Christmas is For Israel

Christmas is For Israel

This afternoon as we considered the subject of interest before all people of Christendom, and the time of the year, and the season in which we are celebrating, there is one good thing about Christmas and also about Resurrection or Easter. Upon these two weekends all of Christendom thinks about the same thing at the same time. The great catalyst of spiritual force which emerges out of this common testimony is to great advantage to the Kingdom. But strikes fear deep into the heart of the enemy.

Make no mistake about it. For it is a very vital and important service throughout all Christendom. We well understand that there is always controversy over the exactness of ‘dates’. But the importance of the exactness of dates is not as important as it is for Christendom to celebrate the birth of Christ, that they set aside a ceremony and a period and a time for rejoicing and for festivity. For Christmas is a time of festivity for the people of God. This is one of the things about the words, ‘The House of Isaac’ For they are the ‘sons of laughter’, the ‘sons of joy’. Because of the covenants that God has made with them. Because of this then this is one of the great days of festivities of God’s Kingdom.

Christianity and The KKK

Christianity and The KKK

Now the KKK is quite a vital subject when in the history of our nation, we are holding investigations, on the Congressional level into the affairs of the KKK.

I think it quite interesting to note, that I have now numerous copies of various newspapers in my files that come from various parts of the U.S. These are Jewish newspapers. And these newspapers boast that they brought the pressure on our government to bring about the investigation of the KKK.

And the investigation, tonight, of the KKK, and the way it is being handled by the government, can be directly related to Jewish assassination. We were, ourselves, at one time aware of how the Anti-Defamation League hated the KKK, and we well know that the A.D.L. organization and the organization of the B’nai B’rith (the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith) have been instrumental in spreading the Socialist conspiracy. And here the state of California went so far as to oppose legislation that was passing at the state levels to take Communist from our payrolls.
At the time that legislation went through the state legislature in California that all Communist, all those who were members of the Communist Party, who wouldn’t take the oath of allegiance to our National Government, be removed form the Civil Service payroll.

Then the A.D.L. and the B’nai B’rith got their little bulletin out and sent it to every Jew in California and to Jews in other states to help bring pressure on all legislatures. And especially, in California. And they said that pressure must be brought on all legislatures, because ant-Communism is anti-Semitism, because the majority of those who are Communist in the high positions of authority in California are Jewish. They said that if they were to remove Communist from our schools, it would be the Jewish professors who would be removed.

If we were to remove Communist from the Water Works or any other department of our government, it would be the Jewish employee who would be removed. So therefore, they wanted pressure brought on our legislatures. So we took a copy of this bulletin just as fast as it came off their presses and we flew to Washington, D.C. to give it to the Chairman of the Un-American Activities Committee, Congressman Rankin, who had much experience in his own background by experience in his investigation of Communism and the forces who were trying to overthrow America. He had the evidence before him that the conspiracy was mainly directed by Jewish organizations. And everywhere these organizations were obstructing the Un-American Activities Committee in their investigating and getting to the bottom of this design to overthrow America, and to Communise it with the A.D.L.

The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power

The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power

This work is divided into three parts:—

Part I gives a History of the Rise of the London Money Power.

Part II proves that this Imperialism of Capital — the London Money Power — is foretold in prophecy, under the symbol of the Great Red Dragon.

Part III gives the Remedy for the industrial evils that afflict our country.  (And, I did not scan this part)

There are many persons, perhaps, who will be deeply interested in Part I, and Part III, Who will feel but little interest in the prophetic portion of the work .  The work is so arranged that all such persons can skip Part II, and pass from Part I to Part II, without any break in the connection of thought:  though they will miss the most striking delineations of the character and the activities of the Money Power.

On the other hand, those who are interested in the prophetic aspect of the work, will find its structure in proper logical arrangement as a prophetic exposition;  since it is necessary to present the history of the Money Power, before the symbols of prophecy can be applied to it.

This work is the outgrowth of a life of thought, largely directed to the study of Prophecy, History, and Political Economy.  Indeed, the work is the product of original thought.  Its historical portion is the history of an Imperialism whose existence has been hitherto unrecognised—Its remedy is based upon principles of Political economy that have never before been presented to the world.—Its Prophetic Exposition is part of a System of Prophetic Interpretation that is entirely new .  The Author may therefore claim the indulgence due to a pioneer, whose movement is over a pathway un-smoothed by the progress of earlier thought.

