Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1996

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1996

IN THE LINE-UP OF THE PLANETS WHICH WE HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING FOR SOME MONTHS, WE SEE A BIG CHANGE FOR MARCH. It looks as though the tumult in Washington, D.C. is settling down. Mercury (the U.S.) Has moved out of the huddle as has Jupiter (Yahweh). Only Uranus (money) and Neptune (chaos) are there. And now there is even a little distance between them. There is nothing in the publication “Sky and Telescope” about ‘Hale-Boop’ being seen. There should have been, so we hope this does not mean that the government has decided that we, the public, do not need to follow that story.

Front line

General Daniel O. Graham, a decorated veteran who served in the military for thirty years, and was the Reagan Administration’s Chief proponent of building a missile defence system, sadly passed away this past New Year’s Eve. His foresight and perseverance enabled us to begin building a system that helped end the ‘Cold War’ without a shot. The free world and all those subjugated by Communist governments owe him a debt of gratitude. Just before Graham’s death, on December 28, the President vetoed the Defence Authorization Bill, calling funding for missile defence ‘unnecessary.’ It fell casualty to its own success. Let us hope the same does not happen to us.

Ironically, even as the Clinton Administration chooses to endanger funding for the Military with a veto of the Defence Authorization Bill because the Bill contained a missile defence system, Secretary of Defence William Perry offered to have the U.S. co-produce a ballistic missile defence system for Israeli while he was travelling there. So we are willing to build one for Israeli, but not for the United States.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1991

THE SHOOTING WAR OF ‘OPERATION DESERT SHIELD’ IS ABOUT OVER, let us pray that we do not allow the powers behind the scene to cause us to lose the Peace.

Ten members of the 26 members of the Congressional Black Caucus either opposed or voted present on the resolution supporting President Bush and the troop battling in the Gulf. On February 16-House Speaker Tom Foley played fast and loose with our National Security by filling 4 out of 5 vacancies on the Super Sensitive House Intelligence Committee with members from the FAR LEFT WING of his party. He named them to a six year term on this panel, and one of them especially was Ron Dellums of California who is considered as the biggest risk by our Security experts.

Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua flew to Bagdad just before war broke out to show his support for Saddam Hussein, as did Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan, and of course Jesse Jackson who was paid $125,000 for his inter- view with Saddam.

Peter Arnett who represents CNN in Bagdad was, in the Vietnam War a reporter who was very Anti-U.S.A. Was this why he was chosen to remain behind in Bagdad?

According to U.S. News and World Report, it is the Soviet Union that has been providing Iraq with critical gulf war intelligence. Soviet advisors still in Bagdad have advised the Iraqi as to when and where the Satellites travel and how the on-board Camera’s work. Thus helping them to hide their Scud Missile bases, yet even this did not help them to victory.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1990

FROM THE PUBLICATION, ‘PRAVDA’, JANUARY 17, 1990. THE ‘REFORM SOCIALISTS’ ARE FEELING VERY ANXIOUS. The events inside the Soviet Union are racing out of control. At the beginning of the reform the hope was that distortions of Stalin and Brezhnev eras would be eliminated, and the move would be made to resume the construction of Socialism and Communism. But starting in the last half of 1988, events took a different turn. ‘Perestroika’ has acquired an openly Anti-Communist character. The year of 1989 will go down in history as the year of the collapse of the World Socialist system. There will be further movement toward the right. It is quite likely that in 1990 even the notion of the ‘Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic’ will disappear from the political map of the world.

The western world must move cautiously for it seems that as the Soviet Army withdraws from Eastern Europe they will be leaving behind large stockpiles of ammunition and fuel. Could this mean that in a time of Crisis the Kremlin could move more easily in return? Could the change be in name only, time will tell?

Pat Buchanan: our Nation’s Capital shows the big failure of Liberalism. Under the decade of urban experiment in Secular Humanism, and Liberal politics, everything the LEFT has preached has been practiced here. The ACLU, and NEA dogma of bushing, teachers union, and iron prohibition against religious training and moral instruction has turned the schools into hell holes of crime and drugs.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1989

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1989

FROM ‘HUMAN EVENTS:’ YOUNG JOE KENNEDY LIKELY TO BE THE NEXT GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS AFTER DUKAKIS, on his way up the political ladder. There has been no question as to his being too young, etc. After all he is a Kennedy not a Quayle.

Chief of Staff Sununu will face a great Media Challenge, maybe the American people choose Mr. Bush over Governor Dukakis but the Major Media did not. Their Problem, the key question is, how much damage they can do to the Bush Administration in the next four years. After all Vice President Quayle like President Bush has a constitutional 4 year term from which he can be detached only by the process of impeachment which is to slow, thus they plan to cut this administration to pieces. And John Sununu who is Chief of Staff is the target of destruction for his going would cause the most damage to the Bush Administration. So watch for them to start picking on him.

