Invisible Contracts

Invisible Contracts

In August, 1984, Armen Condo, Founder of Your Heritage Protection Agency (“YHPA”) was being prosecuted by the Federal Government under numerous tax related statutes, as well as other collateral charges such as mail fraud.

The YHPA is still (the record holds to this day), the largest organized tax protester group to ever have existed in the United States (with respectful deference to our Founding Fathers and innumerable fellow unsung “tax protester” patriots living and laying their lives on the line in the 1700s for our benefit today). In its heyday in the 1970’s/1980’s, the YHPA’s dues-paying membership reached well into the 20,000 to 30,000 range, before it was ultimately brought into a state of non-existence through the intervention of strongly persuasive federal influences.

The YHPA published a fairly thick newspaper, and continued on in their efforts for several years, with their primary focus based upon the illegitimacy of Federal Reserve Notes, contending thereon that receipt of said Federal Reserve Notes did not constitute “income,” therefore, no one receiving said notes was liable under federal income tax statutes. Although additional proprietary “tax protester” positions were routinely addressed, the YHPA’s primary focus remained centred around Federal Reserve Notes.

Curiously, as a side note, individuals choosing to join the YHPA (usually in the context of a dinner/seminar setting), were guided through a “joining process” at the conclusion of the seminar, where dual ID photos were taken (the YHPA kept one photo, and you received the other, using a dual-photo camera similar to the dual-photo cameras used at your local Department of Motor Vehicles or local passport photo vendor) and slick, professional looking “ID cards” were processed on the spot and given to each new member at that time.

In hindsight, the stated reasons given at these dinner/ seminars with respect to the “necessity” of having/ creating a photo ID card were rather specious at best, and in fact, there was some additional hindsight talk that perhaps the YHPA was a Federal “Tax Protester” Sting Operation all along, designed to attract and then identify. [For example, in the U.S.S.R., the KGB is known to have secretly “created” (sponsored is more like it) — various protester groups for the sole purpose of throwing out some attractive philosophy designed to attract a certain type of individual, and then having “extracted” those individuals from society, and having thus identified them — then shutting down the organization and arresting the members. This practice is a utilization of the principle known as the “Doctrine of False Opposition.”

The Israel Vision

The Israel Vision

Anyone, with the slightest knowledge of the Word of God, the Bible, knows that the nation of Israel plays a central role in the Lord’s plan with mankind. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to know who the true Israel of God is today, and if there are impostors who claim to be Israel, but are not. (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9)

Most people today, Christians as well as non‑Christians, view the “Jewish” nation in and outside of Palestine as the descendants of the Biblical Israelites. But merely the words of Jesus: “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matthew 7:20) should cause every Christian to have his doubts concerning this idea. Furthermore, most Christian churches today talk about a “spiritual Israel” embracing believers of all races, nations and cultures. This un‑Biblical theory will be shot down by the revelation that the Israel of God is neither the “Jews” nor the church, yet it is still very much alive today.

To say the least, it would have tremendous impact if it were the modern Nordic-Germanic nations whom Jesus had in mind when He turned down the Canaanite woman with the words: “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24)

These words are written out of the deepest conviction of my heart, even though they will not please the god of this world, and are by no means politically correct. I only want to make known the message of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Danes living in the 21st century: The Israel Vision!

The Intimate Papers of Colonel House

The Intimate Papers of Colonel House

THE two concluding volumes of The Intimate Papers of Colonel House begin with the entrance of the United States into the World War and end with Colonel House’s attempt to secure some compromise on the basis of which the Senate might ratify the Versailles Treaty, including the Covenant of the League of Nations. Their central theme is American participation in the war and the Peace Conference, in so far as the papers of Colonel House shed light on the American effort and Wilsonian policies. Readers of the two preceding volumes will remember that Colonel House, although not an officeholder, occupied a special position in relation to Wilson’s administration at the time the United States became a belligerent. He had been chosen by the President as his personal representative and sent on three separate missions to the European Governments in 1914 and the two following years. As Wilson’s representative he had come in close contact with European leaders during the period of American neutrality.

It was natural that, during the war, President Wilson should look to House for advice on every matter that touched American relations with the Allies and especially on all problems of war aims. He selected him as chief of the organization for preparing the American case at the Peace Conference, appointed him head of the American War Mission to Europe for the coordination of military and industrial efforts, asked him to draft a constitution for a league of nations, and again sent him to Europe as American representative on the Supreme War Council when it arranged the armistice with Germany. At the Peace Conference, House was Commissioner Plenipotentiary, and, because of his intimate personal relations with European statesmen, was constantly used by the President to conduct the most delicate negotiations. During Wilson’s absence from Paris and his illness, the President selected him to take his place on the Supreme Council.

