What Is The Gospel That Jesus Preached

What Is The Gospel That Jesus Preached

AS WE TALK ABOUT THE GOSPEL THAT JESUS PREACHED, WE TURN IN THE BOOK OF MATTHEW TO BE TAUGHT OF GOD. It is a very important thing to be taught of God. The experience of the people of Palestine was to be taught of God, to have HIM embodied in their midst, to have HIM walking, and talking to the multitude. To have HIM talking to HIS Disciples and explaining to them their ministry which was to follow. Explaining how HE had established the centre of HIS worship and HIS assembly upon the great truths which HE expounded to them and upon the development of the Christian Church which was to emerge, which was to be a spiritual oracle unto the nations of HIS Kingdom, and which would have a great part to play in the things which would come to pass.

Yes. They were taught of God, alright. But what is the Gospel that Jesus preached? When we turn to the scriptures, we find much concerning this Gospel that Jesus preached. We have much today that the church says that Jesus preached, for there are lots of doctrines that by some strange decision, are announced as that which Jesus preached, and that is what Jesus preached.

What are The Requites of Equity

What are The Requites of Equity

AS WE TALK ABOUT THE REQUITES OF EQUALITY, we are living in a period of time when we are being told that the most important thing that we can develop in these United States is total Equality. In fact, we find that many of our political leaders seem somewhat dedicated to bring about, total equality. Now: What does total equality mean and what do they advocate when they say; Total Equality? In fact, we seem to have reached the period in which the total process of our society seems designed to create economic equality throughout the world. A re-distribution of the wealth of the world by the political designs of those who tell us that we must do this or we will be overwhelmed by the people who are the have nots of the world, with the resulting conditions that if we do not do this we will be destroyed.

I listened to the argument being made and to me it seemed a rather false argument, that unless we met the needs of all the nations on the face of the earth that all would join to become to enemies of this great nation and the great nations of Western societies of the Western world. And by this design they are seeking to get us to support the re-distribution of our wealth through areas of world government, and world programs of distribution and activities which are aligned to carry out this program. So this is only a small part of what they mean by equalization.

They are talking about economic equality, they are talking about Political equality. In this instance, we point out that in this country and under our constitution, all qualified people are equal under the law and they are given protection by the law, but today this is not enough. They want special legislation to take from those who possess capacity of leadership and the abilities of creation to distribute the benefits of this to those who are not willing to give their contribution toward the responsibility of such an order.

Were All The People on The Earth Drowned in The Flood

Were All The People on The Earth Drowned in The Flood

WE WILL NOW TOUCH ON A SUBJECT OF GREATER SIGNIFICANCE THAN ANYONE MIGHT HAVE, AT A MOMENT’S GLANCE, THOUGHT IT CONTAINED, —- the subject of the flood. The question: did everybody on the earth excepting the family of Noah, eight souls at that time existing, living upon the earth, — did everyone else drown? Were Noah and his own family the only survivors in the earth? You might think that this subject isn’t altogether too important and so you say, “All you have to do is go back into the Book of Genesis and read the testimony that the waters covered the whole earth, that it went above the mountains fifteen cubits and that is sufficient; that the flood was complete, that it covered all the earth and that everybody outside of the family of Noah died in the waters of the flood.” Now I am going to show you why it is important that you know the truth concerning this matter.

I recently listened to a clergyman talking to his people and he said that we were arriving now at a great utopian age in which all races and all peoples would mix together, there would no longer be the separation that divides them, either by race or by nation or by continent, and he hailed the development of the United Nations and all the trends of the times as a great and healthy sign that we were getting back to where we were in the household of men and nations before the flood. Well, one thing is quite obvious: Such ignorance concerning the truth as it actually exists in the records, both of Scriptures and of anthropology and archaeology, is creating a great catastrophe.
I maintain that one of the greatest catastrophes that could ever envelop the Kingdom of God, or your race, would be to absorb all people into one world government, absorb them all into one racial family and fold all their religions into one religion.

—This would be the end of truth; this would be the end of the program of God’s Kingdom. And I intend to assure you that this is not going to happen, because there is a powerful, dynamic force in God’s spirit dwelling within the children of His Own household and family which He is going to re-stimulate; and instead of uniting all the peoples into one polyglot mass, He is going to cause His people to come out and be segregated and separate again, in order to carry forward the destiny which God has ordained.

