Letter 81

Letter 81


THIS IS MY EIGHTY-FIRST MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. I’m sorry that I was unable to have this lesson ready for distribution for my February mailing. In the last two lessons I have been defending Josephus from the cruel charges being lodged against him by un-responsible parties who should know better! With this teaching lesson we’re going to see that archaeology is proving Josephus correct on many of his writings. This is not to imply that Josephus was perfect by any means, for he was a man as we. We will start with the subject of the temple built at Leontopolis in Egypt. As you may be aware, there was also a temple built at Elephantine on the river Nile. Leontopolis is a different temple at a different time. Let’s now pick up the documentation from The Archaeological Encyclopaedia of the Holy Land (3rd ed.) by Prentice Hall Press.

“YEHUDIYEH (TELL EL-); LEONTOPOLIS An ancient mound in lower Egypt, 20 miles north of Cairo. The site was excavated at the beginning of this [20th] century by W.F.M. Petrie on behalf of the British School of Archaeology in Egypt. The earliest traces of settlement go back to the early period of the Middle Kingdom, but the period of greatest interest is that of the 5th Dynasty, when the site was occupied by the Hyksos, who left a large fortified camp.


Letter 80

Letter 80


THIS IS MY EIGHTIETH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. We are going to continue in this lesson where we left off in the last, that being the defence of the writings of Josephus. Down through history until today, Josephus has had his share of critics in spite of the fact that other historians cover very little of the events in Judaea during that period. Yet there is a greater need today for his witness than ever before in the Israel Identity Message! But instead of getting more teachings which inspire the Israel sheep to a higher understanding, we instead have many purveyors of confusion! Unless we can start establishing a pattern of instruction that is constructive, the Israel sheep will continue to be scattered, aimlessly adrift.

To demonstrate the honesty of Josephus, we will read the footnote to the preface of Josephus’ Wars, translated by William Whiston, published by Kregel Publications. (I also have Josephus on my Libronix Digital Library System by Whiston, published by Hendrickson Publishers, but the footnotes are slightly different):

Letter 79

Letter 79


THIS IS MY SEVENTY-NINTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. Since we have completed a series of lessons in defence of Herodotus, we will now continue by defending Josephus; that he was also Anointed of Yahweh for the work he accomplished.

In the August, 2004 lesson, #76, it was demonstrated that Herodotus’ writings go hand-in-glove with the prophecy of Daniel 11:1-3. It was shown that the “Darius the Mede” at verse 1 should be Cyrus. How very many have been confused trying to figure out the “three kings” spoken of in verse 2, and come up with all kinds of opinions without any meaningful success reading their KJV or other Bibles rendering that error. No doubt, you were amazed at how easy that passage is to understand once one understands that 11:1 should read “Cyrus.” Once we have established the reality that Josephus was also an Anointed witness to divine prophecy, many other passages of Scripture will be opened to us.


After a long presentation of several lessons justifying the writings of Herodotus, we will now start our case in the defence of Josephus. The following is a portion of the “Introductory Essay” by the Rev. Henry Stebbing, D.D., from the book Josephus by William Whiston, printed by Kregel, Introduction pages XVI-XVII:

Letter 78

Letter 78


THIS IS MY SEVENTY-EIGHTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. As I stated in lesson #77, at this point in time, I am compelled to write an additional lesson on Herodotus that I didn’t originally plan to write. With this lesson, it will be two lessons I had not planned on. Because of this, I will have to advance the numbers and dates on four already prepared lessons. All of this came about when I visited a used book store and found a book entitled History Of Assyria by A. T. Olmstead. Olmstead was a prolific historian and also wrote the History Of The Persian Empire.

Again I would remind the reader, the reason I’m compelled to address this subject two additional times is because a very dear friend of mine tried to dissuade my effort in publishing William Finck’s presentation on the Genesis 10 nations. In my opinion, Finck’s outline on this subject is the best I have ever witnessed from an Israel Identity perspective.

Letter 77

Letter 77


THIS IS MY SEVENTY-SEVENTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. At this point in time, I am compelled to write additional lessons on Herodotus that I didn’t originally plan to write. As a result, I’m going to have to advance the numbers and dates on my next four lessons. All of this happened when I visited a used book store and found a book entitled  History Of Assyria by A. T. Olmstead.

This is the same Olmstead who wrote a very informative book the History Of The Persian Empire. On the book History Of Assyria, the title page was missing, but gave the name of the author on page xvi of the preface, along with a date of 1923. The reason I’m compelled to address this subject one additional time is because a very dear friend of mine tried to dissuade my effort in publishing William Finck’s presentation on the Genesis 10 nations. Upon checking out Finck’s postulations, most of my sources vindicated his thesis.

My friend tried to convince me that the Medes and Persians were Israelites and that Herodotus and Josephus were bad guys, and that their histories couldn’t be trusted. Now, as much as I value this person’s friendship, I absolutely will not digress from what I comprehend to be the truth. I have since resolved that if the truth costs me a dear friendship, that’ll be the price I’ll have to pay, for the Kingdom comes first and foremost above everything else! I have reason to believe, though, it’s a third party’s bad influence that’s causing all the trouble! Anyway, it now becomes my responsibility to expose such false premises in order to protect others from these dangerous pitfalls.

The Banking Swindle

The Banking Swindle

IN 1913, THE U.S. CONGRESS PASSED A BILL CALLED THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT. This bill allowed an independent, non-government group to privatise, and take control of America’s monetary system. The Federal Reserve Bank’s name was chosen by this group so as to deceive the American people into believing that the Federal Reserve was a branch of the U.S. Government.

