The House of Rothschild

The House of Rothschild

NO OTHER NAME HAS BECOME MORE SYNONYMOUS WITH THE ILLUMINATI than the Rothschilds. It is believed that the Rothschild family used the Illuminati as a means to achieving their goal of world-wide financial dominance. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812) was born in Frankfurt-on-the-Main in Germany, the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, a banker and goldsmith. Their name was derived from the ‘red shield’ (‘rotschildt’) that hung over the door of their shop, and had been the emblem of revolutionary Jews in Eastern Europe. A few years after his father’s death, he worked as a clerk in a Hanover bank, which was owned by the Oppenheimers. He became a junior partner, and soon left to take over the business started by his father in 1750. He bought and sold rare coins, and later succeeded in buying out several other coin dealers.

In 1769, he became a court agent for Prince William IX of Hesse-Kassel, who was the grandson of George II of England, a cousin to George III, a nephew of the King of Denmark, and a brother-in-law to the King of Sweden. Soon Rothschild became the middleman for big Frankfurt bankers like the Bethmann Brothers, and Rueppell & Harnier. After expanding his business to antiques, wineries, and the importing of manufactured materials from England, the Rothschild family began to amass a sizeable fortune.

Prince William inherited his father’s fortune upon his death in 1785, which was the largest private fortune in Europe. Some of this money had come from Great Britain paying for the use of 16,800 Hessian soldiers to stop the revolution in America, because the money was never given to the troops. In 1804, the Rothschilds secretly made loans to the Denmark government, on behalf of Prince William.

Revelation Unfolded

Revelation Unfolded

To all those reading this document, please understand that it is merely an outline of a very difficult subject; but Spirit has motivated me to publish at this time, for the hour is growing late.  The Apocalypse deserves a more thorough treatment, but this outline will have to do for now.  If a particular statement or viewpoint seems outlandish or unsubstantiated, please write to me and ask for an explanation.  I sincerely believe that we Israelites of the Christian Identity Movement will, by putting our heads together, come to a complete understanding of the Holy Scriptures as we prepare for the Judgment Day.  I hope that this document adds to our understanding.  Since the Apocalypse prophecies cover a period of over 5,000 years {from the Empire of Egypt until the present}, there is much to cover.  Most of the material presented herein is a combination of my own research and that of two authors: Howard B. Rand and Bertrand Comparet.  Of all books ever published on the subject of John’s Revelation, Howard B. Rand’s Study In Revelation stands apart in its level of scholarship and historicity.  I would go so far as to say that, if you read no other books on the subject, you will know more about it than those who have read every other book on the subject. {Study In Revelation is available from Destiny Publishers, POB 177, Merrimac MA 01860.}  The same is true for Bertrand Comparet’s audio tape series on Revelation.  I have a very old set of these tapes which are barely audible.  Fortunately, that tape series has recently been transcribed by Clifton Emahiser, 1012 N. Vine St., Fostoria OH 44830, and is now available in print form and on CD

The Rapture of The Wicked

The Rapture of The Wicked

THERE ARE TWO GREAT DIVISIONS OF THOUGHT regarding people’s view of prophecy: the Futurist and the Historicist. Both teach that Christ will return to earth, but the division arises over the manner of His coming and its timing in relation to “the Tribulation.”

Now some may say, what difference does it make HOW Christ returns, so long as we all believe that Christ will indeed come? Is it really an important issue? How will our viewpoint of prophecy affect our thoughts and actions in preparation for the return of Christ?

First of all, it should be established that our eternal destiny and salvation does not stand or fall upon our belief in either viewpoint. However, our doctrines will determine our courses of action and our basic attitudes and outlook on the world in general. Thus, the issue is important to that degree.

The Historical view holds that the tribulation in the book of Revelation is almost completely fulfilled, except for the final downfall of “Mystery Babylon.” The Futurist view teaches that almost all of Revelation’s events have a future fulfilment.

Rahab and Ruth – Who Were They?

Rahab and Ruth – Who Were They?

The Truth About Ruth

There is no Book of the Bible so poorly translated as the Book of Ruth, and no single chapter so distorted by religious bias and dogma as the first one. Before we can get down to the straight-forward information that God gave us in the Hebrew text of His own Book we must learn a few simple geographical, judicial and historical FACTS.

