THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A BROTHERHOOD OF ADEPTS, the Great White Brotherhood; there have always been Those who knew, Those who possessed this inner wisdom, and our Masters are among the present representatives of that mighty line of Seers and Sages. Part of the knowledge, which They have garnered during countless æons is available to every one on the physical plane tinder the name of Theosophy. But there is far more behind. The Master Kuthumi Himself once said smilingly, when someone spoke of the enormous change that the Theosophical knowledge had made in our lives, and of the wonderful comprehensiveness of the doctrine of reincarnation : “Yes, but we have only lifted a very small corner of the veil as yet.” When we have thoroughly assimilated the knowledge given us, and are all living up to its teaching, the Brotherhood will be ready to lift the veil further ; but only when we have complied with those conditions.
The Masters and The Path
The Masters and The Path