The Jews and Human Sacrifice

The Jews and Human Sacrifice

EVERY year, especially about Easter-time, there is a revival of the accusation that the Jews, or, if not all the Jews, certain Jews, make use of the blood of Christians for purposes of ritual. The charge is bound to be often repeated, so long as the replies to it are limited to the contradiction and exposure of the falsity of the reasons brought forward That is why I discuss the accusation in connection with the significance of blood as regards religious belief, and par­ticularly as regards the superstitions of humanity at large.

I expressed my opinion on the question, whether the Jews use Christian blood for ritual purposes, as far back as 1882, the year of the Tisza-Eszlar trial, in the Evangelische Kirchen-Zeitung (12th August, No. 32).

Further investigations (apropos of the Bernstein case, v.p. 144 sq.) convinced me more than two years ago, that, whilst I was correct in my nega­tive answer to the charge, it was possible, and even necessary, to base it upon a deeper foundation. I am now compelled to publish the results of my fresh researches by the renewal of the controversy about ritual murder in consequence of the assassination of an eight year old girl in Corfu during the night of the 12th to 13th April this year (v.p. 213 sq.) . . I have made it my special business to let the facts speak for themselves, and have almost confined myself to quoting, without alteration, the actual state­ments in the sources of information I have utilised: so anybody who wishes can arrive at an unbiased judgment for himself.

The facts I have had to bring forward are, for the greater part, of a very loathsome kind. But, in order to cure the terrible disease of superstition, we must first of all know the disease. . . . My exhortation to our Christian priesthood, to our whole Christian people is : Up and gird yourself for battle, not only against unbelief, but also against superstition ! When German Christendom, free from superstition, stands firm in true belief in the crucified Saviour, risen from the dead, the question, so far as concerns Germany, whether Christian blood is ritually employed by Jews, will be exploded and futile, for more reasons than one. 2 July, 1891. H. L. Strack.

The Jew Interviews

The Jew Interviews

A small fragment of this highly confidential interview was published in August, 1976. At that time, we simply stated that the Jew, Mr. X, was an “administrative assistant to one of this nation’s top ranking senators.” There must have been a leak as to the identity of Mr. X, or the interview may have been bugged, for since that time Harold Wallace Rosenthal, 29, the administrative assistant to Senator Jacob K. Javits (left) of New York, was killed in an alleged skyjacking attempt on an Israeli airliner in Istanbul, Turkey on Aug. 12, 1976. It is amazing that of all the people involved in this incident Mr. X should have been fatally wounded. He was not killed by a random bullet, and this simply confirms the truth of this sensational interview.

Part 1 published in “The Battle Ax”, Issue 103, August, 1976 under the title “Jews Amazed By Christian Stupidity”

In a highly confidential interview with a Jewish administrative assistant to one of this nation’s ranking senators, he said, “It is a marvel that the American people do not rise up and drive every Jew out of this country.”

The Jew, Mr. X, made this statement after admitting Jewish dominance in all significant national programs. He said, “We Jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. While the naive Americans wait for Khrushchev to bury them, we have taught them to submit to our every demand.”

The Jewish Origins of Multiculturalism in Britain

The Jewish Origins of Multiculturalism in Britain

July 13, 2015
‘Will you find out who is responsible for this extraordinary action?’Oliver Stanley, M.P., June 1948.
The SS Empire Windrush holds a special place of infamy in the minds of British Nationalists. When the ship arrived at Tilbury docks from Jamaica in June 1948, carrying 417 Black immigrants, it represented more than just a turning point in the history of those ancient isles. In some respects it signalled the beginning of mass, organised non-White immigration into northwest Europe. Back in November, TOO published my research on the role of Jews in limiting free speech and manipulating ‘race relations’ in Britain in order to achieve Jewish goals and protect Jewish interests. I’ve recently been revisiting some of my past essays, delving deeper and expanding each of them in an effort that I hope will result in the publication of a book-length manuscript on aspects of Jewish influence. During this process, I’ve been particularly compelled to research further into the role of Jews in Britain’s immigration and racial questions. What I present in this essay is a survey of some interesting facts, which I hope to document and integrate further as my work on the volume proceeds.

The Invisible House of Rothschild

The Invisible House of Rothschild

About Zahir Ebrahim

Zahir Ebrahim, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary matters, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at UET, MIT, and Stanford, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley (, and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book of protest, written in the aftermath of 9/11, was rejected by countless publishers and can be read on the web at His prolific writings may be read at

The Endless BS Narratives

My experiments in confusion – Part-1: How many Jews does it take to confuse me? Response to ‘How many Rabbis does it take to create a Racist State?’