Now; I read much about President Bush, and much is not very complimentary, and I do not think his plan of compromise with Congress will work, but I am willing to set back a bit and see just what YAHWEH has in mind as we are in this time of, ‘going to Great Babylon’, World Government and then we will be delivered. Did you notice that Barbara Bush held the old Bible that George Washington held as well as their family Bible as George Bush took the Oath of Office of President of these United States.


The Druids

The Druids

IF THIS WERE AN ACADEMIC DISSERTATION, I would probably choose the subtitle ‘An introductory argument’—-n no field is it more necessary to ask the right questions than when attempting to discover the Druids. The simple truth is that one person’s Druid is another person’s fantasy.

The Druids have been conjured in a wide variety of perceptions, as to who they were, what they believed and what they taught, since the sixteenth century. The basic problem is that no Druid, nor sympathetic contemporary
observer, ever committed to writing the necessary unequivocal information for our latter-day understanding. We have to search diligently among many sources to come up with our answers and, as Levi-Strauss implies, the result of the search depends on what questions we ask.

In spite of several references to Druids in Greek and Latin writings and in spite of the traditions recorded in the native Celtic literatures, we are still far from being absolutely knowledgeable.

The Man of Sin

The Man of Sin

THERE HAVE BEEN SO MANY FACETS ADDED OVER THE PAST DECADE, that have added a great range of experiences to what has been known and what has been anticipated in this range of truth. As we talk about this title ’The man of sin,’ this title was given to him by none other than the Apostle Paul.

We always review the writings of the Apostle Paul as an authority, because few men had the experience that the Apostle Paul did to establish that he would be an authority. For he was one of the men whom we have the Biblical record of being transported into the spirit. He could not tell whether he was in the body or out of the body, but he knew that he had gone into the plains of spirit. He knew that he had stood in the presence of the Most High God and he had been in the dimensions of heaven, in the far off corners of space. And he had been sent back and had recorded these things in a book. ‘The Apocalypse of Paul’ became the foundation for the writings of his many Epistles. And it contained more mysteries than any book which has been hidden from the church. The Apostle Paul has left for us in the Epistles that have been preserved, and even though the forces which invaded the church sought to contaminate and obscure areas of what the Apostle Paul was revealing. They have been unable to obscure this man’s vision or the message he delivered to the church.


The Lord is a Man of War

The Lord is a Man of War

WE TURN TO THE BOOK OF EXODUS FOR OUR SUBJECT. “The Lord is a man of war”; back to the hour of deliverance of the Children of Israel from the hand of Pharaoh. We see where Pharaohs’s armies were completely decimated and we hear the Children of the Israel as they sang with Moses; ”I will sing unto the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously. The horse and his rider, He has thrown into the sea. The Lord is my strength, and my song. He is my salvation and My God. I will prepare for Him a habitation, My father’s God, I will exalt Him, for Yahweh IS A MAN OF WAR, and YAHWEH IS HIS NAME.”

It is a rather fruitless attempt on the part of a great many who call themselves Christian when they seek to advocate an area of total pacifism and to refer to war as a very sinister and dangerous operation. We are discovering that the N.C.C.’s repudiates all the procedures that relates to war. The American Synagogue Council calls for a complete area of Pacifism as it relates to war. Though I would say that while it talks about this area of pacifism, it does not hold any area of pacifism as it pertains to anything connected with Germany. It however does call for liquidation, extermination and all kinds of judgments on Germans. But never the less it does say it is against war, especially the type of war we are engaged in with the Communist. So it is calling for Militant Pacifism on every turn.