This privately held monopoly continues even today to give enormous power to a handful of international bankers, non-Americans, to issue America’s money, to set interest rates, to finance endless wars, and to enslave the American citizens, and the other nations of the world in a state of perpetual debt. This debt based monetary system is what has destroyed the American economy, and has brought with it depressions, and recessions for several generations. This will continue, until the Federal Reserve, and the fractional reserve lending practices of the centralized banks ceases to exist.

Facts About the Federal Reserve

● The Federal Reserve is a privately owned for profit corporation.

● The Federal Reserve has no reserves.

The name was created prior to the Federal Reserve Act, which was passed in 1913. This was done to make Americans believe the U.S. banking system operated in the public interest. The Federal Reserve is a private bank owned by private shareholders, and runs purely for private profits. The result has been the creation of a debt based monopoly that must be paid for by the American tax payer. As of this writing, the U.S. national debt is nearly twenty trillion dollars. See: The U.S. Debt Clock for an update as to how much this debt has ballooned.

Abraham and Brahma: Part I

Abraham and Brahma: Part I

THIS RESEARCH provided by cheap paper writing service will confirm that Abraham (of Muslim and Judeo-Christian faiths) was influenced by the Vedic understanding of Brahma (as Creator, Supreme Soul of the Universe, Sacred Knowledge or High Priest) and visa-versa.

The research will offer the Hindu a saintly example in Abraham of Vedic principles of Brahma and the Muslim, Judea-Christian believers an understanding of the spiritual background and inner prayer life of Abraham through his contemporary reflection in Vedic texts and commentaries (Vedas, Upanishads, et al). The reader from any background will come to gain insight into the spiritual history of the world and how reformers, saints and prophets always looked out for the poor in their efforts to relate with the Divine.

Economic Law of the Lord

Economic Law of the Lord

NOW, AS TO MONEY, WE DON’T HEAR MUCH OF IT UNDER GOD’S LAW — only certain prohibitions concerning it. That is the difference between a civilization where the profit of living is cash and a civilization where the profit of living is life. Where there can be no economic collapse, where you can’t cheat a man out of his property, where there is no profit in debt, where money is not regarded as wealth anyway — money naturally drops to its own place.

Today we make automobiles and raise wheat and sell our labour in order to buy money — the buying and selling of money is the whole of modern business. In a natural society, we buy and sell commodities of use — money is just the counter across which the exchange passes. It is only where the Law of God is unknown that money is regarded as wealth.

“The principal money law in Divine Economics is the law against Interest. I simply state the fact; it would require an entire lecture to give the reasons underlying this law. It may, however, impress this financially wise generation to know that the Interest Business and the Debt Business are today the foundation of national and international finance. In Israel, because of this law, there was no incentive to invent means to get everybody into debt, because there was no profit in debt.

“And there really is no profit in debt, even today — but we are just finding that out! We only thought there was! The internal debt of the United States today, a debt instigated primarily for interest profit, amounts to 148 billions of dollars[1].

The Banksters Strike Again!

The Banksters Strike Again!

HERE IS A SAD, BUT SO TYPICAL STORY AS TOLD TO ME RECENTLY BY MY VERY GOOD FRIEND, Paul [surname withheld for reasons of privacy]—

My dad has terminal cancer. He decided to transfer £10,000 from his bank account into mine as a gift and so I enquired at the counter of my bank (the Halifax) as to what the daily cash withdrawal limit was on my current account, without additional photo ID, because my photo ID was out of date.

The guy replied, “it’s £2000 per day.”

So I said “OK, thanks.”

The next day, I went back to the bank put my card into the reader at the counter and entered my PIN (personal identification number). The cashier then asked how much I’d like to withdraw, and I told her “£2000 please.”
The cashier then said. “Oh, do you have any photo ID?”

“No…” I replied, “—-but a staff member told me yesterday that I could withdraw £2000 per day without photo ID” I pointed out the guy and the cashier said, “that’s the manager.” I replied, “OK, great.”

Then she said “the computer has blocked the withdrawal request and flagged it up as possible fraud.” Of course, I was shocked!

“What’s the money for?” the cashier asked me.

Resisting the temptation to say ‘what’s it got to do with you,’ and in order to avoid being denied access to what was after all, my Own money, I was quite polite and replied “I’m not sure yet, I’ve not decided.”

Notes On John Bunyan And Pilgrim’s Progress

Notes On John Bunyan And Pilgrim’s Progress

(From a Letter in The Gentlemen’s Magazine )

IT is stated in the Life of Bunyan by the late Mr. Southey, that the first edition of the Pilgrim’s Progress had not then been discovered, although much search had been made after it. I therefore about twelve years ago wrote to Mr. Southey stating that I would procure a copy if possible, and I sent him some information relative to a supposed signet ring of Bunyan’s, (which was found on taking down the old bridge at Bedford, upon which the toll-house stood in which Bunyan was imprisoned,) and also some anecdotes respecting him, and a drawing of the bridge and toll house, all which Mr. Southey said he would avail himself of should he ever publish a second edition of the life.

Since that time I have frequently endeavoured to procure the first edition as a literary curiosity, and an elderly lady of this city has lately presented me with an old duodecimo copy of the work, which, if not the first, is one of the early editions. The following are the particulars of it. The title-page and also part of “the Author’s Apology for his Book,” are lost. It begins with:-

“Why, what’s the matter? It is dark; what tho’?
But it is feigned; what of that?
I tro some men by feigned words,’’ &c. &c.