Operation 71

Operation 71

ON MAY 10, 1971, Rudolf Hess will have spent his 30th year behind the grim stone walls of Berlin’s Spandau prison. A world wide campaign protest, tacking up posters and newspaper distribution is now in operation to secure Hess’ release. We ask all our readers to join with us now in writing our nation’s leaders to release him immediately! You can be of tremendous help by ordering as many copies of this issue as you can afford (prices are on the back page). When opened, the centre of this paper becomes a poster.

Find locations where the public will be able to read them easily, and tack them up. (Examples: on bulletin boards, in trailer parks, clubs, restaurants, community centres, public buildings and even trees and posts along roads and highways.) Also, distribute this issue by rolling them up and placing a band around each issue, then throw them on lawns and driveways and pass them out on the street comer to people as they pass by.

Now, let us look a little into the story of the man we are about to work hard for during “OPERATION 71”.