Race Mixing and The Bible

Race Mixing and The Bible

IN Exodus 20:13 (LXX), we find the sixth commandment, a commandment we find repeated in the New Testament in Romans 13:9 and elsewhere (cf. Matthew 5:27, Luke 18:20, Mark 10:19, Jacob (James) 2:11, et al.). So we immediately notice that this commandment is explicitly stated in both the Old and New Testaments. The reason is that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8). With God, there is no variance or shadow of turning (Jacob 1:17). Obviously, this sixth commandment is very important. In most translations of the Bible, Exodus 20:13 and Romans 13:9 are translated: “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” In the literal translation of the Anointed Standard Translation of the New Testament and in the true translation of the Ten Commandments in The Truth Unveiled, these passages are translated as: “You will not mongrelise.”

In many people’s minds, there is a very great difference between these two translations, though, as we shall see later, this is due primarily to the purposeful degeneration of the etymology of the word adultery. At issue in the Greek Septuagint and in the Greek New Testament are two Greek words: ou moicheuseis.

The Piri Reis Map Mystery

The Piri Reis Map Mystery

In 1929, a group of historians found an amazing map drawn on a gazelle skin.
Research showed that it was a genuine document drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, a famous admiral of the Turkish fleet in the sixteenth century.

His passion was cartography. His high rank within the Turkish navy allowed him to have a privileged access to the Imperial Library of Constantinople.

The Turkish admiral admits in a series of notes on the map that he compiled and copied the data from a large number of source maps, some of which dated back to the fourth century BC or earlier.

Planet Earth as Weapon and Target

Planet Earth as Weapon and Target

BEGINNING WITH THE USE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY FOR MILITARY PURPOSES, mankind has entered a seemingly endless race to harness the natural forces within the planet, in the atmosphere and in space for waging war. The earth is already gravely affected by many of those secret research and testing programmes leading to unpredictable environmental and epidemiological consequences.

The term ‘exotic weapons systems’ includes weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space.

Perfect Hatred

Perfect Hatred

I HAVE HAD THIS MESSAGE ON MY HEART FOR QUITE SOME TIME NOW. I have already studied this out and I know what Yahweh has shown me so I have no reservations in sharing this gospel truth. I am very careful when it comes to teaching any subject and basing it upon scripture. I will not put a teaching out until I have studied it and prayed about it. I have no reason to teach lies, but I have all the reason in the world to teach the truth.

The truth is not a popular message. Are the messages you hear and read and believe, popular? Can you click on the Jew-Tube and hear what you believe by your favourite TV evangelist? Are you a victim of mainstream religion and so-called Christianity Today?

Is the message that you listen to a message that is popular amongst the masses? Well if it is, I would venture to say that what you are listening to or reading is NOT TRUE.

The New Testament = New Covenant

The New Testament = New Covenant

These young men had opened their discussion with me by asking me if I was a “New Testament” Christian. When I did not respond promptly enough, they began their presentation to me by taking me down the primrose path of the Roman Road. My first question to these sincere people was this: “What is the New Testament, anyway?” In any sales arena, once you get the prospect talking or asking questions, you are on your way to a sale. Having told me that they were graduating students, they were more than willing to answer my question. Further, since they had claimed that glorious status, it was up to them to explain the term. One of them told me that while the Old Testament dealt with the Jews and The Law, the New Testament was primarily for the Gentiles and operated under Christ’s Grace. He flatly stated that the New Testament Church was not to be concerned with The Old Law, which had been abandoned at The Cross, but was to emphasise Christ’s Grace.

Medieval Source Book – Nennius Historia Brittonum 8th Century

Medieval Source Book – Nennius Historia Brittonum 8th Century

Nennius was an eighth-century historian who is a major source for tales of King Arthur. [see #56 below]. Unlike the much more careful Bede, Nennius was, as one modern historian writes “unrestrainedly inventive” [ Gerhard Herm, The Celts, [London, 1976], p. 275]. Not all of Nennius can be dismissed as he apparently had access to no-longer available 5th century sources, but neither can he be entirely trusted.