It is Now Time for The Great Awakening

It is Now Time for The Great Awakening

WE TURN TONIGHT IN OUR THINKING TO THE AWAKENING OF OUR NATION. In this, we turn to the 13th chapter of the book of Romans and we find a very sound text with these words: “And knowing that it is now time to wake up out of sleep. For now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent and the day is at hand and we must cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light.” Our great problem is that we have had so many people who have been unaware that they are operating in their life span of existence inside the great time table of God.

They have not been aware that the kingdom of God is a reality in the earth. And as a reality. It has a very important destiny. That God Almighty is infinitely more concerned about that kingdom than a great many citizens who are within it and who are not so much aware that it exists. We have talked often about the strategies of God, about the purposes God unveils inside of the Holy Scriptures. This afternoon we talked to you about mysteries of the kingdom. There is no doubt that it is important for you and I to understand what time it is. It is important for us to recognize how close we are to some climactic events in history. We can assure you that God does nothing unless HE reveal it unto HIS ministers and unto HIS prophets.

It is Later Than You Think

It is Later Than You Think

IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION IN 10:6., we have a passage where the Angel (Eagle) suddenly sounds the trumpet, lifts up his hand to heaven, and sware by HIM that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven and the things therein, and the earth, and the things therein and the sea and the things which are therein, that ‘THERE SHOULD BE TIME NO LONGER’. Of course this is a unique statement, for time is a dimension, it is exactly a dimension of the existence of things. It is the dimension of the happenings that transpire. It is the dimension in which history has its fulfilment. And as we have height and breadth and length, so also have we a dimension of Time.

The Angel didn’t mean that there wouldn’t be any more time because there is going to be time forever. He meant that as far as the study of time was concerned, that the time of YAHWEH’S waiting, the time for giving any further time to the powers of darkness was totally over. He meant that the day of YAHWEH (God) was coming in with Power and great Glory. And thus the Angel lifted up his voice and said: ‘Time shall be no more’. He meant that the time of YAHWEH was now commencing, and the time for the powers of darkness and forces of evil were no longer to be counted.

It is Given to You to Know

It is Given to You to Know

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT this afternoon, turn to the book of Romans, the 8th chapter commencing with the 27th verse. “FOR HE THAT SEARCHETH OUT ALL THE THINGS OF THE HEART KNOWETH THE MIND OF THE SPIRIT. And makes concessions for HIS believing offspring, acceptable according to the WILL OF GOD. We understand clearly that HE who maketh intercessions and HE who holds forth, even into the minds of his believing offspring is by the process of the spirit. And the spirit is where the believing offspring have descended from God has created the capacity extending out over a Universe containing 1,126 suns. Holding together all forces of vitality and nature having created all things, and all things having been made for him and by him, for HE was before all things, and by Him all things consist. And HE hath looked down upon society in earth and HE hath ordained human destiny.”

Now; we look out upon all of the choices, and people may think that they are deciding their destiny, and little do they realize who is the Master of all things. HE who hath made all men hath made human destiny a part of His good pleasure. And in the book of Isaiah HE says that HE does all things according to the pleasure of HIS Will. Therefore HE makes this declaration of human destiny, as to the ultimate destiny of the white race, this ultimate destiny of the children of God. And what he has purposed for them even before HE planted them in the earth, into our present existence.

C. H. Douglas and The Jews

C. H. Douglas and The Jews

This article by Major C. H. Douglas was originally published in 1938. It is re-published for the benefit of those who have not previously read it as well as to keep it on record.

The Times of August 15, 1938, reprints under the heading “An Italian Tirade” what is presumably a précis of an article by Signor Giovanni Ansaldo in the Gazetta Del Popolo of Turin.

Signor Ansaldo’s thesis is the increasingly close alliance between the Jews and the British Empire, and the origin of this alliance in Puritanism.

Even as reported by The Times, the article has much interest, not merely for the Social Credit Movement, but for the general public, since it must be obvious to any detached observer that the Jewish question is one which goes to the root of the political problems on which the world appears to be heading for a shipwreck.

A great deal of the normal comment upon this matter is superficial, and even neurotic. But to say that there is no problem is to copy the lady who said that “the whole regiment is out of step except Johnny.” It is a problem which arises spontaneously in one country after the other. It has never been non-existent in historical times, and has certain easily recognizable characteristics following s well-known historical course.

British Israel Fact or Fiction

British Israel Fact or Fiction

Rev. Dunlop states in the course of his sermon on British-Israel, that:

“The British-Israel theory is a dead, God-dishonouring, anti-Scriptural fraudulent and deceptive lie from the pit of hell. It is every one of these things and more.”