The Little Horn of Daniel

The Little Horn of Daniel

IN THE HOUR in which we live, we stand face to face with the great perimeter of the powers of darkness, now gathered with all their energies and strength for the conquest of God’s Kingdom. If that be possible.
We do not look out over this situation with any fear concerning our destiny. We do not fear concerning the final outcome of God’s Kingdom, because we have a sure word of His own cognizance.
From the writings of the Apostle Paul, we know that we have inherited a Kingdom and its spiritual life exists in you. That is why Jesus, when addressing you, said:–­’The Kingdom of Heaven is in you.’ — But also He has the purpose of translating that Spiritual Kingdom into a physical manifestation. This manifestation He did when He transferred His spiritual sons and daughters into earth through the household of Adam. And from Adam’s time until your time, this continuous stream of light came through this great racial stream of this household, and produced HIS KINGDOM. And this Kingdom is still here, and thus it is a part of destiny and divine intent.
In the time in which we live–we are probably at the most troublesome period for the kingdom of God. Now that is not concerning whether it will survive, but we mean concerning those who make up the kingdom, and in the problems which they face, and in their responsibility as they occupy and establish the kingdom.
For many years, I have considered and studies the times and prophecies of Daniel, and have looked at them from many angles, and have read throughout the years ecclesiastical studies of leaders of institutions and their interpretation of Daniel. They had some things in Daniel interpreted for them and then other things they could not understand. So the interpretation of Daniel had suffered much violence. The difference between the Alexandrian text and the King James Version are many. The description of the things in Babylon, especially the beasts that rise up out of the sea, and the various things like that also found in Revelation, often times face various interpretations.
Not so long ago all the interpretations of Daniel focused around the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, and the interpretation of that dream, and the interpretation of the hand writing on the wall in Belshazzar’s experience. All was to show the spiritual guidance on the man Daniel and his ability to interpret through that guidance those things which had occurred.

There is little doubt that Nebuchadnezzar saw four empires rising, and that his was the first, but he only knew that he saw a great image, with the head of gold, the breast of silver, and the belly of brass, and the feet and toes of iron and clay. And he saw a great stone–as though it was hurled from heaven itself, and he saw the great stone strike this image and break it into pieces and crumble it to the ground. –Then being troubled Nebuchadnezzar sent for his soothsayer, and astrologers, and wizards, and all those who worked for him, and they chirped and muttered and brought their superstitions into play and by those methods they had made many interpretations in the past, that were not necessarily so.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1996

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – June 1996

THE LINE UP OF THE PLANETS IS BEGINNING TO CHANGE. For several months Uranus and Neptune, with Jupiter, and Pluto have been the story. This is still in the picture with lots of fighting going on in Washington, D.C. over finance and politics and so forth. But in June, we see another development, and this is Mars (war) and Mercury (the U.S.) locked in conjunction with great Venus sitting a small ways from these two as the middle of the month approaches. By June 12-13, then Mercury is much brighter than Mars. And by June 23, Mercury and Venus are very close together, and Mars is moving away. By June 30, Venus is outshining Mars. And Mercury, further away, is just rising. Remember that Venus is the Great Revealer. We shall see what does develop in our nation then in June. See if there is any change.

On the Internet more and more information is coming out. And now we find the Astronauts are now beginning to tell us what they have seen ‘Out there’ as they went into space. Before this, the government was able to stop any of this information from coming out, although we were getting it from other places. Now they are saying that as they leave this planet that UFO’S go with them, and this is someone more capable, who are piloting ships that can fly faster and further than they can. They tell us that they have been forbidden by the higher officials to tell what they saw even when they touched down on the moon.

Rapin’s History Book 2 – Arrival of The Saxons

Rapin’s History Book 2 – Arrival of The Saxons


THE Saxons returned a favourable answer to the Britons, assuring them that they would stand by them in their pressing necessities. They also-agreed to grant them an aid of nine thousand men, on certain terms, the principal whereof was, that the Saxons should be put in possession of the Isle of Thanet, adjacent to Kent, where they were to land, and their troops be paid and maintained by the Britons.—Hengist and Horsa,[1] both sons of Witigisil, were appointed to command the troops designed for the aid of the Bri­tons.

Hengist was about thirty years old. He first bore arms under his father Witigisil; after which, for his improvement in the art of war, he served in the Roman armies, where the emperors generally kept some Saxon troops in their pay. This young warrior was endowed with all the necessary qualifications for accomplishing the undertaking committed to his management. His valour and experience, the solidity of his judgment, his address, his easy and engaging behaviour, warranted, in some measure, his success. All these excellent quali­ties determined the Saxon general to procure for his son so fair an occasion to display his talents. Of his bro­ther, Horsa, nothing particular is said.

The Saxons, notwithstanding their promise, did not think proper to send over at once so considerable a body of forces as nine thousand men, into a country but im­perfectly known to them. Wherefore, pretending that the rest were not ready, by reason of their great dis­tance from the place of embarkation, they caused only 1600 to be put on board three vessels. Historians have not expressly marked the place of this first embarkation; but it probably was Zealand, as that country was then in possession of the Saxons, and as it would have been difficult to chose a more convenient place, or one nearer the isle of Thanet, where they might land. Hengist and Horsa accordingly arrived at Ebbesfleet in the isle of Thanet, about the year 449, or 450; and, when they had refreshed themselves, Vortigern led them against the Picts and Scots that were advanced as far as Stamford in Lincolnshire. In the first battle the islanders, according to their custom, began with throw­ing their darts.