The Glory of Yahweh

The Glory of Yahweh

YOU HAVE PROBABLY HEARD OR READ MY MATERIAL ON SCIENCE IN THE BIBLE, however these lessons did not exhaust the subject. Now I want to cover some of the electrical science found in the Bible, a number of incidents have been ridiculed by people who don’t understand it. Those who have accepted these incidents on faith have merely thought of them as some of Yahweh’s mysterious magic. The great God, who originated all scientific principles, uses His own handiwork according to His own laws.

In Exodus 3:1-12 we read that Moses saw a bush which was covered with fire, but it wasn’t consumed. Yahweh spoke to Moses out of the flames. People, who like to think they are wise, have ridiculed this idea of fire, which didn’t burn the bush. For many centuries, most of the sailors, who served on the old tall masted sailing ships, saw such fire when thunder storms were overhead, they called it St. Elmo’s fire. When these flames flared on the tips of the masts, lightning never struck the ship. It was an electrical discharge, by which the terrific electrical charge, which the storm had built up in the ship, was released before it could attract the terrible thunderbolt. The same great streamers of electrical flame are sometimes seen at the wing tips of airplanes, when they fly near thunderclouds.

The Comfort of The Scriptures (Inez Comparet)

The Comfort of The Scriptures (Inez Comparet)

EVERY TIME WE PICK UP OUR NEWSPAPERS, or listen to the radio and watch television, we hear of wars and rumours of wars. There is rioting in Africa and Asia, Cuba and South America. Murder, rape and violence of all kinds is rampant everywhere, even in our own country. After hearing of the conditions in the world today, I think it would be comforting to hear what the scriptures have to say about all these things. In Romans 15:4 we read, “For whatsoever things were written afore time were written for our learning, that we through patience and the comfort of the scriptures might have hope.”

As one writer expressed it, “For most of the time comfort is a soft, sleek, stroking word. But not always! Not always for the scriptures. Comfort is no softling. The word itself is like a strong man armed. Comfort, fort, fortify, fortitude.” In other words strength, nothing soft about that!

“Fortitude to see unflinchingly;
Strength to stand unwaveringly
Not a lullaby, but a trumpet call.”

The Moffatt translation of the Bible, which I will be quoting from, translates Isaiah 44:8 as follows. “Fear nothing; dread not in the days to come: Have not I foretold it and announced it long ago?”

Suppose We are Israel What Difference does it Make? (Inez Comparet)

Suppose We are Israel What Difference does it Make? (Inez Comparet)

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO ME IF YOU KNEW I HAD DISCOVERED THAT I WAS THE HEIR TO A VAST ESTATE, great wealth and responsibility? Instead of rejoicing in the great privilege and turning to the work with all its great issues, I simply said, “Well, what if I am the heir, what difference does it make?” I know what you would think, even if you didn’t say it.

Yet, when we show from the Bible and from history and archaeology that the Anglo Saxon and kindred people are the modern day descendants of the house of Israel, to whom Yahweh has pledged with His oath so many great privileges and blessings, many say indifferently, what difference does it make? They want only personal salvation. Now the man who has the blessing of personal salvation is the recipient of a marvellous gift of Yahweh through Yahshua. This doesn’t warrant his despising and rejecting the other birthright, the birthright of race.

Is Truth a Matter of Personal Opinion?

Is Truth a Matter of Personal Opinion?

IS TRUTH JUST A MATTER OF PERSONAL OPINION? Isn’t one person’s view of ethics just as valid as another person’s? Are not all views, in essence, the same? And does the whole issue of truth and ethics really matter? Does it make any difference? Can the honest seeker of truth decide without accurate data? In our consideration of ethics — the moral evaluation of what is right and what is wrong — we will need to overcome some common misconceptions people hold in this arena of ethical determination.

Misconception 1: ALL TRUTH IS RELATIVE

Personal opinion doesn’t determine reality. For example, I can choose to believe that the earth is flat, but the reality of the matter is that the earth is spherical not flat! I may still choose to believe that it’s flat, but I’m still wrong! Another way of stating the claim that all truth is relative is to say, there are no absolutes! Yet in response to this claim I must ask, “Are you absolutely sure there are no absolutes?” It is humorous to note that the rejection statement — “There are no absolutes.” — is, in fact, an absolute!

Is the statement “All truth is relative,” true? No, it’s impossible since it is a self-refuting statement, one which contradicts itself. It is, in fact, making a statement of absolute truth when it claims, there is no absolute truth!

Some examples of self-refuting propositions would include, “I’m a truthful liar”; “I’m an honest thief”; “I’m a compassionate killer”. All of these statements are false since they are internally contradictory and therefore self-defeating!

