

THERE IS A GROWING, PROLIFERATING NEED, FOR OUR PEOPLE TO KNOW THEIR RACIAL AND SPIRITUAL IDENTITY IN THE PLAN OF GOD! Millions of our White Christian Caucasian people are yearning and searching, thirsting and fainting for a deeper meaning for their life!

They are searching to find the meaning behind their existence and being as the Children of Light upon this earth. Why was I born? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? What is my ultimate end? Who were my ancestors? What is God’s will for my life?

These and many other questions are gripping the hearts of many of our young people! Behind all of this unrest, uncertainty, confusion, frustration and bewilderment, lies the unmistakable truth that our people are searching for their Ancestral Roots, they are searching for their Identity.

All Too Many Are Being Led to False Gods, Be­cause the Clergy of Organized Religion, Evange­lists, and Teachers Have Failed the Commission, They Claim, Was Given to Them by Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ; but Their Works Prove, That Is a Lie, Their Works Prove They Are Really Working for Satan!

America has al­most lost two gener­ations! The present living Christian White people are a people who have been separated and estranged from their history, their culture, and their heri­tage in Jesus Christ.

I will never be able to understand how those who teach in Organized Reli­gion, can know so many Scriptures, by heart, but never come to a realization or understanding of just what the Bible truly is.

Gutless Judeo-Christian Preachers

Gutless Judeo-Christian Preachers

I WAS LISTENING TO ONE OF THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN PREACHERS AND BOY YOU TALK ABOUT A GUTLESS, cowardly, traitor to the White Race. This creep, like so many Judeo-Christians that hide in their spiritual foxholes like the cowardly, antichrist, bigots, because of the teachings of a coward, traitor, and antichrist Judeo-Christian clergyman/woman as they teach that Christians are not supposed to fight.

What a bunch of traitorous crap the following is what happens to the cowards that listen to these traitors, cowardly false teachers:

“Another famous betrayal of a country by its Jews took place in Spain. In his History of the Jews, Vol. III, p. 109, Professor Graetz relates:”

The Jews of Africa, who at various times had emigrated thither from Spain, and their unlucky co-religionists of the Peninsula, made common cause with the Mohammedan conqueror, Tarik, who brought over from Africa into Andalusia an army eager for the fray. After the battle of Xeres (July, 711 A.D.), and the death of Frederic, the last of the Visigothic kings, the Victorious Arabs Pushed Onward, and Were Everywhere Supported by the Jews.

“In every city that they conquered, the Moslem generals were able to leave but a small garrison of their own troops, as they had need of every man for the subjection of the country; they therefore confided them to the safekeeping of the Jews. In this manner the Jews, who but lately had been serfs, now became the masters of the towns of Cordova, Granada, Malaga, and many others.

A Famine of Hearing The Word of YAHWEH

A Famine of Hearing The Word of YAHWEH

THOUGHTLESS PEOPLE TODAY ARE VERY PROUD OF WHAT THEY CONSIDER OUR VERY MODERN CONDITIONS and claim that we are very different from our ancestors. Yet, in truth there has been no change in the real fundamentals of life since most ancient times. As one philosopher said “The more it changes, the more it is the same.”

Are you really any better off because today, the bandit that robs you uses a gun instead of a sword, as he would have done 500 years ago? Is it better to have to leap for your life out of the path of an automobile, instead of a carriage? Have we really progressed because you are now made to pay excessive taxes with dollars instead of shekels? Are Russia’s slaves any better off than the captives of Babylon?

Nothing but surface appearances have changed. The essential realities have and must remain the same as long as there are men living on earth. One of the ancient institutions which has come down to us unchanged is the stream of vilification and abuse directed at everyone who protests against current evils and seeks to warn the public of the consequences of continued wrongdoing. Our evils are always organized, because there are always those who have found out how to get money or power, or both, out of them.

They foresee the end of their wealth and power if the public ever learns the truth. Therefore, they viciously attack everyone who tries to warn the public of what is going on.



IT HAS BEEN SAID BY SOME: Out there in the quest for “the truth” there are those who have found it and those who have not. Some just cannot seem to find it–––no matter how hard we try to show it to them.

If “we” who have it could just find a way to enlighten “those” who are in the dark, then we could begin to see real progress and enjoy the unity that comes with agreement on doctrine. Society would turn around and the Kingdom of God could come.

Right? Well––let’s think about it. Even if the presumption were right, how do we go about getting their attention? And just how do we call them out of error into the light of “truth?” Maybe we could devise The Perfect Argument, then no one would be able to resist “the truth!”

