Jews Murdered JFK

Jews Murdered JFK

ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963, THE JEWISH MOSSAD KILLED PRESIDENT KENNEDY! Who or what is the Mossad? Most Americans have never even heard of it, and even fewer even know of its existence. It is therefore cogent that we expand this footnote here, briefly, to explain the nature of the Jewish Mossad. The Mossad is, in a way, the Israeli equivalent of our CIA, but it is much more. It is the Jewish intelligence gathering arm, whose headquarters are in Tel Aviv, Israel, but their vast armies are spread into every country of the world. “Mossad can go to any distinguished American Jew and ask for help,” (ex-CIA official, 9/3/1979, Newsweek.) but they ruthlessly murder people they deem a threat to the Jewish conspiracy.

They foment revolutions, hatch political plots, overthrow governments, assassinate key figures, stage commando raids where necessary, or organize revolutionary movements, all in the cause of the Jewish race.  The CIA, or the Russian KGB do all these things also, but with this difference. Since the Jews control practically all the never centres of power throughout the United States and the world, so do the intelligence agencies of the United States collaborate with the Mossad. In short, the CIA and the KGB are, in actuality, adjuncts of the Mossad, with the Mossad firmly in control of all.

SERCO, The Most Evil Corporation on Earth!

SERCO, The Most Evil Corporation on Earth!

WHAT IF I TOLD YOU THERE EXISTS A MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION WITH 40+ SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES ACROSS THE GLOBE which services a vast array of governmental agencies? And what if I told you this very same corporation has been involved in scandal after scandal, ranging from overcharging governments for electronically tagged inmates, to falsifying billing documents, to mismanaging vital patient information, to drug smuggling enterprises found within their facilities, and finally sexual abuse and terrible living conditions in their immigration/refugee centres? What if I also told you that this same company is protected under “commercial confidentiality” and the details of its inner workings are not open to Freedom of Information requests?

You’d probably ask me, “What is this corporation you speak of?”

Well, this corporation’s name is Serco, and it’s the biggest company you’ve never heard of. And that’s no accident. Since 1987, Serco has quietly and clandestinely taken over many of the world’s public services, and has cleverly avoided too much media attention. That is until in 2013, a taxpayer scandal broke and collapsed its share price. Since then, Serco has been fighting a steady battle in the UK media, with little attention to it in other areas of the world.

Short History of Israel

Short History of Israel

RECENTLY THERE HAS BEEN A RASH OF POSTS, where those who hate Christ but claim they love the white race, rants and raves that the White Race will be destroyed if they don’t turn away from Christianity. This is totally false, turning away from Christ is a sure way to be destroyed, but if they would really worship Christ and not the god of the Jews, the Devil who is their father, the ruler of the Judeo-Christian clergy and those by whatever name they wish to be called.

The history of our race, is not very good, and those detractors have a good case to make. But in their desire to hate Christ and everything Christian, which actually means to follow Christ who is God Himself, that came in a flesh body to dwell among men. They stop when they find something that they think backs up their belief, and don’t really look for the truth for they do not want to find it.

I will in no wise hide the terrible and sorrowful facts that our people have been treacherous, deceitful, and many times twice as bad as the devils children, the Jews. Which proves what Christ said:–

The Source of Intelligence and Wisdom

The Source of Intelligence and Wisdom

AS WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON, INTO THIS SITUATION, WHICH IS A RATHER UNIQUE SITUATION, which has developed even in the radio broadcasting field of today. First, I would read from the 2nd chapter of Timothy, the 15th verse. ‘That you study to show thyself approved unto God. A workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. That you show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.’

One of America’s foremost Evangelist’s, in his radio address today, is supporting integration based on his information that all men came from Adam and were from this Adamic family. Thus, there is no distinction between them since they had all emerged from Adam. Then in a comparative statement, they had all again emerged from Noah and his household. This, my friends, was to support the policies of integration and the attitude of all Christians through out the United States.

