The Power of The Kingdom

The Power of The Kingdom

WE ARE SPEAKING UPON THIS SUBJECT ‘THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM’, the great and essential understanding today for those who constitute the children of God’s Kingdom, and HIS Household, and the understanding of what that Kingdom consists of. What is the secret of it, THERE IS NO OTHER GOSPEL. This is strange for we were listening to one clergyman over the air, and he said, ‘I am happy, for there is only one Gospel for me to preach, and this is the Gospel of Salvation.’ Then he started right in trying to frighten everyone he was talking to as to what would happen to them if they did not heed what he had to say about this Gospel of Salvation.

And in so talking about their ultimate destiny, then the only thing for them to do was to agree with him and repeat after him what he had to say and then you were a saved person. And this Gospel of Salvation to him was the most important thing to proclaim. Then as he was very happy that he could preach the Gospel of Healing, and that this was probably the most important thing which could be proclaimed today because so many people were ill, so he was here to preach the Gospel of Healing. Then after many dire pronouncements concerning what was wrong with everybody, and where they were ultimately going to go, he held out the bond of healing and said if they would accept what he said, and recognized Christ as their Saviour, that they could have HIS Gospel of Healing.

The Power of The Resurrection

The Power of The Resurrection

WE WILL NOW TURN TO THE SCRIPTURAL RECORD OF THE EVENTS RELATING TO THE CRUCIFIXION WHICH WE ARE OBSERVING AT THIS TIME, and think upon the magnitude of the power that was manifested in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Last Sunday we talked to you about how the crowds went out to crown Him king and shouted, ‘Hosanna in the highest!’ ‑ and they called upon Him to accept the crown; how the Essene company, the true priesthood, had been waiting for this day, because the priesthood in the Temple was not the priesthood of Israel; how apostasy and darkness had taken over, and the Canaanites and the apostates were in power; how the great multitude of people had gathered in Jerusalem and how they had come from all over Palestine to crown Christ king, but they had prepared for Him both a crown and a chalice.

Remember that Joseph of Arimathea had Demetrius, the silversmith, carve a chalice with Christ’s face upon it. But the disciples, and all those that were waiting, thought that Christ would take the crown and the kingdom, but He took that day the chalice and told them, ‘If I took the crown, I would reign over you in bondage and in slavery, and this I cannot do. But the day will come when I will take the crown, when My servants will fight and the kingdom will not be given to the Jews.’ And thus it was, at that time, He took the chalice instead of the crown.



IT IS POINTED OUT THAT THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTIONS HAVE THE EFFECT OF CHANGING RACE INTO ANY GROUP HAVING AN ETHNIC BELIEF, religion, common customs, national origins, etc, so that in this context multi-racial Jews can now claim to be an ethnic group. “Anti-Semitic” now is made to refer to anything against the concept of this “Jewish” ethnic group. Anti-Semitism is in no way what it is presented to be. The word, “Anti-Semitism” was first printed as late as 1880, according to the 1901 Encyclopaedia Judaica: Vol. 1/641. It is a term that was created by Zionism, according to modern Jewish authority who state, “Jews began in the 19th century to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860. This coincides with the cry anti-Semitism”-(Ency. Jud.1971,Vol.10:23).

The New Zealand Jewish chronicle of Sept. 1995 on page 15 quotes historian Robert Wistrich who says, “It dates back to 1879, the invention of a German journalist and writer who wanted to signify that anti-Semitism was not the same as traditional religious hatred of Jews, and therefore coined a phrase which had a racial connotation”.

The word, “anti-Semitism” was first printed as late as 1880 according to the 1901 Jewish Encyclopaedia: Vol 1 P. 641. The word is used as a cover-up by those claiming to be Israelites or Shemites, “but who are not”-[Rev 2:9]. These are who are known and identified as International Jewry today; they themselves state that they are Edom, as has been shown.

To be anti-Semitic rightly means being against the descendants of Shem, the son of Noah. Biblical Israel are Shemites. Historically and biblically, there are peoples known as “Jews” who are not Shemites, and some of these others descend from the other two sons of Noah, Japheth and Ham. They are not Israelites, but neither are some other Shemites.

Today we find a push for world government by these particular people, as usual through the socialist platform:

The Power of God

The Power of God

AS WE OPEN OUR BIBLES THIS WEEK AFTER EASTER, AND THINK ABOUT THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION, we would recall to your thoughts that though YAHSHUA the Messiah died on the Cross, the Power of HIS Resurrection was Spirit. And also, YAHWEH is Spirit. And those who worship HIM must worship HIM in Spirit and in Truth. Remember, that the spirit is not only the Father of matter, but that YAHWEH never died. The body prepared for HIM knew death. And as far as it being a Divine body, yes, it was a Divine body. In fact, we are told in the book of Colossians, that it pleased YAHWEH that the fullness of HIM could dwell in the man Christ Jesus. And though that body hung on the Cross, carried all the transgressions for HIS race and all the transgressions of the whole world, and as it died, was committed unto the hands of the Father, the soul consciousness passed in to its contest with Beelzebub in the Netherworld. The power that raised Christ from the grave was the power of a Living and vital YAHWEH, for God never died.

