The Anti-Christ Battles The Church

The Anti-Christ Battles The Church

AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO OUR SUBJECT, THE ANTICHRIST BATTLES THE CHURCH it is with the continuing realization that we are in a struggle for survival. The achievement of victory has been described in the plan of God before the foundation of the world. But the struggle is for the earth, make no mistake about that. This not only relates to territory, but it relates to the earth and the events thereof and the eventual overthrow of all of the powers of darkness. And the Bible teaches the story of what God purposes to do. It unveils his record and this becomes a pattern of history. When we talk about the Bible as history, we are talking about the history of a race of people that God established in the earth to build a kingdom. And this kingdom was a kingdom of righteousness, a kingdom made up of his own household to overthrow the powers of darkness.

Now the organization of God’s kingdom becomes quite obvious as we talk about it in the earth. There are some people who do not want to consider the fact that the kingdom of God is a reality and it is in the earth. But a kingdom comes by inheritance because the kingdom, my friends, comes from the ruler who is the authority, and therefore the eternal God our Father, who is the ruler of the heavens and the earth, after establishing HIS kingdom by inheritance. And HE has established this kingdom by inheritance. And when he brought forth the Adamic race, he refers to them as HIS own Household. He permits the scriptural record when he permits his own ancestry in the hour when he is embodied in earth as the man Christ Jesus. And it is traced back by both Matthew and Luke, all of the way back to Adam who was the son of God.