The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

FOR THOSE WHO MAY BE CONFUSED by the controversies surrounding the “New World Order”, a One-World-Government, and American concern over giving the UN more power; those unaware of the issues involved; and those wishing more background, I offer the following.

Originally presented for an Honours Class, “Dilemmas of War and Peace,” at New Mexico State University, the paper was ridiculed and characterized by Dr. Yosef Lapid, (an acknowledged and locally quoted “expert” on Terrorism and Middle Eastern affairs) as “paranoid… possibly a symptom of mental illness.” You may judge for yourself.

Citing source data is the “scientific method,” but does not seem to apply to “Conspiracy Theories.” A thousand sources may be quoted, yet will not convince the “sceptics,” the “realists.” It seems to me the “symptoms of mental illness” are on their side, if they refuse to look at evidence (“There are none so blind as those who WILL not see”); or perhaps something more sinister is at work, such as a knowledge of the truth, that does not want YOU to know.

To be paranoid means to believe in delusions of danger and persecution. If the danger is real, and the evidence credible, then it cannot be delusional. To ignore the evidence, and hope that it CANNOT be true, is more an evidence of mental illness.

The Catastrophe of Modern Medicine

The Catastrophe of Modern Medicine

It is a Hoax that prescription drugs cure people and save lives. Prescription drugs are big business. The pharmaceutical global industry is worth over 600 billion dollars, while the UK Industry is worth 10 billion pounds and employs 8000 salespeople. In 2003, the UK drug bill was £7.2 billion, which is about 13 per cent of the total National Health Service spending. By far the largest chunk of their immense revenue goes on marketing i.e. targeting doctors directly (some £10,000 spent on each doctor in the U.K.) paying for trials which invariably turn out favourable reports, payment to medical journals, payment to academics who therefore write favourable reports about their drugs, payment for doctors, further education to keep them up to date on new drugs. Funding the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) and the UK’s equivalent MHRA (Medical And Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) lobbying the U.S. Congress 177 million dollars. They also actively lobby the UK parliament. Promoting drugs is big business. But are they any good at healing people. To answer this question we will quote Lorraine Day, a Professor of Medicine “DRUGS NEVER CURE DISEASE, they only ever cover up the symptoms, so you temporarily feel better while the disease gets worse.”

The Controlled Media

The Controlled Media

OFTEN IN THESE STUDIES here on this web site we mention something called the controlled media.  We state that many things which are going on today regarding the formation of the New World Order (which is just a modern name for the Biblical “first beast” global control system of Revelation chapter 13, that precedes the “second beast” [antichrist/Satan] by 42 months) are hidden from the average persons eye by this “controlled media.”

From a 1936 series of International Judaic speeches at the B’nai B’rith[B’nai B’rith in the Judaic Parent organization of the world-wide Jewish  Anti Defamation League]

“…As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our [International Judaics] reign over the world shall not come …And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World [Satan/antichrist]…
…Martin Luther [the leader of the Great Reformation] yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends unknowingly, and again, by Jewish authority, and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success. But unfortunately he discovered the deception, and became a threat to us, so we disposed of him as we have so many others who dare to oppose us [Martin Luther may have been slowly poisoned to death] ..

The Bundy Bloodline

The Bundy Bloodline

WHO AND WHAT KIND OF FAMILY are allied with the top 13 illuminate bloodlines? The Iluminati seeks to capture the occult power of powerful occult bloodlines around the world. They have intermarried with American Indians to gain the spiritual power resident within the leading spiritual American Indians. Various Indian reservations are used for Illuminati rituals. They have been doing this type of thing for thousands of years Powerful families around the world participate on different levels with the Illuminati. Some participate on a business level- such as the various crime (Mafia type) families around the world. Mafia families might not subscribe to the occult philosophy but they do recognize power and business. Some powerful families around the world participate simply on the level that they have been sucked into the world’s system and are dependent upon going along with the flow of the world’s system. An example of this would be the King of Nepal. The King of Nepal rules aver a poor Hindu kingdom. The British empire has done a great job in trying to make Nepal dependent upon them.

