Is it all an Accident?

Is it all an Accident?

Is it all an Accident? One of the very few phrases that passed the lips of Franklin Roosevelt that was not a lie was this:

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If something happens, you may be sure that someone planned it that way.”

POSSIBLY HE LET SLIP THAT PHRASE IN AN UNGUARDED MOMENT OR WHILE IMPAIRED BY PAINKILLERS: WE SHALL PROBABLY NEVER KNOW. Certainly his administration, if judged by the standard of causation he implied, would have had to answer to a great many things in those terrible years of 1933 to 1945.

But what we are concerned with today is far bigger than just a single president or a single administration. I am concerned about the future of America. we are concerned about the future of the little children who are the descendants of the valiant men and women who founded and built this country, and whose future looks increasingly dim as America becomes more and more like a Third World nation. I am concerned about our heritage of Liberty, which is being increasingly abandoned as our “leaders” move aggressively toward their goal of an all‑powerful world government which they call the “New World Order.”

The reason we quoted the late and unlamented FDR was to point out the absurdity of the view held by a majority of White Americans today, a view which is essentially the opposite of Roosevelt’s, and which paralyses our will to resist the changes which are being imposed upon our beloved country.

Number of The Beast and The American Bar Association

Number of The Beast and The American Bar Association


Revelations Chapter 13 speaks of a beast who “forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.”

Title 42, Section 666

Title 42, Section 666, paragraph “13” of the United States Code (USC) requires that as a condition to receiving federal funds States must establish procedures requiring that the social security number (SSN) of any applicant for a professional license, driver’s license, recreational license, occupational license, or marriage license be recorded on the application.

Also, if you assign the number value of each letter in the word “Title” relative to how each number appears in the alphabet, these five numbers add up to 66. 4 + 2 equals 6. Therefore, Title 42 adds up to 666 in numerology, completing a second “666” in front of “Section 666”. The odds of this occurring “by coincidence” are astronomical. The fact that these numbers are being used to restrict and control basic human rights that one needs to survive is further evidence that this is not just a coincidence.

American Bar Association

American Bar Association

THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION (AND ITS STATE ALTER-EGOS) HAS, FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, taken over our entire federal, state, and local governments. The legislative branch follows the advice of their BAR member advisors in the constructing of statutes. The executive branch does the same in the enforcement of those statutes. The judicial branch is literally a closed union shop in that regard. You can’t be a judge unless you are BAR member and you can’t practice in their courts unless you are a BAR member.

The term “BAR” is an acronym for British Accredited Registry [see comments below]. These snakes are in fact working for the Crown of England. And that is why the gold fringed flags are in the courtrooms. It signifies admiralty jurisdiction* [maritime law], which is another way of saying British jurisdiction [England is a maritime nation]. When you cross the bar in a courtroom, you are entering a British colonial forum.

There are over 30 grievances listed against the King of England in the Declaration of Independence (1776). Nearly all of them are applicable today against the Crown of England via the BAR Association. If you don’t have a copy, get one and read it. Each grievance therein begins with “He” (in reference to the King). As you read through the grievances, mentally supplant “He” with “BAR Association, on behalf of the Crown of England” and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

The root for the term “attorney” originates in Sanskrit (the oldest known language) and its original meaning was “to turn or to twist”. That meaning carried forward largely unaltered into the English language. The letter “a”, when used as a word, is defined as “an indefinite article” and when used as a prefix it equates with the word “one” (indefinite article) which modifies the base word (torn) accordingly—as does the suffix “ey”.

Old Bottles

Old Bottles

WHEN IT IS FOUND TO BE DIFFICULT, IF NOT IMPOSSIBLE, to enjoy a profitable discussion about new aspects of Biblical revelation with those whose minds are cast in the mould of their theological training, it is well to recall Yahshua’s words:

“No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.” (Matthew 9:16)

Theology is defined as comprising a system of religious theory methodically formulated. When theological concepts are of long standing, having been subject to revision from generation to generation by the deliberations of ecumenical councils, they are apt to become less and less an interpretation of Bible truth and more and more the traditions of men.