It is this moving spiritual force that is going to again bring your nation out from under the bondage to which it has surrendered its sovereignty; it is this guidance of spirit that is going to set men free. And when the great movement towards faith, liberty, truth and the development of God’s Kingdom rises to its peak in your age, it is going to be to a spiritually quickened and awakened race. The spiritual centre of the church, sent to do this job, is going to help bring this thing about. The church has a great work to do, and as the oracle of God it is going to start proclaiming that truth, and people are going to come out of their sleep and they are going to stand upon their feet, as a great and mighty witness to their Father.

Weighed in The Balances

Weighed in The Balances

WE TURN TODAY TO ONE OF THE MOST VITAL OF SUBJECTS, for we are living in one of the most vital times in our history and of our race. Even though the powers of darkness are seeking to destroy that race and the nations of God’s Kingdom, this in no way eliminates the fact that God still has a Celestial and powerful force which has not bowed the knee to Baal and will not in this hour bow the knee. I think it most significant that we survey the most recent events that are round about and realize that we are in the midst of unusual happenings. A lot of people are wondering why some things did happen as they took place. As we have analysed the events which have surrounded the Cuban disaster, and we cite to you that Premier Khrushchev has won a major victory in the Cuban Crisis.

Many of you might say that is a strange thing, for one week ago, America had Cuba on the run. American had demanded the end of their missile build-up and had thrown a blockade around Cuba and had announced a few weeks ago, that we would not have any more threats to our security coming from Cuba. We dealt frankly with the fact that this was a Russian build-up. And we demanded that the missiles be removed. And that this danger must be removed. That this threat would no longer be tolerated. Out of Latin America and the rest of the Western world, came immediate support, and we demanded that Khrushchev pull his missiles out of Cuba. This was America standing to repudiate the forces of darkness.

We Have Seen His Star

We Have Seen His Star

AS WE TURN TO THIS GREAT EVENT WHICH WE CELEBRATE WE REALIZE THAT IT IS A GOOD THING FOR CHRISTIANS TO RECOGNIZE THE BIRTH OF THE CHRIST. For this is the greatest individual event which happened in the course of the history of this earth, without a doubt, and there was nothing more important to our race since we were placed in earth than the return, by the coming of The Christ, to our relationship with God. It is a most significant thing that the events which we celebrate in our Christmas observance were almost one‑quarter of a million years in their development.

What do we mean by that since our race has only been on the earth about 7400 years, since the day of Adam to the time of The Christ was 5400 plus a few years, then it was because of the events which were involved. Let us turn for a moment to the second chapter of Matthew as we read; ‘When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King, behold, there came Wise men from the East to Jerusalem, saying: ‘Where is he that is born King in Judea, for we have seen his Star in the East and have come to worship HIM?’ ‘We have seen His Star in the East’, how would they know what star to look for? In the East there are thousands upon thousands of stars. A multitude of ten times 126 trillion fill the sky from the east to the west, from the north to the south in a single 24 hour day. How then would the Wise men say: ‘We have seen His Star’. How would they say: We know that He is to be born in Judea? What strange wisdom would have given these men this knowledge?

We are not Alone

We are not Alone

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT “WE ARE NOT ALONE,” we realize that there are many things which are not discussed in churches, especially today when so many Clergy have become the instruments of propaganda and brainwashing, who actually spend their time in instructing their congregations to follow the enemies of our faith and our culture, and our civilization.

Now when many of these false concepts have led to revolutions and the creation of false responsibilities in the minds of men, causing those who make up the great bulk of Christendom to turn their back upon their destiny, until their awakening takes place.

Today the churches in our land, many of them are actually proclaiming a program of interracial marriage, integration which reaches the height eventually of dissolving our race, producing a great mongrel polygraph society which the WORD of God curses. For there is one thing which we must understand today as the children of the MOST HIGH, that the first and foremost ability we have is to preserve our species and our racial self respect with the greatest of all transgressions in this scripture being the mutation of this HOLY seed and the loss of spiritual capacities which accompany those series of mutations as it relates to transferring these concepts and ideas into a physical world. We today, find that by processes of error, our nation and our society is being enveloped by the patterns of revolution which seek to destroy and subordinate the great strength of God’s kingdom.

Was Yahshua The Messiah a Jew?

Was Yahshua The Messiah a Jew?