The other night on a coast to coast broadcast, which was played from one part of the nation to the other, and talking about the social problems that relate to our times, an anthropologist was introduced. He has been associated with the Chicago University and with other universities. And he said, ‘Of course, all of our social problems will be resolved when the people know and understand all of the facts that we, the anthropologists understand and know. That there is no differentiation that marks one race from another. That actually, they are all the same. There is no difference among men.

Just a Thought

Just a Thought

THERE ARE THOSE ON THE NEWSGROUPS (FOOLS’ GROUPS) I DON’T KNOW WHO IS THE BIGGER FOOL, those on the news groups or those like myself who do battle with them, that are predicting that there will be an October surprise, and some on one of the lists that I get also believe this. Well I don’t know if there will be an October surprise or not, but I do know that at some point in time that Russia and China will attack America; remember that the Kingdom of God is taken by violence?, but they will be defeated but not before 2/3 of our people will be destroyed in the ensuing battle.

It has been reported that only 70% of the people in America are White at the present time. That comes out to be, if the total number of people in the US is 260 million to be 170 million give or take a few million and 2/3 rds of that will be killed in the future war = 170 x 2/3 = 57 million will be left. The strangers who have invaded our land will flee to their own country; and 3/4 of them will be killed along with 3/4 of all the forces which will come with Russia and China against the Kingdom of God. The United States of America.

There are those who say that the end of the earth will come on August 28, 2000. Well there have been many who have predicted the end of the world and all have been wrong so far.

The scriptures say that the man of sin must be revealed before the end; and that man of sin is the Jewish people. Judas the traitor who betrayed Christ, our Redeemer, Savior, and King, was a Jaw the only Jew of the 12. And he was a thief also, as the scriptures say.

The Man of Sin

The Man of Sin

IT SEEMS THAT MOST JUDEO-CHRISTIANS AND EVERY BODY OF ANY CONCERN, is looking for him with dread in their hearts to appear on the scene at almost any moment. But they have a great surprise coming because he has already come and has been here for quite a while, but his legal reign only began in 1914.

Since this time he has almost completely conquered our great nation of the United States of America, Great Britain and the world in general through his doctrine and ideology of Socialism (Communism) in their bid to create “The New World Order.” Why haven’t people caught on to the cleverness of this Man of Sin to conquer the world for International World Communism without the nations realizing it?

When are the people of America going to wake up to what’s going on? Modern Christianity in America have been blinded to the truth of what’s happening because they have been brainwashed and deceived by the propaganda and teachings of this Man of Sin’s Lies, that the Esau-Edom-Khazar Zionist Jews are the Israel of Yahweh, The Chosen People, and that the prophecies and promises of Yahweh belong to them. This Devil, Dragon or Man of Sin is also teaching that the Anglo-Saxon Caucasian White Race of People are Gentiles when they are really the True Modern day Children of Israel.


The Traitor In Chief Strikes Again

The Traitor In Chief Strikes Again

“There is no parallel between bombs and bulldozers–We cannot have an environment in which people believe the way to get what they want is to kill innocent people…”

NEVER IN HISTORY HAS THERE BEEN SUCH AN ISRAELI-CAPTURED PRESIDENT IN THE WHITE HOUSE AS BILL CLINTON. The Israeli/Jewish lobby set out to defeat George Bush, quite literally infiltrated the Clinton headquarters in Little Rock with its people, pushed huge amounts of “soft money” at both Clinton and the Democracy Party, and sure enough their man Bill has done everything they ever dreamed ever since.   Bill’s latest payoff to the Israelis and their American Jewish cadre is to make a former Israeli lobby official — a man who was an Australian citizen when Bill was elected President, a man who lived in Israel and served in the Israeli army — Assistant Secretary of State (that’s of the UNITED STATES mind you!) for the Middle East!   It’s not inordinate Chinese money and influence in American politics the Congress should be investigating, it’s how Israel manipulates American politics with the help of some key Americans (most of them Jewish), who are in fact, however distasteful it is to say it, “dually loyal”.

Feed The Children

Feed The Children

I was listening to one of the ads for money to feed the poor children of the world. And over the years having read many reports of people who received those food and medicine that could get by the thieves who kept 95 cents out of every dollar sent in.