The answer: Only one. Let me explain:

‘In this particular case, it took 50 of them…’ — How many Rabbis does it take to create a Racist State?

‘JERUSALEM (AFP) — Fifty Israeli rabbis have signed an open letter warning Jews not to rent or sell property to non-Jews, saying those who do should be “ostracized,” a copy of the letter showed on Tuesday.’ — December 07, 2010 ‘Don’t rent to non-Jews,’ Israeli rabbis warn ‘Keep in mind that it is the Israeli himself that is the foreigner…. a fact that is way too often overlooked.’ — How many Rabbis does it take to create a Racist State?

But not according to the article by Ari Bussel, ‘Israelis, Haters of Israel’, appearing on December 9, 2010 at the Zionists’ Canada Free Press:

‘The Muslims have successfully engaged in deceiving the Western World. Deceit is permitted by their religion, even encouraged if it helps them attain their goals (of spreading Islam and reaching global dominance). It seems there was no one who excelled in it better, in recent history, than Arafat himself. He created the notion of a “Palestinian People,” of some “Nationhood” and craving for Jerusalem as its “eternal capital.” In short, he stole the Jewish-Zionist two thousand year history and rewrote it into his own narrative.

So successful was Arafat, that hardly even three decades later, the world itself stands saluting the idea of a Palestinian Statehood (in the boundaries of what was once known as Israel), with a Right of Return of millions of Palestinians that were kept in refugee camps throughout the Arab world, and with Jerusalem as their eternal capital.’

So, it appears that we have Jews piously arguing among themselves who “is the foreigner” and who has more “successfully engaged in deceiving the Western World”.

Just as the Jews have argued pretty much about everything else under the sun from time immemorial.

The Hidden Hand The Protocols and Coming Superman

The Hidden Hand The Protocols and Coming Superman

I AM NOT AN ENEMY OF THE JEWS. For many years my written and spoken utterances have abounded with such phrases as, “There is a very real sense in which the Jews are God’s Chosen People. Taken as a whole they are the most’ remarkable race of people in the world. They have retained their existence as a separate and distinct people in spite of hundreds of years of persecution. The most ingenious methods have been used by other nations in seeking their destruction but they have weathered every storm. In the coming world crisis the Jew will play an important part in the drama of fulfilled Bible prophecy. And, let it be remembered that Jesus Christ came to earth dressed in the garb of a Jew.”

For nineteen hundred years these strange people have wandered over the earth, like the legend of the Wandering Jew, without a homeland; yet they have retained their race consciousness and are more firmly banded together today than any other nation in the world. This very thing makes them the great miracle of both history and prophecy. No other feature need be considered to confirm the fact that over them there exists a providential leadership.

The Guelphs and Ghibellines

The Guelphs and Ghibellines

THE Guelphs and Ghibellines were factions supporting, respectively, the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor in central and northern Italy during the 12th and 13th centuries […] The struggle for power between the Papacy and the Holy Roman Empire had arisen with the Investiture Conflict which began in 1075 and ended with the Concordat of Worms in 1122, but the division between Guelphs and Ghibellines in Italy persisted to the 15th century.

Ghibellines were the imperial party, while the Guelphs supported the Pope. Broadly speaking, Guelphs tended to come from wealthy mercantile families, whereas Ghibellines were predominantly those whose wealth was based on agricultural estates.
It must be noted that contemporaries did not use the terms Guelphs and Ghibellines […] with the names “church party” and “imperial party” preferred in some areas.

The division between Guelphs and Ghibellines was especially important in Florence […] By 1300 Florence was divided into the Black Guelphs and the White Guelphs. The Blacks continued to support the Papacy, while the Whites were opposed to Papal influence, specifically the influence of Pope Boniface VIII.

During the 12th and 13th centuries, armies of the Ghibelline communes usually adopted the war banner of the Holy Roman Empire—white cross on a red field—as their own. Guelph armies usually reversed the colours—red cross on white.