The Illuminati and The French Revolution

The Illuminati and The French Revolution

ON OCTOBER 6, 1789, there was seized at the home of Mirabeau’s publisher, a number of important documents. One of them, called Croquis ou Projet de Monsieur de Mirabeau, was a statement of the aims and purposes of the Illuminate, supposedly written by Mirabeau; Illuminist, Cabalist and the darling of the Jewish society of Paris (having reported on his trip to Germany–where he received his initiation into Weishaupt’s Illuminate–to his Jewish supporters at the home of Henrietta Herz).

To please his Jewish friends and supporters of the French Revolution, Mirabeau wrote his great apology for the Jews under the form of a panegyric of Mendelssohn, the father of Jewish Illuminism. Suitable praise of Mirabeau’s love of Jewry and his services to the eternal internationalists, can be found in M. Samuel’s “Memoirs of Moses Mendelssohn,” 1827. In this document concerning “Mirabeau’s Project,” after a diatribe against the French Monarchy, the document goes on to say that “in order to triumph over this hydra-headed monster these are my ideas:

“We must overthrow all order, suppress all laws, annul all power, and leave the people in anarchy. The laws we establish will not perhaps be in force at once, but at any rate, having given back the power to the people, they will resist for the sake of their liberty which they will believe they are preserving.

We must caress their vanity, flatter their hopes, promise them happiness after our work has been in operation; we must elude their caprices and their systems at will, for the people as legislators are very dangerous, they only establish laws which coincide with their passions, their want of knowledge would besides only give birth to abuses.

But as the people are a lever which legislators can move at their will, we must necessarily use them as a support, and render hateful to them everything we wish to destroy and sow illusions in their path; we must also buy all the mercenary pens which propagate our methods and which will instruct the people concerning their enemies whom we attacked.

Countering Mind Control and Covert Attacks

Countering Mind Control and Covert Attacks

Editor: We are most grateful to one of our German speaking subscribers for the following contribution relating to his firm’s work over recent years in developing, producing and marketing effective countermeasures to the sophisticated warfare now being waged against seemingly all humanity via what most believe are innocuous data transmission and receiving devises we all have to use e.g. phone, wireless, TV including exposure to radiation from electricity itself and even light.

Mind Control and Electrosmog: Their Threats and Countermeasures

SO, ELECTROSMOG AND MIND CONTROL (MC) concerns you? Us too! However, we have found a solution for at least more than 90% of the population affected by this most insidious form of attack. Having read the following resume of our company’s work in developing countermeasures against such attacks, you may wish to purchase one or more source field-harmonisers and test their protective benefits for yourself.

In this article certain aspects of electrosmog and MC associated with UHF radiation, being the most pervasive, will be addressed. The television and film industry both play a pivotal roll in implementing MC by harnessing nature’s optical laws. Other methods of MC are now in an advanced stage of development such as holographic projection. Yet other “esoteric” technologies (our term) e.g. radionics, psionics and psychotronics must be considered when endeavouring to take countermeasures.

Also to be considered is worldwide organised stalking and electronic harassment (OS/EH), which has been going on for decades with ever increasing sophistication. This topic will have to be left for another time.

Iceland’s Great Inheritance

Iceland’s Great Inheritance

ICELAND is one of the most remarkable countries in the World, and the following pages contain the evidence that this little nation has yet a wonderful and honoured part to perform in the great scheme of things, in the near future. It is the author’s conviction that this great destiny of Iceland will prove to be a blessing not only to the Icelanders themselves but also to the kindred Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon and Celtic peoples.

May this little volume be of some service in helping to prepare the Icelandic people to enter into their great inheritance.



May, 1937.

Horror at Neu Stettin

Horror at Neu Stettin

This article was translated from the German by Ingrid Rimland.Comments in heavy black are by Gerry Frederics.
Some months ago Ernst* asked me to do a report on Allied atrocities during and after World War II, and toward that end, he sent me some information, among them a book in German titled, “Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen” – Allied War Crimes.
• This refers to Ernst Zuendel, the famed German Canadian freedom fighter.
I started reading it and underlining certain passages, but not for long-because I realized that I was getting nauseated. It was a compilation of first-person testimony as to what happened when the Allies (particularly the Red Army) started to carve up a prostrated and defeated Germany.
I made several attempts to finish this assignment, but I couldn’t do it. I simply couldn’t do it. Even now, I feel a moral obligation to finish it, but even thinking about it makes my palms clammy and my heart race. People in the West have simply no idea what went on in Europe after the Allies began to push the Germans back – from 1943 on!
I have given the material below a lot of thought as to whether or not I should send it to my ZGram readers. It isn’t pretty reading. It was published recently in Der Freiwillige, June 1995, pages 10-11, under the title In Their Terror All Were Alike, written (or edited) by Hans Koppe.
“. . . Since the same old stories of war crimes allegedly committed by the Germans are being parroted over and over again in prayer-wheel fashion, particularly by the younger generations who are too lazy (or deliberately unwilling) to obtain a real grasp of the subject through the study of documents from the archives of our former enemies’ documents which are both accessible and irrefutable – we wish to call to mind the following report which first appeared 30 years ago in the Deutschland Journal of April 23, on p. 7 of issue 17.

