The Power of The Kingdom

The Power of The Kingdom

WE ARE SPEAKING UPON THIS SUBJECT ‘THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM’, the great and essential understanding today for those who constitute the children of God’s Kingdom, and HIS Household, and the understanding of what that Kingdom consists of. What is the secret of it, THERE IS NO OTHER GOSPEL. This is strange for we were listening to one clergyman over the air, and he said, ‘I am happy, for there is only one Gospel for me to preach, and this is the Gospel of Salvation.’ Then he started right in trying to frighten everyone he was talking to as to what would happen to them if they did not heed what he had to say about this Gospel of Salvation.

And in so talking about their ultimate destiny, then the only thing for them to do was to agree with him and repeat after him what he had to say and then you were a saved person. And this Gospel of Salvation to him was the most important thing to proclaim. Then as he was very happy that he could preach the Gospel of Healing, and that this was probably the most important thing which could be proclaimed today because so many people were ill, so he was here to preach the Gospel of Healing. Then after many dire pronouncements concerning what was wrong with everybody, and where they were ultimately going to go, he held out the bond of healing and said if they would accept what he said, and recognized Christ as their Saviour, that they could have HIS Gospel of Healing.