The Coming Liberation of America

The Coming Liberation of America

AS WE TALK ABOUT THE COMING DELIVERANCE OF OUR NATION, I want you to realize that we are a people that do not work without a substance, without a blueprint and without assurance.

There are a great number of people all over America tonight that know various facts of America’s problems. They also know that the whole structure of our Christian civilization is in serious trouble and on dangerous ground. When they see the things going on they wonder what and how will be the outcome. And how these things came to pass and just what is going to transpire. In many of these areas Patriot groups are doing all they can to awaken people. And many of these groups don’t know whether they can survive much longer.

We hear from Patriotic groups all over America and they say, we are fighting a last ditch stand for America and soon we will be engulfed by this communist revolution, but we will fight to the death. I hear from businessmen and conservatives in places of responsibility who feel that their ability to operate their businesses or even to be a part of private enterprise is being swept away and so they are doing everything they can, thinking in terms of providing security for their families as they try to find some alternative to the disaster they see befalling America. When one listens to these men, and as you remember their backgrounds and experience in relation to industry and production, one can’t help thinking there is basis for their misgivings.

The Coming Economic Crash

The Coming Economic Crash

TONIGHT WE ARE DISCUSSING SOMETHING WHICH IS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO EVERY STUDENT OF WORLD AFFAIRS. And it surely must be of great and vital interest to every American. Because we are vitally concerned at what is taking place in our nation and what it is that causes a lot of the problems through which we pass. We know that the powers of evil today which seem to be determined to destroy all that is good through out the world continually operate on the side of the ‘left’ and in the field of world Communism. At the same time, those who aid and abet it and seek to finance it are the enemies of Christian civilization.

World Communism does not seem to be as far removed from their desire to control capitalism and gain control of the symbols of wealth as a Communist would naturally be according to his profession. The left-wing seems to be most interested in capturing the gold and the silver, and the wealth of the world as they use these symbols of wealth and power. They are not seeking the repudiate it as much as they are seeking to manipulate the wealth of the world, and to gain control over it.

There are many things through out the scriptures, and Jesus said that it is given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, to THEM it is NOT given. And when we speak thus, we are speaking of the children of the Kingdom, the people of your race, the Household that HE called. The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel which He referred to, were none other than the sheep of HIS pasture. He was not talking about the Jews, as He said on Solomon’s porch ’YE ARE NOT MY SHEEP.

The Churches Responsibility in Opposing Babylon

The Churches Responsibility in Opposing Babylon

WE HAVE TODAY JUST PASSED ANOTHER HISTORIC OCCASION IN THE HISTORY OF THE NATION OF WHICH WE ARE A PART. Because this nation is a great and vital part of God’s Kingdom on earth, and to it prophecy has delegated great responsibility above all nations. And because you and I as Christians, are not only members of His Church, but citizens of this great nation of His Kingdom. Therefore there is related to you the impact of events.

And you are a part of all the purpose of God which is being fulfilled in this end of the age, and at this time. In fact, so much are you a part of the events of this day, that the hour of your birth was known unto the Father before the world was framed. And you helped to make up that mosaic of energy and spirit which He intended to exist in the earth at this time. And this catalyst of energy and spirit has the impact which God has ordained for this hour.

There is one great and mighty truth concerning God’s Kingdom, that whatsoever had been planned by God concerning it, he shall release in spirit and energy and purpose, he shall place in the formula every necessary ingredient to bring about that which he has ordained from the beginning.

Churches Borrowing Money From Outsiders – Banks

Churches Borrowing Money From Outsiders – Banks

WHAT WE ARE CONCERNED WITH IS BORROWING MONEY AT INTEREST-(Heb. Daneizo), not other forms of ‘borrowing’, i.e. Heb Sha’al. Lending without interest is commended, but usury is denied.

Exodus 22:25 If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.

The principle against borrowing at interest is established under the law, and is expressed clearly in the following two verses.

Deuteronomy 15:6 For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but THOU SHALT NOT BORROW; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.

Deuteronomy 28:12 The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and THOU SHALT NOT BORROW.

Is Truth a Matter of Personal Opinion?