If God had died the Universe would have been wiped out. But God did not die, for God is Spirit. And they who worship HIM, just worship HIM in Spirit and in Truth. Thus, it is as God is Spirit and the essence of this is brought to pass, we understand that God is Light, and the Life of men.

We turn to Colossians again, and catch a concept of the Spirit for we are told concerning these things, by the Apostle Paul, who is very happy and very significantly aware that we are strengthened with all might, according to HIS glorious power unto all patience and long suffering with joyfulness, giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of this great inheritance of HIS breathing offspring in light. That we might be therefore inheritors of HIS glorious power and that we are joint partakers with al the other breathing offspring of God in Light.

Rapin’s History of England – Book 4

Rapin’s History of England – Book 4


Origin of The Danes

ENGLAND, now grown more powerful by the union of the seven kingdoms, seemed to be better secured than ever from foreign invasions. Yet, shortly after this union it was, that the Danes commenced their descents with fury, equal to that wherewith the English themselves had formerly attacked the Britons. For above two hundred years these new enemies were so obstinately bent upon the ruin of the island, that it can­not be conceived either how their country could supply them with troops sufficient for so long and bloody a war, or how the English could hold out against so many rei­terated attacks. Before we enter upon particulars, how­ever, it will be necessary to premise some account of these Danes, who in the IXth century became so formidable to all Europe, and especially to England.

Scandia, or Scandinavia[1] situated in the north of Eu­rope, contains a tract of land in length from north to south about four hundred leagues, and in breadth from east to west about one hundred and fifty. According to tradition, this country was peopled soon after the flood, by two nations, or rather two branches of the same nation, the Goths and Swedes, who founded two large kingdoms in this part of the world. From these two nations, who were sometimes united and sometimes divided, sprang, as they say, all those colonies, which after the decline of the Roman empire, over ran the rest of Europe.

In the reign of Eric the sixth king of the Goths[2], Gothland had become so exceedingly populous, that the country was unable to maintain its inhabitants. To remedy this inconvenience, which daily increased, Eric was compelled to send away part of his subjects to seek their fortune in the neighbouring isles. These colonies at length not only peopled the island, but also Jutland on the Continent, formerly known by the name of Cimbrica Chersonesus. The people thus spread over the isles and the Chersonese, acknowledged above seven hundred years the kings of Gothland for their sovereigns. Humel, the sixteenth king of the Goths, first made them independent, by letting them have for their king Dan[3] his son, from whom Denmark received its name. Norway also very probably was peopled by Gothic colonies, since it remained a long while under the dominion of the kings of Gothland. In process of time, and after many revolutions, Norway was governed by judges indepen­dent of Gothland, till about the end of the IXth century, when it became subject to a king.

The Power of Creation

The Power of Creation

PRAYER: ALMIGHTY AND ETERNAL FATHER. Again we come before you to worship you in Spirit and in Truth, recognizing thy abiding presence which is with us through out all ages. Which is not only with us but the essence of thy Spirit is also in us. We are thankful for the witness of thy Spirit concerning who we are, and from whence we have come. For the testimony of the Apostle Paul with thy assurance said that we are the children of God. For thy assurance that we are thy household, for the realization that thy Kingdom is an Eternal Kingdom. That what you shall accomplish with it is what you have purposed and ordained from the beginning, and made known unto us. Grant us to possess in our Faith the continuing assurance of achievements, and victory, of righteousness over evil, for thy purposes which shall be established in the earth.

We pray our Father that you shall lift up and sustain thy people, giving them that serenity of Peace which can come upon their consciousness in the midst of conflict, so that they can carry forward the opposition against the darkness with the assurity, and the essence of their being, and in the accomplishments of their purpose may we recognize that all the conditions of fulfilled prophecy, as the events transpires, some of which are in the areas of opposition have been known unto thee from the beginning, and that the end is also known unto thee. Because of these things we have an assurance of victory and we press on to its achievements.

The Power Behind The Red Revolution

The Power Behind The Red Revolution

TONIGHT AS WE TALK ABOUT THE POWER BEHIND THE RED REVOLUTION, we are talking about things which bring this to you, very close to home. Many people are asking questions about world markets, world finance, and what is going on. And it is all tied into this one thing, this one picture. Never before have we seen so clearly this total picture and as to the climax of what the enemy has designed to do. When we think about the Red Revolution, it seems strange and far off from us. But it is a strange and peculiar phenomena that happened to the Russians as the establishment of the Soviet Union took place and the Czar and his family were assassinated. And Christianity ceases to rule in Soviet Russia.