A Demographic Study Relating to The Holocaust

A Demographic Study Relating to The Holocaust

1. The American Jewish Yearbook of September 14, 1939 until October 2, 1940 (volume 41) states in all of Europe: 5,589,837 Jews.

2a. If Russia is included: 9,394,837 Jews (The Spotlight October 1979, page 7)

3. The same Jewish Yearbook of 1939, page 583: World Jewry: 16,180,000

4. New York Times of February 22, 1948 “from their own secret census”: between 16,150,000 and 19,200, 000

5. A publication of the American Jewish Committee dated 1940: “in 1933: 15,315,359”.

6. Prof. Arthur Rupin of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem: in 1938: 16,717,000

7. The World Almanac of 1945: 15,192,089

8, The World Almanac of 1946: 15,753,638

9. The American Jewish Committee in the World Almanac of 1949: 16,643,120

10. Rabbi Soetendorp in his TV-interview on the Netherlands network in March 1980: World Jewry demography: 14 million Jews in 1980.

History of The Scottish Nation Vol. 3

History of The Scottish Nation Vol. 3

The middle of the ninth century saw the Scots and Picts united under the scepter of Kenneth, the son of Alpin. The advent of this union was long deferred: it was at least consummated in A.D. 843; but even then it received no enthusiastic welcome from those to whom, as might have been foreseen, it brought great increase of power and prestige. The idea of mixing their blood to form one nation, and uniting their arms to establish one central throne, and so taking pledges for the maintenance of peace at home, and the acquisition of influence abroad, however meritorious it seems to us, does not appear to have approved itself to the two races that inhabited the one country of Caledonia. They entertained this idea only when it came to be forced upon them by the stern lessons of the battlefield—a school in which it would seem the education of infant nations must begin.

This union was preceded and prepared by a series of great battles. The question at issue in these fierce conflicts was, to which of the two nationalities, the Scots or the Picts, shall the supremacy belong, and by consequence the right to govern the kingdom? The wars waged to determine this point ended in a supreme trial of strength on the banks of the Tay near Scone.1

The engagement was a desperate one. Seven times the Picts assailed, and seven times were they driven back. Their king, Bred, fell in battle, and his armour, afterwards presented to Kenneth MacAlpin, was sent by him to hung up at Icolmkil.2

From that bloody field the Scots and Picts emerged one nation. Supremacy, which had been the object aimed at by the combatants till now, was abandoned for the more practical and wiser policy of union. Battle had swept away one of the two thrones which had hitherto borne sway in Caledonia, and the one throne left standing was that of the prince whose progenitor, Aidan, Columba had made to sit on the Lia-Fail, or Stone of Destiny, and anointed as the first really independent sovereign of the Scots.

History of The Scottish Nation Vol. 2

History of The Scottish Nation Vol. 2

THE opening of the fifth century brought with it changes of transcendent magnitude and importance in Europe. For ages the arms of the South had overflowed the countries of the North, but now the tide of conquest turned, the North was bearing down on the South, and that haughty Power which had subjected to her sceptre so many tribes and realms, was about to suffer in her turn the miseries of foreign invasion, and taste the bitterness of a barbarian yoke. These changes were preparatory to the erection of a kingdom which was destined to flourish when the victories of Rome had crumbled into dust.
We must here pause in order specially to note the deadlock into which the affairs of the world had come at this great turning-point of its history. Its three leading nations are seen to be unable to advance beyond the point at which they had now arrived. Hence the necessity of bringing new races upon the stage if the human march was to go forward. This extraordinary position of matters must be taken into account and distinctly apprehended if we would intelligently follow the course of succeeding events; and especially we would understand the place of the Scots in general history, and the part they were selected to fulfill in the cause of Christian civilization and constitutional liberty. It is here that we find the key of modern history.
Till this epoch the business of the world had been left in the hands of the Jew, the Greek, and the Roman. These were its three leading nations. The march of all three was towards the same goal, but they approached it on separate lines. The world’s work was too onerous to be undertaken by any one of them singly, and accordingly we see it partitioned among the three, in fit correspondence with the age in which each flourished, and the peculiar idiosyncrasy with which each had been endowed.