Is Truth a Matter of Personal Opinion?

IS TRUTH JUST A MATTER OF PERSONAL OPINION? Isn’t one person’s view of ethics just as valid as another person’s? Are not all views, in essence, the same? And does the whole issue of truth and ethics really matter? Does it make any difference? Can the honest seeker of truth decide without accurate data? In our consideration of ethics — the moral evaluation of what is right and what is wrong — we will need to overcome some common misconceptions people hold in this arena of ethical determination.

1) Misconception: ALL TRUTH IS RELATIVE

Personal opinion doesn’t determine reality. For example, I can choose to believe that the earth is flat, but the reality of the matter is that the earth is spherical not flat! I may still choose to believe that it’s flat, but I’m still wrong! Another way of stating the claim that all truth is relative is to say, there are no absolutes! Yet in response to this claim I must ask, “Are you absolutely sure there are no absolutes?” It is humorous to note that the rejection statement — “There are no absolutes.” — is, in fact, an absolute!

Is the statement “All truth is relative,” true? No, it’s impossible since it is a self-refuting statement, one which contradicts itself. It is, in fact, making a statement of absolute truth when it claims, there is no absolute truth!

Some examples of self-refuting propositions would include, “I’m a truthful liar”; “I’m an honest thief”; “I’m a compassionate killer”. All of these statements are false since they are internally contradictory and therefore self-defeating!

Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design

WHEN TALKING TO A LOCAL WAIHEKE IDENTITY IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, I was asked, “Arnold, I hope those articles you write in ‘The Waihekean’ are tongue and cheek”. “Well”, I replied, “they are designed to make people think but they are not all tongue in cheek”. This produced a reply on the value of racial mixing and the equality of all races together with an alleged lack of meaningful genetic differences between them. In reply I pointed out two things. Firstly a November article in the N.Z. Herald “Genes Carry Indelible Imprint Of Social Rank” where research showed there are distinctive genetic profiles between the Hindu castes in India.

Secondly I pointed out the matter of race-specific diseases and how racial intermarriage could cause offspring to be liable to a greater range of diseases. This was not received; it seemed as if he was saying that science offended his religion, although I do not think he would class himself as being a religious person. Perhaps he was confusing values with facts, values being a religious non-scientific activity. But what he probably had in mind were matters of worth in the good sense that people in one restricted gene pool should not be treated differently than another, and this made him blind to biological differences, even if everyone who thinks about it knows visible features such as eye shape are because of biological differences.

What bothers me is the attitude of some people who will not believe something regardless of the evidence, and this is what I want to talk about. In the Western world values are considered matters of personal choice and things we should keep an open mind about. But values cannot rightly over-ride facts, and those who promote the idea that values should over-ride facts arrogantly seek to impose their beliefs upon others in a religious manner. People today tend to place facts within the scope of science whereas they say beliefs belong to the realm of religion. A person who will not accept scientific fact is essentially religious.

I create Evil

I create Evil

IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTRE DEMOLITION, THERE ARE MANY QUESTIONS THAT PEOPLE ARE ASKING. The most common question is, “Why did God allow it”? Very few are acknowledging any possibility that God did it, because if they did, they would be going against the popular flow. We will make some examination into the verse below that literally says, “God did it”.

Isaiah 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these”.

In this short verse, there are several different verbs translated as, “form”, “create”, “make” and “do”. These are all in what language experts call the “participle active mood”. A definition of this mood is as follows, “The participle represents an action or condition in its unbroken continuity, and corresponds to the English verb, “to be” with the present participle. It may be used of present, past or future time”. From the use of these verbs, together with the associated nouns, we can see that these facts never change. What God does in a given situation never changes.

The Church – True or False

The Church – True or False

THERE IS NO QUESTION ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD is made up of three great division: Nations, Church and Throne. Nor is the fact that these three are found where the western White race exists, because they make up the nations and the body of the Church and the Throne is found in their midst. There is no question of the fact that the Kingdom of the MOST HIGH GOD is to descend upon these who are the offspring, upon the race HE begat the Adamic household which HE called HIS own.