TONIGHT WE ARE SPEAKING ON A SUBJECT, WHICH THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL MUST LEARN TO UNDERSTAND. There are many people who are under a strange delusion, finding themselves serving a fake set of ideas, which are very disturbing to them in the light of what they know and see round about. There are many who have been told that Yahshua the Messiah is a Jew, and therefore The Most High and Saviour of their faith comes out of a race which hates Israelites, does all that it can to destroy it, and is now working insidiously all over The United States to get the Bible and prayer out of our schools (and have done a very good job of it too), and to take the Name of Yahshua the Messiah out of every phase of our National Life.

Now this is hard for some people to understand. They ask how could Yahshua be a Jew, with all Jews fighting everything that relates to His Heritage and His Name. Of course the great confusion that exists in the minds of many is in the fact that they have been ill – informed concerning who the House of Israel actually is, and they do not know that there is a vast distinction between the House of Israel (the descendants of Abraham) and the people called Jews today. But we can establish for you clearly apart from these phases of Identity that Yahshua the Messiah is not a Jew, or else all the foundations of His Heritage have been wasted upon something that is fatuous and that has no foundation whatsoever. We will also establish this very clearly for you on the basis of Yahshua’s time, as well as facts, which are self-evident as key points within the faith of Christianity.

Understanding Equality

Understanding Equality

TONIGHT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT UNDERSTANDING EQUALITY. This is a very vital area of discussion and should be considered by every church in the United States, sanely and constructively. And their knowledge and discussion should be based upon facts, and not based upon propaganda as it comes forth form our enemy, who are designing a course which is to be very detrimental to you and to your race. The most important thing for you and it is to adjust your thinking to the thoughts of God. To carry out HIS purposes for HIS Kingdom. And for we who make up the race by which and thru which HE is establishing that Kingdom, the best thing for us is to free the seat of our consciousness with Truth. Thus, it is that to do this that we cast aside empty theories, not based on fact, and that we carefully consider the sources of information. This is one of the errors made today by some in positions of high authority whose decisions have great ramifications upon our society if we follow their instructions.

We have often spoken of the political structure of these United States. And under the pattern of foreknowledge our forefathers divided our government into legislative, judicial and executive branches. And so by the limitation of the powers approved by the Federal Government, had divided the authority as to produce checks and counter balances, for the preservation of constitutional liberty. They, however, left a few weak points as they did not understand the depth to which conspiracy and infamy would go. Or the apathy which could descend over a people which would give lip service to the principal and not realizing that this principal could be changed by the powers of evil.

Anti-Pauline Doctrine

Anti-Pauline Doctrine

THERE ARE MANY OF OUR PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THE “ANTI-PAULINE DOCTRINE” until recently. We don’t know whether any of you have heard about this movement or not. It is generally found in a few segments of the Israel Identity Movement. This does not mean that all Identity Organizations espouse this doctrine. Some that we have become aware of are:

The Covenant Message in South Africa
H. J. Hendricks in South Dakota
The Bible and Health in Wichita, Kansas

Most Identity teachers have chosen to simply ignore their teaching which seems to be the best position. However, these positions are still among us and therefore we think this doctrine needs to be examined what they have to say and see how it squares with the Word of God.

Basically, their position is that Paul is a false prophet; they think Paul is described in John 5:43 and Matthew 7:15.

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” (Matthew 7:15)

“I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” (John 5:43)

Truth – The Key to Victory

Truth – The Key to Victory

WE TURN TONIGHT TO OUR SUBJECT, THE KEY TO VICTORY. There can be no doubt tonight that one of the most important areas of your responsible contribution to the salvaging of God’s kingdom is the spreading of truth. There is no doubt that knowledge is the most essential area tonight for the overthrowing of the powers of darkness, and the defeating of the depth of their conspiracy. That is one of the reasons why, as we discuss tonight the areas of such knowledge, that it is important that we continually tie and continually expose by tying it to the scriptures, the areas of Satanic opposition. Your familiarity with the program of the kingdom is not in any way to eliminate its use, even though to you it might seem repetitious. Because across the nation there are millions and millions of people that are asleep. They know that there are problems, and they know that there are problems which affect your Christian civilization. But they do not know why they have troubles. They do not know what is the source of the great depth of the conspiracy.

Today we discover that there are whole areas of Government influence attempting to negate what was previously anti-Communist struggle between the powers of righteousness and the powers of darkness.