Truth resistance is a problem that we all have seen; and has been around for thousands of years. Haven’t you had times when you wished you had a Perfect Argument so you could straighten someone out? Being able to come up with Perfect Arguments would sure be handy wouldn’t it? That is––-if it really worked; the problem is, it doesn’t!

First of all, there is no Perfect Argument without perfect truth––-and who among us has it? Every Judeo-Christian church claims to have it, every Judeo-Christian preacher presumes to have it, every “man of God” insists that he has it––as they try to convince others of the truth They See.

They work and strive to devise the Perfect Argument to correct the poor devils; the blind and lost must be called back into the fold. Those that refuse are denounced and shunned as “heretics,” “false prophets,” “Jews,” “infiltrators,” “traitors,” “anti-Semites,” and other such nonsense.

Another War

Another War

AS THE BLOOD THIRSTY LEADERS OF OUR NATION CONTINUE TO DRIVE OUR NATION INTO YET ANOTHER WAR; it would behove us to take a backward look. Everyone who drives an automobile knows that safety depends upon the backward look. Disaster may result as often from not knowing what is behind as from not looking ahead. And so it is in guiding the course of a nation.

An illustration now much in the news is the Iraqi situation. Only a few people, comparatively speaking, realize how quickly the flame smouldering in that region and being fanned into a flame by our leaders who hunger and thrust for blood. Especially Arabian and Israelite blood; the Arabs are the descendants of Abraham through his Egyptian handmaid Hagar; and the Israelites through his wife Sarah and her son Isaac.

The Jews are no part of this family, with the sole exception of those descending from Esau and his Canaanite wives. Esau was the twin brother to Jacob whose name was later changed to Israel. But even those Edomites, also called Idumeans were mixed breeds.

The danger is all the more imminent because our leaders from the president down; many of which are uninformed or misinformed by the Judeo‑Christian leaders of the church, do not know the background of the issues involved. They boldly move to serve the interests of the Jews, who hate our Israelite people with an undying hatred, because they have never looked back to determine the real ownership of the land, and the origin of the conflicting participants in the struggle.

Speaking to His servant nation of Israel, after their redemption by Christ and their lapse into forgetfulness of their very origin, God said through the Prophet Isaiah:

Why Are We In Bosnia?

Why Are We In Bosnia?

January 1, 1996

PRESIDENT CLINTON, AS HE WAS ORDERING THE U.S. ARMED FORCES TO BOSNIA, stated that we needed to make the Bosnian country “a shining symbol of multi-ethnic tolerance.” Was that simply a brash statement made by the President for political purposes or was there a broader, more sinister reason for sending 25,000 troops and another 50,000 in support personnel into the infamous “Tuzla Pocket?”

Rudyard Kipling wrote:-

“The East is East and the West is West and never the twain shall meet.”

This study will reveal some of the history of the peoples of the East as they came into contact with the peoples of the West. As we shall see, the most important area of contact of these two peoples is the area now known as the Balkan States. Because of the limitation of space we will report on only some of the more important incidents throughout history and particularly as they pertain to the current affairs in this area. Rudyard Kipling was an astute observer of these people and his famous statement has more than once proven to be true.

There are other very important matters to consider besides the race issue in that part of the world. The entire world’s geopolitical affairs for well over a millennium have been associated with this territory and its people. The major conflict within all of Christianity (The Eastern Orthodox Church versus the Roman Catholic Church) is centred in this area. We must also realize that the Protestant denominations came out of the Roman Catholic Church so that part of Christianity, too, is involved.

Binding A Strong Man

Binding A Strong Man

THERE IS NOTHING OUT OF DATE ABOUT THE BIBLE. Its clear distinctions between good and evil that started in Genesis 3:15, it rules for human conduct and its laws for the government of the nation, are as valid and as vital today as they ever were in the days of the prophets that wrote them. It was written then to be read now. Far more of its prophecies and warnings apply to this present time than were aimed at the times in which they were written. This is equally true of both Old and New Testaments, they are both part of the same book and each confirms the other. We Would Do Well to Heed Them.

When our ancestors founded this nation, they were Christians, the cries of the antichrists and their minions to the contrary notwithstanding, who recognized the eternal validity of Yahweh’s laws. They were aware that only in obedience to our God could the nation populations, grew to become the mightiest nation the world has ever seen.

All the power of ancient Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and Rome, the empires who ruled with force and cruelty all the world they knew, were insignificant compared to the majestic might we enjoyed just 15 years ago. How did it happen that we have now fallen to the point where we pay heavy tribute money to the Jews in Israel.

