The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt

The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt

Timothy Matthews – Catholic Insight March 2009

Western civilization at the present day is passing through a crisis which is essentially different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies in the past have changed their social institutions or their religious beliefs under the influence of external forces or the slow development of internal growth. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests … Civilization is being uprooted from its foundations in nature and tradition and is being reconstituted in a new organisation which is as artificial and mechanical as a modern factory. Christopher Dawson. Enquiries into Religion and Culture, p. 259.

MOST OF SATAN’S WORK IN THE WORLD HE TAKES CARE TO KEEP HIDDEN. But two small shafts of light have been thrown onto his work for me just recently. The first, a short article in the Association of Catholic Women’s ACW Review; the second, a remark (which at first surprised me) from a priest in Russia who claimed that we now, in the West, live in a Communist society. These shafts of light help, especially, to explain the onslaught of officialdom which in many countries worldwide has so successfully been removing the rights of parents to be the primary educators and protectors of their children.

Harlot Churches

Harlot Churches


Our approach is from that of Matt 13:33, “Another parable spake he unto them; “The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took. If this leavened doctrine has now spread through all denominational churches, is any action demanded from those who are members of any of these churches?

“Meal” is a symbol of God’s provision of His Word as something that cannot be used up if a prophet of God is involved. We see this in 1 Kings 17:14, “For thus saith the Lord, the barrel of meal shall not waste”, where a widow was fed “according to the word of the Lord by Elijah”. The meal was continually being renewed. In 2 Kings 4:40, meal was used by Elijah to destroy deadly poison in a pot of food. We find more about three measures of barley meal in Genesis 18:6 and Rev. 6:6.

The Earth is The Lord’s

The Earth is The Lord’s



THAT GOD IS NOT A UNIVERSALIST RACIALLY, that is, Scripture does not show that God treats all races equally, has been expounded in the author’s book, “The Exclusiveness of Israel”.

In this paper we will look at the question of land, to see if God treats all parts of the surface of the planet equally. This will lead us on to the Millennial Kingdom. It will be “news” to most Church people that, in the Bible, some parts of the globe’s surface are, or are to be, considered as God’s special property, whilst some are not.


We will make a start by considering some verses containing some of the words, such as “earth”,”land”, “ground”, “field”, “dust”, “world”, and “people”, which unfortunately have been very well mixed up by translators. Seldom do any of these words mean the whole globe, and the latter two do not normally refer to humanity in general. Let us consider two verses to start with:

Psalm 24:1-6 The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.

The Parables of The Mustard Seed and Leaven

The Parables of The Mustard Seed and Leaven

The traditional view held that the parables of the Mustard Seed and of the Leaven are about the Kingdom of Heaven coming to progressively fill the whole earth is herein contested.

Matt. 13:31-33 “The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.

Another parable spake he unto them; the kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened”.

In the parable of the Mustard Seed, it is a “field” in which a man “took and sowed” the mustard seed, it is NOT the whole earth. In the Parable of the Leaven, the leaven is taken and hidden likewise only in the three measures of meal, it is NOT hidden in everything else. The “field” is that of the Israelites, and the meal is what they are given for food.

The Arch and Keystone of The Christian Faith 1

The Arch and Keystone of The Christian Faith 1

WE REALISE THAT THE CHURCH CELEBRATES A DAY THAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO EACH OF THE CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM, and we speak of RESURRECTION DAY. Let us then go back for a moment over some of the pageantry that our minds have been thinking upon in these events in the life of THE CHRIST, to the beginning of this period and to His ministry. To the powers that opposed HIM, these events that had been prophesied were a warning and a disturbance to their minds.

We talked a week ago on Palm Sunday how the people desired to crown HIM King there in Ancient Jerusalem, and how the secret army under Barabbas would have defended Him if He would have given the word. We spoke of the preparation of both the Chalice as well as the Crown because of the words of the boy John the Baptist as he imparted much knowledge to the Essenes of these events. Then the eventful moment came when The Christ entered into old Jerusalem, and this army of Barabbas raised their short swords, and exposed those blue tunics and all the people cried: ‘Crown HIM KING’. The people had cried as He came into Jerusalem: ‘Hosannah in the Highest tot this one the son of David’, and as He approached the steps of the Temple the hush of the crowd was breathless. And then HE accepted the Chalice saying: ‘Yes I am your King, and you are my people, but I cannot take this Crown for I would then rule you in bondage. Instead I shall take this Chalice at this time, but later I shall take the Crown and rule you, free. Then He cleansed the steps of the Temple, and the ‘cup’ provided by Joseph of Arimathea was taken for its greater work.

The Arch and Keystone of The Christian Faith 2

The Arch and Keystone of The Christian Faith 2

WE TURN TONIGHT IN OUR THINKING CONCERNING THE ARCH AND THE KEY KEYSTONE OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. We are in a period of time when we have heard much upon the drift of the faith and the churches, and missions, to get away from the great fundamentals of the Christian Faith, as though these were not essential points. Many discourses have decided that the philosophical approach to the problems of life, are taught by Jesus, the teacher while the actual facts of his divinity are not as important. And the miracles which he wrought they hold in question. And his resurrection is not as important as his instructions.

But I want you to know that this invasion which came into our churches and into our pulpits Came by design and by purpose from enemies ages old, who knew if they robbed the Christian Church of its Faith and the power of Christ’s resurrection, they would have robbed the church of its Faith and its courage to accomplish the objectives of God’s kingdom. Thus it is that we had the higher critics, who started in the twentieth century to attach the discussions of the doctrines of the scripture. There were many things which they overlooked the monumental testimony to the acts of God, the monumental evidence the power of God. And the continuing revelation of the spirit which bears witness to his purposes.