Today much of theology has become a garment worn threadbare. It is impossible to patch it with new revelation accompanying the proclamation of the Kingdom evangel; nor are the majority of those clothed in this garment capable of assimilating the truth pertaining to the nature of His Kingdom in the world today. Just as the over stretched bottle of skin was unable to hold new wine, so today some are unable to accept the great truths pertaining to the restoration of the Kingdom of Yahweh on earth and the administration of its laws.

Scarred to Preach Against The Jews

Scarred to Preach Against The Jews

Dr. Charles F. Stanley
In Touch Ministries
P.O. Box 7900
Atlanta, GA 30356

Dear Dr. Stanley:

I WATCH YOUR SHOW SOMETIMES WITH INTEREST AND SIT THERE WONDERING WHEN YOU PEOPLE WILL START PREACHING THE TRUTH. You folks seem so scared of the Jews and the government that you do not do as Christ said and Preach the Kingdom of God; but instead preach the government accepted sermons from a set of books for that purpose. And don’t try to tell me you don’t because I have listened enough to your sermons to recognize them. I full well realize that you run a 501(c)(3) organization, and with that you or someone sold your souls to the government, and it is like the antichrist, satanic seedline scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees and Herodians who told the Apostle to not preach in the name of Christ. But they had more guts that you people in the ministries of America do today.

“Then came one and told them, saying, Behold, the Men Whom Ye Put in Prison Are Standing in the Temple, and Teaching the People. Then went the captain with the officers, and brought them without violence: for they feared the people, lest they should have been stoned. And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them,



MANY HAVE ASKED ME WHY I POST THE TYPE OF THINGS THAT I DO. Well the answer is that I am duty bound by Yahweh’s Law to witness to the truth to the best of my ability as I understand it, and to do the duty of a watchman and a hunter.

In other words, if I know a crime has been committed, or is about to be committed, or there is a danger of a crime or a danger against our Israel people, if I do not witness to what I know, or the danger I see coming against our Israel people, even to the danger of the enemy already in our camp; and I do not tell of that crime or of that enemy I become as guilty as the person(s) committing the crime.

As Ezekiel put it:

“Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel (this is what God has done to me also, and it matters not if you believe it or not, but it does matter to me, and therefore as long as I am alive, I will do my duty as a watchman): therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.

When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and (if) Thou Givest Him Not Warning, nor Speakest to Warn the Wicked from His Wicked Way, to save His Life; the Same Wicked Man Shall Die in His Iniquity; but His Blood Will I Require at Thine Hand. Yet If Thou Warn the Wicked, and He Turn Not from His Wickedness, nor from His Wicked Way, He Shall Die in His Iniquity; but Thou Hast Delivered Thy Soul.



THERE IS A GROWING, PROLIFERATING NEED, FOR OUR PEOPLE TO KNOW THEIR RACIAL AND SPIRITUAL IDENTITY IN THE PLAN OF GOD! Millions of our White Christian Caucasian people are yearning and searching, thirsting and fainting for a deeper meaning for their life!

They are searching to find the meaning behind their existence and being as the Children of Light upon this earth. Why was I born? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? What is my ultimate end? Who were my ancestors? What is God’s will for my life?

These and many other questions are gripping the hearts of many of our young people! Behind all of this unrest, uncertainty, confusion, frustration and bewilderment, lies the unmistakable truth that our people are searching for their Ancestral Roots, they are searching for their Identity.

All Too Many Are Being Led to False Gods, Be­cause the Clergy of Organized Religion, Evange­lists, and Teachers Have Failed the Commission, They Claim, Was Given to Them by Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ; but Their Works Prove, That Is a Lie, Their Works Prove They Are Really Working for Satan!

America has al­most lost two gener­ations! The present living Christian White people are a people who have been separated and estranged from their history, their culture, and their heri­tage in Jesus Christ.

I will never be able to understand how those who teach in Organized Reli­gion, can know so many Scriptures, by heart, but never come to a realization or understanding of just what the Bible truly is.