He makes mention of us in relation to Mormonism and Armstrongism, and includes his message against us as part of a series on the cults. He goes as far as to say:

“Of course Mormonism and British-Israelism are blood brothers.” and at another point in his sermon he boldly declares regarding Identity-believers that: “when people use methods like this, they must also deny the Holy Scriptures.”

He couldn’t make his viewpoint much clearer.

Let me say British-Israel is no cult. We have included within our ranks such outstanding Evangelicals, and Gospel preachers, as the late Rev. Robert Bradford M.P., Principal George Jeffreys, founder of the Elim Church, and Dr. James Mountain the great Baptist Fundamentalist.

Let me put again on record for Rev. Dunlop and all others of similar ilk from:

What A British-Israelite Really Believes

1) That the Old and New Testament Scriptures in their original languages are the inspired, infallible Word of God.

2). In the Virgin Birth, Sinless Life, Absolute Deity Miraculous Ministry, Blood Atonement, Bodily Resurrection, Ascension and soon-coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Are these the words of heretics? Is this the doctrinal statement of a cult? British-Israel Truth is the purest form of Fundamental Bible Protestantism, and British-Israel believers will always be in the front line of the battle to defend the honour of our precious Saviour and His Holy Word.

Even our opponents have had to admit as much.

A) Rev. J Stafford Wright MA, Principal of Tyndale Hall, Bristol:

“I myself could never group BI with others, it would be fairer to recognise it as a particular interpretation of prophecy within the Orthodox Church of Christ.”

B) Dr. Townley Lord, Editor of the Baptist Times:

“From what I know of them, they are fervent and devoted to Evangelical Christianity”

The Popular Misuse of The Word “Christ”

The Popular Misuse of The Word “Christ”

IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THE THE NEW AGE with its theosophy uses the words, Father, Mother, Spirit, Lord, Satan, Jesus, and particularly the word “christ”.

In popular Christian preaching, writing and radio, the word “christ’ is used more and more in the New Age fashion as a name in the place “Jesus”. Often teachers and writers make direct transposition of “Jesus” to “Christ” when scripture verses are quoted. The word “christ” is popularly being used in preaching, books and on radio as a name in a way that is often scripturally invalid. This is partly due to newer translations. “Christ” in scripture may or may not relate to a person, but it is not a name.

In order to bring the Biblical position out it is necessary to be a little technical and say that there are four main forms of the Greek word that is commonly presented as “Christ”. These four forms are “christos”, “christo”, christon” and “christou” being the nominative, dative, accusative and genitive cases in Greek. There are also other grammatical forms which modify these. These forms and modifications have not been translated; rather they have just been transliterated, and thus create a problem..

To illustrate the misuse, we might say, “A tin whistle is made of tin and therefore a fog horn must be made of fog”. The false assumption is obvious. If “tin” and “fog” were the different forms of the word “christ” we can then see that we must wrest scripture if we were to use them either as being both nouns or both adjectives.

In many of the about 217 out of 555 times where “christ” is found without a “Jesus” or a “Lord” the word is a verbal adjective. When used as a adjective “christ” is a characteristic of the associated noun, [e.g. as “canned” in “canned carrots”, carrots being the noun]. Also, it also necessary to consider whether the associated verbs are active or passive. To place a capital “C” in “christ” in some places is deceptive mis-translating and the use of the word deceptively changes the meaning of scripture.

British Free Corps in SS-Waffen Myth and Historic Reality

British Free Corps in SS-Waffen Myth and Historic Reality

TIME and again contradictory information about numbers and battle feats of the British detachment in SS Waffen, which included several Australians, keep turning out in various books and Internet publications. For example till recently one could have come across allegations or speculations that this group of people took part in the defence of Berlin in April-May 1945.

The most comprehensive data based on document declassified in 1980-90-ties was given in the book “Renegades: Hitler’s Englishmen (Adrian Weale, 1994). This page is based on that book. It has to be emphasized that this story does not relate to the other group of the British renegades, which took part in Nazi propaganda war targeted against Great Britain.

This detachment commenced formation in the second half of 1943 when the strategic-military situation of Germany had greatly deteriorated. Volunteer POWs from Great Britain and her dominions became the main source of servicemen for the detachment. The first Commander of the Corps was Hauptsturmfurer SS Hans Werner Roepke an English-speaking German.