I want you to know that the Red Revolution occurred in Russia, but it was not designed by Russians. That revolution is far more deep rooted than the days of the 20th Century, when kings and rulers were in Russia. We discover some strange things. Suppose I tell you that in February 1776, the World Red Revolution was in the process of being formed. Before the book ‘Das Kapital’ was written by Karl Marx, before the doctrine of the Red Revolution and Socialism would have a platform on which to run, Amschel Meyer called together on the 4th of February, 1776, a diverse group. Two weeks before that, a conference had been called together by Adam Rothschild.

The Plot to Destroy America

The Plot to Destroy America

WE TALK TONIGHT ON THE SUBJECT OF ‘THE PLOT TO DESTROY AMERICA.’ We want you to know that the hoards of World Communism have never wavered in their plan to destroy America and then conquer the world. Neither do they run out of false Politicians under the Communist control who help their cause along, and who seem to think in their minds that all these things will be to no avail, and time will go on as it did in the days of yesterday.

We are engaged, even now, in a vicious war against hoards of Communism, but we don’t act like it. For instance General Duval brought out some very interesting material in which he has called on many citizens to react. He says that many ships are passing through our Panama Canal without being inspected. Marine’s no longer board the U.S.S.R. Flag Ships, although they boast openly that they are helping our enemies the Viet Cong. 25 Ships went through the Canal during October, November, and December in 1965. Security Guards go on the ships of Polish and Cuban’s and they are not authorized to inspect the cargo, although that inspection used to be routine.

Now according to reliable information in Dec. 1965., all the Cuban ships are carrying war material to the North Viet Nam, but they are going through our Canal without any inspection, and the excuse is that we are not worrying about what any of the Satellites of Russia are doing because we only have a war with the Viet Cong. There is no security in the Canal. Our Canal built and maintained by American dollars is being used without hindrance to carry war materials to our enemies to kill our boys. Some of these ships are so called ‘allies,’ but some are our deadly enemies. This is a situation of a most tragic character.

The Perfect Vision

The Perfect Vision

AS WE TURN TO TALK ABOUT THE ‘PERFECT VISION,’ IT IS MOST IMPORTANT THAT WE UNDERSTAND THE AREAS OF THE MECHANICS OF GOD’S KINGDOM. That we understand what we are here for and how God intends to bring things to pass. The perfect vision would be the coordination of the mind of the individual with the mind of God and the things which relate to HIS environment and HIS impact upon it. To know exactly what God plans to do and then to coordinate our activities with this is to draw the highest areas of operational strength in which a person would have the capacity to deliver the most for God. Today we have many people who love God in an abstract way. They love HIM in a more simple way within the structure of their theology that they have been taught concerning HIM.

They would like to do HIS will, but they have no concept of what that will is. Because of this, we have a problem, which exists today in a great area of Christianity. We have churches by the dozen divided by the names of individual leaders or processes of their operations, or some outstanding point in their theology until we can talk about the many brands and types of Christianity. All of them feel that they are a part of the church. And if they recognize Christ, and are of your race, and do worship HIM, they are a part of the church. Although the problem we have is how much of that church is asleep or misinformed, because they do not have the vision.

Grammatical Deception 

Grammatical Deception 

THIS PAPER AND STUDY IS A COMPILATION OF NOTES TAKEN FROM ARTICLES AND VIDEOS. MOST OF THE NOTES ARE QUOTED FROM ROMLEY STEWART. There are a few bits of information from Kobus of South Africa and other sources, and scriptural references and commentary have been added by Brother Hebert to show the direct connection in which this grammatical deception is the mode of operation of the literal children of the Devil. It connects so many dots. This paper was inspired by the truth and the fraud which Romley has exposed, and the fact that this deception only proves that the bible is true and that the enemies of our race want to do nothing but corrupt, destroy, usurp, and enslave us, just as prophesied in Genesis 3:15.

I am not a lawyer, familiar with law, or even properly educated in grammar because I was taught by the Jewish run education system. The depth of information between law and grammar is vast and my understanding of it all is next to nothing. But what I do understand is that this information is real, legal, and in place. The system is running on deception in every aspect. We are corporations, we have strayed from The Way, and we have put our trust in the world system, and keep it going. We are in a Jewish Matrix of Deceit. We have all been grammatically deceived to continue this deception, to continue being born into slavery, to continue giving up our inheritance, and continue taking from the tree of good and evil.

Some of you who are familiar with law and grammar will understand all this and even be wowed. Most of you may find this information uninteresting, boring, or even pointless. No problem.

There’s not much we can do about this situation we are in, this legal slavery condition, this dead corporation status we are in. But I believe we should be aware of the world around us and any information we can gain will help us to ‘come up out of her’ as much as possible. Knowledge is wisdom, and when we seek wisdom, Yahweh will preserve us and protect us while we are trapped in this system.

This information is getting out there and people are finding ways to fight the system with success. I believe this paper will help people wet their beaks on what this DOG LATIN is and the references and links I have provided will further your understanding and eventually one of these guys will present an easy step-by-step guide on how to claim back your name, your life, your liberty.

Kobus, of the House of :Hinsbeeck, the South African from the videos on the GLOSSA channel on YouTube has said he has a Live-Life-Claim in which you can claim and identify your name.