The Great Synagogue

The Great Synagogue

WHEN, as a result of the favour of Oliver Cromwell and the exertions of Menasseh ben Israel, Jews settled again in London in the seventeenth century after an interval of some four hundred years, what is known as the Sephardi (Spanish and Portuguese) rite was followed in the Synagogue they established. This was natural: for the overwhelming majority of its members were former Marranos who had escaped from the clutches of the Inquisition in the Peninsula, or else their immediate descendants. From the beginning, though, the settlement was leavened by a few representatives of the Germano-Polish group, generally known (after the term applied by the Jews of the Middle Ages to Germany) as Ashkenazim. In essentials, of course, there was little difference between them and their coreligionists, though their immediate antecedents were distinctive, their standard of general culture lower, their economic occupations humbler, and their synagogal tradition (almost identical, in fact, with that followed by the mediaeval Anglo-Jewish community, before the expulsion of 1290) slightly different. It may be noted that the most stalwart of those few Jews who penetrated into England in the ‘Middle Period”–the mining-engineer Joachim Gaunse who was expelled for his outspoken religious views, and the Jacob Barnett who fled from Oxford rather than submit to baptism –both happened to be Ashkenazim.

The Great Patents Heist

The Great Patents Heist

THE JEWS, like other childish people, enjoy pretending, and when pretending brings them the tribute due to the character assumed, they revel in it.
In this way they have obtained much credit, which should not have been given to them.
They were first tricked out in borrowed traditions and supplied with an entirely false idea of themselves about 430 B.C.
Then commenced the Great Jewish Masque, a pretence which has been maintained to the present day.
In recent times it has never lacked support. Indeed, Jewish propaganda has been so insidious and persistent that voluntary aid, in addition to other kinds, has always been available. At a mere hint, troupes of highly placed carpet-baggers don ass’s ears, or a long nose, and vie with each other, and with the kosher mummers, in endeavours to lead the rout.

The Great Jewish Masque or The Ass in The Lion’s Skin

The Great Jewish Masque or The Ass in The Lion’s Skin

THE JEWS, like other childish people, enjoy pretending, and when pretending brings them the tribute due to the character assumed, they revel in it.
In this way they have obtained much credit, which should not have been given to them.
They were first tricked out in borrowed traditions and supplied with an entirely false idea of themselves about 430 B.C.
Then commenced the Great Jewish Masque, a pretence which has been maintained to the present day.
In recent times it has never lacked support. Indeed, Jewish propaganda has been so insidious and persistent that voluntary aid, in addition to other kinds, has always been available. At a mere hint, troupes of highly placed carpet-baggers don ass’s ears, or a long nose, and vie with each other, and with the kosher mummers, in endeavours to lead the rout.

The Gospel in The Stars or Primeval Astronomy

The Gospel in The Stars or Primeval Astronomy

IT may seem adventurous to propose to read the Gospel of Christ from what Herschel calls “those uncouth figures and outlines of men and monsters usually scribbled over celestial globes and maps.” So it once would have seemed to the writer. But a just estimate of the case cannot be formed without a close survey of what these figures are, what rela­tions they bear to each other, whence they originated, and what meaning was attached to them by the most ancient peoples from whom they have been trans­mitted to us. Such a survey the author of this vol­ume has endeavoured to make. From an extended induction he has also reached conclusions which lead him to think he may do good service by giving publicity to the results of his examinations.

The current explanations of the origin and meaning of the constellations certainly are not such as should satisfy those in search of positive truth. Herschel characterizes them as ” puerile and absurd.” They are nowhere to be found outside of Greece and Rome and modern works which have thence derived them. They are part of the staple in the theories and arguments of infidelity. The more ancient and explanations to do away with the intended conclu­sion as a non sequitur. The argument of these in­fidels is indeed fatally defective, especially in assum­ing that the old astronomy throughout, and all the myths and worships associated with it, have come solely from the natural observation and imagination of man, apart from all supernatural light, revelation, or inspiration. With this starting-point unproven and incapable of verification, and with the positive assertions of all the primeval world and all the indi­cations directly to the contrary, the whole argument necessarily breaks down. Like all the efforts of unbelief, it signally fails. But though the argument, as such, is false and worthless, it does not fol­low that the materials collected to build it are the same. For the most part, they are solid enough in themselves, and the gathering of them was a valu­able contribution to a better cause. The showings made of the close likeness between the old constel­lations and the Gospel are well founded, and can now be illustrated to a much greater and more mi­nute extent. But, instead of proving Christianity a mere revival of old mythologies, they give powerful impulse toward the conclusion that the constellations and their associated myths and traditions are them­selves, in their original, from the very same pro­phetic Spirit whence the Sacred Scriptures have come, and that they are of a piece with the bib­lical records in the system of God’s universal enunciations of the Christ.