Britain’s Secret War in Antarctica

Britain’s Secret War in Antarctica

IN 1938, NAZI GERMANY sent an expedition to Antarctica with a mission to investigate sites for a possible base and to make formal claims in the name of the Third Reich. To prepare them for their mission, they invited the great polar explorer Richard E. Byrd to lecture them on what to expect. The following year, a month after hostilities had commenced in Europe, the Germans returned to Neuschwabenland to finish what had been started, with many suggesting that a base was being constructed.

Nine years later, Richard E. Byrd, who by now had become an Admiral in the United States Navy, was sent to Antarctica with the largest task force ever assembled for a polar mission. In Admiral Byrd’s own words, the mission (code-named Highjump ) was “primarily of a military nature”.1 Many claim that the task force was sent to eradicate a secret Nazi base in Queen Maud Land, which the Nazis had renamed Neuschwabenland and which had never been explored as profoundly as the rest of the Antarctic. But, and the big but is, the fact that Admiral Byrd spoke of “flying objects that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds”2 and with well-documented German activity before, during and in the immediate aftermath of World War II, one can’t help but wonder whether there is some truth in the Nazi Antarctica myth. Even so, could Operation Highjump and Byrd’s quotes have overshadowed the truth about British excursions in Antarctica by way of misinformation, bringing attention to his mission and, by doing so, making sure that history only remembered one mysterious Antarctic mission?

When the Antarctica mystery is mentioned, Britain is never given more than a footnote. That fact is surprising in itself, especially as British forces were active in Antarctica throughout the war and quite possibly took the initiative in dealing with the Antarctic Nazi threat a whole 12 months before Operation Highjump was initiated.

Britain’s activities on Antarctica, though less documented and more clandestine, are just as intriguing as the supposed much-vaunted Operation Highjump. Unfortunately for Britain, though victorious in the War, it was bankrupted and humiliated by the two new superpowers. But Britain was in a position to regain some pride and surreptitiously upset its supposed allies with the final, decisive battle against the surviving Nazis: a battle that would never be recorded in the history books; a battle that would make its claims on the continent more legitimate; but, most importantly, a battle that ended the war that it had been compelled to wage.

Britain’s Early Religious History

Britain’s Early Religious History

SACRED ISLE: by tradition Britain is a sacred isle of immense antiquity, home of divinatory arts and a repository of souls; Greek writers were wont to write of ‘the secrets of the island of Britain’

To the peoples of antiquity the isle of Britain was the very home and environment of mystery, a sacred territory, to enter which was to encroach upon a region of enchantment, the dwelling of the gods, the shrine and habitation of a cult of peculiar sanctity and mystical power. Britain was, indeed, the insula sacra of the West, an island veiled and esoteric, the Egypt of the Occident.’ (Lewis Spence, The Mysteries of Britain, 1905)

Britain was home to the first Christian realm [see below, Christianity] and long before that Druidism was invented on the island [see below, Druidism]; the extraordinary antiquity and spread of British influence is advertised in the following quotation:

Brief History of The War Against Tsarist Russia

Brief History of The War Against Tsarist Russia

IN the early 20th Century the Jews were carrying on a war against all governments and influential individuals they believed to be anti-Jewish.

Among those who were alarmed about the Marxist “workers movement” in Great Britain were a number of retired military officers, including generals and admirals who had fought in World War I and had returned home to see that a great deal of dissent and anti-social activity was being fomented by socialist movements in Britain which were mainly controlled and led by individuals of the Jewish race.

In response to the Jewish run “revolutionary workers” movement in Britain a number of re-tired high ranking military officers who feared a Jewish provoked revolution in Britain aligned themselves with the Britons Publishing Society, which was founded in 1917 by Col. Henry H. Beamish. His father had been a Rear Admiral in the British navy.

Many retired military officers were speakers on the Jewishness of Bolshevism at the Britons Publishing Society headquarters in London.

Mrs. Nesta Webster was a talented writer- who wrote World Revolution and a number of other books exposing the connection between revolutionary Jews and Secret Societies.

Many high ranking military officers could not understand the growing Socialist movements in Britain and Europe.

By chance some of them came across books by Mrs. Nesta.Webster

British Intelligence was alarmed by the leftist “workers” movements in Europe had heard about Mrs. Webster through a supporter of the Britons Publishing Society, Brig. Gen. Prescott Decie.

In 1917 the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Gen. Sir William Robertson was warned that that af-ter the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II there was a great deal of pro-Bolshevik activity taking place in Britain. He told Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig “I’m afraid there is no getting away from the fact that there is some unrest in the country now as a result of the Russian Revolution. There have been some bad strikes, and there is still much discontent.” [The Romanov Conspiracies by Michael Occleshaw page 90]