The Book God Signed

The Book God Signed

WHEN I WAS VERY YOUNG, as were many other students, was fond of airing my views at the Speakers Corner which is in Hyde Park, London. I had been brought up to believe the Bible to be the Inspired word of God. It was an assumption that I accepted as being no less certain than that the world was round and that night followed day!

Quite naturally, armed with such an authority, I quoted the Bible copiously and, providing I could find a Bible text to fit the occasion, was convinced that that was the end of any argument!

It was a few days before Christmas, when I was about twenty years of age —and I’m not going to let on how long ago that was—when I got my comeuppance! A very pleasant man, not looking nearly as wicked as he should have looked, parried every assertion I made with the simple but profound words `Yes that IS what the Bible says but how do you KNOW that the Bible is the Word of God?’

Well I DID know, as every Christian knows, that the Bible is the Word of God because the Holy Spirit had revealed it to me and nobody who has had that revelation can ever doubt the fact. I could sing with the hymn-writer of old `I need no other argument, I need no other plea, it is enough that Jesus died and that He died for me!’ There are millions of people in the world of all nations, of every social strata and of all levels of education who have had that experience! We, I can assure the doubter, need no other argument, for we have received the knowledge from God Himself by direct revelation.

It is not easy however to conduct a discussion on the basis of one having an inner-feeling which obviously no-one else can comprehend! The pleasant man did not destroy my faith in the Bible being the Word of God but he did cause me to wonder how I could prove TO DOUBTERS that the Bible is the Inspired Word of God. How, I wondered, could it be proved from evidence EXTERNAL to the Bible that the Bible is the Word of God?

That great Evangelist/Revivalist my good friend the late Principal George Jeffreys used to say `Bible prophecy is the test of Bible inspiration.’ He was right! When it is realised that, at the time of writing, over two thirds of the Bible was written to foretell future events it will be seen that the Bible is the most prolific book of prediction in the world!


The Beast of The Field – Nord Davis

The Beast of The Field – Nord Davis

BEAST IS A FREQUENTLY USED, AND WIDELY MISUNDERSTOOD WORD found in Scripture. When one thinks of a Beast in today’s modern English usage, the concept is limited to those four-legged animals with hooves, paws and claws. However, the Hebrew word Chay does not only refer to ordinary animals, but in the English of the days of King James, it was not uncommon to refer to the hard working Negro people as Beasts of Burden.

Thus, we see the unusual language of our Bible that uses this term for them. It did not carry the degrading or derogatory thought that such usage would imply today. Until we come to grips with this Biblical phrase, “The Beasts of the field,” there is no way that we can grasp advanced, Biblical Truth. Students should run this phrase through Strong’s Concordance, but let me show with a few verses what I am getting at here. I think that these few verses will give a deeper meaning to the first chapters of Genesis, the foundation of all of God’s Word. Genesis 9:5-6 states:………

The Astor Bloodline

The Astor Bloodline

THE ORIGINAL FOUNDER OF THE ASTOR FORTUNE WAS JONATHAN JAKOB ASTOR (1763-1848). Jonathan Jakob Astor was born in Walldorf, Duchy of Baden (Germany) from a Jewish bloodline. The Jewish origins have been hidden, and quite a number of various ideas of the Astor’s heritage have been put into circulation by the Astors. Jonathan Jakob Astor was a butcher in Walldorf. In 1784, he came to America after a stop over in London, England. Although the story is that he came to America penniless–and that may be true–he soon joined the Masonic Lodge, and within 2-3 years had become the Master of the Holland Lodge No. 8 in N.Y. City. (This Holland Lodge is a prominent lodge in that many of its members have good connections to the Illuminati elite. An example of just one Lodge #8 member is Archibald Russell, 1811 – 1871, whose father was President of a real hotbed of Illuminati action for many years: The Royal Society of Edinburgh).