We try, with whining pleas and bribes, to curry favour with the Jews and their minions, and whimpering to anyone who will listen, we just can’t survive without the help of these weak and helpless nations. Haven’t we even one man in Washington who can understand, unless these nations have the courage and honour, to fight for their own freedom even though they stand alone like Iraq, they certainly won’t fight for us because we suddenly change and lift the sanctions and pay them bribes? How can we have fallen to the point where we just wince and yelp as the Jews tighten the screws.

Commanding Weapon

Commanding Weapon

DURING THE SO-CALLED COLD WAR MANY CATCH PHRASES WERE ADDED TO OUR LANGUAGE AND WAYS OF THINKING. In a statement referring to the struggle between Christendom and Communism, a commentator declared, “Cold War II will not be won unless–-Western leadership is in the resolute hands of people who have an overmastering sense of mission men who are one hundred percent more convinced of the absolute necessity of a Christian victory over Marxism (Judaism) than the most ardent Marxist is of his or her mission. The victor in this struggle will be the nation or group of nations most convinced of its cause. Faith will be commanding weapon in this warfare.”

The conflict now going on in the moral and spiritual spheres, as well as in the material and physical, is between the forces of good and the forces of evil; the one animated by the Spirit of Yahshua, the other by the philosophy of antichrist: the Jews.

Stephen F. Wise once chief rabbi of the United States stated: “Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism.”

In connection with this warfare, which Paul so aptly describes in Ephesians 6:12, we are reminded that it is necessary for the Christian to be armed from head to foot, his armour consisting of both defensive and offensive equipment.

Christians Are Taught To Fear

Christians Are Taught To Fear

GOD’S ANSWER TO FEAR: Today on every hand we hear someone telling us how dangerous the future is, and that few will survive. Some tell us the United States is the Babylon mentioned in the Book of Revelation, but we identity Christians know that the Babylon spoken of is Judaism, because we are told that she is responsible for all the righteous blood shed from Abel. And there is only one group which fulfil that description and that is the Jews and their horrible religion of Judaism.

We are told that the economy will soon hit a melt-down and the only answer is to own gold and silver, yet the scriptures say that these things will be thrown into holes to the bats and moles as we see in, Isaiah 2:20: “In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats.”

The news media, including newspapers, television and radio, have become fear mongers, majoring in tragedy, and keeping the threat of disaster, disease and dark forebodings before us continuously. Add to this the agenda of the Jewish International Financial Leaders who present a real threat of global control with the loss of personal freedom, and fears are compounded.

There are few people these days who are not terrified at the possibility of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, stroke, old age, financial insecurity, or death. Man’s knowledge and modern technology are often used to generate fear rather than to produce courage and joy. The so-called “Christian” clergymen/women in the pulpits of America are no better, in fact, if it were not for their treason and cowardice much of what is happening today in America could not and would not happen, because God would intervene and destroy the evil from the land. But the clergymen/women are working day and night for Satan and his children, not for the one they profess to believe in – The Lord Jesus Christ.

Alexander Hamilton (1757‑1804) U.S. Statesman

Alexander Hamilton (1757‑1804) U.S. Statesman

It may well be that the Jewish side of his family was through his mother, but his wife may also have been a Jewess. He was well connected with bankers and Jews, and may well have been a Jew secretly. The man who killed him was certainly a Jew. Yours in Christ, Jim The National Debt

A NATIONAL DEBT, IF IT IS NOT EXCESSIVE, will be to us a national blessing. Alexander Hamilton (1757‑1804), U.S. statesman. Letter, 30 April 1781. Later, as secretary of the treasury (1789‑95), Hamilton sponsored legislation to pay off the debt of the Continental Congress, and to charter the short‑lived Bank of the United States. Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander, 1755‑1804, U.S. statesman;

b. West Indies. In the American Revolution he was Gen. Washington’s secretary and aide‑de‑camp and served brilliantly in the Yorktown Campaign. As a delegate (1782‑83) to the Continental Congress, he pressed for a strong national government. After serving as a New York delegate to the Federal Constitutional Convention (1787), he did much to get the Constitution ratified, particularly by his contributions to The Federalist. As secretary of the treasury (1789‑95) under President Washington, Hamilton sponsored legislation to pay off the debt of the Continental Congress and to charter the Bank of the United States.

To raise revenue he advocated a tariff on imported manufactures and excise taxes. By these measures he hoped to strengthen the federal government and tie it to persons of wealth. In foreign affairs Hamilton sought close ties with Britain and opposed the French Revolution.