A Latter From The Keepers

A Latter From The Keepers

Dearest Citizens of the World,
I believe the time has come to reveal to you some of the perplexities you have faced in recent decades. It is well for you to understand some of these things so that you might know how to behave in the New Order now taking shape in the earth. We want you to be able to become fully involved and integrated into our new society. After all, this is for your best interest if you will do this.
First of all, it is well that you understand some of our purposes so that you may more fully cooperate. I cannot tell you the hard times you will face if you resist us. We have ways of dealing with resisters. I am only telling you this now, since it is much too late to turn things around. The days of putting a stop to us have long since past. We have full control of the earth and its finance, along with the major media propaganda, and there is simply no way any nation or power can defeat us. We have eyes in every level of government in every nation of the world. We know what is being planned, for our ears and eyes are ever present. State secrets are fully known to us.

The Great Banking Deception

The Great Banking Deception

Have you been cheated?

In order for any contract to be valid, there must be ‘full disclosure’, ‘good faith’, ‘valuable consideration’, and ‘clean hands’. Here is what the banks advertise: “Come to our bank. We have money to loan you”. Is this really what happens?

Did you really get a loan when you contracted to borrow money from the bank to pay for your home? Or was it just an exchange (your note for cash), but the bank called it a loan? Or did two loans occur?

When you entered into a loan contract with a bank, you signed a note or contract promising to pay the bank back, and you agreed to provide collateral that the bank could seize if you did not repay the loan. This contract supposedly qualified you to receive the bank’s money. But did the bank provide ‘full disclosure’ of all of the terms of this agreement? Read the following and decide for yourself if the bank was acting in ‘good faith’, that you received ‘valuable consideration’, and that your ‘signature’ on that agreement is valid.

Bankers want you to believe that depositors deposit money at banks, banks lend the money to borrowers and the borrowers repay the money and the money is returned to the depositors who funded the loan. If you think this is how American or Canadian banking works, you have been lied to and deceived.

The fact is the economics of today’s banking system is similar to stealing, counterfeiting and swindling and that is why the bankers cannot explain the loan details or answer specific questions. Bankers are terrified that the details might be exposed in public court.

The German Contribution

The German Contribution

PRINT THIS IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT LEARNING SOME THINGS! It’s far longer then initially intended and to read it in its entirety sitting in front of a computer screen is not recommended. It would be too tiresome.
It’s not only about German contributions to the world at large, it’s also about the present-day annihilation of the German people as such, about the incessant vilification and character assassination which takes place in the world. I have tried to point some of it out, only being able to scratch the surface. The ‘Hate-everything German’ is so all-inclusive as to be mind-numbing and quite frankly is comprehensible only when understanding the Jewish hate which has poisoned the minds of man for centuries. This horrible, irrational hatred is directed against all peoples of German blood, whether they be Germans, or Scandinavians, or ethnic Germans living the world over. This is so grotesquely successful that ethnic Germans world-wide are literally afraid to defend their good name.
The real horror is, a person cannot tell the truth without being howled down as a “Hater”, but the true haters are hailed as paragons of virtue!
The so-called Holocaust, a purely Jewish invention of the past 40 years, has been hammered into the minds of people to such a degree, that it has become a sacrosanct religion, a dogma which illicits knee-jerk responses from otherwise rational people. It has been said that the truth eventually triumphs. Well, I am afraid this maybe incorrect. If the truth is assassinated relentlessly by the media world-wide, soon it matters not whether proof of the Jews dishonesty is overwhelming. We know for example that the Jews have literally destroyed civilizations and are so relentlessly hate-filled against all none-Jews that it is impossible for even a giant such as George Washington, to avoid the infestation of a nation. We know the Holocaust to be a fabrication, for even prominent Jews admit that the eye-witnesses are notoriously unreliable (and eye-witnesses is essentially all they have), yet the pervert who can be credited with the invention of this fable, Elie Wiesel is given the Nobel Peace Prize! Ask for forensic proof (such as even ONE autopsy, ONE pile of bones or ashes, where there should be 20.000 tons of it), as is required in any court of law, and one is instantly smeared as a ‘hater’. This whole thing is so odious, so foul and evil, languages have no words for it.

