Danzig With Germany

My Gauleiter! My dear fellow-countrymen and fellow-countrywomen of Danzig!
You are not alone in experiencing this moment with the deepest emotion; the
whole German nation is experiencing it too. I myself am conscious of the greatness of this hour.

For the first time I am treading upon soil of which German settlers had taken possession five hundred years before the first white men settled in what is today New York State. It is thus five hundred years longer that this soil was German, had remained German and will—of this we may all be convinced—remain German.

Cloud Busting and Chemtrailing

Cloud Busting and Chemtrailing

THE CHEMTRAIL PROGRAMME that we see today began in earnest in the 90’s. However the technology has existed for a lot longer, One notable example was in Britain from the late 50’s through to the 70’s, when large parts of the country were sprayed with chemicals for germ warfare experiments, this information was locked away in Government archives and has only recently been released to the public through whistle-blowers, the East Anglia region had many spray type experiments and many people have had children with birth defects because of this government sponsored RAF aerosol spraying campaigns and blamed it on the crop sprays.

The British Lion Vol. 1 No. 25 1928

The British Lion Vol. 1 No. 25 1928

At Buckingham Palace.