The Faith of Our Forefathers

The Faith of Our Forefathers

THIS IS NOT MERELY A “BOOK”, it is a story with a Biblical background which can shake the world. The simple story told in “The Faith of Our Fathers” is one that should be read by every family in America and in Western Europe. Clergymen, Attorneys at Law, Public Officials as well as young students, will obtain a better understanding of their government and the Constitution of the United States of America.

In these days of tribulation, with enemies of God all about, one is reminded of the words of Napoleon Bonaparte when he said, “Ninety five percent of winning a war is to know your enemy”. The story of this book advances Napoleon’s advice by saying, “How can you know your enemy unless you know who YOU are?”

A clergyman once said, “love your enemies”. In a discussion with other clergymen that followed, he was asked where he derived his philosophy and he replied, “The Bible, of course”. The clergyman asking him questions then said, “I will agree with the Bible, now please tell me where the Bible says to love God’s enemies?” With this question, the first clergyman was stumped. He had no answer! In another instance, a clergyman was broadcasting a radio sermon. He was preaching that Christians should love everything (even Satan)
Upon reaching the “race” question he said, “All of the different races of people on earth are the same”. Later that day another clergyman telephoned the radio preacher and expressed interest in the sermon. He had a question. He asked about the statement that “all of the different races are the same”.

His question was “If the races are the ‘same’, then why did you say that they are ‘different’?” With this, the clergyman who gave the sermon promptly placed his telephone receiver on the hook. He had no answer!

Those who read “The Faith of Our Fathers” will no doubt be stimulated to further research and study. It is hoped and we pray that their findings will assist in the accomplishments that God’s Word has prophesied. They will have “ANSWERS”! Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

The Enemy Within The Empire

The Enemy Within The Empire

MOST ORTHODOX HISTORY that is crammed into the heads of our children is one long list of contradictions. There is no real background to our social development because the main underlying factors have been completely ignored.
The part played by the money system in the growth of society has been tremendous; yet how many of our historians mention it?
We teach our children about the development of the British Commonwealth of Nations, although the real basis of this growth has been either neglected of distorted, while the development of that powerful, private and anti-social institution, the Bank of England, is very rarely mentioned.
If we are really desirous of preserving and developing British culture, it is essential that we attempt to gain at. least an elementary knowledge of the attack which was launched against the British people at the time of Cromwell.
It is significant that the introduction of what has been termed a “spurious Whig culture,” marked the origin of the present banking racket in Britain. This cultural and financial attack has been going ever since, although there is sound reason to believe that the enemy is at last being turned on both flanks However, as yet, there is no sign of a rout in the enemy’s ranks. Even the London “Times,” one of the chief mouthpieces of the financial oligarchy, offered the following criticism of “Whigism” in its issue of August 4, 1840:
“There is certainly in ‘Whigism’ an inherent propensity to tyranny; and of all the methods which tyranny ever invented for sucking out the essential vitality of free institutions, without appearing materially to touch their forms, this centralising system is the most plausible and the most pernicious. . . If it shall be fully carried out, British liberty … will rest no longer on the possession of constitutional power by the people, but upon the sufferance of a majority of those who, for the time being, may call themselves the people’s representatives.”

The Appointed Place

The Appointed Place

IN THE 7TH CHAPTER OF 7TH SAMUEL, IN THE HOLY BIBLE, we discover that God sent a message to David, King of Israel by Nathan the Prophet. And God commanded Nathan to tell David, ‘Thus saith YAHWEH to hosts, I took thee from the sheep cote, from following the sheep, to be ruler over My people Israel; and I was with thee whithersoever thou wentest, and have cut off all thine enemies out of My sight. And have made thee a great name like unto the name of the great men that are in the earth. Moreover, I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them anymore, as beforetime.’

When God was speaking to David and when HE told David that HE was going to appoint a place for ‘My children of Israel to dwell,’ David was standing in Jerusalem. He was standing by his pillar, by his coronation stone. God spoke to David and said, ‘I am going to appoint another place for My people Israel to dwell.’

The Anti-Christ Battles The Church

The Anti-Christ Battles The Church

AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO OUR SUBJECT, THE ANTICHRIST BATTLES THE CHURCH it is with the continuing realization that we are in a struggle for survival. The achievement of victory has been described in the plan of God before the foundation of the world. But the struggle is for the earth, make no mistake about that. This not only relates to territory, but it relates to the earth and the events thereof and the eventual overthrow of all of the powers of darkness. And the Bible teaches the story of what God purposes to do. It unveils his record and this becomes a pattern of history. When we talk about the Bible as history, we are talking about the history of a race of people that God established in the earth to build a kingdom. And this kingdom was a kingdom of righteousness, a kingdom made up of his own household to overthrow the powers of darkness.

Now the organization of God’s kingdom becomes quite obvious as we talk about it in the earth. There are some people who do not want to consider the fact that the kingdom of God is a reality and it is in the earth. But a kingdom comes by inheritance because the kingdom, my friends, comes from the ruler who is the authority, and therefore the eternal God our Father, who is the ruler of the heavens and the earth, after establishing HIS kingdom by inheritance. And HE has established this kingdom by inheritance. And when he brought forth the Adamic race, he refers to them as HIS own Household. He permits the scriptural record when he permits his own ancestry in the hour when he is embodied in earth as the man Christ Jesus. And it is traced back by both Matthew and Luke, all of the way back to Adam who was the son of God.