And every single one of them praised “THEIR” gods for the food and medicine. They did not and would not honor our God for the food and medicine. I had never really thought about it until this morning, when it hit me.


Even feeding them has not done them any good, for just as the blacks in this country, it has just made them dependent upon the governments of the world for food and supplies instead of themselves. America sent thousands of well meaning young people who gave the best years of their lives, which should have been dedicated to helping their own race, and people, helping a people who cannot be helped.

The memebers of the so-called “Peace Core” would dig wells and put pumps on them so the people could get water. And what did they do, they used the pumps until they broke down and then moved on begging for a well that would give them water.

The “Peace Core” would give them tractors, gas and supplies to farm with, and even plant the first crops. What did they do, they eat the crops and let the tractors, trailers and etc., rust and ruin because they didn’t have the intelligence to run the equipment nor the desire to do so.

Jewish Involvement in Contemporary Refugee and Migrant Organisations

Jewish Involvement in Contemporary Refugee and Migrant Organisations


REFUGEE AND ASYLUM LEGISLATION IS NOW A KEY POLICY area for many major immigrant-receiving countries. The UN Refugee Agency estimates there are currently 28.5 million refugees and asylum seekers worldwide, with most originating in South Sudan, Afghanistan, and Syria. The world’s largest refugee hosting countries are located near the epicentres of those countries experiencing difficulties, and include Turkey (3.5 million), Uganda (1.4 million), Pakistan (1.4 million), Lebanon (1 million), and the Islamic Republic of Iran (979,400).

More incongruous, however, is the fact refugee and asylum populations from these same troubled areas have exploded in the West, in countries both geographically and culturally very distant from exporting nations. Since 1990, the new refugee population of Austria has climbed from 34,948 to 115,197; in Belgium from 25,911 to 42,128; in Finland from 2,348 to 20,713; in France from 193,000 to 337,143; in Germany from 816,000 to 970,302; in Ireland from 360 to 6,324; in Italy from 10,840 to 167,260; in Luxembourg from 687 to 1,995; in the Netherlands from 17,337 to 103,818; in Norway from 19,581 to 59,160; in Sweden from 109,663 to 240,889; in Switzerland from 40,943 to 92,995; and in the United Kingdom from 43,632 to 121,766.

Increased lobbying on behalf of refugees, and increased quotas for refugee admissions, are now a very significant part of the West’s overall approach to migration. The only significant current exceptions to these trends are Hungary, where the number of new refugees has dropped from 45,123 to 5,641, and the United States and Canada, both of which were home in 2017 to roughly half the number of new refugees they hosted in 1990.

Was Noah’s Flood Universal?

Was Noah’s Flood Universal?

FOR YEARS THE CONTROVERSY HAS RAGED ABOUT WHETHER NOAH’S FLOOD WAS UNIVERSAL, OR WAS IT CONFINED TO A CERTAIN GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION. This is a study to present our view about the flood as related in the Scriptures. We will use the Bible, and see if it has anything to say about it’s scope.

The common claim, among most denominations, who still preach the Bible; and who more or less try to stay with the Scriptures as they read it and study it. Is that there was a world wide drowning of men, about 4300 to 4500 years ago.

That there was a flood called Noah’s flood that drowned all the men upon the earth at that time in the world’s history, except for his wife, his sons and their families. This is the common teaching among most Protestant Denominations, the Catholic Church. Some Fundamentalists groups and some Pentecostal groups do not teach this. Then there are many people outside of the church who don’t know one way or the other, and could really care less.

Some of them think this is nonsense, they think the Bible story is a myth. Some say that is not important anyway. Then there is the great, vast bulk of the population, know so little about the Bible, they don’t know if there might have been a flood or not.

Those who do study the Bible, and are willing to go through the Scriptures and see what the Bible actually teaches about where was the flood in Noah’s time. First of all let us look at the Book of Genesis.

It is amazing how people can read a verse of scripture, and think to themselves: Yes that’s right. Then they put their brain in neutral and simply become brain dead. They will study no further; they have found the truth; and God help the person who disagrees with them.