By 1788, Astor was a master of Masonic lodge#8. This is rather interesting considering Astor could not speak English when he arrived in America, and supposedly was very poor. John Jacob Astor was always very famous for being cold-hearted, anti-social, “a man who didn’t have charm, wit or grace.” (This quote comes even from a relative of the DuPont family who wrote a sympathetic Biography entitled The Astor Family.) If this man lacked social graces and was so cold, and was so poor during his first years in the U.S., why did he rise to such prominence in Freemasonry? Certainly not because of his social graces. For instance, one time later in life at a meal given for elites, when his hands got dirty at the table he reached over and used the shirt of the man beside him to wipe his hands. The original financial break came by carrying out a series of shady and crooked real estate deals in the N.Y. city area.

The Aryans or Nobles

The Aryans or Nobles

The Aryan past is spectacular: we were the Sumerians who originated pictographs and writing; we were the ancient Atlanteans; we built Arkaim in Russia, the ancient Aryan capital of the world with an astronomy site in line with Stonehenge; we built the hanging gardens of Babylon; we were the original inhabitants of ancient Egypt, as the earliest frescoes and statues depict blue-eyed people: Menes, the son of the Assyrian king, Sargon the Great, was Egypt’s first king. We were the Egyptian Melchizedek priesthood with Horus the Hawk, our Holy Spirit, leading and guiding us. We built the Great Pyramid of Giza with Freedom Labour inspired by God in mathematics which tells a story to whoever will open their eyes to it–Isaiah 19:19-25–this edifice intended as an altar unto the Lord, with a little passageway on its inside time line, going from the “Descending Chamber” to the “Ascending Chamber” at A.D. 33. The three pyramids were built in alignment with the stars on Orion’s belt, Orion being the constellation of Christ, or the Spirit of truth; the Egyptian Sphinx is ours; so is the South American Mayan temple and stone masonry found around the world

Bringing Sons Unto Glory

Bringing Sons Unto Glory

As we go into our subject this afternoon of Bringing many sons unto Glory, there are areas of knowledge that is vital for the church to understand, and many of these areas are not often discussed in the areas of theology. Some of them are the developments in which God himself participated in. Others are areas of gossip and superstition in which we know not too much about or from whence they have come. But before we go into our discussion this afternoon there are some developments which follow the superstitions and fears and discussed in some matters and not in others, this is the mechanism and awareness, the processes by which men think and the tremendous impact that proper thinking and spiritual force may have upon your life and the environment. And the greatest thing you may have and the most important thing that you may have, and the greatest treasure which is yours, is the retention of your individual identity and your consciousness, the sun total of your experiences which make up the embodiment of your remembrance. For the soul that is you, celestially embodied and now physically embodied is a force, this personality which is the resident you.

Both Lord and Christ

Both Lord and Christ

In our message, we turn to the 2nd book of Acts in which Peter is speaking to the great crowds of people who are not gathered together in Jerusalem. As he speaks to the crowds, there are Jews in the crowd. The Disciples of Christ are there and of course, the people who had been travelling and were in Jerusalem for this occasion. As Peter speaks, he says, ‘Therefore, let all the House of Israel know assuredly that YAHWEH (and of course Peter would not have used the word God) hath made that same YAHSHUA whom ye crucified both YAHWEH and YAHSHUA.’ (Acts 2:36)

The scripture which has been translated from Aramaic into Greek, and then out of the Greek says, ‘Therefore let all the House of Israel know assuredly that God hath made this same Jesus whom ye crucified, both LORD and CHRIST.’ Thus, as Peter makes this declaration, what he is actually saying to the people, is that YAHWEH had predetermined the Messiahship of HIS own ministry. This Messiah who was crucified and who was raised from the dead was the Master Creator of the Universe, the Almighty YAHWEH. At the same time, when embodied, was this Christ or Messiah, YAHSHUA. Thus, YAHWEH who made the heavens and the earth is also the Messiah or Saviour.