How The Jews Have Repaid America 3

How The Jews Have Repaid America 3

AMERICA THE COUNTRY THE JEWS HAVE BETRAYED!: For more than a century, under various pretexts, a battle has been waged for power of this nation, indeed, over all the nations of the world. The exercise of power has become the supreme aim of many people. Bankers, politicians, clergymen, trade union leaders and Communist Party secretaries are all in the hunt for power.

The storm troops of the dictatorships are no longer shouting the old Socialist slogans. They declare openly and trumpet brutally “Power is what we want.” and the so-called Democratic parties, though trying to keep it a secret, have also in their hearts actually adopted the dictatorial battle-cry, “Power is what we want.” Power, like possession of the magician’s wand has become their obsession in life and it does not matter how it is achieved, whether through Conservative or Liberal parties or through the Judeo-Christian Churches.

The Forgotten Presidents

The Forgotten Presidents

YOU DON’T BELIEVE that the powers that be are destroying our children’s history? Then when was the last time you read about these. If you were raised in the north, I bet even you never heard of these men. For the history books have been written by the damn Jews for so long that our people don’t know their heritage.

The Forgotten Presidents
By George Grant Excerpted from The Patriot’s Handbook

Who was the first president of the United  States? Ask any school child and they will  readily tell you “George Washington.” And of course, they would be wrong; at least technically. Washington was not inaugurated until April 30, 1789. And yet, the United States continually had functioning governments from as early as September 5, 1774 and operated as a confederated nation from as early as July 4, 1776.

During that nearly fifteen year interval, Congress; first the Continental Congress and then later the Confederation Congress, was always moderated by a duly elected president. As the chief executive officer of the government of the United States, the president was recognized as the head of state.

Washington was thus the fifteenth in a long line of distinguished presidents; and he led the seventeenth administration, he just happened to be the first under the current constitution. So who were the luminaries who preceded him? The following brief biographies profile these “forgotten presidents.”

Prophecy Congressman McFadden

Prophecy Congressman McFadden

In this speech, Congressman McFadden correctly predicted the rise of the global plantation chain stores, and the future  part they would play in enslaving the American people.

 Friday, June 8, 1934

MR. MCFADDEN. MR. SPEAKER, THIS ANALYSIS is divided into two parts, and represents only a portion of the data I possess showing a well-organized plan for world control. It is given with a view of furnishing a synopsis or outline of a hellish conspiracy to enslave and dominate the free peoples of the earth. There are sufficient facts herein to give the key to the thoughtful student of our national affairs so that he may be on guard against the sinister and ambitious Caesars in our midst.

How The Jews Have Repaid America Part 2

How The Jews Have Repaid America Part 2

ON NOVEMBER 22, 1963, THE JEWISH MOSSAD KILLED PRESIDENT KENNEDY! Who or what is the MOSSAD? Most Americans have never even heard of it, and even fewer even know of its existence. It is therefore cogent that we expand this footnote here, briefly, to explain the nature of the Jewish Mossad. The Mossad is, in a way, the Israeli equivalent of our CIA, but it is much more. It is the Jewish intelligence gathering arm, whose headquarters are in Tel Aviv, Israel, but their vast armies are spread into every country of the world. “The Mossad can go to any distinguished American Jew and ask for help,” (1) and they also ruthlessly murder people they deem a threat to the Jewish conspiracy.

They foment revolutions, hatch political plots, overthrow governments, assassinate key figures, stage commando raids where necessary, or organize revolutionary movements, all in the cause of the Jewish race. The CIA, or the Russian KGB do all these things also, but with this difference.

Since the Jews control practically all the nerve centres of power throughout the United States and the world, so do the intelligence agencies of the United States collaborate with the Mossad. In short, the CIA and the KGB are, in actuality, adjuncts of the Mossad, with the Mossad firmly in control of all.

How The Jews Have Repaid America

How The Jews Have Repaid America

Powerful Jewish elements are already at work in the United States to make it a criminal offence (as it is already in Germany and Canada) to deny the holocaust. Even though numerous authorities, including the famous English historian David Irving now believe the story to be “Wartime Propaganda Fiction.” The consequences of this are enormous, it means that we are fast moving in a direction where those in power want to control even your very beliefs and your thoughts.

If this happens it will be a return to the Dark Ages in the United States. Incredible as it may seem to the brainwashed and controlled American Christians, the Jews in America have succeeded in getting the Jewish Noahide Laws made part of American Law. These laws, if ever acted upon, would effectively sentence all Christian Americans to death. Now if this sounds far-fetched we have only to consider the estimated 66 million (according to Solzhenitsyn) many of them Christians murdered by Jewish Communism in Russia since 1917. For even Winston Churchill identified Communism as being entirely Jewish and wrote of it “The principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders.” (1) While an Official British White Paper; hastily withdrawn and suppressed stated, “Bolshevism is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.” The complete statement can be found in Secret Societies by Nesta Webster.


Hitler’s Jewish Army

Hitler’s Jewish Army

Here we can see again what liars the Jews are:

NOT EVERY VICTIM WAS A JEW BUT EVERY JEW WAS A VICTIM. (Elie Wiesel (weasel) speaking of World War Two. “If there were Jews in (Hitler’s) armed forces–-who served knowing what was going on and made no attempt to save (lives), well then that is unacceptable and dishonourable.” (Rabbi Marvin Hier, director of Simon Wiesenthal Institute)

Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called “full Jews” served in the German Military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval.

Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including two field marshals and fifteen general (two full general, eight lieutenant generals, five major generals), “men commanding up to 100,000 troops.”

In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded German’s highest military honour, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of Northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goring. Rumours of Mitch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930’s.

Was Christ Crucified on a Cross?

Was Christ Crucified on a Cross?

THERE HAVE BEEN SEVERAL PEOPLE TO QUESTION ME about my use of the word “stake” and not the “Cross” that Christ was crucified on. When all the churches, even the Catholic church uses the cross as the thing that Christ was crucified upon. Well I am not the only one that believes that He was crucified on a stake and not a cross as the following from the Companion Bible relates:–

The Cross and Crucifixion

In the Greek New Testament two words are used for “the cross,” on which the Lord was put to death.

1). The word “stauros”; which denotes an upright pale or stake, to which the criminals were mailed for execution.

2). The word “xulon,” which generally denotes a piece of a dead log of wood, or timber, for fuel or for any other purpose. It is not like “dendron,” which is used of a living, or green tree, as in Matthew 21:8; Revelation 7:1, 3; 8:7; 9:4.

As this latter word “xulon” is used for the former “stauros,” it shows us that the meaning of each is exactly the same.

The verb “stauroö” means to drive stakes. (There are two compounds of it used: sustauroö to put any one thus to death with another (Matthew 27:44; Mark 15:32; John 19:32; Romans 6:6; Galatians 2:20); and anastauroö to raise up and fix upon the stake again (Hebrews 6:6). Another word used is equally significant; prosp gnumi to fix or fasten anything (Acts 2:23)

Top: Jewish Occupied Governments: United Kingdom

Top: Jewish Occupied Governments: United Kingdom

Benjamin Disraeli, P.M. 1874-1880

BENJAMIN DISRAELI (1804-1880) (nicknamed “Dizzy”) was an English statesman from 1837 to 1880. He was Prime Minister of England in 1868, and again from 1874 to 1880. He was England’s first Jewish Prime Minister. When he was young, his father had a severe argument with his synagogue, and, as a result, baptized his children as Christians. If he hadn’t been baptized, his career would have been very different (Jews were not allowed in Parliament until 1858).

His early life was a series of failures. In 1824 he lost all of his money in South African mining shares, and didn’t get out of debt until middle age. He became a novelist like his father (he wrote many books throughout his life) and then decided in 1831 to enter politics. He lost as an independent radical in both 1832 and 1835, and decided he needed to affiliate himself with a political party.
He finally won a seat in the House of Commons in 1837 as a Conservative. His first speech was so pompous and poorly delivered that he was shouted at and forced to sit down. He uttered this famous quote: “I will sit down now, but the time will come when you will hear me.” He was right; in 1846, when the Liberals repealed the Corn Laws (protective tariffs on foreign grain), he became the leader of the opposition in the House of Commons. Then he became the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He was Prime Minister for a very short time during 1868, then resigned when the Liberals won the elections.

Colin Powell

Colin Powell

IT IS YET ANOTHER PARADOX IN A PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN year that has abounded with them: Texas Governor George W. Bush won less than 20 per cent of the Jewish American vote, and far more Arab‑American votes than his opponent, Vice‑President Al Gore. Yet in the end, Bush may be surrounded by even more pro‑Israel advisers than Gore would have been.

His top two foreign‑policy officials are expected to be African‑Americans General Colin Powell, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as Secretary of State; and Condoleeza Rice, former head of the Soviet desk at the National Security Council, as National Security Adviser. Both have strong Jewish connections.

Powell, the son of Jamaican immigrants, speaks Yiddish, which he learned as a boy. He has won the hearts of American Jewish audiences, including those at the annual policy conferences of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, with a fluency few of them could have matched.

General Powell was an advocate of sending Patriot antiballistic missile batteries to defend Israel from Iraqi Scud attacks during the 1991 Gulf War. He has always shown strong sympathy with the Jewish state.

Ms Rice numbers among her own close advisers Richard Haas, director of foreign policy and security studies at Washington’s prestigious Brookings Institution, and Dov Zakheim, former deputy undersecretary of defence under President Reagan. Both are Jewish. Zakheim, in fact, has semichah [rabbinic ordination].

Jews The Great Deceivers

Jews The Great Deceivers

THE MOTTO OF ISRAEL’S SPY AGENCY, MOSSAD, is, according to recently defected Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky: “By way of deception thou shalt do war.” That motto describes more than the modus operandi of the world’s most ruthless and feared organization of professional assassins and espionage agents; it really describes the modus vivendi of an entire race. It is necessary to understand that fact before one can hope to understand fully the role of the Jews in national and world affairs.

The concept of a race eternally at war with the rest of the world is alien to us. It is difficult to believe or even to grasp. When we examine such a concept and begin sifting the evidence it is easy to become confused.

Similarly bloodthirsty, explicit injunctions are repeated so often in the Jews’ holy books that we can only assume that they are meant to be taken seriously. The historical evidence suggests that in ancient times the Jews did indeed take their religion seriously: they were notorious everywhere and at all times as implacable haters of humanity who in turn were thoroughly despised by every other people among whom they lived.