The Satanic Rothschild Dynasty Financial Wizards and Wealthy Cults

The Satanic Rothschild Dynasty Financial Wizards and Wealthy Cults


Lord Rothschild in his book The Shadow of a Great Man quotes a letter sent from Davidson on June 24, 1814 to Nathan Rothschild, “As long as a house is like yours, and as long as you work together with your brothers, not a house in the world will be able to compete with you, to cause you harm or to take advantage of you, for together you can undertake and perform more than any house in the world.”(1) The closeness of the Rothschild brothers is seen in a letter from Saloman (Salmon) Rothschild to his brother Nathan on Feb. 28, 1815, “We are like the mechanism of a watch: each part is essential. This closeness is further seen in that of the 18 marriages made by Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s grandchildren – 16 were contracted between first cousins.
In 1974, in the summer after the Yom Kippur War this Author toured Israel, and got the chance to personally visit many of the buildings like the Knesset that the Rothschild’s money has built. The Knesset is the Israeli equivalent to our Congress’s Capitol building. One of the Rothschilds in his will left money for ongoing building projects in Israel, and the Rothschilds are honored with a Street named after them in Jerusalem.
The people of Germany and Turkey have been very close. I can recall meeting Turkish “Gastarbeiter” (guestworkers) in Germany. The reader will remember that Turkey fought on Germany’s side in W.W. I. A few powerful Jews, including the Rothschilds were responsible for the wording of the Treaty imposed on Germany that ended W.W. I
The treaty gave the Rothschilds the German owned railway rights in Palestine (which had been part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire), thus paving the way for the Rothschilds to have a sure leverage to dictate policy concerning Palestine. The Rothschilds had made loans to Turkey which amounted to almost one hundred million pounds. When the Turkish government collapsed after W.W. I because they were on the losing side, the Rothschilds had a claim on Palestine because of those unpaid Turkish loans. The British government followed the dictates of the Rothschilds. The British were given a mandate over Palestine, and the Rothschilds were able to through their proxies in the British government, to create the steps that led to the nation of Israel.

Jewish Media Influence in Sweden

Jewish Media Influence in Sweden

PART OF A REPLY TO A COMPLAINT IN A JEWISH NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES about “anti-Semitism” in the media of Sweden and Lithuania:–

Dear Sir,

First of all I would like to laud you for an exhaustive and well-prepared site. You have certainly gone through the Jewish question thoroughly before compiling your observations and analysis. Reading your This week’s Jewish News as usual today there was one piece of news that made my face wreathed in smiles.

The piece of news concerned how the Jewish community of Lithuania accused LNK television for anti-Semitism.

Well, the far too familiar irony is that the LNK, as stated in the article is owned by the Bonnier family, based in my country of origin, Sweden. Worth mentioning then is that the Bonniers are Jewish themselves. Bonnier is a taken name; originally the family was named Hirschel. Not only is the Bonnier family Jewish and not only do they own LNK, but they are the far most influential media group in Sweden and in Finland.

Of the seven largest daily newspapers in Sweden, the seven with a daily circulation of over 100,000, the Bonnier family owns four, Dagens Nyheter (the Daily News), Expressen (the Express), Sydsvenska Dagbladet (the Southern Swedish Daily News) and Dagens Industri (the Industry of Today).

The Patriot No. 12 27 April, 1922

The Patriot No. 12 27 April, 1922

Last week we drew attention to the report, casually mentioned by a Dantzig Chronicler of the year 1469, that the German merchant (den deutschen Kaufmann) had a hand in our “Wars of the loses. Strange! And yet perhaps no more strange than to suggest that the German merchant of to-day has a hand in the Rebellion in Ireland and Bolshevism in Russia (and in England). When Rathenau, the greatest commercial magnate in Germany, signs a Treaty with Lenin, we are told that the nation and the Prime Minister are of the material of shipping — timber, resin, pitch. Mercatores de regno Alemanie, “find it commonly translated,” The Society of German Merchants of the Holy Roman Empire.” They were a great confederation of some seventy German cities, chiefly Lubeck, Dantzic, Bremen, Hamburg and Cologne. These merchants traded on the principle of “touch one, touch all,” and had a navigation law of their own shortly ex- pi-eased in the phrase, “Hanse goods in Hanse ships.” In the Baltic they had almost a monopoly

When Ivrassin (an old employee of Rathenau) came to England as representative of Lenin, it did not occur to the Prime Minister or the British nation to put two and two together. Nor did it occur to them to read Mr. Edgar Sisson’s Report, which states (and proves) that the Russian Communists (falsely called Russian and falsely called Communist) were in the pay of German capitalism. To people who neither read nor can interpret evidence, everything comes as a surprise.

Here is one of the advantages of the study of history. If we know that the German merchant had a share in the Mediaeval Bolshevism of the Wars of the Roses, we learn to expect him in the Bolshevism of to-day. And so it may help us a little in our modern affairs to go back even so far as Warwick, the King-Maker. But who, let us first .discover, were those German merchants? And why did they take a hand in the Wars of the Roses? Let us see.