The Freeman Bloodline

The Freeman Bloodline

THE AMAZING THING ABOUT THIS FAMILY is that it is not a family that people would have thought of as being one of the top thirteen; however, for me as a researcher of the elite and the Satanic hierarchy, the name pops up with surprising frequency. For instance, Stephen M. Freeman runs the Legal Affairs Dept. of the Civil Rights Division of the Anti-Defamation League (which is a daughter of the B’nai B’rith). The ADL is a dangerous organisation controlled by the hierarchy. The illuminati drug money to fund this organisation. Another Freeman is Walter Freeman who introduced the lobotomy into the U.S. with James W. Watts in 1936. The frontal lobotomy was a brutal method of mind control, that has been permitted to be done to us, under the disguise that it is of benefit to humanity. Then there was Simon Freeman an important intelligence officer. And the list goes on of people that are in key places with the Freeman name. But the most important position of all which removes all doubt that the family is at the top is that the late Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion was Gaylord Freeman.

Christian Vision

Christian Vision

We turn this afternoon to the 29th book of Proverbs, and to the 18th verse. This is instruction given by the LORD for those places where there is no vision. “The people perish. The conclusion being; “He that keepeth the law, happy is he.” One of the great problems which lies at the heart of our Christian civilization lies at the heart of our society. The more a situation is in the hands of God the more significant it is in its purpose. And another area is the spiritual centre of HIS kingdom, HIS church. The responsibility of HIS church is not only to continue as HIS Oracle, but to proclaim the law of God and the Will of God. Within the structure of that institution which we realize is governed with the hand of flesh and with the spread of religious hierarchies over many denominations, there are those who seek from time to time to nullify Divine instructions. Replacing sometimes the instructions of God with the opinions of men. And when the opinions of man is used in place of the instructions of God, you are in serious trouble. Thus, it is that we have a tremendous wave of people today who have been told that the laws of God are no longer necessary for we have passed from a period of law into a period of Grace. But when you ask them to interpret for you the Grace of God, then you find that sometimes they have a hard time explaining this. But they say that this is the ‘love of God’ and the forgiveness of God whether you obey HIM or not. The point is that they so stress this that some people feel relieved from an obligation to proclaim the law of God with strength.

Now the kingdom of God is an administration. And it relates to a Divine government. And in these processes of government then law is important. You cannot have government without law. The program of God’s kingdom is a program of Divine law. Ruling over by that kingdom, is God, Himself. And HE shall rule over the earth. And those who constitute HIS household, HIS children, shall rule with HIM from one end of the earth to the other. But the laws of God, the standards of God and the rightness of God, the world shall obey.

Chosen in Him

Chosen in Him

As we turn in our subject we will turn to the book of Ephesians, for the Apostle Paul is explaining some of the mysteries. In fact the Apostle Paul by this time had already been into the heavenly places and back again. And he writes as one who had already written these things in a book and of course he had in the ‘Apocalypse of Paul’. He had written in that book the great truths of God, taught to him by God himself.

And he had written these also in the great Epistles which he had sent out to the various churches. And these Epistles are named according to the churches which he sent them to. And Peter said that these were to be received as scriptures. For they contained the revelations which God had bestowed upon the Apostle Paul So we are told that, blessed be the spirit which is in us, as it was in our LORD Jesus Christ, which hath blessed us in all heavenly places. Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places.

And the Apostle Paul tells us that these things happened before the foundation of the world. He said that these thing had happened before he had sent the redeemer for his household and his race. That all of these things had been written in the councils of heaven. And in the records of the mysteries of God’s kingdom. So he had already blessed us with all spiritual blessings and then tells us of the circumstances that govern this. He not only has blessed us with all spiritual blessings but “He had chosen us in HIM before the foundation of the world.” “That we should be holy and without blame before HIM in love.” That he had predetermined us as Children, by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.

Chose Whom Ye Will Serve

Chose Whom Ye Will Serve

Here this night before the coming election of next Tuesday, we find that there are grave and troublesome times in America, and these times stem from the magnitude of Satanic conspiracy. But we also call your attention to the greatness of your nation as it started. For God had also ordained in the book of Jeremiah, areas of descriptions concerning this nation. As he moved his people out into the lands of the wilderness and into Europe, he established this nation of the Kingdom. He also purposed another great move, for into this land across the great waters would move more of the House of Israel. More than this he said that he would plant them in a great land carved out of the wilderness, a nation of tall can clean shaven men, a nation powerful from its beginnings. And as God spoke these things concerning this nation, he in the 30th, chapter of Jeremiah said of these people. Out of them shall proceed Thanksgiving, and the voice of them that will make merry. I will multiply them, and they shall not be few: I will also glorify them and they shall not be small.