Gutless Judeo-Christian Preachers

Gutless Judeo-Christian Preachers

I WAS LISTENING TO ONE OF THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN PREACHERS AND BOY YOU TALK ABOUT A GUTLESS, cowardly, traitor to the White Race. This creep, like so many Judeo-Christians that hide in their spiritual foxholes like the cowardly, antichrist, bigots, because of the teachings of a coward, traitor, and antichrist Judeo-Christian clergyman/woman as they teach that Christians are not supposed to fight.

What a bunch of traitorous crap the following is what happens to the cowards that listen to these traitors, cowardly false teachers:

“Another famous betrayal of a country by its Jews took place in Spain. In his History of the Jews, Vol. III, p. 109, Professor Graetz relates:”

The Jews of Africa, who at various times had emigrated thither from Spain, and their unlucky co-religionists of the Peninsula, made common cause with the Mohammedan conqueror, Tarik, who brought over from Africa into Andalusia an army eager for the fray. After the battle of Xeres (July, 711 A.D.), and the death of Frederic, the last of the Visigothic kings, the Victorious Arabs Pushed Onward, and Were Everywhere Supported by the Jews.

“In every city that they conquered, the Moslem generals were able to leave but a small garrison of their own troops, as they had need of every man for the subjection of the country; they therefore confided them to the safekeeping of the Jews. In this manner the Jews, who but lately had been serfs, now became the masters of the towns of Cordova, Granada, Malaga, and many others.

A Famine of Hearing The Word of YAHWEH

A Famine of Hearing The Word of YAHWEH

THOUGHTLESS PEOPLE TODAY ARE VERY PROUD OF WHAT THEY CONSIDER OUR VERY MODERN CONDITIONS and claim that we are very different from our ancestors. Yet, in truth there has been no change in the real fundamentals of life since most ancient times. As one philosopher said “The more it changes, the more it is the same.”

Are you really any better off because today, the bandit that robs you uses a gun instead of a sword, as he would have done 500 years ago? Is it better to have to leap for your life out of the path of an automobile, instead of a carriage? Have we really progressed because you are now made to pay excessive taxes with dollars instead of shekels? Are Russia’s slaves any better off than the captives of Babylon?

Nothing but surface appearances have changed. The essential realities have and must remain the same as long as there are men living on earth. One of the ancient institutions which has come down to us unchanged is the stream of vilification and abuse directed at everyone who protests against current evils and seeks to warn the public of the consequences of continued wrongdoing. Our evils are always organized, because there are always those who have found out how to get money or power, or both, out of them.

They foresee the end of their wealth and power if the public ever learns the truth. Therefore, they viciously attack everyone who tries to warn the public of what is going on.



IT HAS BEEN SAID BY SOME: Out there in the quest for “the truth” there are those who have found it and those who have not. Some just cannot seem to find it–––no matter how hard we try to show it to them.

If “we” who have it could just find a way to enlighten “those” who are in the dark, then we could begin to see real progress and enjoy the unity that comes with agreement on doctrine. Society would turn around and the Kingdom of God could come.

Right? Well––let’s think about it. Even if the presumption were right, how do we go about getting their attention? And just how do we call them out of error into the light of “truth?” Maybe we could devise The Perfect Argument, then no one would be able to resist “the truth!”

Truth resistance is a problem that we all have seen; and has been around for thousands of years. Haven’t you had times when you wished you had a Perfect Argument so you could straighten someone out? Being able to come up with Perfect Arguments would sure be handy wouldn’t it? That is––-if it really worked; the problem is, it doesn’t!

First of all, there is no Perfect Argument without perfect truth––-and who among us has it? Every Judeo-Christian church claims to have it, every Judeo-Christian preacher presumes to have it, every “man of God” insists that he has it––as they try to convince others of the truth They See.

They work and strive to devise the Perfect Argument to correct the poor devils; the blind and lost must be called back into the fold. Those that refuse are denounced and shunned as “heretics,” “false prophets,” “Jews,” “infiltrators,” “traitors,” “anti-Semites,” and other such nonsense.