The German merchants of the Middle Ages were organised in what is vaguely and inaccurately called the Hanseatic League. A Hanse was, in fact, a league or company of merchants, and there was an English Hanse as well as a German Hanse. The German Hanse called itself in State documents “Mercatores de Hansa Alemannia,”

The Rothschild Octopus Meyer’s Sons

The Rothschild Octopus Meyer’s Sons

Marxism, globalism, the new world order, liberalism… All these are euphemisms for a phenomenon embodied in the invisible empire of the Rothschild family.
The Rothschilds do not die, they simply depart into history, and their place is inconspicuously taken by their sons and grandsons. Word goes that the old master Jacob has left the scene, and that his place has been occupied by his son Nathan (Nathaniel Philip Rothschild, who bears the name of the founder of the English Rothschilds). The heavy burden has fallen on the frail shoulders of the young heir. But Nathan is not alone. In the running of the empire he will be aided by his uncles Evelyn and Edmund and the other members of the English branch of the family (Catherine, Emma, Leopold), but also his French cousins (David, Eduard…).

The Rothschild family has produced governors, prime ministers, ministers, supervisors who are making sure that everything goes according to the big plan.

The European Union was created by the Rothschilds (Schumann, a Khazar). The EU is an exploiter of Russia, which should be freed from the Siberian burden. With the aim of completing this job the Rothschilds have employed Soros, Berezovski, Hodorkovski, Kasparov, the Mitals…

The Longest Hatred

The Longest Hatred

THE AUTHORS OR EDITORS ARE ANONYMOUS. A prosecution against Jane Birdwood was (as far as I’ve been able to determine) dropped, with the probably bogus claim that she was senile or otherwise mentally impaired, leaving the document’s copyright status uncertain—it seems to be in a legal limbo. It’s reproduced below without any omissions or interpolations (including note references, so there are no links back to the top of the page). The paragraphing and bold and italic typefaces are exactly as in the original—or, if they aren’t, that’s my mistake.
I’m told the material on Darwin in the appendix was included at the request of a friend of Birdwood’s.
According to recent newspaper obituaries, Joan Pollock Graham, after RADA and adopting the name ‘Jane’ to avoid confusion with a radio actress, and working as a secretary or organiser, met Lieutenant Colonel the Hon Christopher Birdwood in 1947, in Germany, where he worked with the British Red Cross. He was married, but Joan/Jane seems to have ousted his wife by going to live with him in London two or three years later. He died in 1962; she died on June 28th 2000, aged 87, which reminded me that I had a copy of this pamphlet. The Times obituary says: ‘.. In 1991 she was tried at the Old Bailey on ten charges under the 1986 Public Order Act.. found guilty on all ten counts, given a three-month suspended prison sentence, and ordered to pay £500 towards prosecution costs. [sic] .. She continued distributing crazed pamphlets with titles such as “The Longest Hatred” and “The Snides of March”, was prosecuted again, and given a second suspended jail sentence. ..’ The Times failed to mention her third prosecution, beginning 5th Jan 1998, which seems to have been dropped when she refused to undertake to discontinue her publishing.

The Knight of the Scarlet Thread

The Knight of the Scarlet Thread

IN 1892, A SERIES OF BOOKS WERE WRITTEN BY CHARLES A. L. TOTTEN, 1st Lieut. 4th Artillery, U.S.A. Professor of Military Science and Tactics. S.S.S. of Yale University.

Professor Totten made an intense study to try to unravel the ‘Saxon’ riddle. The books he wrote in this study were published by ‘Our Race Publishing Company, New Haven, Conn.’

Dr. Swift had several of these old books which of course are no longer available and in our visit with Mrs. Swift, this September of 1978, she gave me one of these old books and suggested that I prepare a summary of some of the interesting parts of this story ‘The Renewal of History,’ series II; No. 5 of Totten’s works. This is the story of how the Empire was rebuilt and replanted as we are told in scripture and history.

EOCHAIDH, THE HEREMONN The Knight of the Scarlet Thread’

In this study, the author proves that the reigns of the Kings of Israel and the Kings of Judah harmonize. And that what some chronologists failed to see, was that some events were from the sacred calendar and some from the civil calendar. And that the writers of scripture knew exactly what they were telling you, even though some translators and chronologists did not understand. The author also compares the Dynasties of Egypt to bring out that corruption of the office of Pharaoh produced the ruler who knew not Joseph. Thus, brought oppression to Israel in their last years in Egypt. Then he covers the genealogies of Pharez and Zarah, the twin sons of Judah to bring you to the conclusion with the story of Eochaidh, the Heremonn, the Knight of the Scarlet Thread. (Genesis 38:27-30)