We look out upon the history of the background of our race and we discover that God raised up Patriarchs men who led our forefathers with declarations of truth which God revealed unto them. HE brought unto us the Wise men, the Prophets. And HE brought unto us the background of wisdom and knowledge. For from the beginning of our race, we were writing with script, and recording the records of HIS inspirations. We were recording in scrolls, HIS Holy Word.

There is no question of the fact that HE called Moses to lead the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt or that HE called this household of HIS ‘Israel,’ nation, church and throne. For ‘Israel’ means issue, ruling with HIM. And when HE brought them out of Egypt and took them into their own land after overthrowing the powers of evil in that land of Canaan, HE had already established HIS spiritual centre in the heart of HIS people. HIS congregations of Israel were the True Church of the Old Testament.

The Christians Responsibility in The Day of The Lord

The Christians Responsibility in The Day of The Lord

WE ARE TALKING TODAY ABOUT THE CHRISTIANS RESPONSIBILITY IN THIS DAY OF THE LORD, with the full realization that we are arriving and historically participating in the events and conditions related to that day. We spoke to you before about the return of Christ, recognizing that a great number of messages have been brought on this subject for some time. But we are not interested in views created as Church doctrines by individual denominations, but we are concerned as to what Jesus taught and to what the Bible declared as the words of HIS mouth concerning that pattern of history. We discover these words as Jesus imparted them to his disciples through out the 14th chapter of John. ‘If I go away, I come again’.

This is assurance enough with all the other patterns and records of history, which we will introduce to you from each one of the Apostles, and from the testimony of Revelations, and out of the background of Prophecy. One of the things we site to you once again as a foundation is the fact that we have been taught from the beginning: ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in Heaven’. Very basically this Kingdom is the most important thing that you and I as heirs of this Kingdom can be interested in. It is most significant and important that we understand that the whole theme of the Bible is the establishment of that Kingdom, and the historical genealogy and background from the Adamic birth unto this hour, of a race of people whom YAHWEH intended should bring this Kingdom into being.

The Police State Road Map

The Police State Road Map

WHAT IS AT STAKE IS MORE THAN ONE SMALL COUNTRY; IT IS A BIG IDEA: A NEW WORLD ORDER, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind -­ peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law – George H.W. Bush, State of the Union Address, 29 January 1991.

There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this disaster to carry out what his father – a phrase his father used I think only once, and it hasn’t been used since – and that is a new world order- Senator Gary Hart, Council on Foreign Relations meeting, 12 September 2001
Noting that the European Union was coming to a turning point in its existence, the European Council which met in Laeken, Belgium, on 14 and 15 December 2001 convened the European Convention on the Future of Europe. The Convention was asked to draw up proposals on three subjects: how to bring citizens closer to the European design and European Institutions; how to organise politics and the European political area in an enlarged Union; and how to develop the Union into a stabilising factor and a model in the new world order. Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, President of the Convention, Preface to the Draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, July 2003.

Once the legal and technological apparatus of totalitarianism is established, there exists the very real prospect of a permanent planetary dictatorship where human existence is micro-managed from cloud cuckoo land by a tiny ruling elite who are themselves above the law. – chapter 11,the book you are about to read…

A ‘new world order’ is a vision long shared by political leaders, industrialists, and intellectuals around the world. ‘Peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law’, what a wonderful idea! Strange then, that they have tried to conceal the reality of their vision from the wider public. For over thirty years, the European project was sold to the British people as little more than a benign free-trade agreement, despite the fact most of our new laws originate in Brussels and we are being asked to relinquish most of our independence under the European Constitution. The same process is underway on the American continent: NAFTA and the Free Trade Area of the Americas are the basis for supra-national political bureaucracies based on the European model. Evolution rather than revolution is the chosen course because, as the Fabian Society noted, the wolf in sheep’s clothing stands a better chance of getting lunch than his colleague openly salivating amongst the flock.

The end game is one-world government: The relinquishing of sovereignty to continental mega-states and the unification of these power blocs under the United Nations. This is the geo-political skeleton of the New World Order, which its advocates realize most people would reject.